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Mo Wonderboy

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You sure? I never saw it saying anythig about highlights, it just said something like "re-live WrestleMania" or something.

Well, it's only on for one hour anyway .. from the ad the focus will be on HBK vs Taker but I'd imagine they'll show clips from the other matches.

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WWE Royal Rumble 2010

I hope this is better on PBP than it was on the night, as I go back to my catchup. I'll be doing the proper TNA PBPs as well.

Christian © vs. Ezekiel Jackson - ECW Championship ( *** )

The Miz © vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship ( ** )

Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship ( **1/4 )

Michelle McCool © vs. Mickie James - WWE Womens Championship ( N/A )

The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio - World Heavyweight Championship ( ***1/2 )

Royal Rumble Match ( ***** )

Christian © vs. Ezekiel Jackson - ECW Championship

Lockup and Christian gets thrown into the corner. Christian ducks the lockup but gets backed into the corner and then Zeke breaks the Waistlock and throws down Christian. Christian slaps Zeke as he is not a happy camper and then he chases Christian around and runs right into right hands. Christian sends Zeke down with a Dropkick. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR FROM CHRISTIAN !!! Into the ring and Christian hits the ropes and goes under Zeke. Another slap. Body Slam from Zeke and that puts an end to it. He clubs away on Zeke. Shot across the chest of Christian. Right hand from Zeke. Shots to the stomach and the head of Christian. Killswitch is missed by Christian and then Zeke goes for the Gorilla Press Slam. Drop Toe Hold from Christian and then he chokes Zeke over the middle rope and lands an uppercut. Christian to the middle buckle and he gets sweeped back down. Regal gets involved but the referee spots it and sends him to the back. Christian with shots to the gut but then gets sent into the railing. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Kick to the back from Zeke and then more kicking. Zeke with a bit of an unorthodox slam and that gets a two count. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Zeke and that gets a two count. Zeke chokes Christian over the middle rope. Zeke with a clubbing blow across the chest of Christian and then a forearm to the back. Into the corner and Christian with a Springboard Sunset Flip, but Zeke pulls him up. STANDING BALDO BOMB FROM ZEKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Zeke then chokes Christian with the boot. Chinlock from Zeke and the fans get behind the champ. Christian fights back and then hits a big right hand. NORTHERN LARIAT FROM ZEKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Zeke has the arms of Christian and has them stretched. Christian set on the top rope. SUPERPLEX ... Christian stops that from taking place. Christian with the Flying European Uppercut. Zeke misses a charge and eats a Missile Dropkick for a two count. KILLSWITCH ... blocked. Christian drops behind. Reverse DDT from Christian and he heads for the top rope. BIG SPLASH OFF THE TOP FROM CHRISTIAN ... MISSES !!! LARIATOOOOOOOOO FROM ZEKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Both men counter and then the Backbreaker from Zeke gets a two count. Zeke misses a charge and eats the boots. TORNADO DDT FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Another big Lariat gets a two count for Zeke. OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE FROM ZEKE ... COUNTERED TO THE KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a nice wee opener. Zeke showed some promise when he had the control of the match with big power moves. Actually makes me glad that WWE are giving him another chance. Christian was his always solid self. ***

The Miz © vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship

MVP runs into a boot early. Back Body Drop from MVP and then he lands a Clothesline. Back Drop Suplex from MVP and that gets a two count. Miz heads for the floor as he needs a break, but MVP follows and continues the assault. Back into the ring and Miz kicks MVP to the apron and charges him into the table. Miz charges MVP into the apron and then back into the ring they go. Kick to the back and again from Miz. Leg Drop from Miz and then another knee to the back. Shoulder Charges to the stomach and then right hands from Miz. Miz then lands his Clothesline and heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle off the top and that gets a two count. He then locks in the Chinlock on MVP. Kick to the face from MVP and then some right hands as he comes back into the match. Flapjack and then Clotheslines from MVP. Knee 2 Face from MVP and we know what's coming next. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP !!! PLAYMAKER ... avoided ... YAKUZA KICK FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Throat over the top rope from Miz. Miz misses the Knee Lift. THE POUNCE FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! MVP misses the Yakuza Kick in the corner. VICTORY ROLL FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MVP goes for loads of pins. Miz gets the hell out of there. MIZ CATCHES MVP COMING IN WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was an absolutely stunning finish to this match. Lovely little touch. The match was pretty boring up to that point though and par for the course from these two guys since what was a good start to their fued. **

Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship

Lockup and Orton puts in the Headlock and then escapes and lands a Dropkick. Sheamus looks to do something and Orton slithers away. Lockup and into the ropes they go. They both switch positions and Sheamus pushes away. Sheamus then with a big clubbing blow. Arm Breaker from Sheamus and Orton heads for the floor. Sheamus with knees and then a European Uppercut. He then slams the arm of Orton into the steps. Back into the ring they go. Arm Ringer from Sheamus and he drops an elbow on the arm of Orton. Running Powerslam from Sheamus is avoided and he lands a chop block and now HE has his target. Stomps to the leg from Orton. Knee Drop to the leg of Sheamus. Into the middle of the ring and that gets a two count. Stomp to the head from Orton. Spinning Toe Hold from Orton. Orton then gets launched into the ringpost. This happens a second time. Shoulder Charge from Sheamus and then another as the quality of this match takes something of a nosedive. Sheamus then charges into a knee and Orton lands some strikes on Sheamus. Stomp to the hand from Orton and then he goes back to the leg. Orton then sends the leg of Sheamus into the ringpost and gets back into the ring. Sheamus now back into the ring and Orton with a kick to the gut. Sheamus comes out of nowhere with the Hammerlock DDT and then locks in the Arm Bar again. Orton tries a fight back and then Sheamus modifies the move a little. Orton fights out and the audience is very much pro-Orton here. European Uppercut from Orton. HATEBREAKER FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CELTIC CROSS ... Orton escapes and kicks the knee and then kicks Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus onto the apron and he gets caught. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... GRABS THE ROPES !!! Orton now has his eyes on him. THE PUNT ... Sheamus gets out of the ring and Orton follows him out there and lands a European Uppercut. Orton sent into the ringpost and then again. Into the ring they go. Cody Rhodes jumps the railing and attacks Sheamus from behind. RKO FROM ORTON ... The ref calls for the DQ.

The match wasn't too bad actually. It was a bit punch-kick for my liking. Whenever the match seemed to take a direction they'd cut it off. I thought two guys like that would have that rammed out of their system by now, but still not a bad match. **1/4

Michelle McCool © vs. Mickie James - WWE Womens Championship

James hits the ring and Cool misses a shot. DDT FROM MICKIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Too short. Next. N/A

The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio - World Heavyweight Championship

Rey is in the corner and he kicks the leg and moves around. He rolls away from Taker as well and then starts kicking the legs and lands some right hands and the audience boos. Taker grabs him by the throat and sends him over the top rope. Rey gets shots in at Taker coming back in. He tries a springboard but just jumps right into the right hand from Taker and then he heads for the floor. Kick to the head from Taker with Rey's head draped over the apron. Taker goes for his Leg Drop. Rey is now hung over the bottom rope and he lands the Leg Drop. I hate that spot. Taker grabs the throat. RANA FROM REY !!! 619 ... Taker catches him. TOMBSTONE ... knees to counter and then he kicks the head of Taker. Stomp from Taker but he misses an Elbow Drop. Springboard from Rey ... RIGHT INTO THE BIG BOOT !!! That looked like a pretty vicious move there. Rey heads for the floor when he gets his bearings. Kick from Taker and again and then the Big Boot from Taker. Taker misses a Big Boot at the ringpost. Dropkick to the leg which is in front of the ringpost. Nicely done there from Rey and that would make a good tactic. Rey to the apron. ASAI MOONSAULT ONTO TAKER ON THE FLOOR !!! Rey back into the ring and he misses a baseball slide. TAKER FUCKING LAUNCHES REY INTO THE BARRIER !!! Back into the ring they go. That gets a two count for Taker. Taker picks Rey up by the arm and then he drops him on the top rope. Taker then chokes Rey. Rey into the ropes and a HUGE Sidewalk Slam from Taker gets a two count. Kicks to the leg from Rey and then he lands a right hand but then eats a big right from Taker. Jawbreaker from Rey and then Taker runs into a Boot. Tilt-a-Whirl Reverse DDT from Rey and that allows him back into the match. Taker sits but Rey Dropkicks him. DROPPING THE DIME FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rey into the ropes and he runs into the Uppercut from Taker. LAST RIDE FROM TAKER ... avoided. 619 FROM REY !!! SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK !!! 619 !!! WEST COAST POP ... COUNTERED TO THE LAST RIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a decent match, but did anyone really believe Rey had a chance in this one ? Rey's ability to bump like a maniac definately helped this match along as did the fact that he was on a real hot streak. ***1/2

