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Mo Wonderboy

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Just got done watching tonight's Smackdown where Vickie introduces herself as the GM of RAW.......

That is strange ... makes her "I resign! I resign!" screams at the end of RAW completely pointless.

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Raw did a 3.1.

iMPACT did a 0.93.

wow... pretty low, this is the first week this year that I've not watched any brand, I normally never watch smackdown but always watch raw or impact.... but I just can't be fucked with either now, I doubt I missed anything amazingly entertaining, just old guys who should be retired raping their legacies and too much talking about nothing.

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I think it's about time that I admitted that I got it wrong about Swagger. I said his run would never work, and to be fair he had done f**k all in WWE up until that point, but as far as I'm concerned its been a success. It's fresh and new and so far he;s kept me entertained. His mic skills have come on a shitload in the past few weeks. Along with the Punk/Rey feud its the best thing on WWE TV right now.

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.93 isn't that bad considering recent ratings. They've at least won back some of the core fanbase that went by going back to Thursdays. The problem now is that will Hogan and Bischoff want anything to do with it ? It's clear that their brand of absolute shite isn't wanted.

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Atmosphere in the hall was horrific. They KNEW Fergal was injured and had no intention of letting people know. He might not be ready next month either as he is recovering from a knee operation.

The show could have been better in a better hall. Butcher and Bad Boy had a corker of a main event.

There could have been 600 rabid fans and the atmosphere would have been shite. Made the show really hard to get into.

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- The 2010 TNA Sacrifice pay-per-view kicks off with a video package where various TNA stars say what they're sacrificing. We go live in the iMPACT Zone where Mike Tenay welcomes us.

#1 Contender's Match: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money vs. Team 3D

We go right to the ring where Jeremy Borash is doing the announcing tonight since David Penzer is gone from the company. Out first comes the Motor City Machine Guns followed by Beer Money. Out last is Team 3D to the biggest pop. The bell rings and it's Alex Shelley starting things out with Robert Roode.

They lock up and Roode snap mares Shelley into a rear chin lock. Shelley is right out of it, and they chain wrestle for a bit. Roode hits a big shoulder block that takes Shelley off his feet, and after a bit more chain wrestling, Shelley hits a hurricarana, and then a wheelbarrow into a bulldog that's good for a near fall. Shelley charges Roode, but he runs into a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Roode tags in Storm and Storm comes in with a big right hand to Shelley's face before taking Sabin off the apron. Shelley tries for a superkick, but Storm rolls to the outside, where he eats a round kick from Sabin. Back in the ring we get some great double team work from the Guns on Roode.

Sabin tags in and we get some double team on Storm's arm. Storm is able to come right back though with a high knee, but he gets tagged rom behind by Brother Ray. Ray locks up with Sabin and goes to work on his arm, taking him down to the mat, and wrenching down again. Ray goes to the well once to often and Sabin is able to turn the tide with a couple of round kicks to the ribs. Sabin avoids an elbow drop, but he eats a big right hand and a big boot from Ray. D-Von tags in and we get a backbreaker/leg drop combo that's good for a near fall that's broken up by Shelley. Shelley leap frogs D-Von and hits a dropkick, but when he tries to slingshot himself on top of Bubba on the outside, Ray moves and Sabin crashes.

Ray rolls Sabin back into the ring where D-Von goes to work, slamming Sabin down. D-Von goes for the cover and it's broken up by Storm. Ray tags in and hits a big chop to Sabin before knocking both members of BMI off the ring apron. Bubba slams Sabin down and climbs to the second rope, but when he goes for the senton, Sabin moves and as able to tag in Shelley. Shelley comes in as a house of fire, working over both members of 3D. Shelley goes for a double cross body and he's caught, but Sabin dropkicks Shelley and connects to hit the cross body. miscommunication causes both members of 3D to collide when Ray goes for the dive. Sabin dives out of the ring and hits BMI. Shelley tries for a double stomp on Ray, but Roode tags in and hits a sick running clothesline on Shelley.

Storm is in and BMI hit a double team suplex on Shelley before doing their Beer Money chant. Roode crotches Shelley on the middle turnbuckle before hitting a falling neckbreaker. Roode tags in and slams Shelley down. Storm hits an elbow drop and Roode hits a knee drop before locking in a rear chin lock. Shelley fights out, but he gets a running back elbow for his trouble. Storm tags back in and hits Shelley with a big right hand. Roode locks in a rear chin lock of his own. Shelley fights back up to his feet but he gets a right hand. Shelley avoids a dive from Storm, and hits an enzugiri, but Roode tags in and stops Shelley from making the tag. Roode tries for a suplex but Shelley lands on his feet and is able to make the tag to Sabin who comes in as a house of fire.

The Guns almost get the pin but D-Von is in and it all start to break down. Everyone is in and 3D start throwing bodies to the outside. It's down to 3D and BMI. Ray hits a bionic elbow on Storm, and 3D hits a doomsday decive on Roode. Sabin hits a springboard cross body out of nowhere and goes for the pin on Ray, but he only gets two. 3D throws Sabin out of the ring, and set up for a 3D on Roode. Storm comes in and spits beer in D-Von's eyes. Guns hits Roode with a double team in the corner before hitting a neckbreaker/cross body combo. Sabin pins Ray, and gets the three count.

Winners and New #1 Contenders: The Motor City Machine Guns

- We go ringside to Taz and Tenay. They say Abyss is here tonight and did nothing wrong to Chelsea on this past week's iMPACT. They say there's a rumor that Chelsea and Desmond Wolfe are being investigated by police for filing false police reports.

TNA Global Title Match: Orlando Jordan vs. Rob Terry

Out first for tonight's first title match is Orlando Jordan. Jordan makes his entrance to the ring being lowered down from the ceiling, kind of like a few weeks back on iMPACT. Out next is the TNA Global Champion Rob Terry, to a pretty good pop.

Jordan is right on top of Terry to start the match. Terry fights Jordan back into the corner and buries his shoulder in Jordan's midsection before beating him around the ring and hitting a giant hip toss. Terry clotheslines Jordan in the corner and almost takes Jordan's head off with a huge lariat. Terry hits a big back body drop and splashes Jordan in the corner before hitting a big side slam. Terry goes for the pin and gets two. Terry tries for another back body drop and catches a boot to the face, and Terry replies with a spin kick.

Terry clotheslines Jordan to the entrance ramp, where Jordan tries to crawl away, but Terry takes him back to the ring and tosses him over the rope. Terry hits a running powerslam that's good for another two count. Jordan begs off for a bit, and when Terry goes for a kick, Jordan catches Terry's foot, hangs it up on the ropes, and kicks it before slamming him to the mat. Terry kicks and wrenches away at Terry, working over his leg. Jordan rolls to the outside and wraps Terry's leg around the ring post. Back in the ring, and Jordan contines to focus on the knee, driving his own knee down into Terry's knee before just punching away. Jordan tries for a couple of submissions but Terry fights him off, so Jordan goes back to working on Terry's knee.

