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Mo Wonderboy

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Totally agree about Cole and Brian.

I really, really dislike Cole but he was excellent last night. Turning a guy I dislike heel worked wonders with Batista (who I'm quite sad to see go now) hopefully it'd do the same for wee Coley.

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The reason Cole works so well is because of his weaselish voice. He can't be likeable. However, make him dislikeable and all of a sudden you have a brilliant heel talker.

Some guys just excel in the heel role and Batista was another one. Especially when it came to cutting promos.

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The reason Cole works so well is because of his weaselish voice. He can't be likeable. However, make him dislikeable and all of a sudden you have a brilliant heel talker.

Some guys just excel in the heel role and Batista was another one. Especially when it came to cutting promos.

Yep, natural heels make the best heels. Edge, Miz and Batista are the best examples.

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ROH Scramble Madness

ROH head outside of Philly for a second time to head for the Boston area.

Jay Briscoe and The Amazing Red vs. Christopher Daniels and Mark Briscoe ( ***1/2 )

Mace vs. Alexis Laree ( DUD )

Jeremy Lopez vs. Xavier ( **3/4 )

Tony Mamaluke and Matt Thompson vs. Da Hit Squad ( ** )

Izzy, Joey, Slim J, Deranged and Angel Dust vs. Divine Storm, The SAT and The Amazing Red, Scramble Match ( ****1/4 )

Dunn and Marcos vs. Samoa Joe ( N/A )

Rudy Boy Gonzalez and Paul London vs. Michael Shane and Biohazard, Street Fight ( DUD )

The Carnage Crew vs. Don Juan, Fast Eddie and Alex Arion ( *1/2 )

Samoa Joe vs. Homicide ( ***1/2 )

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels ( ***3/4 )

American Dragon vs. Doug Williams, 30 Minute Iron Man Match ( ****1/2 )

Jay Briscoe and The Amazing Red vs. Christopher Daniels and Mark Briscoe

THIS is an opening match ? Quality. Mark attacks Jay before the bell and we're off. Chops in the corner from Mark. Jay comes back and lands some choppage. Mark then sends Jay into the corner and hits more. Mark gets over Jay and then Jay with more chops. Spinning Heel Kick from Mark. Yakuza Kick from Jay and in comes Red. There is a small matter between Red and Mark which gets brought up by the commentators. Red into the ropes and he charges down. Red and Mark with reversals early and then Red runs into a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and into the corner they go and Daniels is in the ring. Daniels with a beatdown on Red in the corner. Forearms from Daniels and then he charges him down. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Red. Nice Dropkick from Red and then the Climbing Kick gets a one count. Jay comes into the ring and a right hand to the gut and then the face. Daniels into the ropes and a Dropkick from Jay gets a two count. Rake to the eyes from Daniels and in comes Mark and some reversing from both men. Shot to the back of the head from Mark and a Sleeper Hold. Ankle Lock with the Leg Grapevine and Jay gets out with a kick. Mark then goes to another Leg Grapevine. STF then follows that. Knee to the stomach and then Jay with an STF of his own. Daniels comes in and breaks the move so Jay attacks him from behind. Red into the ring. HART ATTACK/FLATLINER FROM THE RED/JAY COMBO !!! Daniels comes in and sends Red to the floor and throws him into a chair. He then drops him on the railing. Back into the ring they go. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Mark and then he tags Daniels into the match. Red into the ropes and a Clothesline from Daniels. Red then thrown to the floor again. Forearms from Mark and then into the ring they go again. Gutwrench Suplex from Daniels and then in comes Mark and he unloads with a Body Slam and then a Knee Drop. That gets a two count. Red into the ropes and a Double Hiptoss and then nice sequenced tag team wrestling gets a two count. Mark then chokes Red over the middle rope. He then does it again. Mark then a Back Drop Suplex gets a two count. Daniels comes into the ring again. Fireman's Carry Slam and then a Half Crab from Daniels. Daniels spits at Jay and then they do a blind non-tag. Red tries to get into the ropes but fails. BRUTAL Half Crab then from Mark, almost in the style of a Lion Tamer. Daniels comes into the ring and gets caught in a Small Package but it's behind the back of the referee. Daniels kicks out and lands a Back Elbow before the ref turns around. Body Slam and then Mark is tagged back into the ring. Body Slam and then Daniels comes in and a Back Drop Suplex from Daniels. Mark with the same move and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then an Arm Bar from Mark. He then breaks and gets a two count and he brings Daniels back into the match and he hits right hands. Standing Rock Bottom from Daniels and we now know what's coming. BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Daniels knocks Jay off of the apron and Mark onto the apron. MARK WITH THE SPRINGBOARD SUPER ACE CRUSHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Daniels then chokes Red. Red gets over Daniels, but Daniels catches him. TILT-A-WHIRL REVERSE DDT FROM RED !!! Red is going the wrong way. HE CRAWLS RIGHT INTO A JACKNIFE POWERBOMB FROM MARK !!! LEAPING RANA OFF THE SECOND FROM RED !!! Jay comes into the ring and Daniels into a Back Body Drop and a Spinning Heel Kick and a Clothesline. Sitdown Front Suplex from Jay and that gets a two count. FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL DDT ON MARK WHEN HE COMES IN !!! HOLY SHIT !!! JAY DRILLER ... Daniels breaks with the Enziguri. Cactus Clothesline sends Mark and Jay to the floor as Red tagged in. HURRICANE KICK FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CODE RED FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner. Daniels runs into a boot. DANIELS WITH THE LAST RITES ON RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was solid as f**k tag team wresling there. All four men seemed to be doing it almost slow WWE style with so many of the wee cheap tactics. They don't even usually do the non-tags in ROH, but they did it here. It, once again, showed a real change in pace for an ROH show. Jay and Mark did some awesome counters. Daniels is a pure tag team specialist if not anything else too. ***1/2

