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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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ICW Webisode #4

I'm gonna do a full PBP on this one since I was at the show live and just decided to sit and enjoy the insanity, so I didn't really care about how good the matches were. Of course, there were a couple of matches that stood out, but none on this show. On this show is ...

Noam Dar vs. Chris Rampage vs. Brad Fusion ( **1/2 )

Lionheart vs. Rob Cage ( ***1/4 )

BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew vs. Red Lightning and Wolfgang ( ***1/2 )

They open with an awesome promo with Lionheart, Red Lightning and Wolfgang, collectively known as The Gold Label. It goes down yer standard heel promo routine untill some kid gets going with the chanting, and The Gold Label use him as a verbal punching bag for a while, which has all sorts of goodness, capped off with the kid telling Lionheart to remember that he bought him an easter egg. It then becomes standard fare untill Lionheart suddenly blurts out "ARE YOU WEARING A FUCKING PINK SHIRT ?!?!". The stuff with the kid is awesome.

Noam Dar vs. Chris Rampage vs. Brad Valentino

The commentators say that this show is going head to head with RAW if you're watching on a Monday at 2am. This match is representing the Zero G division in ICW, which I assume is for cruiserweights. It can't be for high flyers, because Noam definately isn't a high flyer. Rob Cage is in the corner of Dar. Brad Valentino is actually Brad Fusion. I have no idea what Brad's gimmick is, but it's awesome anyways. Valentino has a big can of protein powder with him. He also looks a bit ... umm ... jakked in the balls department. Valentino takes some of the powder before the match starts to get himself in shape. Good idea. Always smart to get in shape. Anyways, Dar and Chris seem a bit put off by the balls of Brad. Everyone just decides to attack Brad and send him out of the ring. Chris wants a handshake and Noam wants none of that. Noam then with a cheap shot and a right hand and into the ropes goes Noam and he charges down Chris. Nice Dropkick from Chris and Noam heads for the floor and he's raging. SUICIDE DIVE TAKES OUT ROB CAGE !!! Noam attacks Chris, but then he comes back into the match. Baseball Slide from Brad to Chris and then he goes on the attack. Into the ring with Chris. Chris is draped over the apron. Chris is then whipped into a pile of fans. Into the ring they go and that gets a two count for Brad on Chris. Stomps to the back of Chris and then Brad with some raking to the eyes. Chris is whipped into the corner and Brad with a Running Forearm and a Snapmare and that gets a two count. Chris tries to get the audience behind him. Chris comes back with forearms. Brad into the corner and Chris onto the apron. CHRIS TAKES A NASTY BUMP ON THE FLOOR !!! Noam and Brad now into the ring. Noam and Brad then go out and throw Chris back into the ring. Double Back Elbow from Brad and Noam. Snap Suplex on Chris from Brad and the heels are now in full control of this match. Snap Suplex from Noam follows that and he then adds a stomp. Body Slam and a Knee Drop from Brad gets a two count as Noam breaks the count. Chris with a comeback. Noam to kid : "WILL YOU FUCKIN' SHUT UP ?!?!". Noam runs into a boot. So does Brad. Chris with a Double Dropkick and he's back into the match. Forearms from Chris to both men. Chris into the ropes. Neckbreaker/DDT combo on Noam and Brad. That gets a two count. Brad sends Noam into the corner. SNAP RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON CHRIS FROM NOAM !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM BRAD TO NOAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CHRIS SAVES !!! Handspring and over the back from Brad. X-FACTOR FROM CHRIS TO BRAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... NOAM SAVES !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM NOAM TO CHRIS !!! Colin McKay hits the ring and beats down Noam and then goes for a chair. Noam and Cage do a runner leaving Chris and Brad in the ring. JAY DRILLER ON CHRIS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Okay, so it might not be the big showcase for Zero G wrestling that was advertised on the TV preview, but this was still a good fun wee match. It was almost done by the standards of the tag team formula with Chris playing the babyface in peril with the help of Colin McKay. The action was half decent as well. **1/2

A drunk looking Kid Fite then cuts a video promo on Davey Blaze which is an absolute joy, where he basically mocks Blaze's love for Batista and tells him he's gonna fight him at ICW.

Backstage with Noam Dar and Rob Cage who are approached by The Gold Label. Red Lightning reminds the Absolution team that the Label are their peers, and tells them to buck up their ideas.

William Grange is with his secretary. He cuts a walking promo, which in itself is awesome. CJ Hunter is just sitting around on his mobile though. He just basically says he's gonna beat CJ Hunter. "Believe in me because I believe in you.". Great.