Terry tries to crawl to the ropes, but Jordan stops him and stomps on his midsection. Terry fights him off again, but Jordan goes right back to work, hitting Terry with punches to the face before turning back to his knee. Jordan hits a knee drop with a really stupid set up and goes for a mounted pin, but only gets two. Jordan climbs up to the middle rope and pulls down his knee pad, but when he goes for the knee drop, Terry moves out of the way.

Terry gets up to his feet, where he hits the freak buster out of nowhere. He pins Jordan and gets the three count.

Winner: Rob Terry

- After the match, Orlando Jordan attacks Rob Terry from behind with the belt and beats him up. Jordan works over Terry's knee with the belt to end the segment.

- Team 3D is recovering from their match when Ink Inc. walks in. Team 3D gives them advice for their tag title match tonight. Jesse Neal says he's going to take care of things for Team 3D before they walk off. This pisses Brother Ray off and Devon tries to calm him down.

TNA X Division Title Match: Douglas Williams vs. Kaz

Mike Tenay runs down the events leading up to tonight's X Division Title match. Out first comes the challenger, Douglas Williams, with the belt in his possession. Out next is the Champion Kaz.

Both men lock up and Kaz backs Williams into the corner where he breaks clean, kind of. Another lock up, and Williams is able to lock in a front chancery, before switching it all around and taking KAz down to the match. Kaz locks in a headscissors, but Williams powers out of it. Both men are back on their feet and they lock up. Williams takes Kaz down again and they trade holds on the mat. Back up to their feet and Williams backs Kaz into the corner to break things up. Shoulderblock from Williams and he locks in another front chancery. Kaz fights out of it and hits an arm drag going right into the arm bar.

Another arm drag from Kaz right into another arm bar. Kaz scissors the arm and also goes to work on Williams' wrist. Williams fights out of it, flips Kaz over, and they trade holds yet again. Kaz comes out on top, but Williams utilizes the ropes to break the hold. Kaz goes to work on Williams' arm again and Williams bails to the apron but Kaz won't let go. Kaz kicks Williams to the floor. Williams rolls back into the ring and Kaz hits a crazy slingshot dive into a roll up for a near fall. More mat wrestling from both men and Kaz tries to go for the pin, but Williams bridges out of it. Williams fights back up to hits feet and take Kaz down for a near fall, and Kaz bridges out. Williams takes Kaz to his butt in a neck tie submission dropping back with his knees in Kaz's back. Kaz turns it right around into the same hold on Williams.

Kaz puts Williams on the top rope, but Williams fights down to the mat, and tosses Kaz from the top, where Kaz faceplants into the entrance stage. Kaz makes it back to the apron at six, but Kaz catches him with a neckbreaker in the ropes that sends Kaz right back down. Kaz rolls back into the ring and Williams gets right on him, locking him in a front face lock, and scooting to the outside where he slams Kaz into the apron chest first. Back in the ring and Williams locks in another front head lock, but Kaz fights out of it, suplexing Williams into the ropes before dropkicking him to the outside into the guard rail. Kaz slingshots himself to the outside with a cross body block to take out Williams.

Back in the ring, Kaz hits a springboard dropkick, going high risk again, and both men are down. Both get up at about four, and Kaz hits a clothesline/forearm/spinkick combo before hitting a big swinging neckbreaker that's good for a two count. Kaz charges Williams into the corner, and Williams almost hits the chaos theory, but Kaz counters into a roll up for a near fall. Williams back body drops Kaz to the apron, but Kaz comes right back with a slingshot DDT that's good for another two count. Both men are up and Williams hits a couple of head butts and a big clothesline to put Kaz down. Williams hits a running knee in the corner and he teases going to the top but waves it off. Back in the ring Kaz is able to fight back, hitting a springboard back elbow.

Williams hit a ridiculous buckle bomb, and it looked really bad, like Kaz may have a concussion after this. Williams hits a suplex and goes for a pin but Kaz kicks out. Kaz hits what looks to be a reverse Russian leg sweep, but it's not enough to keep Williams down. Kaz fights out of a pile driver with a back body drop, and he sends Williams to the top. He goes for an electric chair drop, but Williams fights out of it, and hits a Chaos Theory. Williams pins Kaz, and this one is over.

Winner and New X Division Champion: Doug Williams

- We go backstage with Chelsea and Desmond Wolfe. She says she just did what Wolfe told her to do. He tries calming her down. She's freaking out about the possibility of Abyss winning possession of her. Wolfe says she will get the ring. Chelsea says she doesn't want the ring anymore, to call the match off. Wolfe says that's not happening. He wants to be on top of the TNA Title poll and a win tonight will help that. Wolfe says he won't let her down tonight.

Career vs. Title Match: Tara vs. Madison Rayne

We get some hype for the next match before Tara makes her way out to the ring, with her career on the line. Out next is the TNA Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne with Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Erich at her side.

Rayne actually tells TBP to go to the back, that she's got this. Tara attacks from behind sending Rayne out to the ramp, but Rayne fights right back, sending Tara into the ring. In the ring, Rayne hits a running knee and locks in a submission, but Tara fights right out of it. Tara crawls to the outside, and Rayne stomps on her arm. Rayne goes to the apron and Tara sweeps her leg out from under her. Tara sends Rayne face first into the ring apron before rolling her back into the ring and getting a quick near fall. Tara argues with the ref, and it allows Rayne to get a couple of quick roll ups on Tara. Rayne goes for pin after pin before just hitting a big clothesline. Tara begs off before hitting a face buster and backing Rayne into the corner. Tara sends Rayne across the ring by her hair.

Tara hits a suplex and floats right over into a guillotine choke that turns into a front face lock, but Madison fights out of it and kicks Tara away. Rayne starts to fight back and takes Tara off her feet with a couple of big right hands before kicking Tara in the side of the head. Rayne gets caught with a short arm clothesline from Tara, and Tara tries for the widow's peak, but Madison fights out of it. Tara goes for the widow's peak again, but Rayne rolls out to the floor.

Tara sends Rayne back into the ring where she goes right for a big slam. Tara goes to the top rope and hits a big moonsault, going right for the pin. Rayne kicks out at two and Tara looks like she's losing it. Tara kicks away at Rayne and goes right back to the top rope. Another moonsault, but Rayne rolls out of the way. Rayne hits a crazy neckbreaker on her shin, and she goes for the pin, getting the three count.