Mace vs. Alexis Laree

If there's one good thing about Rob Feinstein not booking ROH, it's that we don't need to watch shite like this. Mace then shoves Laree down. Laree slaps down Mace. Right hands from Mace. Laree with a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then a Dropkick. Mace on the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM LAREE !!! She continues her beating. If we keep this going, it will just be a fun squash. Back into the ring. Kicks to the stomach from Laree and then Laree into the corner. Lariat in the corner from Mace. Laree makes a comeback, but gets clubbed back down. Suplex from Mace. Mace then clubs down on Laree. Kick to the stomach and then a Body Slam. Mace then crawls along Laree. TESTICULAR CLAW FROM LAREE !!! Manattan Drop from Laree. LEAPING DDT ... botched. It gets a three.

Mace got too much control and the finish was botched. DUD

Jeremy Lopez vs. Xavier - Non-Title Match

Xavier goes behind and gets taken down by Lopez. Xavier with a Hammerlock and then he grabs another arm. Lopez tries to flip out and fails. Xavier drops him on the canvas while still holding onto the arm. Arm Bar from Xavier. Xavier into the ropes and then he hits a Hiptoss. Lopez into the ropes and he lands an Arm Drag and then anothr. Dropkick from Lopez. Xavier into the ropes and Lopez misses a Dropkick. Running Knee to the chest gets a two count for Xavier. Knee to the head from Xavier and then more chops. Shoulder Blocks and then knees from Xavier. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Xavier and that gets a two count. Xavier jawjacks with the crowd and then hits a Forearm and then Lopez hits a Roaring Forearm. Kick to the stomach but that offense doesn't last long. Hanging Vertical Suplex gets a two count for Xavier. Chinlock from Xavier. The fans are getting behind Lopez. Lopez fights out but then gets taken down by the hair. Backbreaker from Xavier and that gets a two count. Lopez fights back but Luscious sweeps him and gets kneed to the floor. Xavier continues his assault on the floor and sends Lopez into the railing. Xavier then runs Lopez into the ringpost and then back into the ring. Knee Drop from Xavier and a stomp to the back. Torture Rack Slam from Xavier and that gets a two count. Lopez goes right into the Ankle Lock and Xavier gets into the bottom rope. Running Knee to the head from Xavier. Backbreaker from Xavier and then he stretches the back over the knee. Lopez comes back. Kick to the head and a Neckbreaker from Lopez and that gets a two count. Xavier into the corner and then he sets Lopez on the top rope. Tornado DDT over the top rope and then a Missile Dropkick to the back of the head gets a two count. Head first into the corner and then Lopez into the corner. TORNADO DOUBLE ARM DDT ON LOPEZ INTO THE GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Xavier runs into a boot. XAVIER WITH THE TKO FACEBREAKER !!! COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! X-BREAKER ... COUNTERED INTO THE CROSS ARM IMPLANT DDT ON XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Xavier and Lopez with counters. X-BREAKER FROM XAVIER !!! 450 SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Much better than the standard Xavier match as it had incredibly well timed Lopez comebacks and it was clear that Lopez actually did a great job of carrying this match. Xavier looked a lot more sure of himself as a result. Still not a great match, but it was very decent. **3/4