Lionheart vs. Rob Cage

Rob Cage accepted the challenge because he was annoyed by The Gold Label's little backstage show. ICW are usually good at the heel/face thing, but they blurred it big time here with Cage as a face. The camera goes to a bored front row. Not the best shot they've ever done at ICW. Lockup and a Headlock from Cage. Cage charges down Lionheart and then hits the ropes. Rebound Dropkick from Lionheart and then he taunts the crowd. Lionheart misses a charge and ends up on the apron. Springboard Kick sends Lionheart to the floor. Right hands on the floor from Cage but then Lionheart with a series of strikes and then a Body Slam on the floor. Lionheart and Cage then brawl to the back of the hall. We need a camera back there ! Cage slams Lionheart on a table and the camera man makes a move. Double Axe Handle to Lionheart who is down on a table. Lionheart throws Cage over a table. Elbow Drop onto the merch table on Cage and then throws him into a wall. Cage then gets sent into the audience. They really need to let the fans know when someone's gonna get tossed ! They then go back into the ring and Lionheart is in control of the match. Body Slam and then a Slingshot Splash gets a two count. I love the execution on that move. Cage comes back into the match and hits the ropes but he runs right into a Back Elbow and then a kick to the back. Lionheart chokes Cage over the middle rope and then drops a knee in the back. Lionheart hits his AWESOME Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Lionheart runs into a boot. Clothesline and Cage comes back into the match. Slam. RUNNING SECOND ROPE MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! Yakuza KIck to a grounded Cage. Back Drop Suplex from Lionheart and that gets a two count. Right hands from Cage. Lionheart with a kick but he misses a f**k You Clothesline. SPEAR FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Grange : "No Lionheart, f**k you !". Samoan Drop from Cage and that gets a two count as well. Hurricane Kick from Lionheart gets a two count. BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew can be seen at the back of the hall at this point. Cage comes back again. Spinning Rock Bottom ... blocked. WHEELBARROW FACE PLANT FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cage is now stalking Lionheart. SUPERKICK FROM LIONHEART !!! ROCK BOTTOM !!! FROG SPLASH FROM LIONHEART !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... RENFREW AND GUNN HIT THE RING !!! CODEBREAKER AND SPINEBUSTER FROM GUNN AND RENFREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! CAGE WINS !!!

This match came across much better than it did live, and in the process, Rob Cage managed to impress the hell out of me. Not that I've seen much of him, but he's charismatic and has a decent look, so the fact that he has the skills in the ring is a big bonus. We need to see more of him in Scotland. Lionheart is Lionheart. Always great to watch. ***1/4

BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew vs. Red Lightning and Wolfgang

This one kicks off before the bell can ring, and Mark Dallas kicks Lionheart away from ringside. Normal rules for this match. We open the match with Wolfgang and Gunn. Gunn has his ring gear on, but Renfrew had no time to get his together ! Lightning into the ring now and into the corner. Clean break from there. Lockup and into the corner again. Gunn gets over Lightning and then hits his High Knee in the corner. Snapmare and then a kick in the chest and a Senton Splash gets a two count for Gunn. Forearm from Gunn and then Lightning into the corner. Gunn onto the apron and a kick to the back of the head. Double Stomp to the back and then a Twisting Suplex gets a two count for Gunn. No wasting time in this battle ! He stomps on Lightning and kicks Wolfgang off of the apron which gives Lightning time to come back with a Clothesline. In comes Wolfgang and a Double Back Elbow on Gunn. Leg Drop from Wolfgang and that gets a two count as well. Snapmare and then a Dropkick to the back of the head from Wolfgang gets a two. Renfrew has seen enough and the Label with work behind the back. Gunn into the corner and a Clothesline from Lightning. Snap Suplex gets a two count from Lightning. Wolfgang tagged back into the match and a Double Axe Handle to the back of Gunn. Gunn gets under Wolfgang and a blind tag. Clotheslines and a Flapjack on Wolfgang. Stomps in the corner from Renfrew. He then shoves Lightning off of the apron. Lightning wants into the ring and in comes Gunn. Poetry in Motion from the babyfaces. Gunn in. Lightning then crotches Gunn. Wolfgang stands on Gunn and then into the corner and Gunn gets set on the top rope. Gunn fights everyone off from up there. DOUBLE WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM GUNN !!! They've actually managed to do the extended formula with both heel beatdowns on the same guy. Renfrew tagged in and Body Slams ahoy ! Clothesline in the corner, but then Wolfgang with the Stinger Splash and then he heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle knocks down Renfrew. "Vintage Wolfgang !". Wolfgang spits at Renfrew. BRUTAL ALABAMA SLAM FROM RENFREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Renfrew takes out the ref. RODDY STRONG GUTBUSTER FROM WOLFGANG TO GUNN !!! SPINEBUSTER FROM RENFREW TO WOLFGANG !!! MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM LIGHTNING TO RENFREW !!! BOOTY SHAKER FROM GUNN TO LIGHTNING !!! LIONHEART WITH A FROG SPLASH TO GUNN !!! REF COUNTS THE THREE !!!