Winner: Madison Rayne

- After the match, Rayne celebrates with her title on the way up the ramp, as Tara comes to the realization that her time in TNA is over. Thank you Tara chants from the crowd. Tara gets choked up before going over and grabbing her pet tarantula and showing it off for the crowd. Security comes out and apparently they are there to escort Tara to the back. She goes, while getting lots of love from the crowd.

- We go backstage with The Band. Eric Young says he joined them because they are the real deal. Young says nobody else in TNA is cool enough to hang with Hall and Nash. Hall says he doubted Young first but now welcomes him to the group. Nash says The Band is operating under the Freebird rule where all three of them will defend the Tag Titles at any given time.

TNA Tag Team Title Match: Ink Inc. vs. The Band

We go to the ring where Ink Inc., Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore make their way out. Out next comes the TNA Tag Team Champions, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Hall starts out the match with Moore and here we go.

Hall tosses his tooth pick in Moore's face, and Moore responds with a slap to Hall's face. They lock up and Hall wrenches right away at Moore's arm, then starts slapping repeatedly at his head. Moore flips out of it and surprises Hall with a roll up. Another lock up and Hall hits a knee to Moore's midsection before sending him into the corner and hitting a dropkick. Hall tries again but Moore gets the knee up and hits a dropkick from the middle rope. Moore hits a big spin kick to Hall and goes for the pin but Hall fights right out of it. Hall shoves Moore and points over to Nash, tagging him in.

Neal tags in and Nash takes him right into the corner, burying his knee into Neal's midsection and hitting him with a big elbow to the side of the head. Neal recovers and pounds right back on Nash, hitting a big head butt. Nash turns it right back around and chokes Neal with his boot in the corner. Nash distracts the ref while Hall hits him with a right hand from the outside. Neal tries to fight back against Nash, but Nash hits another knee before tagging in Hall. Hall locks in an abdominal stretch before doing the worst assist from a partner in front of the ref ever.

Neal is able to fight back with a hip toss, but The Band continues to dominate. Nash tags in, and Neal is finally sble to tag out to Moore, who comes in and uses his quickness to surprise both members of the band. Moore hits a big cross body to Nash before tagging in Neal. Moore hits a big neckbreaker before turning his attention to Hall. Nash avoids a spear and Neal connects with the ref. Neal takes Nash off of his feet with punches, and EY is on his way down to the ring with a kendo stick. Nash is able to use the stick on Moore, but Neal hits a spear on Nash and grabs the stick. EY cuts him off and takes the stick, and Brother Ray is there out of nowhere. He grabs the kendo stick from EY and whacks him. Ray goes into the ring and talks trash to Nash before whacking Neal with the kendo stick. Nash rolls over on top of Neal, and gets the three count.

Winners: The Band

- After the match The Band celebrate with their titles while Brother Ray looks on disgustedly.

Ring vs. Chelsea Match: Abyss vs. Desmond Wolfe

We get hype for tonight's next match. Out first comes Desmond Wolfe and Chelsea, who is scared. Abyss is out next and here we go.

Abyss is out behind Wolfe before Desmond even gets to the ring and he attacks. Abyss pounds on Wolfe on the entrance ramp, and Wolfe falls out to the floor. Chelsea tries to go to the back, but the ref grabs her and says she must stay ringside. Wolfe tries to fight back, throwing his robes into Abyss' face, but Abyss fights right back, sending him into the ring. Wolfe kicks Abyss and hits him with a right hand, but when he tries for a cross body he bounces off of Abyss' chest. Abyss pounds on Wolfe for a bit on the mat. Wolfe starts to fight back with a couple of forearms, but he walks right into a couple of clotheslines from Abyss. Abyss signals for the chokeslam, and Chelsea is up to distract Abyss. Wolfe hits a shoulderblock, sending Abyss to the floor.

Wolfe goes out to the floor where he sends Abyss shoulder first into the ring post. Wolfe sends Abyss back into the ring, where he kicks at Abyss' arm before working over the wrist and elbow, locking in a top wristlock. Abyss is able to power out of it, but Wolfe comes right back with a big boot to Abyss' shoulder. Wolfe wrenches at Abyss' arm, taking him off of his feet. Wolfe continues to work over the shoulder and elbow of Abyss, with a great over the neck arm bar. Abyss gets back to his feet, and punches his way out of this hold. Wolfe answers with a couple of shoulder blocks, but on the fourth Abyss comes with a shoulder block of his own that takes Wolfe off of his feet. Wolfe turns right back to the Arm with another top wristlock.

Abyss fights out again, and Desmond is quick with a knee to the midsection. Abyss tries for a chokeslam, and when Desmond fights out of it, he gets a kick to the chest instead. Clothesline in the corner from Abyss followed by a side slam is good enough for a two count, and Chelsea is looking upset on the outside. Abyss signals for the chokeslam again, and he gets Desmond in position, but Wolfe goes to the arm and snaps Abyss down with a quick DDT that's good for a two count. Abyss works over Abyss in the corner, hitting a giant running European uppercut. Wolfe goes for another series of shoulder blocks to Abyss's injured arm. Wolfe tries for the rebound lariat, but Abyss catches him with a chokeslam. Chelsea is down and Abyss catches her in chokeslam position. Chelsea throws in her purse and is able to distract the ref and Wolfe grabs some brass knuckles. Wolfe hits Abyss and pins him, but Abyss kicks out at two.

A couple of shots from Wolfe have no effect on Abyss as he Hulks up. Abyss hits a giant black hole slam, pins Wolfe, and gets the three count.

Winner: Abyss

- After the match, Abyss walks up the ramp where Chelsea is still sitting in her chair. Abyss tells Chelsea he will see her this Thursday.

- We go backstage with Christy Hemme and Mr. Anderson. Anderson uses his mic from the ceiling to talk. Anderson cuts a great promo on Hardy and mocks his fans, the "Creatures of the Night." Anderson calls himself an asshole. Anderson says he has his own following too... the "Anderson's Assholes." Before the promo is over, Anderson gets some good involvement from the crowd here.

Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson

We go to the ring where Jeff Hardy makes his way out to a nice pop. Out next is Mr. Anderson, who doesn't really get a lot of heat either. The bell rings and they go at it. An "I'm an Asshole" chant breaks out.

Another lock up, and Anderson buries his knee in Hardy's midsection before punching and stomping away at him. Hardy fights back, picking Anderson up and dropping him right down on his back. Hardy tries for a flying clothesline, but Anderson ducks it and Hardy flies out to the floor. Anderson follows Hardy to the outside, where he sends him back first into the ring apron. Anderson rolls Hardy back into the ring where he goes for an elbow drop, but Hardy rolls out of the way. Hardy comes back, hitting a running clothesline in the corner, before following it up with another and pounding away at Anderson. Hardy tries for the corner dropkick, but Anderson gets his foot up to block it.