Tony Mamaluke and Matt Thompson vs. Da Hit Squad

Thompson is a big lanky guy. Matt does a bit of Mafia mocking. That probably wasn't the best idea. Tony is going to open the match with Mack. Tony doesn't seem to want to lockup and Mack just stalks him untill Tony takes him down. Tony grabs a leg and gets the Leg Grapevine. Mack then gets out easily using power and slaps him around a bit. Tony pushes Mack and isn't really happy. Headlock from Tony. Matt with a Springboard Cross Body from the blind tag. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scisscors from Matt. Clotheslines don't work. He botches something or other and then runs into a Clothesline. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Mack. Tony wants back into the ring and he's in there with Mafia. BOOTSCRAPES AND A SAMOAN WRECKING BALL AND A CANNONBALL FROM MAFIA !!! ONE ! TWO ! MATT SAVES !!! Tony took quite the beating there and in comes Mack. Double Shoulder Block from Da Hit Squad gets a two count. Forearms from Mack and back in comes Mafia. Mafia with a chop. Quick chops from Da Hit Squad. LARIAT/WHEELBARROW SUPLEX COMBO FROM DA HIT SQUAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! MATT SAVES !!! Gorilla Press into a Fallaway Slam from Mack. Matt breaks another count. Body Slam from Mafia and then he gets the fans behind him for a Huss Elbow Drop. Well, he tries. Chop in the corner from Mafia. Mafia then with another chop. Dropkick from Mack. Tony gets onto the apron. Matt comes off the apron with a Clothesline on Mack when he goes out there and taunts. Tony with a Baseball Slide. Matt then goes back out there and throws him back into the ring and Tony with right hands. Tony to the top rope. TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM TONY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM TONY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM TONY !!! Matt gets tagged in to a HUGE pop. Chops on Matt. Big Boot from Matt. LOVELY SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Mafia into the ropes. DRAGON SLEEPER ON MAFIA !!! Spinning Heel Kick knocks down Mafia but he crotches Matt on top. GUILLOTINE CHOKE ON MACK !!! BURNING HAMMER ON MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A hell of a sloppy opening to the match thanks to Matt Thompson's inexperience. It's understandable but he shouldn't have been in there. He did add some humour and some right nuttiness to the match though. His Moonsault was a joy to behold. Da Hit Squad were their usual ass kicking fun selves. **

Izzy, Joey, Slim J, Deranged and Angel Dust vs. Divine Storm, The SAT and The Amazing Red, Scramble Match

