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Mo Wonderboy

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Any chance that Taker could be coming back as American Badass ? I reckon now that we've had exposure to the gimmick, it might work better.

I would love that to happen. I've always prefered 2000-2003 Undertaker to the other versions.

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Maybe to capitilise on any popularity that Jersey Shore has, I don't know if it's popular or not so it's a wild guess

There was a point, after Abyss had interfered in the Pope/AJ match when Bischoff came out, Bischoff looked displeased that Abyss had interfered and Abyss looked unhappy at AJ, he did give him a spank but maybe it was how he was acting. At that moment I though Abyss might turn.

For the Fourtune/Immortal group to disband, either AJ will turn face or Flair will double cross Hogan. The latter being the poorer of the choices as only Abyss and Jeff Hardy can actually pull out decent matches from Immortal if push came to shove.

That was a funny moment, and TNA aren't doing a lot of funny at the moment. Just showed AJ's innocence and contrasting character to Abyss, who is ultimately a take-no-shit, no humour character in the same way. If Santino done that to Kane, everyone would be saying it was funnier than the Rocks Sacramento song.

Dont know what to take from this. In another interview with Dana White, the interviewer mentions that apparently WWE want Lesnar back to face Taker at Mania next year to which Dana basically says I doubt it. I doubt it would just be a publicity stunt by WWE because I doubt they'd want video's everywhere of their main guy completely out of gimmick/character.

I really think WWE should use tonight to bring back the 2000-2003 Undertaker and do it in the reverse way that they did it at Survivor Series 2003. It would rejuvenate him and his gimmick.

Can anyone tell me what the difference between the American Badass and Big Evil gimmicks were, apart from face and heel?

The WWF were running out to do with Undertaker and the American Badass was a good gimmick where, like Austin and Rock, just played himself "but with the volume turned way up!".

Impact was OK last night, nothing more. Jarrett is great just now, couldn't help but laugh at Tenay having a go at him though laugh.gif Not quite sure on where they're going with Tazz either, he stopped Jarrett last week but Tenay seemed to be hinting that Tazz was in with "Immortal". Hardy has been surprisingly good as a heel so far. Got to agree on Williams - he looks out of place. Gutted to see Amazing Red job on Impact again.

Is that it? I had been waiting for 2 days to see that reaction. Amazing Red can do no wrong in your opinion as well, bring back Don West I say to mentor the guy again.

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That was a funny moment, and TNA aren't doing a lot of funny at the moment. Just showed AJ's innocence and contrasting character to Abyss, who is ultimately a take-no-shit, no humour character in the same way.

Dunno if it showed AJ's innocence, I felt it showed the contrast between the "laddish" or "jocky" attitude in Fortune compared to Abyss. I thought it was pretty funny as well though the crowd chanting "That was gay" ruined it.

Is that it? I had been waiting for 2 days to see that reaction. Amazing Red can do no wrong in your opinion as well, bring back Don West I say to mentor the guy again.

I'm a bit of an Amazing Red mark, it's true. He puts on great wee matches though and I'd give that kind of wrestler more exposure, especially near the start of a show, as it can get the crowd worked up through the big spots.

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Watching RAW just now. I'm just gonna note down loads of shit.

* The most dominant faction in the history of WWE is probably Evolution. It's certainly NOT Nexus.

* Not even an attempt to explain why Nexus helped Kane. That's probably for the best. On a side note, Wade Barrett seems to have quite a bit of control over the titantron. Does the guy controlling it owe Nexus money ?

* Randy Orton vs. a member of Nexus to decide the referee for the next meeting between Orton and Barrett in the main event ? John Cena vs. Randy Orton is made. Oh fuck off.

* David Otunga speaks and I sort of fade away from what happened. We do get a match between the members of Nexus for the tag team titles though. If that ginger fud wins gold, I'll have a mental breakdown.


* Right so, we have a match. Not quite. David Otunga is asked to lie down to the other team and to lose the gold. After a lot of stalling, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel win. f**k !!! f**k !!! f**k !!!

* That plants a nice wee seed of conflict in Nexus I suppose.


* I hate when they comment on refereeing when it was clear as day not biased. It's like generic heel call 101 stuff. It certainly doesn't make me care anymore about a Ziggler match.

* I hope they get the "Whoa ! Whoa ! Whoa !" thing over with the Mexican Surfboard from Bryan.

* CM Punk : "How come you guys never mention William Regal ?" ... umm ... they mention him every time ? Idiot.

* Too similar to the match that came the night before for the most part. Still a brilliant proper opening match. At least they followed up on the officiating though. ***3/4

* We might be getting Punk vs. Bryan in the future, which suits me.


* Shit special guest, Bellas and Santino not being funny ? Yeah, lets not care.

* John Cena is about to quit, and Wade Barrett decides to give Cena an offer he can't refuse.

* Right, we've got diva tag team action that might be naw bad. Too short to be good or shit. It was kept active at least. N/A


* The Miz has lost a bit of steam recently, but at least he's still getting pushed. His new t-shirt is great. Infact, it's awesome.

* The Miz's amended Smackdown cover is pretty good, but the image of seven Miz's in my head is kinda unsettling. Miz challenges Rey Rey to a match since he blames him too.

* How come Eve Torres is suddenly the spokesperson for the WWE Universe ? Of course, our misery is compounded by R-Truth, and Michael Cole sums up my thoughts by shouting "GO AWAY !". Indeed.

