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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I would seriously recommend watching Superstars if you can this week. Not sure if it shown online or not but all 3 matches are worth watching.

Kofi vs Ziggler is tremendous and wouldn't have looked out of place on a PPV to be honest

Gabriel vs Slater was also very very good

Dibiase vs Mahal is better than it sounds but not to the standard of the above two.

NXT and Superstars have thrown up some really good matches recently.

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Enjoyed that Ziggler/Kofi match. Might start giving Superstars a look, if lengthy matches like that are the norm.

What has been happening in WWE recently i haven't watched it in about a year, Is Edge still there

Retired after WrestleMania last year due to a neck injury.

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How dare Div carry out server upgrades on a Raw night? :angry::P

I'm actually looking forward to tonight as Rock is gold in concerts, although the only worry i have is that he's never done a concert as a face before, so it will be interesting to see how he gets on.

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I loved the Rock/Hurricane mini feud! It was brilliant and did wonders for The Hurricane as well. Did they ever have a PPV match? I don't recall one, but I mind they had an excellent no DQ fight on Raw (in fact the first video above is just before it!). Loved The Hurricane as well (and Super Molly; alllllright!). What happened to him anyway? He just sort of faded away.

Rock was amazing as a heel. He got so many fans to boo and could provoke a crowd so easily. No one has even got close to how he could manipulate the crowd as a heel in the past few years.

Anyway, more Rock Hurriance gold:

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Another one below. I had forgotten all about the SuperHero In Training stuff! Ace stuff!

P.S. Coach was far better in the heel type role that Cole is doing right.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Hopefully this concert is just a set up for one of them to physically attack the other, or for someone like Stone Cold or Roddy Piper to get them telt and make this feud a bit more serious. I don't think I can take another 3 weeks of 20 min long "shoot" promos between them.

The only thing that'll make the concert worthwhile is if they sing/rap about the Hogan shenanigans from the past few days.

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I loved the Rock/Hurricane mini feud! It was brilliant and did wonders for The Hurricane as well. Did they ever have a PPV match? I don't recall one, but I mind they had an excellent no DQ fight on Raw (in fact the first video above is just before it!). Loved The Hurricane as well (and Super Molly; alllllright!). What happened to him anyway? He just sort of faded away.

Rock was amazing as a heel. He got so many fans to boo and could provoke a crowd so easily. No one has even got close to how he could manipulate the crowd as a heel in the past few years.

I loved Hollywood Rocky. It was just as he started doing movies so half of the crowd hated him for that already, then he just started acting like a big shot, diva. By far my favourite incarnation of The Rock.

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