This is the match that the show is named after, so it's either going to be absolutely great fun, or it's gonna be one of the worst botchfests that you're ever gonna see. We open with Jose and Deranged in the ring. They lockup and a Hammerlock from Jose and he gets taken down. Chinlock from Deranged and both guys with counters to moves. Cross Armbreaker from Jose and Deraged escapes and goes to the Headlock and gets one of his own. Into the ropes and charged down goes Deranged. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag from Deranged. Jose then with chops. Deranged turns into a Sleeper Hold as we have our first botch of the night, and Jose gets into the ropes. Right hands from Deranged. Snap Powerslam from Jose and then he leaves the ring as does Jose. In come Slim and Red. Arm Bar from Slim when he blocks an Arm Drag. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM RED !!! Slim gets the hell out of there and in come Joel and Izzy. Running Rana from Izzy and then kicks. Rana from Izzy again. Fireman's Carry Slam from Joel. Kick to the back of the head from Joel. Deranged onto the apron and he gets kicked off. In come Divine and Dust. Some more counters and this is madness. Wheelbarrow Arm Drags. Rana from Dust. Divine onto the apron. Missile Dropkick and in comes Storm and Joey. Headlock from Joey. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Joey. Joey keeps the hair and takes him down again. Joey holds onto the ropes and runs into Elbow Strikes. Kicks from Joey and then he sends Storm out. Special K in the ring. STEREO FIVE MAN SUICIDE DIVES AND SPRINGBOARD PLANCHAS FROM SPECIAL K !!! Okay, that was cool. Deranged and Joel into the ring. BRUTAL Lariat on Deranged. AMAZING TRIPLE TEAMING FROM THE SAT/RED COMBO !!! Red is now in there with Deranged. Right hand from Red. Deranged hit with chops. High Knee from Red and that gets a two count. Into the corner and in comes Storm. He sends Deranged into the corner and a Tree of Woe. BASEMENT DROPKICKS FROM EVERYONE !!! ALL FOUR MEN AT THE SAME TIME !!! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Divine with a Snapmare and a kick to the back. BRAINBUSTER FROM DIVINE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Divine. DERANGED WITH A SWINGING DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Joey now tagged back into the match and a kick to the stomach. Right hand exchange. High Cross Body gets a two count for Divine, and then Joey with a big Clothesline. Joey seems to be the best thing in Special K from a character standpoint. STEREO HIGH KICKS ON DIVINE !!! Elbow Drops from everyone. Joey with the Wind Up Elbow Drop. Angel into the ring. He slams Dust down. That gets a two count and Slim comes in. DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD DRAGON RANA FROM SLIM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RED ALERT FROM RED !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Izzy comes in with his Backflip. Jose and Deranged. Deranged with the Reverse DDT. WHAT A LIGER BOMB FROM JOEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Reverse DDT and that gets a two count as in comes Storm. ROARING ELBOW !!! THE SPINAL SHOCK ON JOEY !!! SUPERKICK FROM ANGEL !!! Angel then heads up and Divine stops him up there. People climbing up the ropes. RED WITH THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA !!! FOUR SUPER BOMBS OFF THE TOP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! This is just mental. Low blows all round from Joey. Slim up top. Everyone up top. STEREO MOONSAULTS FROM SPECIAL K !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Red comes in with the Springboard Dropkick. RED STAR PRESS ... MISSES !!! DERANGED MISSES !!! Running Rana from Deranged to Red. HUUUUGE SPINEBUSTER FROM RED !!! Slim and Red in there. 718 !!! That hit HARD. STORM CRADLE DRIVER FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... IZZY SAVES !!! SPINNING GORY BOMB FROM DIVINE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Divine to the floor. POWERBOMBS FROM JOEL !!! THIS IS FUCKING MAD !!! MAXIMO EXPLOSION !!! DOOMSDAY DDT ON ANGEL !!! RED TO THE TOP WITH THE INFRA RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was absolutely crazy and deserved the standing ovation that it got. All ten men botched some stuff, but there was so much in that half an hour of madness that you just couldn't help but love it regardless. If it weren't for the botched spots, this might have been a much higher rating. As it stands, it's still bloody good, and a high end of this rating. ****1/4

Dunn and Marcos vs. Samoa Joe

Dunn and Marcos send Joe into the ropes and he slaps them. They can't take him down. Kicks and then the work away. Double Chop and that doesn't work. Joe goes to work. YAKUZA KICK ON MARCOS !!! Snap Powerslam on Marcos and Dunn makes the save. Marcos with right hands. HUGE chops from Joe. Blind Clothesline. Nice move from Joe drops him on his face. Kicks to the chest of Dunn. ISLAND DRIVER FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Squash match. No rating required. N/A

Rudy Boy Gonzalez and Paul London vs. Michael Shane and Biohazard, Street Fight

Hazard and Shane attack from the start on the floor. London gets sent through a railing. Shane with a kick to the leg. Rudy sends Hazard through a railing. Right hands from Shane to London. Into the ring with Shane and London. Right hands from Shane and London. Rudy slaps Hazard on the floor. Head first into the ringpost. London gets over Shane and then gets an Arm Drag. Baseball Slide from London. London wants to dive but gets sweeped by Hazard. Chair to the back of Hazard from Rudy. Chair into the ring and Rudy and London are in there with Shane. Double Flapjack from London and Rudy and then an Assisted Moonsault gets a two count. Shane gets the hell out of there. Rudy fakes a Suicide Dive. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM LONDON !!! Rake of the face on the top rope. London with a Standing Moonsault on the floor and in there are Rudy and Shane. Flying Clothesline from Rudy to Shane. RUDY WITH A TARANTULA ON SHANE !!! BIOHAZARD TAKES OUT AN ENTIRE CORNER OF RAILING !!! Back into the ring with London. Shane and Rudy brawling on the floor. DDT ONTO A RAILING ON THE FLOOR FROM SHANE TO RUDY !!! Back in the ring where Hazard is in control of London. London is sat on a chair. Rolling Neck Snap from Hazard to London on there. Chair across the back of Rudy. Hazard misses a charge. Shane bites the head of Rudy. London gets crotched on the top rope. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX ... COUNTERED BY LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON LONDON FROM HAZARD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! London to the floor. Is he looking for something ? Hazard wants ladders. He has one. He bridges it over the corners of the railing. That looks rather messy. Head first into the post goes Hazard and London wanted nothing to do with that. London bridges the railing and the apron. Shane with a Body Slam for a two count. Hazard kicks the ladder and London crotched. RUDY SENDS SHANE OFF THE TOP ROPE AND THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Rudy has Hazard with a baseball slide. Rudy now brings the ladder into the ring. Hazard comes back with a right hand. FISHERMAN SUPLEX ONTO THE LADDER FROM HAZARD !!! HAZARD WITH THE SWANTON BOMB ON RUDY ON THE LADDER !!! London now brings a chair into the match again. STANDING MOONSAULT FROM LONDON ONTO HAZARD WITH THE CHAIR !!! Body Slam from London. He heas for the top rope and Shane stops him. Shane sent down. SUPERKICK ON SHANE !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rudy into the match. SUPERKICK ON RUDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shane sent over the top rope. SUPER BOMB FROM RUDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a big of a nightmare to sit through. Plenty of big spots and action, but it was possibly the most disjointed match in the early days of ROH. I had to stop watching three times just to keep myself in check. Horrible. DUD