* I can't believe that they wasted a Backpack Stunner as a nearfall in a match when it could have been a new finisher for someone down the line.

* Boring match for the most part which is par for the course from R-Truth. *1/2


* Me wants a squash match. MON SHEAMUS !!!

* What ? Is this some kind of sick joke ? N/A

* Right, I'm going to need some time to recover from the most idiotic booking of all time.


* Right. I'm back. We come back to David Otunga who's introduced to the new members of Nexus. The obvious two with Harris and McGillicutty. I love the look of Husky Harris. Looks like a right sinister bugger.

* Randy Orton vs. John Cena part 1,659 is up now. It's a sort of average version of their usual match. There's some of the usual spots. Some little additions from Wade to freshen things up a bit. It's a decent match, but I have no desire to see these guys wrestle anymore. **1/2

* Right, so Barrett picks the referee for Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton for Survivor Series. John Cena is the referee and he says that if Cena helps him win, he's done with Nexus.

Decent show.

Edited by DomDom
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If you'd posted that about a minute earlier I'd have read it instead of Mike Shannon's review which I've just skimmed through. The Cena stipulation is quite interesting, I wonder if he'll help Barrett win then decide to stay in the Nexus?

That what be awesome imo. Im sick of Cena, to the extent i cant be bothered watching WWE when he is on the the screen. If they had him help Barrett then he turned heel to remain in Nexus it would be awesome, if only to see the kids in the crowd cry.

FWIW it wont happen. Barrett will win the title and Cena will no doubt defeat him at the Rumble or we have a mega chase and Cena wins the Rumble to face Barrett at WM. Predictable boring Super Cena

TBH i just wish Cena would GTF!!

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Any chance that Taker could be coming back as American Badass ? I reckon now that we've had exposure to the gimmick, it might work better.

Hope so, I loved it first time round. He seems to have done a fair amount of interviews after UFC 121 and after the whole deal with Brock after the fight, I'm not quite sure what to make of it. There is loads of talk about Brock vs Taker at Mania 27 although many people are saying there is no chance Dana White would allow it but he may be open to the idea should WWE make him a huge offer.

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Well, here's how I think it's going to pan out.

John Cena is going to help Wade Barrett win the title. He's then going to reveal that HE was behind Nexus taking out The Undertaker. They'll give some reason for it. Cena vs. Taker at Mania.

On the other side of the Nexus spectrum, HHH wins the rumble and goes on to face Barrett at Wrestlemania.

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Well, here's how I think it's going to pan out.

John Cena is going to help Wade Barrett win the title. He's then going to reveal that HE was behind Nexus taking out The Undertaker. They'll give some reason for it. Cena vs. Taker at Mania.

On the other side of the Nexus spectrum, HHH wins the rumble and goes on to face Barrett at Wrestlemania.

Good call!

I like the sounds of that tbh and would not disappointed at all if that is how it panned out

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Well, here's how I think it's going to pan out.

John Cena is going to help Wade Barrett win the title. He's then going to reveal that HE was behind Nexus taking out The Undertaker. They'll give some reason for it. Cena vs. Taker at Mania.

On the other side of the Nexus spectrum, HHH wins the rumble and goes on to face Barrett at Wrestlemania.

Why wouldn't Cena want the title though?

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How do R Truth and John Morrison have jobs with the WWE? Truth's gimmick is to sing, he can't even do that properly while his in ring ability sucks, dats da truth and da truth hurts. :rolleyes:

John Morrison is just as cringeworthy, the writers have tried to make this guy good for years and he still can't work a microphone. Is his new gimmick is that he jumps over some boxes before a match?...whoopty do what a superstar! :o He should be released, useless generic superstar that he is.

However, David Otunga being made to look like a bitch was a lolocaust, i'm surprised he never botched being pinned.

Onto the important stuff, the Cena and Nexus angle. When Barrett announced the stipulation that Cena would be free if Barrett won the title, it gave me the impression that a Cena heel turn at Survivor Series could be on the cards.

The storyline has revolved around how miserable Cena is as part of the Nexus, maybe he wasn't miserable at all?

Also as DomDom stated, Cena could have been behind the attack on the Undertaker as it did seem strange how he wasn't with the Nexus when they beat him up. Furthermore Taker doesn't have much time left and this match needs to happen at some point, so it could happen at next years Wrestlemania.

Furthermore if Cena does turn heel it would be against the next biggest face on Raw that is Randy Orton. Everything is in place for the perfect turn although knowing the WWE, Cena will probably call it down the middle and whoever wins, Cena faces at Wrestlemania. <_<

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A Cena heel turn could be immense if done right. I read last week that if they do turn him heel, Vince wants Cena to be the biggest heel ever.

It could be absolutely fantastic - we've seen the crowd reactions after the Barrett vs Cena match at the start of this month (weans greetin' and so on) so an actual heel turn would send the CeNation insane.

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I would do something like this, have Cena call the match down the middle with a few situations of him telling Barrett not to cheat to win ie Cena catching him using the tights or putting his feet on the rope. Then when Orton is set to hit the RKO, Cena gives Orton the AA, meaning that Barrett wins and Cena is free.

Cena acts like he's made a big mistake and sulks in the corner while the rest of Nexus celebrate. Cena stares down Barrett with the crowd chanting CENA CENA CENA awaiting Cena to attack Barrett, before they smile and embrace each other with Cena putting on a Nexus shirt.

On Monday Night Raw, you can have Cena explain that he was the one who removed the Undertaker and have Cena and the Nexus destory Orton.

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