Royal Rumble Match

#1 is Dolph Ziggler and #2 is Evan Bourne. Bourne gets going with kicks. Bourne into the ropes and a Running Rana. Spinning Heel Kick from Bourne. Into the corner goes Bourne and then Ziggler lands some right hands. Dropkick and that almost gets rid of Bourne. Bourne into the ropes and he lands his knees. Springboard Rana almost sends Ziggler over the top rope. ZIG ZAG FROM ZIGGLER !!! The fans don't care. Bourne still not out and he lands his kick. AIR BOURNE FROM BOURNE !!! #3 is CM Punk and that gets a hell of a mixed reaction. Punk takes out Ziggler but Bourne with a big knees. Bourne then gets sent out and so does Ziggler and Punk chooses this as a time to give a sermon. JTG hits the ring and lands a series of right hands as #4. JTG gets dumped and Punk continues his sermon. :lol: "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted !". #5 is The Great Khali and I don't forsee the same easy elimination for this one. Punk thinks he needs to be saved. CHOP TO THE HEAD FROM KHALI !!! THE VICE GRIP !!! #6 is Beth Phoenix and she hits the ring with a fury. Khali doesn't seem to know what to make of this. Khali drops her on the apron. Khali tells her to go over and then kisses him out of the match. Hahaha. HOW IS THAT FOR A KISS CAM !!! BETH GOES MENTAL ON PUNK !!! GTS ON BETH !!! #7 is Ryder as Beth gets sent out of the match. Punk has the microphone again as he tells Ryder that he has potential. Punk then hits Ryder with the mic. Good work. :lol: Short Arm Clothesline from Punk. Ta ta Ryder. #8 is Triple H and I guess that the time is up for the sermon this time. HHH and Punk go face to face and HHH lands right hands to send down Punk. Knee 2 Face from HHH and another right hand. Punk with the High Knee but he misses the Bulldog and eats a Spinebuster. #9 is Drew McIntyre is heading for the ring. Drew hits the ring and eats some right hands. High Knee from HHH. GTS ... Punk is dumped from the match and then HHH with a right hand. Punk is raging. The guys are coming thick and fast here as the countdown is on again. #10 is Ted Dibiase. Dibiase and Drew both run into Clotheslines but then HHH runs into the Powerslam of HHH. Drew and Dibiase now work over HHH in the corner. Drew with some Clotheslines in the corner and then he hits the Short Arm Clothesline and the fans do a bit of booing. Fist Drop from Dibiase. John Morrison heads for the ring. He lands some right hands on Dibiase and then a Dropkick on Dibiase. He sweeps down Drew and lands a series of right hands. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT ON DREW !!! Morrison drags Drew to the corner and Dibiase attacks from behind. DREAM STREET ... COUNTERED WITH THE PELE KICK !!! STARSHIP PAIN ON DREW !!! The #12 entry for the match is Kane. HHH with a right hand and then he walks right into the Flying Clothesline off the top from Kane who then works over the guys in the ring. Sidewalk Slam on Dibiase. CHOKESLAM ON MORRISON AND DREW !!! HHH runs into the Big Boot and Dibiase jumps into a right hand. Kane wants to drop Dibiase over the top rope but HHH stops him. Why ? CHOKESLAM ON HHH !!! #13 is Cody Rhodes. Stomps from Cody and then he kicks the chest. Dibiase then chokes with the boot. RHODES WITH THE DDT ON HHH !!! Cody and Morrison do battle. Morrison onto the apron. Morrison springboards right into the Dropkick from Rhodes. Legacy now try and dump Kane from the match. Kane with the headbutt on Drew and then continues his quest as Rhodes almost goes out. MVP heads for the ring as #14. The Miz then lamps MVP over the head with the US title. Kick to the knee from Drew. FLASH KICK FROM MORRISON TO DREW !!! Stomps to the back from Morrison. Carlito is now #15 in the match. The audience is vocal in their apathy as their is actually a "who cares" buzz. Springboard Back Elbow still doesn't wake the audience from the Carlito induced slumber. Kane with right hands and a headbutt on Carlito. Knee Lift and then. BACKSTABBER FROM CARLITO !!! BACKSTABBER ON DREW !!! BACKSTABBER ON DIBIASE !!! That wakes the audience up. #16 is The Miz. SKULL CRUSHING FINALE ON CARLITO !!! MVP HITS THE RING AND GOES MENTAL ON MIZ !!! CACTUS