The Carnage Crew vs. Don Juan, Fast Eddie and Alex Arion

Headlock from Eddie and he knocks down Masada. Monkey Flip and Masada lands on his feet. Eddie with a Rana and a Dropkick. Arm Drag and Arm Bar from Eddie. In comes Juan with a Double Back Body Drop. In comes Arion with a Dropkick too. TCC to the floor. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM EDDIE ONTO THE CARNAGE CREW !!! Vito comes in to see Arion. Jabs and a Dropkick from Vito. Arion into the ropes and a Double Spinebuster and then a Double Boston Crab. BRUTAL Dropkick from Masada with that move still in. Right hand from Loc and then a chop. Arion gets over Loc and then a Dropkick and in comes Juan. Flying Forearm from Juan and a Dropkick. Leg Drop from Juan and then he goes to the other members. SAITO SUPLEX FROM LOC !!! Into the corner and in comes Masada. Juan into the ropes. HEAD DROP POWERBOMB FROM MASADA !!! In comes Vito with Short Arm Clotheslines. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM VITO !!! Chops from Loc and then Juan with forearms. Knee 2 Face and a Neckbreaker gets a two count for Loc. Loc then sets Juan on the top rope. In comes Vito. Loc sent in and then Vito. Chop from Vito. SUPERPLEX FROM VITO !!! TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM MASADA !!! Vito heads up. MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! The Carnage Crew come in and Arion is cleaning house. Spinebuster on Vito gets a two count. Masada then gets crotched on the top rope. SWINGING DDT ON LOC !!! SPRING UP RANA FROM EDDIE !!! ARION WITH THE BIG SPLASH !!! CHAIR TO ARION BEHIND THE BACK OF THE REF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Arion into the ropes and he gets under Eddie. Springboard Dropkick from Eddie, but Masada back into the ring. SUPER SPIKE PILEDRIVER ON EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was messy as f**k, but The Carnage Crew heat segment was fun stuff as they just handed out the brutality. There's also nothing likeable about these heels. They're all p***ks, they don't have much charisma so you can't love their amazing character, and they wrestle like they don't give a f**k. Eddie did a wee bit to shine from the babyface but they were not good enough in general. *1/2

Samoa Joe vs. Homicide

They go face to face. Joe wants to take out Homicide for what he did to Steve Corino. Homicide tries for a takedown as does Joe. Joe goes to the arm. Arm Ringer from Homicide. Front Facelock from Joe. Homicide with the escape. Arm Ringer again from Joe. Into the corner they go and a clean break. They lock hands. Joe with forearms and then headbutts. Kicks to the chest from Joe and then he rips at the face. Back Elbow from Joe. Joe then bites the face of Homicide. Joe kicks down Homicide. BOOTSCRAPES FROM JOE ... THE FACEWASH !!! ONE MORE TIME !!! European Uppercuts from Joe and then he goes after the eye. Homicide with a Running Forearm. Homicide with the Drop Toe Hold and tries for the STF and Joe bails out. HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO !!! Homicide gets into the ring. Into the ring and Homicide with chops and Joe with slaps. Homicide goes to the eye of Joe. Running Knee to the head from Homicide. Running Knee a second time. Homicide with more chopping. BRUTAL S-T-JOE TO A RUNNING HOMICIDE !!! Joe goes out and sends Homicide through the railing. I love the visuals of the old railing with people getting thrown into them. Joe gets sent into the railing too. Kick to the back of the head from Joe and back into the ring they go. BRUTAL DRAGON SUPLEX LANDS HOMICIDE RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Joe wanted a Tornado DDT. SUPER RANA FROM HOMICIDE !!! Northern Lariat and a big one from the front gets a two count. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM JOE !!! BRUTAL LARIAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BACK DROP DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Brutal kick to the face from Homicide. POWERBOMB FROM JOE INTO THE STF !!! INTO THE CHOKE !!! HOMICIDE INTO THE ROPES !!! Slaps from both men. Forearms from Joe. HOMICIDE WITH A ROLL UP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking battle between these guys. They unloaded on each other with big strikes and big moves. I don't quite get the early exchanges. There was no heat in them at all which was stupid considering that they didn't like each other. The not liking each other was made pretty clear by what followed those exchanges though. ***1/2

