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Mo Wonderboy

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Watching Progress Chapter 22.

Dave Mastiff vs. Jack Gallagher: The first minutes of this match are a great showcase for Gallagher, but Mastiff certainly doesn't look too bad in there at that point either. Unfortunately, after that, the match heads for the finish as The Origin angle development continues. I'd have loved to have seen a proper match between these two and this is a big disappointment. *1/2

Pastor William Eavis vs. Tyler Bate: This should have been opener. A cracking fast paced opener with guys that the fans care about, and there was some brilliant counters and everything just went brilliantly. Hot crowd as well. ***1/4

GZRS vs. Rampage Brown and Jonathan Windsor: This is the main show debut of the immensely popular GZRS team. Rampage Brown spends most of the match hanging on the apron since his tag partner is a dick and won't tag him in. Rampage becomes cool with that and allows him to take his beating, until the GZRS bring out the slip and slide, at which point he's seen enough. This is an odd match to rate so I won't bother, but it IS fun. N/A

Tomasso Ciampa vs. Mark Haskins: Absolutely fucking yes!!! An absolute war between these two guys. It starts of tame with some comedy and Mark Haskins gets pissed off and reminds him of where he is. Ciampa takes this personally and the match descends into fucking madness with both guys kicking the living shit out of each other, with Haskins taking the brunt, although he did hand out some great stuff. This is fucking great. ****1/4

Marty Scurll vs. "Flash" Morgan Webster: Worth noting that Webster actually has a title shot to cash in. Scurll has fucking awesome ring music. This is a really good midcard match this. Webster comes across looking tough as nails, while Scurll just gets nastier and nastier as he begins to live up to the villain nickname that he has had. The ending of the match is pretty funny in it's nastiness. Good work here. **3/4

The London Riots and Sumerian Death Squad vs. Origin: Origin are Zack Gibson, Dave Mastiff, Nathan Cruz and El Ligero. This match is absolutely fucking wild. Just a hot as hell match with all four men going all out and providing a 100mph match with loads of hatred and wild stuff in there as well. Multi man tags are not boring as a rule, but this one also manages to be absolutely brilliant. On a par with the earlier best match of the night so far. ****1/4

Will Ospreay © vs. Paul Robinson - PROGRESS Championship: Will Ospreay has been a real success story for UK wrestling in general. He's been absolutely fucking amazing everywhere he's wrestled. He's also making appearances up here soon as well. This match is let down by a final stretch where they don't really do enough to make us believe that Robinson can win, which isn't down to the booking beforehand, as Robinson came into this match looking like a massive threat after his decimation of the former champ, Jimmy Havoc. But this is a fine main event. ***3/4

This is yet another magnificent wrestling show from what is the most consistent promotion in the UK right now.

For the next show, there's these matches announced...

PROGRESS Championship: Will Ospreay © vs. Mark Andrews

Marty Scurll vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Rampage Brown vs. Big Daddy Walter

Natural Progression Series: Jack Sexsmith vs. ??? vs. ???

Can't wait to get that show already.

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I seen someone mention that Punk owns the trademarks to the CM Punk name and that the WWE aren't allowed to publish any new media featuring him without his permission and paying him a handsome sum of money. I'm not sure if there's any truth in that, but I'm sure there's been similar situations with Warrior and Jesse Ventura in the past.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently watching Invasion.

Jusr sufferes through the Earl Hebner vs Nick Patrick match. I live on the floor and genuine considered jumping out the window. Perched on the edge, I somehow drew back.

I am strongly considering never watching wrestling again. I have tickets for ICW Fear and Loathing and The Square Go and am giving serious thought to burning them lest I experience harrowing PTSD flashbacks to the Hebner/Patrick match.

Hold me

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I'm watching RVD v Cena at one night stand for the 17,436th time.

That chair spot in the corner with a catapult from Cena. Ouch

I'd have been terrified walking out into that crowd if i was Cena. They were baying for his blood if he walked out champion.

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The guy throwing back the tshirt, absolute furious, always makes me laugh.

That ONS was better than the first. It's been discussed on here before but the DDT Sabu gives Rey on the table is fucking mental

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Guest bernardblack

Knowing the result, I'm sure he felt fine. Although I'm sure he knew f**k all would happen if he won as well.

Nah I'm sure he was at least a little worried. Chances are there would've been at least one crazy person in that crowd.

I'm sure the there was a show in Mexico where JBL beat Eddie and he had to get chauffeured out the building ASAP and was going over the border in his wrestling gear.

Unless I completely made up that story

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