Hey, cracking match ! I don't think the atmosphere at ICW makes it easy to get into good matches, because this was some solid tag team action right here. Most notable for being one of the few extended formula tag team matches which has the heel beatdown on the same babyface two times in a row. The action just hit the ground running and didn't relent. ***1/2

Hey ! The matches were actually quite good. A vast improvement on last time.


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Why exactly is WWE so down on tag teams? The division used to be so strong and popular, and surely would have made them money? I can't actually understand why they've let it become so shit. It just doesn't seem to be in their interests to do so. And tag success has helped launched many wrestlers careers when their team split (HBK, Edge, Jeff Hardy). WWE are so desperate to develop new talent; well surely if they were put in a tag team with a decently popular guy (Christian being a prime example) and had some good success then it could help get them over? Plus it would help give storylines to the wrestlers they can't be arsed of thinking of any for.

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Been a longtime reader of the P&B forums and finally decided to join up. Didn't realise this thread covered Sottish Wrestling aswell and since my beloved UKFF is a state thought i'd come on here and see what's what.

I was at ICW and PBW most recently and thought both shows were great. Agree with most of what DomDom says but at the same time a couple of disagreements which i gave you on the UKFF (PBWFan)

Feel a bit more at ease dsicussing wrestling here to be honest cos the UKFF is just w*nk central alot of the time and you guys here just look like you're having some harmless fun chat about shows etc. Apart from DomDom giving us his Meltzer chat :P

I've been a longtime fan of the Scottish product, ever since SWA's first show in Clydebank in 2006. Now i go to as many shows as i can. Have really saw some fine wrestlers ome through the ranks up here. Guys who i'm currently digging are:

Lionheart - a great WWE-style guy. agree that his looks aren't top class and he even, to me, appears to have lost a fair bit of weight over the past year. But nonetheless he still puts in some shift everywhere he wrestles and he is still going strong as PBW Champion.

Wolfgang - one of the first guys i saw back in the day. he impressed me then and even more so now. His tag team with Red Lightning one of the freshest things to come out of the Scottish scene in some time and I enjoy his singles work. Could have a good math with a broomstick!

Noam Dar - still very young but man, he is gonna have a great future ahead of him, provided he gets taller. Has hung with some of the top guys on the scene already.

Red Lightning - having watched him as a face in WILD...once he turned heel that was it, the guy completely re-invented himself and i feel he has continued to do so ever since. a massive change in his ring look and his ring persona has put him as one of my "dark horses" of 2010 to walk away with a heavyweight title before the year's out. if he continues to put in his shifts at the gym, along with Lionheart, he seems to be one of few guys up here who posseses the charisma and character to be considered "WWE" style.

Talking about the look thing i saw earlier....don't forget now guys that WWE isn't all about muscle jacked up guys now. alot of the guys i see on TV week in week out (Ziggler, Mcintyre, Miz & Morrison to name a few) seem to have highly attainable natural physques. When i met Drew McIntyre at the Tesco signing, the guy has wasted away compared to his size when he wrestled here. But he looks good on TV and doesn;t look like a walking advert for gear, which is what they're trying to move away from. So guys like Lionheart might not be as far away from "WWE Shape" as some may think"

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Right, I hope this interests you. I've posted these lists before, but this post is going to give you the chance to see what's in them too, and I'll update this post whenever I have new videos. Basically, I have playlists of full matches on Dailymotion so as you can basically watch all sorts of wrestling. I'm going to post a playlist and then what's in it. The matches will be listed in spoiler tags. If you can't watch it because of the adult filter, there's an option to turn it off at the bottom. I don't know if you have to be registered for that, but it doesn't take long to register and it's worth it. Right, the lists.

There's stuff from all sorts of promotions, all different types and matches from the well hyped to the under hyped. I'd like to think that if there isn't LOADS to like in these things then you aren't much of a fan. I should note that the variation gets better as the lists go on. They're a bit major promotion loaded at the start. Still awesome stuff on them though.

I'll add the playlists one by one tonight. Keep an eye on this post. It could take a while.

EDIT : Having seen how long each post is, I'll bold recommendations and historic matches.

