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Mo Wonderboy

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utter shite raw, it was a 2 and a half hour promo for the fake A-Team, Rampage couldn't hold a candle to Mr.T and can't do justice to the word "FOOL"

but then.... the best peice of wwe tv since paul heymans men joined the invasion storyline. was great to see just what the ring is made of looks like a sheet over memory foam on some old wood laugh.gif

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I highly doubt it. It was basically nWo v. 2, which was confirmed by CM Punk actually going in and helping Cena. WWE managed to get 10 guys over in about 3 minutes. This is more than just a hype job.

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I fucking loved Punk trying to help Cena. The kinda thing that makes you think "shit, this is a big deal"... like during the ECW angle where Dreamer thought he'd blinded Sandman in one eye, and they showed the locker room with all the faces and heels standing together, turning against Tommy.

Edited by RB-Scotland
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NXT ...

*NXT ends with a replay of the Season One Rookies attack on Raw last night, followed by the Season Two Rookies giving their opinions on the incident. The Pros then attack the Rookies and lay them out as a warning to them not to consider doing anything similar.

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I can't believe people are actually comparing this to the nWo. The nWo is/was/always will be the greatest faction in pro wrestling. Icons such as Nash, Hall, Hogan, Savage and Hennig all in the one and yet people are comparing them to who exactly? Wade Barrett?

The greatest segments since Bret Hart's heel days? So much so that the fans bearly make a sound the whole way through, they couldn't give a sh*t.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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I can't believe people are actually comparing this to the nWo. The nWo is/was/always will be the greatest faction in pro wrestling. Icons such as Nash, Hall, Hogan, Savage and Hennig all in the one and yet people are comparing them to who exactly? Wade Barrett?

Jeez. I wonder where the comparisons are.

The fact that they were clearly taking over RAW ? The coming through the crowd to do so ? Heels and faces coming together to do something about this dangerous faction ?

It's not the actual guys we're comparing to. It's obvious that there is no contest, but it's obvious that WWE have lifted quite a lot from the nWo for this. They did a terrific job too.

So much so that the fans bearly make a sound the whole way through, they couldn't give a sh*t.

Yeah, they weren't hot as hell for the first three minutes of it. Probably the only problem was that the whole thing went too long, which meant the fans obviously getting restless, but saying what you said is pretty much a blatant lie.

Edited by DomDom
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Jeez. I wonder where the comparisons are.

The fact that they were clearly taking over RAW ? The coming through the crowd to do so ? Heels and faces coming together to do something about this dangerous faction ?

It's not the actual guys we're comparing to. It's obvious that there is no contest, but it's obvious that WWE have lifted quite a lot from the nWo for this. They did a terrific job too.

Yeah, they weren't hot as hell for the first three minutes of it. Probably the only problem was that the whole thing went too long, which meant the fans obviously getting restless, but saying what you said is pretty much a blatant lie.

The similarities are there but this NXT nonsense is nowhere near on the same level as the nWo. Can you say you were as shocked at the NXT thing as oppose to when Hogan turned around and legdropped Savage?

If its so obvious they have lifted lots of it from the nWo storylines then why is this (as you claim) the greatest segment on Raw since Bret Harts heel days.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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It's not the same level as the original nWo, and by that I mean just Hall, Nash and Hogan. Nobody will say otherwise. Or at least I hope they won't. But lets not forget that even WCW didn't touch that for most of the time they were winning the ratings wars.

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Yeah, they weren't hot as hell for the first three minutes of it. Probably the only problem was that the whole thing went too long, which meant the fans obviously getting restless, but saying what you said is pretty much a blatant lie.

They weren't in to it at all, its the same everywhere RAW goes these days. I know its over used but you are telling me that this segment was better than this....


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If its so obvious they have lifted lots of it from the nWo storylines then why is this (as you claim) the greatest segment on Raw since Bret Harts heel days.

A lot of the best storylines since then didn't have real standout segments. If you look at rivalries like McMahon/Austin, Rock/HHH, Austin/McMahon, Rock/Mankind, DX/Nation, they were all superb rivalries, but ultimately they didn't have one great standout angle or segment. This might well be one of the worst angles of all time after RAW, but the first segment is the best for a very long time.

They could have lifted loads from nWo and it could have been a crock of shit too. I don't know why you're taking this as an indication of quality.

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A lot of the best storylines since then didn't have real standout segments. If you look at rivalries like McMahon/Austin, Rock/HHH, Austin/McMahon, Rock/Mankind, DX/Nation, they were all superb rivalries, but ultimately they didn't have one great standout angle or segment. This might well be one of the worst angles of all time after RAW, but the first segment is the best for a very long time.

They could have lifted loads from nWo and it could have been a crock of shit too. I don't know why you're taking this as an indication of quality.