AJ Styles © vs. Christopher Daniels - #1 Contender's Trophy

It is impossible for these two guys to have a bad match with each other. Daniels gets on the back of the fans. "She's got herpes !" chant is aimed at Simply Luscious at ringside. Lockup and a Headlock from Styles. Styles holds onto the Headlock. Styles into the ropes and he charges down Daniels. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Styles. Daniels escapes and then gets an Arm Drag and an Overhead Wristlock. Styles takes down Daniels and then gets a Side Headlock. Daniels then goes to the arm and gets an Arm Bar. Arm Ringer from Daniels and then another Arm Drag and Arm Bar. Another pair of Arm Drags and then a chop. Styles with a lovely Arm Drag. Both men collide in the air. Spin Kick knocks down Daniels and that gets a two count. Daniels into the ropes and the Dropkick from Styles. Swinging Neckbreaker gets another two count for Styles. MONKEY FLIP SENDS STYLES INTO THE BUCKLES !!! Luscious onto the apron and she distracts the ref. Daniels drops Styles onto the railing. Daniels then charges Styles into the apron. Styles jumps over the railing and then Daniels runs into a Superkick. Kick to the chest from Styles and then he drops Daniels on the railing. Back into the ring and that gets a two count. The Stroke from Styles and then he locks in the Muta Lock. Inverted Muta Lock from Styles. Daniels manages to escape from that. Chinlock from Styles. Back Drop Facedrop from Styles. Daniels then crotches off of the top rope and then in one movement brings him into a DDT. That's pretty nice. Body Slam from Daniels. Another Body Slam from Daniels. Another Body Slam and this methodical approach from both men isn't working. Rolling Neck Snap from Daniels gets a two count. Suplex into the Neckbreaker from Styles is countered, and Daniels with a Running Forearm gets a two count. Daniels then chokes Styles, but then Styles chokes back. Both guys bring the chops and Daniels goes to the eyes. Back Drop Suplex from Daniels. The Final Cut from Daniels and that also gets a two count. Standing Rock Bottom from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER ... misses. Flatliner from Daniels helps things though and that gets a two count. SUPLEX INTO THE NECKBREAKER FROM DANIELS !!! Styles with a big right hand. DISCUS LARIAT FROM STYLES !!! BRAINBUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearms from Styles. STYLES HANDSPRINGS INTO DANIELS WHO HITS THE BLUE THUNDER BOMB !!! STO from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Daniels : "If I wanted crap from you I'd scrape your tongue !". Counter exchange leads to Daniels hitting a Reverse DDT for a two count. Backslide gets two for Daniels. Pinfalls from both men. STYLES GETS THE STYLES CLASH AT THE END OF A GREAT EXCHANGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I'd hate to think how good this match could have been if these two guys knew how to work a non-spectacular methodical style of match. The first half of the match was very solid, but they didn't do enough to engage the crowd, and then they went and had a belting second half with both men countering all of the trademark moves. A good match. Could have been amazing. ***3/4