CLOTHESLINE SENDS BOTH MEN TO THE FLOOR !!! People are trying to dump HHH but Kane helps. Again I ask. Why ? Carlito almost gets dumped and he avoids it. #17 is Matt Hardy. SIDE EFFECT ON DREW !!! Dibiase runs into a boot but Kane pushes him out. :lol: FUCK OFF LARDO !!! Kane gets taken out too. Spinebusters ahoy from HHH after that. PEDIGREE ON CODY ... Drew with the chop block and now the heels all go after HHH. Shawn Michaels is #18. Manhattan Drop and chops for Legacy and then Rhodes get dumped to be followed by his tag team partner. Right hand on Drew. Chops from HBK and then sent into the ropes and he lands his Flying Forearm. FLASH KICK ... misses. Morrison gets dumped out as well. LARIAT FROM DREW !!! He didn't half add some venom to that. Drew with a big right hand. DX now work over Drew. Drew sent over the top rope and now DX are in the ring together. John Cena is the next man in the match at #19. Shoulder Charges on both members of DX and that looked nasty. DOUBLE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! HBK holds on for dear life. HHH saves. PEDIGREE ON CENA !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC SENDS HHH OUT OF THE MATCH !!! Shelton now hits the ring. Spinning Heel Kick on Cena. Release German Suplex on Cena. PAYDIRT ON HBK !!! Ta Ta Shelton. HBK and Cena are now in the ring. Back Drop Suplex from HBK and then #21 is Yoshi Tatsu. He's not going to last long is he ? Spinning Heel Kick on HBK and then he lands some kicks on Cena. Double Knees on Cena. Cena then dumps him over the top rope and HBK attacks from behind. HBK with chops on Cena, but then Cena comes back with the Bulldog. Some really solid action here between these two guys. Right hand from Cena and then some more of the same. The Big Show is the next man in the match. Headbutts from Show to both men. HBK is put on the apron and HBK is almost taking him out. Cena tries to help but it doesn't work. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... HBK ALMOST OUT ... he pulls himself back in using The Big Show. #22 is Mark Henry and the ring better be reinforced. Henry tries running to the ring but he takes two seconds to be wasted. Henry with the big right hands, but then he can't get the Body Slam. Cena comes from behind and lands rights and lefts. Flying Shoulder Tackles from Cena and Henry adds his shots. Body Slam from Henry. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON HENRY ... doesn't work. #23 is Chris Masters. Clothesline on HBK and then he eats a chop. Gorilla Press Slam from Masters and a hard one. MASTERLOCK ON SHOW ... Show uses that to get rid of Masters. Henry now tries to dump Show. #25. What did we miss. R-Truth eliminates Henry and Show. Cena into the ropes and then eats a Scissor Kick. HBK with chops on Truth. Hiptoss on HBK from Truth. The Stroke on Cena. Right hands from Truth as the fans chant "Boring". Hardly. #26 is Jack Swagger. Clothesline on Truth. Running Vader Bomb on Cena. The same move lands on HBK. Suplex on Cena. Suplex on HBK. OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE ON TRUTH !!! Swagger does a bit of taunting following that. Chop on Swagger. Swagger ALMOST dumps HBK but he doesn't quite manage it. #27 is Kofi Kingston which is a popular move. Kingston with the Cross Body on Swagger. Clothesline on Swagger. BOOM DROP ON SWAGGER !!! Kofi onto the apron and he takes out Swagger. Dropkick on HBK from Kofi. Kingston lands his right hands, but avoids going out. Kofi takes Truth out of the match. #28 is Chris Jericho. He hits a Running Forearm on Kofi and then lands forearms on Cena and HBK. Back Elbow on Cena. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON JERICHO !!! DDT from Cena to Jericho. HBK heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC RIGHT INTO THE TROUBLE IN PARADISE !!! CENA ELIMINATES KOFI !!! CODEBREAKER ON CENA !!! #29 IS THE RETURNING EDGE !!! THE PLACE GOES FUCKING MENTAL !!! SPEARS GALORE ON EVERYONE !!! Right hands from Edge to Jericho and then he dumps Jericho. HBK then with chops. EDGE-O-MATIC ON HBK !!! IMPANT DDT ON CENA !!! That is one excited audience people. HBK comes back with chops on Edge. Batista is #30.