Anderson puts his knee to Hardy's ribs, before trying for a quick pin that's good for a two count. Anderson pounds on Hardy in the corner, and when Hardy tries to fight back, Anderson is right there with a series of right hands to Hardy's face. Anderson picks Hardy up and goes to work, pounding on him before locking in a low abdominal stretch. Hardy is able to fight up and out of it, but he walks right into another knee from Anderson that's good for another near fall. Anderson heads up to the second rope and he jumps off. Hardy gets his boot off, but Anderson catches it and hits an elbow drop.

Anderson just pounds away at Hardy, trying for another pin attempt, but he still can't keep Hardy down for three. Anderson picks Hardy up and locks in a regular abdominal stretch. Hardy fights out of it, and tries for a headscissors in the corner, but Anderson tosses his feet over and Hardy ends up crotched on the top rope. Anderson charges Hardy, but he finds himself backdropped over the top rope out onto the entrance ramp. Hardy goes under the ring and grabs a chair, which he sets up on the entrance ramp. Hardy backs up down the ramp, charges at Anderson, and uses the chair to get air to hit a leg lariat to send Anderson and himself back into the ring. Hardy tries for a pin but he only gets two.

Anderson and Hardy trade blows in the middle of the ring, and Hardy gets the better of it, hitting a series of clotheslines and a quick neckbreaker. Hardy sends Anderson into the corner, hits a clothesline, and follows it up with a clothesline. Hardy goes for another pin, but it's only good for two. Hardy goes for a suplex, but Anderson fights out and hits a standing Green Bay plunge that's good for a two count. Anderson tries for the mic check, but Hardy fights out of it. Anderson sends Hardy into the ropes, and turns him around, connecting with the mic check. Anderson goes for the pin and Hardy is able to get to the ropes. Another pin and Hardy kicks out at two.

Hardy catches Anderson with a couple of quick kicks before hitting a big front suplex. Hardy climbs to the top rope, but he goes back down to the mat and stomps at Anderson's back. Hardy hits the twist of fate, pulls off his shirt, and goes to the top rope, but Anderson cuts him off. Anderson hits Hardy with a couple of big right hands, and he shoulder Hardy. Hardy is able to fight out of it, and Anderson falls to the mat, with Hardy landing on top of Anderson's head. Hardy climbs to the top rope and hits a swanton bomb to Anderson's back. Hardy goes for the cover and gets three.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

- After the match, Anderson gets up with his fist clinched. Hardy turns around and they stare at each other. Anderson extends his hand for a shake from Hardy. Hardy declines the offer and walks out of the ring. Kennedy is left with his hand hanging as they stare each other down.

- We go backstage with Christy Hemme and AJ Styles and Ric Flair. Flair is confident that AJ will bring back the TNA World Title tonight. AJ says these are dark times for TNA. A man who has no business representing TNA is the World Champ. AJ says RVD won the belt on a fluke. AJ says there's two things RVD can do about it... nothing and like it.

Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett

We get a video hyping the Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett feud. Jarrett's music hits but he doesn't come out. We go backstage where Jarrett is brawling with Sting and Jeff is bleeding bad. TNA officials are trying to get them to go to the ring but Sting continues the assault. Sting works over Jarrett's shoulder and appears to have injured him. Sting is also using his bat on Jarrett.

Sting brings Jarrett into the iMPACT Zone, still in control. Sting beats Jarrett down to the ring and slams his head into the fan barrier. Jarrett is still bleeding bad. Sting throws Jarrett onto the ring steps and hits him in the knee with the bat. Sting puts Jarrett's arm in between the steel steps and the bat and stomps down on it. Sting continues to work on Jarrett's injured arm. Sting slings Jarrett into the ring now and the bell finally rings.

As soon as they get in the ring, Sting hits the Death Drop for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Sting

- After the match, Sting takes a mic and asks Jeff if he wants to play the deception game. Sting says Jeff is no different than "those guys" and they will pay just like Jarrett did, whoever "those guys are." Trainers come down to the ring to tend to Jarrett as Sting walks around the ring with his bat. A "Sting" chant breaks out. Sting watches as they load Jarrett onto a stretcher. Sting runs over and tips Jarrett off the stretcher as the officials are pushing it away. Hulk Hogan comes out and heads to the ring. Sting laughs as security gets between Hogan and the ring. Hogan follows the stretcher to the back. Tenay and Taz play up the seriousness of the situation as we go to replays.

- We go backstage with Christy Hemme and Rob Van Dam. RVD says this is the first of many TNA PPV title defenses for him. RVD says this title reign is more important than any of his other reigns because he is Mr. TNA and stands for everything TNA is. RVD says AJ Styles can complain all he wants but he's not going anywhere... he's staying around as Mr. TNA, World Champion RVD.

TNA World Title Match: AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam

We get more hype for tonight's main event. AJ Styles is out first to the ring with Ric Flair right behind him. Out next comes the TNA World Champion, Rob Van Dam, to a nice pop from the Orlando crowd. Jeremy Borash begins official ring introductions as the crowd chants for RVD

After a lot of standing around, and some posing from RVD, both go for a kick, with neither scoring. More standing around and a bit more posing. We finally get a lock up, and AJ pulls Van Dam's hair, using it to pull him back into the corner. AJ and Van Dam get in each other's faces, and RVD poses again. AJ tries to interrupt, but he ends up on the recieving end of a clothesline from RVD that sends him to the outside. Van Dam poses again, and AJ uses the opportunity to pull him to the outside, where he goes to work with chops. AJ tries to send Van Dam head first into the entrance ramp, but when he tries for a moonsault off the entrance ramp, RVD avoids it and connects with one of his own before rolling back into the ring and posing again.

AJ is able to make it back into the ring, and Flair distracts RVD, leading to Earl Hebner ejecting Flair from the ringside area. Flair protests, but eventually makes his way to the back. AJ sulks on the outside and argues with Hebner, but Hebner won't budge. Flair goes to the announce table. RVD goes to the outside but AJ catches him with a right hand and rolls back into the ring. RVD tries to follow, but Styles sends him back to the outside into the barricade, and follows him with a tope over the top rope. AJ rolls RVD back into the ring where he stomps at Van Dam. Flair on commentary is very distracting, not in a good way. Styles slams RVD down and hits a beautiful knee drop.

RVD scores with a kick to Styles' face out of nowhere, and he follows it up by pounding on AJ in the corner. Styles is able to charge RVD in the corner, but RVD gets his elbow up. When he climbs the ropes though, RVD finds himself shoved off face first into the entrance ramp. Styles rolls RVD back into the ring and he goes for a quick cover but he only gets two. AJ locks in a rear chin lock with his knee in Van Dam's back for extra leverage. RVD is able to get to the ropes to force a break, so AJ pulls him back to his feet. AJ and RVD trade chops and forearms respectively, with AJ getting the advantage. RVD fights right back with a series of rights, but he runs into a big boot and a tornado DDT from Styles that's good for a near fall.