American Dragon vs. Doug Williams, 30 Minute Iron Man Match

Williams can't shake hands and he pleads his case. Dragon sympathises and nods his head. They lock hands. Dragon goes for a Chinlock and Williams goes to the leg. Williams then stretches the legs of Dragon and then kicks him down when he tries to escape. Dragon sends Williams to the floor to escape. Slingshot School Boy gets a two count for Williams. They lock hands again but then break. Overhead Wristlock from Williams. Williams takes down Dragon and works on the arm. Roll through and then a modified Hammerlock. Dragon rolls out and gets a School Boy for a two count. They lock hands and Dragon with a Drop Toe Hold and then he locks the legs. He goes for an STF. He chooses to lock in the Indian Deathlock instead. Muta Lock from Dragon. Williams with elbow strikes to escape from that. Dragon with the takedown and then he has the leg. Dragon works on the leg and then has Williams tied up. Williams escapes and has a strange submission in and Dragon gets into the ropes. Lockup and Dragon with the takedown and he twists the leg. Williams with a nice escape into a whip and then a Clothesline. They then lock hands and then a Headlock from Williams. Dragon gets out and goes to the arms again. Arm Ringer from Dragon and then he takes down Williams. Leg Drop on the arm from Dragon and then he twists the arm with his legs. He then goes to a Side Headlock. They collide in the middle of the ring and the fans like that. They then lock hands and Dragon tries a takedown and then gets a Headlock. Cravat from Dragon. Snapmare from Dragon and then Williams manages to roll out and then Dragon just gets right back into the move. Dragon tries to do something to escape and fails miserably. Another takedown from Dragon and that DOES break. Lockup and a Headlock from Williams. Dragon into the ropes and a Drop Toe Hold from Dragon and then a Front Facelock and a pair of Hiptosses from Williams. Dragon counters a third one and hits one of his own and then lands a European Uppercut and chops. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Dragon. Head Scissor counter from Williams. Dragon tries to bridge out of the move. Dragon escapes into a Side Headlock on Williams. Williams and Dragon exchange counters and Williams then gets into the ropes. Magnificent wrestling between these two guys. Japanese Strangehold from Williams and Dragon throws him over to counter. Dragon gets over Williams and a STUNNING Boston Crab counter from Dragon. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Dragon. Dragon then tries to stretch the wrists. Side Headlock and palm strikes from Dragon. Williams does what he can to break. Knees to the back from Williams. Headlock from Dragon. Then an Overhead Wristlock and then they take it back to the mat. Sleeper Hold with a choke from Dragon. Dragon with a Double Knee Surfboard and then a Crucifix and that gets a two count. Elbow Strike from Dragon. European Uppercut from Dragon. Headbutt from Dragon and then they really unload with the strikes. Neck chops from Dragon. He then walks across the neck of Williams. Cravat from Dragon. 15 minutes are gone. Snapmare and an Elbow Drop gets a two count. Williams into the ropes and a Running Back Elbow from Dragon and then he chokes Williams across the middle rope. Slap seems to wake up Williams. Backslide gets a two count for Williams. Gory Special and then he runs Dragon into the corner. Dragon does the same to Williams. Hanging European Uppercut from Dragon and to the top they go. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Williams into the corner and a Running Forearm. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Dragon. Counters from both men now. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX AGAIN FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! American Dragon 1-0 Doug Williams.

Dragon goes for it again. CATTLE MUTILATION ... COUNTERED INTO A REVERSE SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! European Uppercuts from both men now. Forearms from both men. Williams sends down Dragon. Running Forearm sends Dragon to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM WILLIAMS !!! Back into the ring they go. Forearms from Williams and then into the ropes. High Knee from Williams. Running Knee Strike gets a two count for Williams. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM WILLIAMS !!! Cobra Clutch from Williams. SWINGING COBRA CLUTCH DROP FROM WILLIAMS !!! European Uppercuts from Williams. ROARING ELBOW FROM DRAGON !!! Snap Suplex ... FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Waistlock sees both men end up on the floor. Both men onto the apron and then they fight. Williams seems to be set for Dragon on the top. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX ... COUNTERED BY WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! VICTORY ROLL FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! 25 minute mark has passed. REVOLUTION DDT FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CHAOS THEORY FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon just can't be kept down here ! Forearms to the back of the head. Body Slam from Williams and he heads up top. BOMBSCARE KNEE DROP FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM WILLIAMS !!! CHAOS THEORY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DRAGON IS IN THE ROPES !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon somehow works his way back into the match. Dropkick to the back of the head from Dragon. European Uppercuts from Dragon. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WILLIAMS WITH A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM WILLIAMS !!! TIME EXPIRES !!!

American Dragon 1-0 Doug Williams

That was a stunning example of mat and counter wrestling from both men there. The one thing that stops it becoming a pure classic is the lack of emotion coming from it. If this was Danielson of now, this would have been hitting the top two ratings, but it was close. ****1/2

MANY matches over ***1/2. One match which is one of the absolute best mat matches you'll see, and one which IS the best spotfest you'll see, and certainly the craziest. Once again a lot of crap takes up the middle of the card, but it's well worth it.

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Enjoyed TNA this week.

I think they are pushing Anderson face which I would like to see. His match with AJ was nothing special but what can you expect in a 10, if that, minute match on impact really.