So here we go. Spinebuster on Edge and then he lands some destruction on everyone. Running Powerslam on HBK and then the Spinebuster on Cena. He then sets up. SPEAR FROM EDGE TO BATISTA !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON EDGE !!! What an amazing match this one has been. Manhattan Drop and a chop sends down Cena and then Batista. Body Slams on Batista and then Cena. HBK heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP ON CENA !!! Enziguri on Batista and he heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP ON BATISTA !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON CENA !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON BATISTA !!! Edge sends HBK onto the apron and both men on the apron. SWEET CHIN MUSIC SENDS EDGE INTO THE RING !!! BATISTA ELIMINATES HBK !!! HBK does NOT look like a happy man. HBK dumps a referee out of the way and then gets into the ring. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON THE REFEREE IN THE RING !!! Batista and Cena are now up as HBK leaves. Back Body Drop from Cena. BATISTA IS OUT AS EDGE PULLS THE TOP ROPE DOWN !!! Edge has his eyes on Cena. EDGE MISSES THE SPEAR ... HE SENDS CENA OUT !!! EDGE WINS THE ROYAL RUMBLE !!!

I stand by how I seen this match before. This was an absolutely amazing match. From the first to the last, the match was kept interesting with the stories running all the way through it. Up there with the very best rumbles and a surefire MOTYC for 2010. *****

Well, there was nothing that was actually bad on the show. A couple of boring matches, but not bad, and there was one pretty good match, one really good match and an absolutely amazing main event to cap the whole thing off. All in all, a really good PPV. Next up ... TNA Genesis 2010. I think I might have done a non-PBP of that.

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WWE Royal Rumble 2010

I hope this is better on PBP than it was on the night, as I go back to my catchup. I'll be doing the proper TNA PBPs as well.

Christian © vs. Ezekiel Jackson - ECW Championship ( *** )

The Miz © vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship ( ** )

Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship ( **1/4 )

Michelle McCool © vs. Mickie James - WWE Womens Championship ( N/A )

The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio - World Heavyweight Championship ( ***1/2 )

Royal Rumble Match ( ***** )

Christian © vs. Ezekiel Jackson - ECW Championship

Lockup and Christian gets thrown into the corner. Christian ducks the lockup but gets backed into the corner and then Zeke breaks the Waistlock and throws down Christian. Christian slaps Zeke as he is not a happy camper and then he chases Christian around and runs right into right hands. Christian sends Zeke down with a Dropkick. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR FROM CHRISTIAN !!! Into the ring and Christian hits the ropes and goes under Zeke. Another slap. Body Slam from Zeke and that puts an end to it. He clubs away on Zeke. Shot across the chest of Christian. Right hand from Zeke. Shots to the stomach and the head of Christian. Killswitch is missed by Christian and then Zeke goes for the Gorilla Press Slam. Drop Toe Hold from Christian and then he chokes Zeke over the middle rope and lands an uppercut. Christian to the middle buckle and he gets sweeped back down. Regal gets involved but the referee spots it and sends him to the back. Christian with shots to the gut but then gets sent into the railing. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Kick to the back from Zeke and then more kicking. Zeke with a bit of an unorthodox slam and that gets a two count. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Zeke and that gets a two count. Zeke chokes Christian over the middle rope. Zeke with a clubbing blow across the chest of Christian and then a forearm to the back. Into the corner and Christian with a Springboard Sunset Flip, but Zeke pulls him up. STANDING BALDO BOMB FROM ZEKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Zeke then chokes Christian with the boot. Chinlock from Zeke and the fans get behind the champ. Christian fights back and then hits a big right hand. NORTHERN LARIAT FROM ZEKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Zeke has the arms of Christian and has them stretched. Christian set on the top rope. SUPERPLEX ... Christian stops that from taking place. Christian with the Flying European Uppercut. Zeke misses a charge and eats a Missile Dropkick for a two count. KILLSWITCH ... blocked. Christian drops behind. Reverse DDT from Christian and he heads for the top rope. BIG SPLASH OFF THE TOP FROM CHRISTIAN ... MISSES !!! LARIATOOOOOOOOO FROM ZEKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Both men counter and then the Backbreaker from Zeke gets a two count. Zeke misses a charge and eats the boots. TORNADO DDT FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Another big Lariat gets a two count for Zeke. OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE FROM ZEKE ... COUNTERED TO THE KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a nice wee opener. Zeke showed some promise when he had the control of the match with big power moves. Actually makes me glad that WWE are giving him another chance. Christian was his always solid self. ***

The Miz © vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship

MVP runs into a boot early. Back Body Drop from MVP and then he lands a Clothesline. Back Drop Suplex from MVP and that gets a two count. Miz heads for the floor as he needs a break, but MVP follows and continues the assault. Back into the ring and Miz kicks MVP to the apron and charges him into the table. Miz charges MVP into the apron and then back into the ring they go. Kick to the back and again from Miz. Leg Drop from Miz and then another knee to the back. Shoulder Charges to the stomach and then right hands from Miz. Miz then lands his Clothesline and heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle off the top and that gets a two count. He then locks in the Chinlock on MVP. Kick to the face from MVP and then some right hands as he comes back into the match. Flapjack and then Clotheslines from MVP. Knee 2 Face from MVP and we know what's coming next. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP !!! PLAYMAKER ... avoided ... YAKUZA KICK FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Throat over the top rope from Miz. Miz misses the Knee Lift. THE POUNCE FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! MVP misses the Yakuza Kick in the corner. VICTORY ROLL FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MVP goes for loads of pins. Miz gets the hell out of there. MIZ CATCHES MVP COMING IN WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was an absolutely stunning finish to this match. Lovely little touch. The match was pretty boring up to that point though and par for the course from these two guys since what was a good start to their fued. **

Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship

Lockup and Orton puts in the Headlock and then escapes and lands a Dropkick. Sheamus looks to do something and Orton slithers away. Lockup and into the ropes they go. They both switch positions and Sheamus pushes away. Sheamus then with a big clubbing blow. Arm Breaker from Sheamus and Orton heads for the floor. Sheamus with knees and then a European Uppercut. He then slams the arm of Orton into the steps. Back into the ring they go. Arm Ringer from Sheamus and he drops an elbow on the arm of Orton. Running Powerslam from Sheamus is avoided and he lands a chop block and now HE has his target. Stomps to the leg from Orton. Knee Drop to the leg of Sheamus. Into the middle of the ring and that gets a two count. Stomp to the head from Orton. Spinning Toe Hold from Orton. Orton then gets launched into the ringpost. This happens a second time. Shoulder Charge from Sheamus and then another as the quality of this match takes something of a nosedive. Sheamus then charges into a knee and Orton lands some strikes on Sheamus. Stomp to the hand from Orton and then he goes back to the leg. Orton then sends the leg of Sheamus into the ringpost and gets back into the ring. Sheamus now back into the ring and Orton with a kick to the gut. Sheamus comes out of nowhere with the Hammerlock DDT and then locks in the Arm Bar again. Orton tries a fight back and then Sheamus modifies the move a little. Orton fights out and the audience is very much pro-Orton here. European Uppercut from Orton. HATEBREAKER FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CELTIC CROSS ... Orton escapes and kicks the knee and then kicks Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus onto the apron and he gets caught. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... GRABS THE ROPES !!! Orton now has his eyes on him. THE PUNT ... Sheamus gets out of the ring and Orton follows him out there and lands a European Uppercut. Orton sent into the ringpost and then again. Into the ring they go. Cody Rhodes jumps the railing and attacks Sheamus from behind. RKO FROM ORTON ... The ref calls for the DQ.

The match wasn't too bad actually. It was a bit punch-kick for my liking. Whenever the match seemed to take a direction they'd cut it off. I thought two guys like that would have that rammed out of their system by now, but still not a bad match. **1/4

Michelle McCool © vs. Mickie James - WWE Womens Championship

James hits the ring and Cool misses a shot. DDT FROM MICKIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Too short. Next. N/A

The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio - World Heavyweight Championship

Rey is in the corner and he kicks the leg and moves around. He rolls away from Taker as well and then starts kicking the legs and lands some right hands and the audience boos. Taker grabs him by the throat and sends him over the top rope. Rey gets shots in at Taker coming back in. He tries a springboard but just jumps right into the right hand from Taker and then he heads for the floor. Kick to the head from Taker with Rey's head draped over the apron. Taker goes for his Leg Drop. Rey is now hung over the bottom rope and he lands the Leg Drop. I hate that spot. Taker grabs the throat. RANA FROM REY !!! 619 ... Taker catches him. TOMBSTONE ... knees to counter and then he kicks the head of Taker. Stomp from Taker but he misses an Elbow Drop. Springboard from Rey ... RIGHT INTO THE BIG BOOT !!! That looked like a pretty vicious move there. Rey heads for the floor when he gets his bearings. Kick from Taker and again and then the Big Boot from Taker. Taker misses a Big Boot at the ringpost. Dropkick to the leg which is in front of the ringpost. Nicely done there from Rey and that would make a good tactic. Rey to the apron. ASAI MOONSAULT ONTO TAKER ON THE FLOOR !!! Rey back into the ring and he misses a baseball slide. TAKER FUCKING LAUNCHES REY INTO THE BARRIER !!! Back into the ring they go. That gets a two count for Taker. Taker picks Rey up by the arm and then he drops him on the top rope. Taker then chokes Rey. Rey into the ropes and a HUGE Sidewalk Slam from Taker gets a two count. Kicks to the leg from Rey and then he lands a right hand but then eats a big right from Taker. Jawbreaker from Rey and then Taker runs into a Boot. Tilt-a-Whirl Reverse DDT from Rey and that allows him back into the match. Taker sits but Rey Dropkicks him. DROPPING THE DIME FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rey into the ropes and he runs into the Uppercut from Taker. LAST RIDE FROM TAKER ... avoided. 619 FROM REY !!! SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK !!! 619 !!! WEST COAST POP ... COUNTERED TO THE LAST RIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a decent match, but did anyone really believe Rey had a chance in this one ? Rey's ability to bump like a maniac definately helped this match along as did the fact that he was on a real hot streak. ***1/2