Playlist #1

MVP vs. CM Punk - ECW 18/12/2007

Steve Austin vs. Ricky Steamboat - WCW Saturday Night 12/03/1994

Goldust vs. Shawn Michaels, Ladder Match - WWE House Show 24/08/1996 ( FanCam )

Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs. Tommy Dreamer and Jerry Lynn vs. Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck - ECW 25/08/2000 ( FanCam )

Jeff Jarrett vs. Doink the Clown - WWE RAW 17/10/1994

Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart vs. Bret Hart and The British Bulldog - WWE Slamfest 19/10/1994

"King" Harley Race vs. Tito Santana - WWE Boston Garden 04/10/1986

Edge vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE RAW 19/02/2007

Chris Jericho vs. Edge, Steel Cage Match - WWE Smackdown 25/07/2002

Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE RAW 17/09/2007

Mr. Kennedy vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE RAW 31/12/2007

Big Daddy V, MVP and Mark Henry vs. Rey Mysterio, Kane and CM Punk - WWE Smackdown 21/12/2007

Carlito vs. Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match - WWE RAW 10/12/2007

Jeff Jarrett vs. Diamond Dallas Page - WCW Spring Stampede 2000

Harley Race vs. Hulk Hogan - WWE MSG 18/05/1986

Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven - TNA Weekly PPV 30/04/2003

Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Dudley Boys vs. Sabu and Rob Van Dam - ECW TV August 1998

Chris Candido, Bam Bam Bigelow and Shane Douglas vs. Rob Van Dam, Sabu and Masato Tanaka - ECW TV September 1998

AJ Styles vs. Raven - TNA Weekly TV 27/08/2003

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW 08/08/1998

Dino Bravo and Earthquake vs. Tugboat and Hulk Hogan - WWE MSG 28/12/1990

Barry Windham and Brian Pillman vs. Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas - WCW Worldwide 02/01/1993

Jeff Jarrett vs. Ron Killings - TNA Weekly PPV 20/11/2002

Steve Austin vs. Barry Windham, 2/3 Falls Match - WCW Saturday Night 09/05/1992 ( Three Parts )

Doink the Clown vs. Marty Jannetty - WWE RAW 14/06/1993

Team nWo vs. Team Piper vs. Team WCW - WCW Uncensored 1997 ( Two Parts )

Prince Iaukea vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - WCW Uncensored 1997

Scotty Riggs vs. Buff Bagwell, Strap Match - WCW Uncensored 1997 ( Two Parts )

MVP vs. Chris Benoit, 2/3 Falls Match - WWE Judgement Day 2007

Little Guido vs. Super Crazy vs. Tajiri - ECW TV April 2000

Tracy Smothers and Little Guido vs. The Sandman and 2 Cold Scorpio - ECW TV March 1998

Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero, No DQ Match - WCW Uncensored 1997 ( Two Parts )

The Miz and John Morrison vs. MVP and Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 16/11/2007

Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE RAW 30/06/2003

The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo - WWE MSG 20/05/1986

The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Marty Jannetty - WWE All American Wrestling 1993

D-Von Dudley vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW TV June 1999

Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Kevin Nash - WCW Starrcade 2000

Sycho Sid vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Survivor Series 1996 ( Two Parts )

Vader, Razor Ramon, Diesel and Faarooq vs. Yokozuna, Flash Funk, Savio Vega and Jimmy Snuka - WWE Survivor Series 1996

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - WWE Survivor Series 1996 ( Two Parts )

Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jerry Lawler, Crush and Goldust vs. Marc Mero, Barry Windham, Jake Roberts and Rocky Maivia - WWE Survivor Series 1996 ( Two Parts )

Mankind vs. The Undertaker - WWE Survivor Series 1996 ( Two Parts )

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Wrestlemania 21

MVP and Mr. Kennedy vs. The Hardy Boys - ECW 13/11/2007

Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Great American Bash 2007

Jake Roberts vs. Randy Savage - WWE Tuesday in Texas

Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay - WCW Slamboree 1998

Edge vs. Matt Hardy, Street Fight - WWE RAW 29/08/2005

Kane vs. Edge, Steel Cage Match - WWE RAW 18/07/2005

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. Edge - WWE Smackdown 05/12/2002

Greg Valentine vs. Junkyard Dog - WWE Philly Spectrum 17/03/1985

Rocco Rock vs. 2 Cold Scorpio - ECW TV 07/11/1995

Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T. - WCW New Blood Rising 2000

Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera - WCW Road Wild 1998

Steve Austin vs. Ricky Steamboat - WCW Saturday Night 01/08/1992

Shane Douglas vs. Taz - ECW 16/01/1999

The New Rockers, Owen Hart and The British Bulldog vs. Doug Furnas, Phil LaFon and The Godwinns - WWE Survivor Series 1996 ( Two Parts )

The Bolsheviks vs. The British Bulldogs - WWE Prime Time 07/12/1987 ( Two Parts )