Matt Morgan is a fanny, not by any means a fan of this schizophreniac or whatever you call it gimick but a gimick's a gimick. But he totally fucked it up after Angle told him that he beat him last time they wrestled. "A sense of humour? I...We like that" Twat <_<.

Thought that as soon as Joe came out it would either setup a match with Joe and Angle or Morgan for Slammiversary. Why are they still giving Morgan this one man tag team shite? Just get Hernandez back already so he can kick his ass for "putting him out" I know ye get an automatic rematch clause but you can just let it sit for a while and hopefully he'll be away before anyone remembers about it.

AJ Styles has shown again why he's (one of) the best in TNA, his wrestling was always top-notch but his mic skills having improved massively and again tonight they were superb.

Loving the Flair/Lethal feud which can only end with a match up. Lethal probably beating Flair with his patented figure four leg lock. I think Lethal deserves that Number 10 spot in the ranking more than Frankie Kazarian, who I wish would go away.

The Ink Inc and Bubba Ray fight seems to be coming to a head with Bubba and Jesse Neal set to square off at Slammiversary. To be honest, this isn't one that interests me. Unless they make it more interesting than just a 1v1. Doesn't need to be a "Insert City's Name Street Fight" just make it No DQs or something just to spice it up since they are pretty bland wrestlers.

Don't see why Abyss is wrestling with the likes of Orlando Jordan, hasn't he got any other gimicks he wants to steal off suicidal people? Abyss is above him. At least they didn't try and pull anything with Abyss getting beat. Interference is the only way Jordan gets outta that one without getting his ass handed to him.

The only part of Knockout's matches I pay attention to is the Beautiful People entrances. :wub:

Edited by forehead7
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Sean Waltman said recently on The Cowhead Show that he missed TNA's Lockdown pay-per-view because he tested positive for Hepatitis C. Waltman also said while in Mexico, he tried committing suicide by hanging himself with a garden hose and taking pills. Waltman's girlfriend Alicia Webb, former WWE Diva Ryan Shamrock, found him before it was too late.

The fucker can't do anything right.

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Sean Waltman said recently on The Cowhead Show that he missed TNA's Lockdown pay-per-view because he tested positive for Hepatitis C. Waltman also said while in Mexico, he tried committing suicide by hanging himself with a garden hose and taking pills. Waltman's girlfriend Alicia Webb, former WWE Diva Ryan Shamrock, found him before it was too late.

The fucker can't do anything right.

thats fucking mental, X-pac is a dick, I want to give him a good slap, if I was getting paid to hang out with Scott Hall and pump Ryan Shamrock I'd be the opposite of suicidal.

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thats fucking mental, X-pac is a dick, I want to give him a good slap, if I was getting paid to hang out with Scott Hall and pump Ryan Shamrock I'd be the opposite of suicidal.

What if you got paid to hang out with Ryan Shamrock and pump... no, wait. :green

Only just caught up with some of the WWE stuff this week .. the Bryan/Cole stuff on NXT is brilliant - Jon Lovitz was a decent enough guest host on Raw the night before.

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Are the locker room promos filmed with a hidden video camera on TNA gettin on anybodies tits yet?

I like it actually, I think it adds a touch of realism to proceedings. Makes more sense than folk backstage conveniently having private conversations in full view of a TV crew. And TNA need to do everything possible to differentiate themselves from WWE programming.

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They are awful, you can barely make out what they are saying half the time.

Any that I've seen which aren't understandable they've had subtitles. Some of the camera-ing is stupid though. Like the one in AJ's lockeroom, I think, when it was AJ, Flair, Beer Money and Desmond Wolfe. Flair told the camera crew and maybe a interviewer to get tae and shut the door but it didn't close and it swung open and the way the cameras were shooting meant that they must've been in the room which I'd think you would notice.

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I've not seen those yet so will need to have a peek but that sounds suspiciously like GTV...

Thats pretty much what it is. In fact I think I heard Tenay say its (canny mind the name but the dumb one from the Beautiful People lassie's) cameraphone thats recording these "candid videos".

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Are the locker room promos filmed with a hidden video camera on TNA gettin on anybodies tits yet?

Aye. Although almost everything in TNA except some of the in-ring stuff pisses me off. I'm trying hard to like it but it just seems so amateur.

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Brilliant Raw last night. Marked out like a 10 year old in a Cena shirt for Bryan's win(and post-match angle), and of course Evan Bourne being the star in the main event tag. Jericho/R-Truth was very good too, and Hart/McMahon/Dibiase and Hart Foundation/Samoans were strong segments.

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