Royal Rumble Match

#1 is Dolph Ziggler and #2 is Evan Bourne. Bourne gets going with kicks. Bourne into the ropes and a Running Rana. Spinning Heel Kick from Bourne. Into the corner goes Bourne and then Ziggler lands some right hands. Dropkick and that almost gets rid of Bourne. Bourne into the ropes and he lands his knees. Springboard Rana almost sends Ziggler over the top rope. ZIG ZAG FROM ZIGGLER !!! The fans don't care. Bourne still not out and he lands his kick. AIR BOURNE FROM BOURNE !!! #3 is CM Punk and that gets a hell of a mixed reaction. Punk takes out Ziggler but Bourne with a big knees. Bourne then gets sent out and so does Ziggler and Punk chooses this as a time to give a sermon. JTG hits the ring and lands a series of right hands as #4. JTG gets dumped and Punk continues his sermon. :lol: "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted !". #5 is The Great Khali and I don't forsee the same easy elimination for this one. Punk thinks he needs to be saved. CHOP TO THE HEAD FROM KHALI !!! THE VICE GRIP !!! #6 is Beth Phoenix and she hits the ring with a fury. Khali doesn't seem to know what to make of this. Khali drops her on the apron. Khali tells her to go over and then kisses him out of the match. Hahaha. HOW IS THAT FOR A KISS CAM !!! BETH GOES MENTAL ON PUNK !!! GTS ON BETH !!! #7 is Ryder as Beth gets sent out of the match. Punk has the microphone again as he tells Ryder that he has potential. Punk then hits Ryder with the mic. Good work. :lol: Short Arm Clothesline from Punk. Ta ta Ryder. #8 is Triple H and I guess that the time is up for the sermon this time. HHH and Punk go face to face and HHH lands right hands to send down Punk. Knee 2 Face from HHH and another right hand. Punk with the High Knee but he misses the Bulldog and eats a Spinebuster. #9 is Drew McIntyre is heading for the ring. Drew hits the ring and eats some right hands. High Knee from HHH. GTS ... Punk is dumped from the match and then HHH with a right hand. Punk is raging. The guys are coming thick and fast here as the countdown is on again. #10 is Ted Dibiase. Dibiase and Drew both run into Clotheslines but then HHH runs into the Powerslam of HHH. Drew and Dibiase now work over HHH in the corner. Drew with some Clotheslines in the corner and then he hits the Short Arm Clothesline and the fans do a bit of booing. Fist Drop from Dibiase. John Morrison heads for the ring. He lands some right hands on Dibiase and then a Dropkick on Dibiase. He sweeps down Drew and lands a series of right hands. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT ON DREW !!! Morrison drags Drew to the corner and Dibiase attacks from behind. DREAM STREET ... COUNTERED WITH THE PELE KICK !!! STARSHIP PAIN ON DREW !!! The #12 entry for the match is Kane. HHH with a right hand and then he walks right into the Flying Clothesline off the top from Kane who then works over the guys in the ring. Sidewalk Slam on Dibiase. CHOKESLAM ON MORRISON AND DREW !!! HHH runs into the Big Boot and Dibiase jumps into a right hand. Kane wants to drop Dibiase over the top rope but HHH stops him. Why ? CHOKESLAM ON HHH !!! #13 is Cody Rhodes. Stomps from Cody and then he kicks the chest. Dibiase then chokes with the boot. RHODES WITH THE DDT ON HHH !!! Cody and Morrison do battle. Morrison onto the apron. Morrison springboards right into the Dropkick from Rhodes. Legacy now try and dump Kane from the match. Kane with the headbutt on Drew and then continues his quest as Rhodes almost goes out. MVP heads for the ring as #14. The Miz then lamps MVP over the head with the US title. Kick to the knee from Drew. FLASH KICK FROM MORRISON TO DREW !!! Stomps to the back from Morrison. Carlito is now #15 in the match. The audience is vocal in their apathy as their is actually a "who cares" buzz. Springboard Back Elbow still doesn't wake the audience from the Carlito induced slumber. Kane with right hands and a headbutt on Carlito. Knee Lift and then. BACKSTABBER FROM CARLITO !!! BACKSTABBER ON DREW !!! BACKSTABBER ON DIBIASE !!! That wakes the audience up. #16 is The Miz. SKULL CRUSHING FINALE ON CARLITO !!! MVP HITS THE RING AND GOES MENTAL ON MIZ !!! CACTUS CLOTHESLINE SENDS BOTH MEN TO THE FLOOR !!! People are trying to dump HHH but Kane helps. Again I ask. Why ? Carlito almost gets dumped and he avoids it. #17 is Matt Hardy. SIDE EFFECT ON DREW !!! Dibiase runs into a boot but Kane pushes him out. :lol: FUCK OFF LARDO !!! Kane gets taken out too. Spinebusters ahoy from HHH after that. PEDIGREE ON CODY ... Drew with the chop block and