Batista vs. Triple H - WWE Backlash 2005

Christian vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Backlash 2001

Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin - WWE Vengeance 2005

Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Cyber Sunday 2007

Kid Kash vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW TV July 2000

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE RAW 10/06/2002

Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WWE Copps Coliseum 01/05/1989

Mr. Perfect vs. Tito Santana - WWE Copps Coliseum 01/05/1989

Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart - WWE Copps Coliseum 01/05/1989

Akeem and The Big Bossman vs. Demolition - WWE Copps Coliseum 01/05/1989

Terry Gordy and Steve Williams vs. The Steiner Brothers - WCW Clash of the Champions 16/06/1992

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Silver Kings - WCW Clash of the Champions 16/06/1992

Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson vs. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes - WCW Clash of the Champions 16/06/1992

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Smackdown 23/08/2001

Mr. Kennedy and Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels - WWE RAW 22/10/2007

Giant Bernard vs. Brock Lesnar - NJPW 05/03/2006

Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Smackdown 30/03/2007

Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka - ECW TV February 2000

"Cowboy" Bob Orton vs. Tito Santana - WWE MSG 23/07/1984

The Dudley Boys vs. Tommy Dreamer and Shane Douglas vs. Rob Van Dam and Sabu - ECW TV March 1999

Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke vs. Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck - ECW TV August 2000

Joe and Dean Malenko vs. Nikita Koloff and Ricky Steamboat - WCW Clash of the Champions 16/06/1992

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Marty Jannetty - WWE RAW 31/05/1993

The Dudley Boys vs. Rob Van Dam and Sabu - ECW TV October 1998

Balls Mahoney vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW Anarchy Rulz 1999

Tommy Dreamer and Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam and Kid Kash - ECW TV August 2000

Kane vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Bad Blood 2004

Elijah Burke vs. Chris Benoit - ECW 19/06/2007

The Great Khali vs. The Undertaker, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Smackdown 18/08/2006

The Dream Team vs. The British Bulldogs, 2/3 Falls Match - WWE SNME 10/04/1986

Jake Roberts vs. Ricky Steamboat, Snake Pit Match - WWE SNME 10/04/1986

Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE RAW 13/11/2006

The Dudley Boys vs. Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio - WWE Smackdown 06/05/2004

Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE RAW 03/09/2007

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. John Cena and Billy Kidman - WWE Smackdown 10/10/2002

Finlay vs. Batista - WWE Smackdown 24/08/2007

Edge and Randy Orton vs. The Hardy Boys - WWE RAW 27/11/2006

Eddie Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 26/04/2001

Eddie Guerrero, Christian and JBL vs. Batista, Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit - WWE Smackdown 07/10/2005

MVP vs. Kane, Inferno Match - WWE Armageddon 2007

Shane McMahon vs. The Rock - WWE RAW 26/04/1999

Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von vs. Chris Benoit and CM Punk - ECW 12/06/2007

Mr. Kennedy vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Smackdown 13/10/2006

Vader vs. Sycho Sid - WWE In Your House 11

Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boys, Steel Cage Match - WWE Unforgiven 2000

Finlay vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 22/06/2007

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Armageddon 2003

Mean Mark vs. Lex Luger - NWA 1989

Randy Orton vs. King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Mick Foley vs. John Cena - WWE Vengeance 2007

Johnny Nitro vs. John Cena - ECW 26/06/2007

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs. The Hardy Boys - WWE RAW 04/06/2007

Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka - ECW One Night Stand 2005

Finlay vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Smackdown 24/11/2006

DX and The Radicalz vs. The Rock, Cactus Jack, Rikishi and Too Cool - WWE RAW 07/01/2000

Kane vs. Steve Austin, First Blood Match - WWE King of the Ring 1998

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Taboo Tuesday 2004

The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys, Tables Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2000

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE InVasion 2001

MVP vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 18/06/2007

Steve Austin and Triple H vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho - WWE RAW 21/05/2001

Chris Benoit vs. The Rock - WWE Smackdown 15/08/2002

Three Minute Warning and Rico vs. The Dudley Boys and Jeff Hardy, Tables Match - WWE Survivor Series 2002

Kane vs. Steve Austin - WWE RAW 29/06/1998

Mr Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 04/05/2007

The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting and Lex Luger - WCW Superbrawl I

Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena - WWE RAW 31/10/2005

Scott Steiner vs. Goldberg, No DQ Match - WCW Fall Brawl 2000

Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T. - WCW Bash at the Beach 2000

Triple H, Ric Flair and Batista vs. Randy Orton, Chris Benoit and Shelton Benjamin - WWE RAW 20/09/2004

Chavo Guerrero, Gregory Helms and MVP vs. Chris Benoit and The Hardy Boys - WWE Smackdown 20/04/2007

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Steve Austin and The Rock - WWE RAW 19/02/2001