If the NXT angle isn't on par with the NWO in quality then surely it shouldn't be mentioned. You wouldn't compare Steven Pressley to Franz Beckenbaur just because they are defenders.

McMahon/Austin had Austin firstly stunning McMahon, bang 3:16?, Austin being fired, "Austins got McMahon!" all good segments!

DX/Nation had a segment with DX impersonating the Nation

Rock/Mankind had many good segments because of the contrast in characters.

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It was FAR better than that actually, as I really didn't like that. Steve Austin beating up pretty much the entire Alliance showed up everything that was wrong with that angle.

And what was wrong so wrong with that angle? I'm a right in saying that segment led to a massive swerve that no one saw coming at the Invasion PPV, Austin joining the alliance.

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If the NXT angle isn't on par with the NWO in quality then surely it shouldn't be mentioned. You wouldn't compare Steven Pressley to Franz Beckenbaur just because they are defenders.

So I should ignore the glaring similarities because it's not as good. Okay then. :lol:

McMahon/Austin had Austin firstly stunning McMahon, bang 3:16?, Austin being fired, "Austins got McMahon!" all good segments!

The Bang 3:16 segment was a fairly average segment with an awesome ending. Austin getting fired was after a dire match so I do find it hard to judge. I can't actually recall Austin's Got McMahon, so you're gonna have to remind me of that. However, the Austin being fired did remind me of the aftermath of Mankind/Austin at Survivor Series 1998 which I completely forgot about. Now THAT was more like what I'd call top notch.

DX/Nation had a segment with DX impersonating the Nation

It's not aged well, but aye, it was good fun. It was all about Jason Sensation though.

Rock/Mankind had many good segments because of the contrast in characters.

I dunno. Their best stuff was amusing backstage segments. Whenever they did the long in-ring stuff, it was stop/start stuff.

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And what was wrong so wrong with that angle? I'm a right in saying that segment led to a massive swerve that no one saw coming at the Invasion PPV, Austin joining the alliance.

The swerve was good.

That angle had Austin beating up the entire Alliance making them look like shit. That was why I hated it.

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This isn't really aimed at anyone on here, but fucking hell, wrestling fans are idiots.

For ages now people have been moaning that WWE is shite and nothing interesting happens. The usual predictable stuff etc. Then we get something that no one would ever see coming. A bunch of nobodies coming in and destroying two of WWE's top guys in CM Punk, and John fucking Cena. We also have that evil bugger Punk attempting to get back into the ring to SAVE Cena. The commentators taking a beating, and even the fucking announcer getting a tanking. We have the ring being dismantled and generally all hell breaking loose.

But what else do we have? Fans moaning about it and trying to pick holes in what has the potential to be the best storyline in years.

Well done.

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This isn't really aimed at anyone on here, but fucking hell, wrestling fans are idiots.

For ages now people have been moaning that WWE is shite and nothing interesting happens. The usual predictable stuff etc. Then we get something that no one would ever see coming. A bunch of nobodies coming in and destroying two of WWE's top guys in CM Punk, and John fucking Cena. We also have that evil bugger Punk attempting to get back into the ring to SAVE Cena. The commentators taking a beating, and even the fucking announcer getting a tanking. We have the ring being dismantled and generally all hell breaking loose.

But what else do we have? Fans moaning about it and trying to pick holes in what has the potential to be the best storyline in years.

Well done.

Sorry, but that IS aimed at someone on here, and I'd agree.

You're also wrong about the crowd. The crowd was absolutely buzzing at what had happened.

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The swerve was good.

That angle had Austin beating up the entire Alliance making them look like shit. That was why I hated it.

The whole point of the segment was to fool the fans into thinking that the Austin of old was back and was going to lead team WWF to safety and they achieved that.

This isn't really aimed at anyone on here, but fucking hell, wrestling fans are idiots.

For ages now people have been moaning that WWE is shite and nothing interesting happens. The usual predictable stuff etc. Then we get something that no one would ever see coming. A bunch of nobodies coming in and destroying two of WWE's top guys in CM Punk, and John fucking Cena. We also have that evil bugger Punk attempting to get back into the ring to SAVE Cena. The commentators taking a beating, and even the fucking announcer getting a tanking. We have the ring being dismantled and generally all hell breaking loose.

But what else do we have? Fans moaning about it and trying to pick holes in what has the potential to be the best storyline in years.

I'm not moaning about it, if anything it saved what was another crappy RAW. I just feel that it should not be used in the same sentence as the nWo.

Sorry, but that IS aimed at someone on here, and I'd agree.

You're also wrong about the crowd. The crowd was absolutely buzzing at what had happened.

At what point was this? I heard no chants, boos, only the crowd talking amongst themselves.

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