AJ hits a series of stiff kicks to RVD's back, just laying them in. Styles chokes RVD against the middle rope, and he gets into it with Hebner upon breaking the hold. RVD tries to fight back against Styles, but Styles hits a series of rights to RVD's face, and a dropkick to RVD, who's on his knees. Styles locks in a rear chin lock, but RVD is able to fight up to his feet. Styles tries to send him into the corner, but RVD comes back with a springboard single leg dropkick and both men are down.

Van Dam hits Styles with a couple of clotheslines and a big kick that sends AJ into the corner. RVD rolls into Styles and hits a monkey flip, launching him over. RVD goes up top and tries for the 5 Star frog splash, but Styles is able to move out of the way. Styles connects with a sprinboard clothesline that's good for a two count. Styles rolls RVD up, but it's still not enough to keep him down. RVD tries to come back, but Styles responds with a Pele kick that's good for another near fall.

RVD avoids a splash in the corner, and connects with a Northern lights suplex that's good for a two count. Both men are back on their feet, and Styles is able to lock in a small package for two. RVD hits a reverse Manhattan drop, before crotching AJ on the top rope, and leaping to the top turnbuckle to a single leg dropkick. RVD tries for rolling thunder, but Styles gets his knees up to block it. Styles gets Van Dam up in a torture rack, and spins him out into a powerbomb, that's good for a two count. RVD is able to kick AJ away, but AJ comes right back with a flying forearm that's good for another near fall.

Styles goes for the Styles clash, but RVD counters out of it, and both men trade roll ups. Both men go for, and connect with clotheslines at the same time and both men are down.

RVD and Styles trade blows in the middle of the ring and RVD gets the advantage with a pretty innovative roll up. Styles goes for the figure four but finds himself rolled up again. Styles charges RVD in the corner but ends up backdropped out to the apron. AJ jumps back into the ring onto the second turnbuckle, and connects with the moonsault DDT. Styles tries for the springboard 450, but RVD moves out of the way. Flair runs back down to the ringside area, but Jay Lethal is out to stop Flair from interfering. Lethal and Flair trade chops on the entrance ramp, with Flair getting the advantage. Lethal connects with a low blow, and a chop of his own before locking in a figure four on the Nature Boy.

Back in the ring, Styles crotches RVD on the top turnbuckle, and tries for a superplex, but RVD instead drives AJ throat first across the top rope. RVD goes to the top, and leaps off with the 5 Star frog splash. RVD pins Styles, and this one is over.

Winner: RVD

- Sacrifice goes off the air with World Champion RVD celebrating.

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It's an interesting bit of booking, I'll give them that. I won't go having a shot at it untill I see how it pans out.

He'll be the first person "retire" as a champion.

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Dragon Gate USA : Mercury Rising PPV

A look at the latest DG:USA show. This featured the debut of the Dragon Gate six man tag on North American PPV.

Genki Horiguchi vs. Shingo Takagi ( **1/4 )

Jimmy Jacobs and Jack Evans vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick ( ** )

Jon Moxley vs. Tommy Dreamer, No Holds Barred Match ( **1/2 )

YAMATO vs. Susumu Yokosuka ( **** )

BxB Hulk, Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi vs. Gamma, CIMA and Dragon Kid ( ***** ) *Match of 2010 So Far*

Genki Horiguchi vs. Shingo Takagi

Shingo is slowly but surely getting his mullet back. Genki looks like a pure idiot as a babyface. He really needs to be a heel all of the time. The ring is on some sort of WCW like platform. Headlock from Shingo. Shingo holds onto it when Genki tries for the whip. Shingo into the ropes and he charges down Genki. He hits the ropes and Genki elbows out of a move. Arm Drag is blocked by Shingo. Body Slam is reversed by Genki. Dropkick to the knee from Genki. "OO !". Genki then works over the leg. How much do you want to bet that they'll forget about this injury ? Body Splash from Genki to the knee. Knee over the middle rope and then a Running Dropkick from Genki. Slam and a Springboard Moonsault hits the knees. Gutbuster into a DDT from Shingo and then a Senton Splash gets a two count. Fist Drop from Shingo and that leads to a Chinlock. Shingo steps over to stop Genki going into the ropes, so Shingo just hits a slap to the head. Suplex from Shingo. Into the corner they go and Shingo with a chop and another. He then stretches the leg of Genki over the middle rope. Elbow to the face from Shingo. Jabs from Shingo and right hands. CAPTURE EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chinlock again from Shingo. Genki gets into the ropes. Chop sends Genki into the ropes. He comes out with a chop, but then Shingo with some form of choke. Genki tries to free himself and does with an Arm Drag. Powerslam from Shingo gets a two count. MANRIKI FROM SHINGO !!! Genki gets into the ropes. Genki tries to come back with chops, but Shingo comes back with Mongolian Chops. Running Rana from Genki. Shingo runs into a boot. SWINGING DDT FROM GENKI !!! Suplex from Genki follows that. REVERSE DDT FROM GENKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Genki heads for the top rope. Missile Dropkick to the back. BACKSLIDE FROM HEAVEN ... countered. Rana to counter a Powerbomb from Genki. POWERBOMB FROM SHINGO !!! Lariat in the corner from Shingo. SUPER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MADE IN JAPAN ... blocked by Genki. Forearm exchange from these guys. MADE IN JAPAN ... COUNTERED INTO THE BACKSLIDE FROM HEAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! PUMPING BOMBER AND A MADE IN JAPAN FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Some of the action in this match was just too meaningless. The action down the stretch was good fun though, and the effort was there. I don't like leg work just for the sake of it though, and especially when it doesn't help to build any drama. **1/4

Jimmy Jacobs and Jack Evans vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick

Lots of good talent in this match makes me hopeful for a good match. They brawl on the floor to get things going. Running Knee off of the platform from Evans. CARTWHEEL OVER THE PLATFORM INTO A HEAD SCISSORS ON LONDON !!! That was cool. Into the ring with London and Evans. Dropkick nicely done and a Standing Shooting Star Press gets nothing as Kendrick comes in. Evans works on both men. Kick to the back of the head of Kendrick after blowing a Dropkick on London. END TIME ON LONDON FROM JACOBS !!! Kendrick charges Evans into it and it doesn't break. Kendrick breaks with a boot, and then he kicks the side of the head of Jacobs. London with a kick to the head too. Running Back Elbow from London and that gets a two count. Into the ring comes Kendrick with a kick to the arm. He takes down Jacobs with a Fujiwara Armbar. Jacobs battles to his feet and wants to make the tag. London is tagged in instead and comes in with a Slingshot Double Stomp. Cradle Pin gets a two count and then a Chinlock from London. Jacobs gets up and hits a Chinbreaker and wants a tag. He gets sweeped down before he can reach the corner and a Standing Shooting Star gets a two count as Evans breaks it. Double Underhook Suplex from London and that gets a two count. In comes Kendrick. Kendrick drives an elbow to the rib cage and then London with a Double Stomp sends down Jacobs. London with a bit of dancing in front of Evans. London with kicks to the head, but Jacobs gets annoyed and comes back with Forearms. Kendrick grabs Jacobs. London is allowed to get more shots in. Jacobs tags out and in comes Evans. Double Moonsault Back Elbow from Evans. Dropkicks ahoy ! London with a knee but he's sent to the floor. Kendrick on the floor and Evans wants to dive. SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP FROM EVANS !!! Back in. SPRINGBOARD 450 SPLASH FROM EVANS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KENDRICK SAVES !!! Evans fights off both men. Superkick from London. Kick/Downward Spiral gets a two count. London sends Jacobs into the ropes. Rana from Jacobs. Jacobs runs into a boot. Double Stomp to the back of Jacobs and that gets a two count. EVANS ASSISTS LONDON INTO A DDT !!! STANDING PHOENIX SPLASH FROM EVANS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KENDRICK SAVES !!! Evans into the ropes and Kendrick gets sent over the top rope and we have both Jacobs and London in the ring. CHICKENWING FACEBUSTER FROM LONDON !!! London goes up top but gets kicked back down. Evans to the top. 630 SPLASH ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Back in comes Kendrick to meet Jacobs. Slap from Jacobs and he lands rights and lefts. Jacobs misses a Spear. Kick to the back of the head. SLICED BREAD #2 FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Camel Clutch from Spanky. Mocking kicks to the head. SCHOOL BOY FROM JACOBS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE END TIME FROM JACOBS !!! LONDON COMES IN ... BUT EVANS STOPS HIM !!! KENDRICK TAPS !!!

Just goes to show that you can throw four guys of this quality into a match and not exactly expect goodness from it. Jack Evans seemed to have unlearned everything that he learned by going to Japan purely by staying away from the place for too long. London and Kendrick in the mean time have lost the chemistry that they had together. It all makes for an average match. **

Jon Moxley vs. Tommy Dreamer, No Holds Barred Match

Basically, thanks to Moxley making the challenge, this match is happening. There's a belting wee promo from Tommy Dreamer before the match. "Why can't there be French girls who like chubby Tommy Dreamer ?". Moxley has done some work in CZW so he'll know his way around a hardcore match. Lockup and Dreamer goes behind and we have some reversing going on here. They have a stalemate. Some shoving from both men. Mox with a kick and then a right hand and a chop. Dreamer takes the chops and comes back with chops of his own. Leg Lariat from Moxley gets a two count and then he mounts Dreamer and lands some rights and lefts and then bites the head of Dreamer. Forearm from Moxley and into the corner. Bulldog from Dreamer and then he sends Moxley over the top rope. Baseball Slide and to the floor we go. Running Cannonball from Dreamer off of the platform. Dreamer now has the ring hell and he hits Moxley with it. BELL TO THE BALLS OF MOXLEY !!! Moxley is then sent into the railing. Golf Club to the back of Moxley and then they brawl up the steps and to the bar. The dark is too much, but they brawl back down the stairs. To ringside they go and this is about as 90s ECW as you can get. Onto the platform they go and a Suplex from Dreamer and he heads towards the back. Dreamer then brings a bin. HE SMACKS MOXLEY IN THE HEAD WITH THE BIN !!! BIN TO THE HEAD AGAIN !!! This couldn't be more late 90s if Austin came out and Stunnered McMahon. Into the ring they go. Elbow Strike to the throat from Dreamer and then he heads up. Moxley crotches him there. Trashcan Shots to the head from Moxley. SUPERPLEX FROM MOXLEY !!! Clothesline and Moxley gets a two count from that. Dreamer is busted open apparently. Both men avoid Body Slams. STF FROM MOXLEY !!! Dreamer goes for the ropes so Moxley lets go. He jumps into a Cloverleaf from Dreamer. BRUTAL Clothesline gets a two count for Dreamer. Dreamer heads for the floor and grabs a steel chair. Time for some trademark Dreamer. Chair to the back and then he sets the chair in the seated position. Drop Toe Hold sends Dreamer face first into the chair. Forearms from Moxley and then he sets the chair in the seated position. Sky High from Dreamer gets him back into the match. BACK OF THE HEAD IS RAMMED INTO THE CHAIR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... MOXLEY'S VALET MAKES THE SAVE !!! Dreamer grabs the woman. The referee stops the Piledriver from happening and Dreamer is not amused. The referee then gets clubbed to the floor so the valet slaps Dreamer. PILEDRIVER FROM DREAMER TO THE VALET !!! YAMATO ATTACKS FROM BEHIND !!! Dreamer sends Yamato over the top rope. SHINGO WITH A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON DREAMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DREAMER PILEDRIVER ON MOXLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DDT ON THE CHAIR FROM MOXLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Like the last match, two decent workers were just not clicking, but these guys decided to go down the Matt/Jeff route of dealing with this problem and they decided to exchange moves, and make it a real hard fought battle. The overbooking at the end also helped the match get along. They just put on one of your typical late 90s No DQ/ECW Matches. **1/2

