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Mo Wonderboy

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Kaval's only hope would be the cruiserweight division being brought back. I honestly cannot see a future for him in WWE. I don't actually see why WWE signed him in the first place.

The other reason he was able to shine in TNA is that they are basically a glorified diddy promotion.

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Kaval's only hope would be the cruiserweight division being brought back. I honestly cannot see a future for him in WWE. I don't actually see why WWE signed him in the first place.

The other reason he was able to shine in TNA is that they are basically a glorified diddy promotion.

That's harsh. TNA are growing all the time. As TNA grows, so will their pull in terms of "superstars". People like Christian will rather be in the Heavyweight section of TNA than the Below Intercontinental section of WWE. As long as they keep good wrestlers like AJ Styles and Jay Lethal then they will continue to close the gap on WWE.

Edit: Forgot to say that they must have plans for him, he hasn't changed much since his debut in WWE all those year ago. They wouldn't bring him back if they didn't see some kind of future for him. I wouldn't like to think they will put him in the Rey Mysterio role, that gets boring very quickly.

Edited by forehead7
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TNA's roster and wagebill might grow, but that's it.

Christian just showed that he'd rather be a WWE midcarder than a TNA main eventer. TNA is a glorified diddy promotion. Not that they aren't good. I class the likes of DGUSA, ROH and CHIKARA as diddy promotions and I absolutely love them.

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TNA's roster and wagebill might grow, but that's it.

Christian just showed that he'd rather be a WWE midcarder than a TNA main eventer. TNA is a glorified diddy promotion. Not that they aren't good. I class the likes of DGUSA, ROH and CHIKARA as diddy promotions and I absolutely love them.

Christian probably left because the money being paid by WWE will be vastly greater than TNA's. If TNA's wagebill grows then people in his situation will deviate to TNA.

The key to this "battle" is that WWE caters very heavily to kids. As kids, like I have done, watched WWE but as they grow up want something else. I think TNA provides that extra something.

Scratch that, Christian will have left because of that reason.

Edited by forehead7
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Christian actually said he made more doing indies and TNA than he does with WWE. WWE allows him to perform on the big stage.

TNA don't provide enough I'm afraid. I'm older and I want nothing to do with their inconsistant programming. They can be terrible one week and stunning the next.

There is no "battle" here. WWE is a big promotion. TNA is a diddy promotion.

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Christian actually said he made more doing indies and TNA than he does with WWE. WWE allows him to perform on the big stage.

TNA don't provide enough I'm afraid. I'm older and I want nothing to do with their inconsistant programming. They can be terrible one week and stunning the next.

There is no "battle" here. WWE is a big promotion. TNA is a diddy promotion.

Well TNA doesn't let their wrestlers do Indie anymore, do they? I find that surprising.

There's no battle at the moment. But TNA will keep going, as long as they are smart with their money and don't go bankrupt like ECW and WCW then they will continue to be a thorn in their side until they do start to worry WWE.

I think WWE are definitely aware if not slightly worried by TNA. The reason I say this, in the wee montage bit of WWF/E stars before their promotion, they have replace Hulk Hogan's "HULKAMANIAAA" has been replaced with "Everybody's got a price". I think that might be a sign that they are slightly worried. Or it could just be that Vince wanted to piss off Hulk Hogan.

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TNA DO let their guys do indies. Generation ME are doing an indy tour. Homicide just finished a weekend with ROH. Motor City Machine Guns are doing ROH's Death Before Dishonor shows.

They do it to keep inactive guys fresh, but Christian wanted to do them so as he could make more money and he was such a big name to them that they didn't refuse. You might wanna look out a match he had with a guy called Human Tornado in PWG. Fucking stunner of a match. He also did ROH and CZW in that time.

TNA will keep going but not as competition to WWE. They'll just be that wee alternative that you switch to now and again.

Hogan and Bischoff said that if the Monday night experiment failed, they'd leave. It failed. They aren't at this week's tapings. Dixie Carter has said that there is a massive change coming. My guess is Hogan and Bischoff are done with TNA.

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TNA DO let their guys do indies. Generation ME are doing an indy tour. Homicide just finished a weekend with ROH. Motor City Machine Guns are doing ROH's Death Before Dishonor shows.

They do it to keep inactive guys fresh, but Christian wanted to do them so as he could make more money and he was such a big name to them that they didn't refuse. You might wanna look out a match he had with a guy called Human Tornado in PWG. Fucking stunner of a match. He also did ROH and CZW in that time.

TNA will keep going but not as competition to WWE. They'll just be that wee alternative that you switch to now and again.

Hogan and Bischoff said that if the Monday night experiment failed, they'd leave. It failed. They aren't at this week's tapings. Dixie Carter has said that there is a massive change coming. My guess is Hogan and Bischoff are done with TNA.

I think they are still involved. Hogan was undergoing back surgery today. I believe they recorded promos before the taping.

