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Mo Wonderboy

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I think there is a very real change of Mysterio winning on Sunday. A hair match with nothing to lose for Mysterio is absolutely pointless, and it's obvious that CM Punk has quite the receding hairline and is thinning like a fucker on top. The fact Rey shaved a decent chunk of his hair on Raw (or Smackdown... who keeps track now?) to me says its bye bye hair.

Isn't the stipulation Punk looses his hair and the SES disband? If not then I may have to rethink my prediction.

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It's just a hair thing. Rey said he vowed to take down the Straight Edge Society, but it's definately just title vs. hair.

Ah, thats whats thrown me. When he said that I assumed it was part of the stipuation as having a stipulation in one persons favour seems strange to me. I'dmuch rather the originally planned hair vs mask match.

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Alrighty! I've been too busy to catch WWE recently, just caught up on lockdown and impact last night, fucking brilliant to see RVD as champion! A nice fresh angle now.

Can someone explain to me what happened to R-Truth I heard he blew up on raw? wtf? and also why crime time are facing each other at extreme rules and also a bit about the draft thing, cheers!

My Predictions for Extreme Rules:

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Title

Batista vs. John Cena

Extreme Rules Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger

CM Punk's Hair on the Line

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

Street Fight

Sheamus vs. Triple H

Steel Cage Match

Edge vs. Chris Jericho

Extreme Makeover Match for the Women's Title

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool

Strap Match

Shad Gaspard vs. JTG

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From F4Wonline.com

WWE Superstar Mark Henry was arrested at a bar in Belfast, Ireland while WWE was finishing up the recent European tour.

The story goes that Henry was involved in an incident with a fan asking for autographs. James McClay, a lifelong wrestling fan, went to the live event and booked him and his fiancee in the same hotel as the RAW crew.

McClay claims that he was getting signatures from wrestlers including Henry but Henry became abusive and threw a drink at him. Henry got up ready to fight but was then calmed down by John Cena and Randy Orton. McClay claims that Chavo Guerrero then escalated the incident and egged Henry on. WWE security removed McClay from the bar.

A new article in the UK has a quote from McClay: "He (Henry) kept saying, `Where I'm from, you do something when someone throws a drink around you. . . He kept calling me a `little punk bitch.'"

McClay is planning on attending next year's WrestleMania and getting married there.

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Can someone explain to me what happened to R-Truth I heard he blew up on raw? wtf? and also why crime time are facing each other at extreme rules and also a bit about the draft thing, cheers!

R-Truth was "blown up" in a piss poor comedy segment.

Crim Time split up 2 weeks ago after Shad turned on JTG.

The annual draft is on Monday night in a 3 hour RAW. Not really sure how many drafts each brand gets. I'd say the one most likely to be drafted is Orton as he's currently on RAW and fighting for the SmackDown world title at Extreme Rules.

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I dont think Orton will get drafted, they tend to wanna keep the very top guys on Raw (except Taker). And right now they have Cena, Batista, Orton and Triple H on Raw and I cant see that changing.

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They could easily swap an Orton for an Edge or a Jericho.

Agreed, i think it's most likely to be Edge.

I can see Swagger somehow cheating to defeat Orton then bragging about it on Raw, he wins a match and gets a pick for Smackdown...who turns out to be Orton.

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Agreed, i think it's most likely to be Edge.

I can see Swagger somehow cheating to defeat Orton then bragging about it on Raw, he wins a match and gets a pick for Smackdown...who turns out to be Orton.

Thats the reason I've predicted Swagger to win at Extreme Rules. Orton will get drafted and I reckon the feud will continue with either Edge or Jericho feuding with Taker. Id guess Edge to RAW, it seems like hes been on SmackDown forever.

Also, how awesome is this?


Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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R-Truth was "blown up" in a piss poor comedy segment.

Crim Time split up 2 weeks ago after Shad turned on JTG.

The annual draft is on Monday night in a 3 hour RAW. Not really sure how many drafts each brand gets. I'd say the one most likely to be drafted is Orton as he's currently on RAW and fighting for the SmackDown world title at Extreme Rules.


I think the fact x-pac "no showed" the ppv was great as we got treated to team 3D vs the Outsiders, Angle moonsault was insane, as good if not better than when he did it against benoit in 2001(?) that match vs Anderson has to be pushing taker vs HBK pretty close for match of the year.

I think TNA is shaping up now, they NEED to take it on the road more for PPVs I'm already looking forward to bound for glory

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they NEED to take it on the road more for PPVs

Damn right they do. Lockdown was a lot more enjoyable with a good crowd for a change. I'm sick of the annoying fans at the Impact Zone, who chant "This is awesome!" whenever a cruiserweight falls off a ladder.

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That new RVD theme has not grown on me. I heard it even before he did 1PW last year and thought it was horrific then.

Anderson/Angle was nowhere near HBK/Taker, but yeah it was a pretty great match.

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