YAMATO © vs. Susumu Yokosuka - Open the Dream Gate Championship

We're finally into the good stuff now ! Both men gets the fans into things. Why does YAMATO do that ? He's a heel ! He finally remembers this and tells the fans to shut up. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Clean break from that. They lock hands and Susumu goes behind. YAMATO goes to the arm. Hammerlock from YAMATO and Susumu takes him down. YAMATO tries to use the hair, so Susumu switches to an STF, using the hair instead of a Chinlock. YAMATO gets a Headlock. Susumu takes YAMATO down with an Overhead Wristlock and then a Headlock. Susumu charges YAMATO and then some nice stuff from both men. This leads to a Front Facelock from Susumu. Both men now with chops. Susumu runs into a forearm. Clothesline sends YAMATO to the floor and Susumu gets the fans into this. Kick to the back from Susumu when YAMATO gets back into the ring and then Susumu chokes him. Snapmare and then a Chinlock from Susumu. YAMATO grabs the nose to break and then hits the ropes and runs into a Clothesline which the commentator wrongly calls Jumbo No Kachi. YAMATO is playing dead. HE GETS A TRIANGLE CHOKE !!! Susumu manages to get into the ropes and then heads for the floor. YAMATO goes out there to meet him and now he works over the arm on the floor. Right hands in the audience and then they brawl around ringside again. Susumu spits water in the face of YAMATO, but that doesn't buy him much time and they get back into the ring. Kick to the back and then the shoulder from YAMATO. Arm Ringer from YAMATO and then another. Hammerlock from YAMATO and then a Backbreaker. Hammerlock on the canvas from YAMATO. Hammerlock from YAMATO and then Susumu into the ropes again. YAMATO then kicks the top rope into the arm of Susumu and then clubs away at the back. Snapmare and then an Arm Bar from YAMATO. Susumu is going for the ropes. YAMATO really cranks the move in. YAMATO with a Hammerlock, but he uses his own leg for assistance. He goes to the eyes of Susumu and he has to break the hold. He then walks across the face of Susumu ! Ouch ! Kicks to the back of Susumu and then YAMATO bites the fingers of Susumu. More work on the arm of Susumu. Arm Breakers from YAMATO and then Susumu with a Sleeper Hold. YAMATO gets in the referee's face and hits a low blow, but Susumu with one of his own and both men are down. Exploder Suplex is blocked by YAMATO. Lariat. EXPLODER FROM SUSUMU !!! EXPLODER FROM YAMATO !!! SUSUMU !!! YAMATO !!! Both men are down after that exchange and it looks like we're going to be heading down the final stretch soon. YAMATO is first up. Susumu blocks YAMATO on the top rope. SUPER EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Susumu is having problems with the arm. He hasn't forgotten the injury~~~!!! YAMATO blocks a Lariat. Yakuza Kick to the arm from YAMATO. Running Forearm from YAMATO. Double Knee Breaker from Susumu and now he's back in the match. Figure Four Leglock from Susumu. YAMATO is going for the ropes but he is unable to get there on first attempt. He makes it on the second. Susumu is pleased with himself by the looks of things. Powerbomb attempt by Susumu doesn't go well. YAMATO COUNTERS A POWERBOMB INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE ... INTO THE FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM YAMATO !!! Susumu gets a foot on the ropes. YAMATO wants Susumu on his feet. Running Forearm in the corner and then to the top rope we go. SUPER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM SUSUMU !!! YAMATO IS BACK UP !!! Forearm exchange from both men. Forearms and Lariats. Roaring Elbow from YAMATO and then lefts and rights. BIG LARIAT FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! YAMATO has a small band of fans in the audience it seems. YAMATO charged into the corner. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM SUSUMU !!! He tries to get the fans behind him. Lariats aren't working for Susumu here. YAMATO with shots to the arm of Susumu. Kick to the arm. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ANOTHER BIG LARIAT FROM SUSUMU BUT HE CAN'T FOLLOW UP !!! MUGAN FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CHOKE SLEEPER FROM YAMATO TO ESCAPE THE MUGAN !!! SNAP RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM YAMATO !!! THE CHOKE SLEEPER AGAIN !!! SLEEPER SUPLEX FROM YAMATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM YAMATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GALLERIA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I do have to go high when I'm rating this match because the action was so crisp and it flew by, even when they seemed lost. The match had it's negatives though. As I just said, they seemed lost at times, but they recovered by just repeating an earlier spot in a way that made it work. There also didn't seem to be much in the way of drama, but I don't think the guys in the ring could help that. It was just that nobody bought a Susumu victory. This was still a very good match though. ****

It's now time for the big one.

BxB Hulk, Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi vs. Gamma, CIMA and Dragon Kid

