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Mo Wonderboy

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WWE Bragging Rights 2010

It's one of them shows where you look at what's on and think "there's potential". There's potential both ways. I can see The Undertaker vs. Kane turning out to be one of the worst matches of the year, while Barrett vs. Orton will probably be one of the most dramatic.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan ( ****1/4 )

David Otunga and John Cena vs. Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre ( ** )

Ted Dibiase vs. Goldust ( *** )

Layla vs. Natalya ( 1/2* )

Kane vs. The Undertaker, Buried Alive Match ( DUD )

Team RAW vs. Team Smackdown ( **3/4 )

Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton ( ** )

Vickie Guerrero comes out which means we have a good looking opener ...

Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan

That was a quality opening match, and yet more proof that Daniel Bryan can do no wrong at the moment. The audience just got more and more into the match as it went on, while Dolph Ziggler was met with the same apathy as an ... umm ... Smackdown midcarder. ****1/4

Santino's much funnier than usual during a Team RAW strategizing session.

Dashingly Sinister have the mic now. "Who has more to brag about than us ?" Wade Barrett at the moment. He's loving life. He just got John Cena to get him a glass of water. AOL GM is here. Oh, we have a match. NEXUS !!!

David Otunga and John Cena vs. Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre

This is going to be a long night for our under pressure hero, isn't it ? Cody and Drew look worried, but then have a "f**k it" look about them. This was a pretty boring tag match. I thought they were going to go down the "keep Cena out" route, but they ended up going for a held back version of the formula tag. It wasn't bad or anything, but it seems like a bit of a waste of Cena. **

Cena takes his annoyance out on Otunga post-match and John Cena now has both belts.

Ted Dibiase vs. Goldust

"What's going through Ted Dibiase's mind ?"

"The wall ?"


What is it with WWE and really shitty ring music ? Ted Dibiase's just sounds ridiculous next to the awesome Goldust theme. Goldust, at this point, is reminding me of the early 1997 version. This is Goldust's best singles match for a very long time. Probably because he looked WELL motivated. He bumped like a trooper for Dibiase and they had a good flow to things. Good stuff. ***

Layla vs. Natalya

What a dull load of crap this is. 1/2*

Kane vs. The Undertaker, Buried Alive Match

This has the potential to be absolutely horrible stuff. Not quite the worst match ever candidate that I thought it was going to be, but it was still pretty shit. Just as bad as the slow plodding brawl between the two men inside the cell, with slow as hell crowd brawling and pedestrian stuff all the way through. The ending was shit too, as if Kane was really behind Nexus, it'd be the worst possible outcome. Infact, come to think of it, this match was just shit. DUD

Post match we get some shitty angle. Way to cap off the match.

Team RAW vs. Team Smackdown

I have to say, I'm a big fan of Tyler's finisher. Can't help but feel that there was a huge missed oppertunity with Rey coming back into the match in a more dramatic fashion. Rey fucked up a couple of times during that finishing sequence with Zeke. Probably tried to look more on the same level as that useless sack of shit. The match was a bit stop/start. There were moments when this thing really took off and then some awful moments as well. **3/4

Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton

The match was pretty boring stuff. It wasn't bad, but it lacked the drama that I assumed it was going to have because of the storyline going into it. **

It wasn't a BAD PPV, it just wasn't a very good one.

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The only match I gave a toss about was Orton v Barrett.

Fell asleep during it and woke up while Orton was celebrating but after they'd shown the replays. Essentially ruining the outcome but not getting to see how the Barrett v Cena fued continued.



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First WWE programme I've really watched since Summerslam. I felt the early stuff was decent but the two main events were disappointing. Nexus overkill on the whole as well.

I'm not usually a "workrate" kind of guy but I thought Ziggler-Bryan was one of the matches of the year so far, really impressed with both guys.

Tag match wasn't too bad although if they wanted to make Cena a tag champ with a member of Nexus I'd have done it away from the PPV which was all about him (again).

Goldust and DiBiase was reasonable. Bit of a poor ending I felt as it was essentially a card filler and they will need to continue the feud now. (I think Goldust is great to watch as well btw).

Fast-forwarded past the women's match. Natalya is a decent wrestler is she not? Quite surprised to see them take the belt off her (well, not really, but she should be getting a run with the belt to try and give it some meaning back).

Taker-Kane was pretty much what I expected upon hearing the stipulation. Nothing fancy but did a job up until the ending. I'd have quite liked to have seen Kane win cleanly, leading to some time off for the Undertaker before a comeback as the original Deadman at the Rumble, which he could've won before taking Kane down at Mania.

The 7-on-7 match was pretty good apart from that wee dick Mysterio doing his usual "against the odds" rubbish. I understand the sense in SD winning though as it is much less watched than Raw so needs the win more. First time I've seen that Jackson boy and despite having a good look he seems poor.

Barrett and Orton was an awful match. I think Barrett has been great in the Nexus and is brilliant on the mike, but in ring he is nowhere near ready for the main events. The ending was crap.

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