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Mo Wonderboy

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I think if this had been a long term plan there would have been more build up to it. It happened too quickly for it to be anything they have put too much thought into.

I don't think it was part of the plans either, but I think WWE seen a huge oppertunity and rushed it.

cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money

You mean like turn up on one of his favourite TV shows ? The b*****d.

Oh, and UFC is already more mainstream than WWE.

Here to help.

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there is no difference between Raw and Coronation street, both have a written script with outcomes that have been decided well in advance. You get morons wanking themselves stupid over 10 guys breaking a table and ripping up the ring "ohmy.gif waaaaaoooh new NWO!!!11122"

some folk need to take a step back and remember that it's 100% fake. You don't hear people getting over excited about someone getting in a fight in eastenders, all wwe is, is a soap opera for pre-teen kids, theres a reason why they push kids toys like the wrestling figures (mainly bought up by fat virgins) and push guys that kids love like mystyerio and cena.

UFC is something to get excited about and the sooner it becomes more mainstream than wrestling the better (cringe at rampage in the ring on raw.... is there nothing he won't do for money)

the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality, and if this is not true then tell them I'll see them in hornswoggles little peoples court under the ring (god help us all)


Besides the cliche-tastic 99% of that boring rant, a large number of wrestling fans are internet-type fans like ourselves, who'd probably prefer to see an ROH/ECW-like emphasis on the in ring action, but just stick around for the stuff they like and try to overlook the rest.

And Rampage is a massive wrestling fan.

Edited by RB-Scotland
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Firstly, I think we can take it for granted they were behind the attack on The Taker. Now, what I think they should do is add a couple of the more established names into the mix to give the invasion more credibility. Jericho is floundering at the moment, put him into the mix for a start. As Barrett's mentot, he would be a perfect leader of the pack.

Jericho and Regal to lead them?

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Jericho and Regal to lead them?

Anything with Regal at the helm would be fucking amazing....unfortunately I don't think so....so f**k you for getting my hopes uptongue.gif

I'd love to see what has been mentioned, Jericho, Cole, Regal leading the rookies, I'd like to see Punk in there too, so I'm not sure to make of him trying to save Cena.

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I think it would kill a lot of what makes this angle cool if they introduced too many 'pros'. Jericho would make sense, otherwise the only fairly established guys I'd want in would be ones who also feel they have talent and aren't getting a chance to show it. Maybe have them try to recruit Evan Bourne, but have him refuse and feud with the stable.

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the people who go to wrestling shows in america are redneck idiots, children and people with no grip on reality

It's still real to me dammit!


laugh.gif this is the kinda guy who thinks the hurrican is a real superhero, kane really raped katie vick, cena is a war hero and yes hornswoggle really is a leprachaun and finlays son!

and people say this stuff is for kids... ha!

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I would be adding in The Miz as well as a couple from Smackdown. Shad and Chavo? Struggling for Smackdown established heels.:huh:

The Miz won't be added, he helped the WWE guys beat up the NXT 2 rookies last night.

I don't really see the likes of Jericho leading the pack, although he'll probably take the credit and tell Barrett well done you made an impact then Barrett and the other rookies will destroy him.

I do feel that the rookies require some sort of spokesman and i reckon it should be Michael Cole. Simply because he's been acting as a heel lately while it doesn't make sense why Daniel Bryan would not attack Cole on Raw since he is meant to despise him.

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From reading the comments about the Raw ending on here one thing is for sure. It's done what WWE hoped exactly it would do, it's got people talking and excited to see what happens next.

I cant remember the last time I looked forward to Raw as much, I cant wait to see how they (f**k this up) handle the storyline.

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A lot of matches happen on the US indies that don't match the hype that they recieve. On occaision you come across a match which exceeds it.