We get BxB Hulk's full entrance, but only one dancer. With a small crowd, I guess it was all they could afford. WARRIOR-5 have cool entrance music. We're going to start the match with Yoshino and Dragon. Lockup and Yoshino goes to the arm. Dragon goes to the arm secondly and Yoshino does the same. Snapmare and that's countered. Dragon with a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag and then he hits the ropes and hits a nice Head Scissor Takedown. In comes Gamma. Kick to the back of the head and then right hands. Gamma into the ropes and he charges down Yoshino. Gamma then spits in the face and Hulk with a Dropkick. CIMA comes in. Hulk with a LOVELY Arm Drag but he misses a Dropkick. Kicks to the chest from CIMA. Snapmare. Corkscrew Standing Senton from Hulk and then he rakes at the face. Double Hiptoss on CIMA gets a two count for World-1. Arm Ringer from CIMA and in comes Dragon with a shot across the arm. Right hand and then he works over the arm and takes Doi down. Head Scissors from Doi and Dragon can't escape. Doi muscles Dragon into the corner where Yoshino is brought in. Dragon tries to power into his corner. CIMA drags them into the corner and in comes Gamma and CIMA. Double Back Elbow. WHEELBARROW/FRONT LUNGBLOWER FROM WARRIOR-5 !!! Senton Splashes from them gets a two count and then CIMA with a Chinlock on Yoshino. So much good stuff in this match to come. Modified Standing Surfboard from CIMA and he takes Yoshino down to his knees. Yoshino tries to escape again and he just can't do it. Yoshino does eventually take CIMA down with it and then in comes Doi. Kick to the arm from Doi. Arm Ringer from Doi and then he takes CIMA down to the knees. Hiptoss from CIMA to escape from that and in comes Gamma and this can't be good. Double Dropkick sends Doi down. In comes the other members of World-1. Stereo Back Drop Suplexes from Warrior-5 to World-1 and Hulk is left with Gamma who bites the eyes. CHRIST ! Gamma then to the corner and he is ready for the 10 punches. SWEET ANGEL'S KISS !!! YASS !!! I love that. Dropkick to the face is much more effective and back in comes Dragon. Snapmare and then the Double Knee Drop from Dragon gets a two count as Doi comes in and gets a cheap shot in there. Spin Kick to the chin from Dragon. That'll do it ! Into the corner and in comes CIMA. Hulk into the ropes and double kicks. Assisted Kick from Dragon. ASSISTED BACKFLIP TRIPLE DROPKICK FROM WARRIOR-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! I love that move. Gamma into the ring now and he slaps Hulk. He takes down Hulk. Gamma now has a kendo stick. TOP ROPE KENDO STICK RIGHT TO THE FUCKING BALLS !!! HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD !!! Gamma mocks Hulk from the apron. That was amazing. Hulk into the ropes. He attempts a kicking comeback. Spin Kick on CIMA. ROCK BOTTOM ON GAMMA !!! DRAGON KID JUMPS INTO A DROPKICK AND IN COMES DOI !!! Kendo Stick to the chest from Gamma. Gamma misses shots with the stick. Doi with some mocking shots with the stick. This is absolutely amazing. Back Drop Suplex from Doi and how can you NOT love this. In comes Yoshino and Dragon. Dragon into the apron. SPRINGBOARD FLIP STUNNER FROM DRAGON !!! SUPLEX COUNTERED INTO A STUNNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Yoshino counters a Rana, but Dragon hits one. 619 misses. Powerbomb from Yoshino drops Dragon. Doi is in there now with Dragon. Doi then chokes Dragon in the corner. Forearms from both men now. Dragon into the ropes. He runs into a Back Elbow and that gets a two count. Yoshino to the top rope and he drops a Double Axe handle on the arm and now World-1 do their business on the arm. Double Stomp to the arm from Yoshino. Doi then goes and gets a cheap shot in there. Dragon into the ropes. Double Back Elbow. Drop Toe Hold/Basement Dropkick combo nicely done by the Muscle Outlaws. Spin Kick to the head from Hulk when he gets into the ring. Abdominal Stretch from Hulk and then he grabs a leg. Dragon gets into the ropes and Hulk then with a Body Slam. Standing Senton Bomb gets a two count and then in come the Muscle Outlaws. Dragon into the corner. Shoulder Block/Running Forearm combo. DOI WITH THE ELEVATED SENTON BOMB ON DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kick to the back from Hulk and then Dragon comes back with shots. Forearms from both men now. Dragon into the ropes. He runs. SIDEWALK SLAM/DOUBLE STOMP COMBO FROM WORLD-1 !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon tries to come back into the match. LEAPING RANA FROM DRAGON !!! He tags CIMA into the ring and he goes after Hulk. CIMA runs into a boot. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FACE FROM CIMA !!! INDIAN DEATHLOCK SUPLEX COMBO AND A DROPKICK FROM GAMMA !!! DEJA VU ON YOSHINO FROM DRAGON !!! Doi is in there now. BERMUDA TRIANGLE ON YOSHINO !!! Gamma and Doi are in the ring. Forearms from Doi and he is firing like a b*****d ! Kick to the head from Gamma. He hits the ropes. HE RUNS INTO DOI 555 ... countered. Gamma with a Dropkick. POWERBOMB FROM GAMMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Yoshino breaks up the Crucifix Bomb attempt. 3D FROM WORLD-1 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... CIMA SAVES !!! Chop on Yoshino. Palm Strike misses. TORNEO FROM YOSHINO !!! Back into the ring. Running Dropkick. HE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE SLING BLADE !!! FROM JUNGLE FROM YOSHINO !!! JESUS FROM DRAGON !!! YOSHINO AND DRAGON EXCHANGE CHOPS IN THAT POSITION !!! In comes Doi and Hulk. Running Back Elbows. Double Knees from CIMA. This is too much. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... YOSHINO BREAKS IT !!! CIMA then Yoshino in the Tree of Woe. BASEMENT DROPKICK !!! HE MISSES THE COAST 2 COAST !!! FRONT DROPKICK/SENTON FROM YOSHINO !!! Dragon stopped up top. SUPER RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DOI !!! MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dropkick on Doi. Double Superkick on Yoshino. PERFECT DRIVER ON YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon Kid to the top rope. TWO TOP ROPE DROPKICKS FROM WARRIOR-5 !!! SCHWEIN ON YOSHINO !!! CIMA MISSES THE KNEES !!! SLIDING KICK AND CRUCIFIX FROM WORLD-1 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Superkick from CIMA. MOUSE FROM HULK !!! EVO ON CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Slam from Hulk and he heads for the top rope. Gamma stops him. DRAGON KID WITH THE SUPER RANA OFF OF THE SHOULDERS OF CIMA ... stopped. Missile Dropkick from Hulk. CIMA up top. SUPER REVERSE RANA !!! GAMMA FUCKING SPIKES HIM !!! ULTRA RANA FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! WHOA !!! The audience is loving this, as am I. Dragon signals for the end. DRAGON RANA ... avoided. BIBLE FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LIGHTNING SPIRAL FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... GAMMA MAKES THE SAVE !!! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH !!! Gamma into the corner. CIMA stops Yoshino going to the top rope. Gamma goes up there. Doi is now in there. POWERBOMB/SLING BLADE COMBO FROM MUSCLE OUTLAWS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hulk with a series. BASEMENT SUPERKICK FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hulk onto the apron. DOI 555 ON GAMMA !!! THE SLIDING KICK FROM DOI !!! LIGHTNING SPIRAL ON GAMMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THIS ?!?!?!?!?! TORBELLINO FROM YOSHINO !!! SOL NACIENTE FROM YOSHINO !!! COME ON WARRIOR-5 !!! DRAGON KID TRIES TO MAKE THE SAVE !!! HULK IS IN !!! CIMA INTO THE RING !!! HE HAS BEEN STOPPED !!! GAMMA IS STILL IN THE FINISH AND THIS COULD BE OVER SOON !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That was just so good. Words can't describe what happens when a six man tag goes so perfectly with these guys. It reminds me of the first six man that happened in ROH with just how the whole thing just flew by, but this was even better mainly because of the fact that the control segments for each faction were just so much better. Some inventiveness and they STILL manage to be innovative. *****



This is worth getting for the main event alone, which is probably an early contender for match of the decade. It's hard to find the words. There's also a fun hardcore match and a good semi-main event.

Seems like as good a time as any to introduce the 2010 Match of the Year list for me. Now, the lack of TNA is not deliberate. I'll be adding that stuff in the near future as I've only done a PBP on Lockdown.

Gamma, CIMA and Dragon Kid vs. Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi and BxB Hulk - Dragon Gate USA Mercury Rising ( ***** )

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Wrestlemania XXVI ( ***** )

Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino vs. Dragon Kid and Shingo Takagi - Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight ( ***** )

Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2010 ( ****3/4 )

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Extreme Rules 2010 ( ****1/2 )

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Lockdown 2010 ( ****1/2 )

Prince Devitt Jr. vs. Naomichi Marufuji - NJPW 2010 ( ****1/2 )

John Cena vs. Batista, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Extreme Rules 2010 ( ****1/2 )

Generation Next Match - Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight ( ****1/2 )

Batista vs. John Cena - WWE Wrestlemania XXIV ( ****1/4 )

Sheamus vs. Triple H, Street Fight - WWE Extreme Rules 2010 ( **** )

The Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Triple H and Shawn Michaels - WWE RAW 04/01/2010 ( **** )

YAMATO vs. Susumu Yokosuka - Dragon Gate USA Mercury Rising ( **** )

YAMATO vs. Davey Richards - Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight ( ***3/4 )

Edge vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Wrestlemania XXIV ( ***1/2 )

YAMATO vs. Gran Akuma vs. BxB Hulk vs. CIMA - Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight ( ***1/2 )

Edited by DomDom
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Why can't I find RAW on any torrent sites ??? Anyone found it anywhere? It's usually up pretty earlyish.

It's on YouTube.

I had a dream Chris Benoit tried to kill me last night. sad.gif

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