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Backlash 2002

Triple H and Chris Benoit vs. The Rock and Chris Jericho - WWE RAW 23/04/2000

Chris Benoit vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Smackdown 03/10/2002

Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Smackdown 05/06/2003

Randy Orton vs. Eddie Guerrero - WWE Smackdown 14/10/2005

Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin - WWE Backlash 2005

Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs. Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri, Ladder Match - WWE Judgement Day 2003

Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW Guilty as Charged 2000

Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin - WWE Taboo Tuesday 2004

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW 04/04/1998

Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WWE Wrestlemania 22

Kurt Angle vs. Hulk Hogan - WWE King of the Ring 2002

Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero vs. The Undertaker, Rikishi and Edge - WWE Smackdown 05/09/2002

Shane Douglas vs. Bam Bam Bigelow - ECW TV October 1997

Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer - ECW TV August 1997

Rob Van Dam and Sabu vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman - ECW TV 05/07/1997

Eight Man Lucha Match - WCW Nitro 22/03/1999

Taz and Chris Candido vs. Rob Van Dam and Sabu - ECW TV 10/05/1997

Eddie Guerrero vs. Alex Wright - WCW Main Event 17/09/1995

D-Von Dudley vs. The Sandman - ECW TV 22/02/1997

Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE RAW 01/08/1994 ( one part, but dodgy quality )

Greg Valentine vs. Hulk Hogan - WWE MSG 23/07/1984

The Dream Team vs. The Killer Bees - WWE Boston Garden 07/12/1985

Meng vs. Norman Smiley, Hardcore Match - WCW Nitro 11/12/2000

Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak vs. Disco Inferno and Alex Wright - WCW Nitro 09/10/2000

Harley Race vs. Hulk Hogan, Texas Death Match - WWE MSG 14/06/1987

Kevin Nash vs. Booker T., Steel Cage Match - WCW Fall Brawl 2000

Triple H vs. Booker T. - WWE Wrestlemania XIX

Lex Luger vs. Sting - WCW Superbrawl II

The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs - WWE Philly 27/04/1985

Koko B Ware vs. Tito Santana - WWE MSG 21/01/1991

Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam, Lumberjack Match - WWE RAW 14/10/2002

Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting and Lex Luger - WCW Nitro 24/06/1996

Bret Hart vs. Sting - WCW Nitro 18/10/1999

Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger - WWE Inside the Home Video 31/08/1993

Doink the Clown - WWE Inside the Home Video 14/06/1993

Adam Bomb vs. Bret Hart - WWE Inside the Home Video 31/08/1993

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Tatanka - WWE Inside the Home Video 05/05/1993

Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty and Razor Ramon - WWE Inside the Home Video 27/07/1993

Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty - WWE RAW 17/05/1993

Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat - WWE Boston Garden 01/11/1986

Kevin Sullivan vs. Chris Benoit, Falls Count Anywhere Match - WCW Clash of the Champions XXXIV

The Dream Team vs. The British Bulldogs, 2/3 Falls Match - WWE SNME 1986 ( same match as earlier, caught a double )

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Rebellion 2001

The Dream Team vs. Pedro Morales and Tito Santana - WWE MSG 25/11/1985

Triple H vs. Steve Austin - WWE RAW 17/05/1999

Billy Kidman vs. Hulk Hogan - WCW Slamboree 2000

Yokozuna vs. Bret Hart - WWE Survivor Series Showdown 1993

IRS vs. Marty Jannetty - WWE Survivor Series Showdown 1993

"Lord" Steven Regal vs. Ric Flair - WCW Worldwide 1994

Honky Tonk Man vs. Ricky Steamboat - WWE MSG 25/07/1987

Cactus Jack vs. Van Hammer - WCW Clash of the Champions XVIII

Shawn Michaels vs. Jim Duggan, Lumberjack Match - WWE RAW 10/05/1993

Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko - WCW House Show 18/09/1997 ( FanCam )

The Rock vs. Triple H, I Quit Match - WWE RAW 25/01/1999

Sid Justice and Ric Flair vs. Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan - WWE MSG 23/03/1992 ( Two Parts )

Shawn Michaels vs. Virgil - WWE MSG 23/03/1992

IRS vs. El Matador - WWE MSG 23/03/1992 ( Two Parts )

Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat - WWE Superstars 22/11/1986

The Road Warriors vs. Genichiro Tenryu and Hulk Hogan - WWE/SWS Wrestlefest 1991

Barry Horowitz vs. "The Blue Angel" Owen Hart - WWE Los Angeles 13/08/1988

Bam Bam Bigelow, Kevin Sullivan and Cactus Jack vs. The Road Warriors and Norman (?) - WCW Capital Combat 1990