The Young Bucks © vs. Kevin Steen and El Generico, PWG Tag Team Championships - PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2009

By the time this match came along, the fans of PWG genuinely hated The Young Bucks. Many of them felt that they were just stupid spot monkeys and weren't actually good wrestlers. So the majority of the audience were MAD for Steen and Generico in this match. This only adds to what was an extraordinary battle. The Young Bucks ARE great given the right environment, and since they decided to turn heel thanks to the reactions they got, they got even better as they became the full tag team package.

This is must-see stuff, so watch it. Please.

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One of the worst angles ever, the Katie Vick angle, achieved exactly what it was supposed to. I'm not interested in the goal of an angle. Just how good I find it to be.

WWE need to get some proper characters going again. There's lots of reasons to cheer and boo guys now, but is there any real reason to go NUTS these days ? John Cena seems to be the only guy to sustain that sort of heat on a regular basis, whether it be a negative or positive reaction. And no, it's NOT because he's been pushed to the moon. Drew McIntyre got a monster heel push and they flung everything plus the kitchen sink at him. Cena gets the heat because he's good at what he does.

Overall it was a good RAW. It had a short lived Austin face turn after lots of thinking and hesitation at a bar. Yes it may almost every member of the alliance look weak but bearing in mind the alliance had Angle and Austin in their team eventuallt at the Survivor Series. They needed some WWF guys in their team to pose a serious threat.

And I hope you are referring to Cena's charisma and not his in ring abilitywink.gif

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A stunned silence doesn't neccesarily make for a dead crowd. The crowd seemed shocked at what was going on, at no point in that segment did it corss my mind that they didn't care, more that they didn't know what to think.

What about heel Austin and HHH's attack on the Hardy Boys and Lita? That got severe heat yet the crowd were shocked at that as well.

Had we still been in the attitude era, the crowd would have gone bush.

I still think it's folly to say that the crowd didn't care though. At least they are trying to mix it up a bit and create something good for a chance.

That type of thing would have never have had the chance in the Attitude Era. Tough Enough anyone?

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Just read this from an FCW taping,

]The main event of tonight's FCW TV taping was announced as The Miz and Daniel Bryan vs Christian and Heath Slater. Miz's music played but no one came out. Christian's music from like 2 years ago played, christian came out alone and made fun of the music collection. Christian talked about what happened on raw, a very loud Cena Sucks chant starts. Christian called out Slater and told him to explain it to his face. Slater said how he started off 4 and 0 and everything was great, but he wouldn't give him the answers he wanted anymore and they finished 4th.

Bryan runs in and attacks Christian from behind. Miz runs in afterward and together they fight off the rookies. Miz says lets do pros vs rookies. Christian says you want to make a statement? Statements have consequences, so come in so we can beat the consequences into you. Miz says lets do it because they are the WWE pros, and they are AWESOME. Miz pulls off his shirt and the girls started cheering, Christian grabs miz's shirt, puts it on and takes it off and was disappointed when no girls cheered for him.

Christian and Slater start off. Eventually Miz gets in and is going full babyface. Eventually Bryan gets in who is going full Danielson heel. Yelling best in the world, telling the ref he has till 5, and yelling at Miz "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE PRO!" Lots of smarks cheering for Dragon. Eventually miz and christian have the rookies ready for the finishers at the same time, and oh **** ALL of the season one rookies show up! They get in the ring and beat the **** out of Miz and Christian and start tearing apart the ring again! Bryan kicks Miz's head in and Slater hits the killswitch on christian. The rookies leave the pros in a heap.

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I think it would be pish to add any of the 'pros' to the NXT/'rookies' stable. Would take the heat and attention away from the NXT lads, and would create the mindset that they need a 'pro' (the very people they seem to be opposing) to be any kind of threat. Basically it would diminish their overall threat.

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I think it would be pish to add any of the 'pros' to the NXT/'rookies' stable. Would take the heat and attention away from the NXT lads, and would create the mindset that they need a 'pro' (the very people they seem to be opposing) to be any kind of threat. Basically it would diminish their overall threat.

It HAS to be Michael Cole leading them. Anything less than that and it's a monumental f**k up on the part of WWE.

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