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AmDrag comments on his release:

“WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.”

Since this statement was released I’ve been bombarded with messages asking me if it’s real, and by now I’m sure that most people know that it is.

WWE is very serious about adhering to their PG guidelines, and apparently my actions during the NXT attack on John Cena, namely choking announcer Justin Roberts with his tie and spitting in Cena’s face, crossed the boundaries of what is considered “PG.” Perhaps the choking was too violent or perhaps the spit was too demeaning. I apologized for both immediately following the incident; but I would be a hypocrite if I apologized for putting everything I have into the attack. I would much rather have gone too far than to come up too short.

As with anyone who gets fired from their job, especially when they feel its unjust, I am angry. Very angry. But I can’t fault WWE for how they handled my release. My contract contained a 90 day no-compete clause in the event I was let go, yet the WWE has graciously allowed me start wrestling again on any show that’s not taped for television or pay per view.

So with the negatives there also come positives. Before I got signed by WWE last October, I worked hard to bring new fans to independent wrestling. But with most of us having little national exposure the only thing we could do was wrestle our hearts out and hope for word of mouth. Now that I’ve appeared on WWE television in front of millions of new fans, things are different. My goal is to garner as much interest in independent wrestling over the next 90 days as I possibly can. I hope that some of the people who enjoyed watching me wrestle on TV will give independent companies such as Evolve, Dragon Gate USA and Ring of Honor a chance. I think most of you would enjoy the intimacy between the fans and the wrestlers and the intensity of the action; if you ask the fans who went to the Chikara or AIW shows I was on this weekend, I’m sure 99% of them had a great time. So if you’ve never been to an independent show, go ahead and dip your toes in... you might find that the water is pretty nice.

As far as what happens after 90 days, nobody knows. I’ve “heard” that TNA is interested. There are petitions going around to get me back into WWE and the last several weeks there have been fans chanting my names at their shows. People have even brought signs showing their support. And though most of the signs get taken away and though WWE may not be listening to your chants or petitions, I truly appreciate all the support over the last several weeks. It is both overwhelming and heartwarming. But regardless of what offers come in, I am in no rush to make any rash decisions. I enjoy my freedom as much as I enjoyed the benefits offered by being in WWE. My future, as usual, is uncertain. But I am enjoying my return to the independents. I’m hoping to see some of you there.

Guess who'll be back in ohhhhhh 90 days...

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I think WWE are definitely aware if not slightly worried by TNA.

Nah they're not, not even a little, cause they know that every time TNA get a good thing going they'll take a rocket launcher to their own foot.

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Hogan and Bischoff said that if the Monday night experiment failed, they'd leave. It failed. They aren't at this week's tapings. Dixie Carter has said that there is a massive change coming. My guess is Hogan and Bischoff are done with TNA.

Heyman will be coming in if those two leave. It's a brilliant prospect.

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Seemingly Heyman's saying that he'll only do business with TNA if he gets to run everything with complete freedom, or have a seperate brand with an extreme theme. Spike TV, who are negotiating directly with Heyman, have told TNA that if they can get Paul E on board, they can take the product in any direction they want, with as much violence as they please.

I'm not sure over-the-top ECW-style hardcore wrestling in 2010 is the answer(Heyman's a smart guy and knows this; he's said in interviews that his idea for a wrestling company in 2010 is somewhere between ROH and worked shoot-fighting, with hardcore wrestling when the storyline requires), but that Spike and TNA are seemingly open to having him wipe the Russoriffic mess and start afresh with no constraints is encouraging.

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And WWE don't? Look at how they've handled the Nexus thing, it's gone stale because they don't know what to do with it?

The problem is that WWE already have the fanbase. It's up to TNA to try and tap into that, but the ratings going down means that they can't even keep a hold of their own fanbase. WWE have no reason to worry about TNA, because WWE have already sustained their future fanbase with the PG product that they have. They're still massive the world over, selling out tour after tour.

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The problem is that WWE already have the fanbase. It's up to TNA to try and tap into that, but the ratings going down means that they can't even keep a hold of their own fanbase. WWE have no reason to worry about TNA, because WWE have already sustained their future fanbase with the PG product that they have. They're still massive the world over, selling out tour after tour.

are they paying you? You seem to be over selling the wwe, no one is in any doubt they are the biggest and best in the world and will always remain at the top. no need to get excited about it though tongue.gif


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If someone is trying to say that WWE should be worried about TNA in any way shape or form, I feel it's worth pointing out just how big WWE are and just how little they should care.

If, however, Hogan and Bischoff went and Heyman came in, that'd be a bit of a corker. TNA also got rid of Ed Ferrera who was the absolute imbecile that played Oklahoma, the character that took the piss out of JR's condition. Absolute scum.

TNA need consistancy. They also need a product that caters to more than just disillusioned WWE fans. They need a product that is going to appeal to the masses, and even moreso now that WWE have tapped into the kids market BIG time.

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