Rick Rude vs. The Boss ( The Big Bossman ) - WCW Saturday Night 18/12/1993

Ric Flair vs. Sting - WCW Saturday Night 21/08/1993 ( Three Parts )

Scott Hall vs. Goldberg, Ladder Match - WCW Souled Out 1999

Diesel vs. Razor Ramon - WWE Summerslam 1994 ( one part, but poor quality. Better quality on another list )

Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin - WWE No Way Out 2002

Ric Flair vs. Tatsumi Fujinami - WCW/NJPW Supershow 21/03/1991

Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana, Lumberjack Match - WWE MSG 17/03/1985

Tatanka vs. Lex Luger - WWE Off the Top Rope 19/10/1994

The Genius vs. Hulk Hogan - WWE SNME 25/11/1989

Pierre vs. Lex Luger - WWE RAW 15/11/1993

The Giant vs. Diamond Dallas Page - WCW Starrcade 1998

Randy Savage vs. Bret Hart - WCW Slamboree 1998

Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan, Steel Cage Match - WCW Uncensored 1999

Rob Van Dam and Shane McMahon vs. Chris Jericho and The Rock - WWE RAW 08/10/2001

Rey Mysterio vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE vs. ECW Head to Head Special 07/06/2006

Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H - WWE Unforgiven 2002

Chris Jericho vs. The Rock - WWE Smackdown 04/04/2002

Lance Storm vs. Mike Awesome, Canadian Rules Match - WCW New Blood Rising 2000

Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko - WCW Clash of the Champions XXXIV

The Heavenly Bodies vs. The Smoking Gunns - WWE RAW 20/03/1995

Hardcore Hak ( The Sandman ) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, No Holds Barred Match - WCW Nitro 01/02/1999

Johnny B Badd vs. Sting - WCW Clash of the Champions XVI

The Orient Express vs. The Rockers - WWE UK Rampage 1991

Genichiro Tenryu vs. Randy Savage - WWE/NJPW Summit 13/04/1991

Ric Flair vs. Rey Mysterio - WCW Nitro 22/03/1999

Booker T. vs. Triple H - WWE RAW 21/04/2003

Christian vs. Booker T. - WWE RAW 07/07/2003

Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan - WCW Clash of the Champions XXVIII ( Two Parts )

Antonio Inoki vs. Steven Regal - WCW Clash of the Champions XXVIII

Terry Funk and Bunkhouse Bunk vs. Dusty and Dustin Rhodes - WCW Clash of the Champions XXVIII

Steve Austin vs. Ricky Steamboat - WCW Clash of the Champions XVIII

Maven vs. Triple H - WWE Sunday Night Heat (!) 13/07/2003

Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat - WCW Superbrawl II

The Undertaker vs. The Rock - WWE King of the Ring 1999

Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger - WCW Clash of the Champions XII

Bret Hart vs. Booker T. - WCW Nitro 22/02/1999

The Quebecers vs. The Steiner Brothers - WWE RAW 13/09/1993

Lance Storm vs. Edge - WWE RAW 03/09/2001

Edited by DomDom
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Right, I hope this interests you. I've posted these lists before, but this post is going to give you the chance to see what's in them too, and I'll update this post whenever I have new videos. Basically, I have playlists of full matches on Dailymotion so as you can basically watch all sorts of wrestling. I'm going to post a playlist and then what's in it. The matches will be listed in spoiler tags. If you can't watch it because of the adult filter, there's an option to turn it off at the bottom. I don't know if you have to be registered for that, but it doesn't take long to register and it's worth it. Right, the lists.

There's stuff from all sorts of promotions, all different types and matches from the well hyped to the under hyped. I'd like to think that if there isn't LOADS to like in these things then you aren't much of a fan. I should note that the variation gets better as the lists go on. They're a bit major promotion loaded at the start. Still awesome stuff on them though.

I'll add the playlists one by one tonight. Keep an eye on this post. It could take a while.

EDIT : Having seen how long each post is, I'll bold recommendations and historic matches.

Playlist #1

Antonio Inoki vs. Steven Regal - WCW Clash of the Champions XXVIII

Anything with Regal in it has me interested.

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There's a match with Ric Flair and Regal in that first playlist from WCW Saturday Night back in 1994. Not seen any reviews or watched it so I have no idea what it's like. Should be good though.

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Just notiec Yoker Ferry's first post. I'll adress that.

Feel a bit more at ease dsicussing wrestling here to be honest cos the UKFF is just w*nk central alot of the time and you guys here just look like you're having some harmless fun chat about shows etc. Apart from DomDom giving us his Meltzer chat

c**t. :P

Oh, being a UKFFer on the Scottish threads, you'll recognize the name Haraga Version One ... which is moi.

I've been a longtime fan of the Scottish product, ever since SWA's first show in Clydebank in 2006. Now i go to as many shows as i can.

Really good show. Featured Eric Canyon vs. Chris Renfrew in Renfrew's first ever singles match. I've always thought that matchwise, Eric Canyon is the best wrestler ever to compete in Scotland. He's never even had a match below good. Nothing average. When the guy packed it in, with another absolute scorcher against RIP btw, I was gutted.

Lionheart - a great WWE-style guy. agree that his looks aren't top class and he even, to me, appears to have lost a fair bit of weight over the past year. But nonetheless he still puts in some shift everywhere he wrestles and he is still going strong as PBW Champion.

I think he lost weight to look a bit more even. He did look kinda flabby. Now he looks more natural. The thing about Lionheart is that he wrestles like a star. His strikes, he adds this snap to his moves as well. His match with Bad Bones in Largs was pretty extraordinary.

Wolfgang - one of the first guys i saw back in the day. he impressed me then and even more so now. His tag team with Red Lightning one of the freshest things to come out of the Scottish scene in some time and I enjoy his singles work. Could have a good math with a broomstick!

You think he's gone off the boil a bit Yoker ? I've thought he's gone downhill a bit apart from his tag work. He looked like the next big thing in Scotland and he has gone downhill rapidly. Can't see him topping a promotion for a while now.

Noam Dar - still very young but man, he is gonna have a great future ahead of him, provided he gets taller. Has hung with some of the top guys on the scene already.

He impressed Dragon Gate when he wrestled The Highlander down there. He has a natural cockiness to him that works. The scary thing is that this kid is still in high school and he has had some incredble matches. That match with Darkside is up there with the PBW tag match and Bones/Lionheart for matches this year. He also had a corker with Booty in East Kilbride.

Red Lightning - having watched him as a face in WILD...once he turned heel that was it, the guy completely re-invented himself and i feel he has continued to do so ever since. a massive change in his ring look and his ring persona has put him as one of my "dark horses" of 2010 to walk away with a heavyweight title before the year's out. if he continues to put in his shifts at the gym, along with Lionheart, he seems to be one of few guys up here who posseses the charisma and character to be considered "WWE" style.

Red Lightning has been quite frustrated by the lack of success he's had, and quite rightly. He clearly has the tools to make it as someone on the Scottish scene.

You heading along to see Fergal on Saturday ?

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Just notiec Yoker Ferry's first post. I'll adress that.

c**t. tongue.gif

I'll second thattongue.gif

You think he's gone off the boil a bit Yoker ? I've thought he's gone downhill a bit apart from his tag work. He looked like the next big thing in Scotland and he has gone downhill rapidly. Can't see him topping a promotion for a while now.

If I'm being honest, I've never really seen what all the fuss was about. Although I don't get along to as many shows as Dom, I've always thought he ws distinctly average when I've seen him. Don't get me wrong, he has had some belters, but I've never saw anything that would suggest he would be anything other that pretty decent.

Red Lightning has been quite frustrated by the lack of success he's had, and quite rightly. He clearly has the tools to make it as someone on the Scottish scene.

Nae wonder he's frustrated.

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still not sure if i can make it on Saturday tbh so will be touch & go.

Yeah I thought Wolfgang did look as if he has lost interest for a while but I feel that since his tag stuff has taken off it's really lit a fire in him again and it shows in his singles stuff now too. Personally I felt Drew had the looks but he couldn;t touch Wolfgang in terms of in-ring ability. I mean, the tag thing, is it fizzling out or what? That's almost a year now believe it or not they've had those belts.

What I see with Lightning is he has been used as a tool to get everyone else over for years. It started with Jester, and then he feuded briefly with Lionheart. Put Falcon over for the Openweight a month after winning it. But I don't feel he falls into that category. He is a killer on the mic, agreed his face stuff isn't as good as his heel but really he is a heel, acts like one and talks like one. Not that he can't be a face but just seems to garner lots mroe attention as a heel. Recent singles success in SWA aswell...

I canny believe Highlander worked for friggin DragonGate.

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Watched a bit of Impact earlier on and couldn't believe the state Scott Hall was in. He should've packed in the in-ring stuff years ago.

Was this last week with Eric Young joining the nWo or this week where they win the tag titles I assume?

Anyway Hall is an icon in this sport. Some of his humour and comedy is priceless from what I've seen on Impact.

"Whats the deal-do!" a few weeks back was so quick and witty.

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I canny believe Highlander worked for friggin DragonGate.

He what? :lol:

Is he still retiring every other year or so? And in regards to what you said about the UKFF, I completely agree. It's amazing how petty they all are. Although I very rarely post on the forum I do like to have a quick read most days, so I've been a bit annoyed that it's been offline for the past 24 hours.

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