now the heels all go after HHH. Shawn Michaels is #18. Manhattan Drop and chops for Legacy and then Rhodes get dumped to be followed by his tag team partner. Right hand on Drew. Chops from HBK and then sent into the ropes and he lands his Flying Forearm. FLASH KICK ... misses. Morrison gets dumped out as well. LARIAT FROM DREW !!! He didn't half add some venom to that. Drew with a big right hand. DX now work over Drew. Drew sent over the top rope and now DX are in the ring together. John Cena is the next man in the match at #19. Shoulder Charges on both members of DX and that looked nasty. DOUBLE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! HBK holds on for dear life. HHH saves. PEDIGREE ON CENA !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC SENDS HHH OUT OF THE MATCH !!! Shelton now hits the ring. Spinning Heel Kick on Cena. Release German Suplex on Cena. PAYDIRT ON HBK !!! Ta Ta Shelton. HBK and Cena are now in the ring. Back Drop Suplex from HBK and then #21 is Yoshi Tatsu. He's not going to last long is he ? Spinning Heel Kick on HBK and then he lands some kicks on Cena. Double Knees on Cena. Cena then dumps him over the top rope and HBK attacks from behind. HBK with chops on Cena, but then Cena comes back with the Bulldog. Some really solid action here between these two guys. Right hand from Cena and then some more of the same. The Big Show is the next man in the match. Headbutts from Show to both men. HBK is put on the apron and HBK is almost taking him out. Cena tries to help but it doesn't work. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... HBK ALMOST OUT ... he pulls himself back in using The Big Show. #22 is Mark Henry and the ring better be reinforced. Henry tries running to the ring but he takes two seconds to be wasted. Henry with the big right hands, but then he can't get the Body Slam. Cena comes from behind and lands rights and lefts. Flying Shoulder Tackles from Cena and Henry adds his shots. Body Slam from Henry. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON HENRY ... doesn't work. #23 is Chris Masters. Clothesline on HBK and then he eats a chop. Gorilla Press Slam from Masters and a hard one. MASTERLOCK ON SHOW ... Show uses that to get rid of Masters. Henry now tries to dump Show. #25. What did we miss. R-Truth eliminates Henry and Show. Cena into the ropes and then eats a Scissor Kick. HBK with chops on Truth. Hiptoss on HBK from Truth. The Stroke on Cena. Right hands from Truth as the fans chant "Boring". Hardly. #26 is Jack Swagger. Clothesline on Truth. Running Vader Bomb on Cena. The same move lands on HBK. Suplex on Cena. Suplex on HBK. OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE ON TRUTH !!! Swagger does a bit of taunting following that. Chop on Swagger. Swagger ALMOST dumps HBK but he doesn't quite manage it. #27 is Kofi Kingston which is a popular move. Kingston with the Cross Body on Swagger. Clothesline on Swagger. BOOM DROP ON SWAGGER !!! Kofi onto the apron and he takes out Swagger. Dropkick on HBK from Kofi. Kingston lands his right hands, but avoids going out. Kofi takes Truth out of the match. #28 is Chris Jericho. He hits a Running Forearm on Kofi and then lands forearms on Cena and HBK. Back Elbow on Cena. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON JERICHO !!! DDT from Cena to Jericho. HBK heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC RIGHT INTO THE TROUBLE IN PARADISE !!! CENA ELIMINATES KOFI !!! CODEBREAKER ON CENA !!! #29 IS THE RETURNING EDGE !!! THE PLACE GOES FUCKING MENTAL !!! SPEARS GALORE ON EVERYONE !!! Right hands from Edge to Jericho and then he dumps Jericho. HBK then with chops. EDGE-O-MATIC ON HBK !!! IMPANT DDT ON CENA !!! That is one excited audience people. HBK comes back with chops on Edge. Batista is #30.

So here we go. Spinebuster on Edge and then he lands some destruction on everyone. Running Powerslam on HBK and then the Spinebuster on Cena. He then sets up. SPEAR FROM EDGE TO BATISTA !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON EDGE !!! What an amazing match this one has been. Manhattan Drop and a chop sends down Cena and then Batista. Body Slams on Batista and then Cena. HBK heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP ON CENA !!! Enziguri on Batista and he heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP ON BATISTA !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON CENA !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON BATISTA !!! Edge sends HBK onto the apron and both men on the apron. SWEET CHIN MUSIC SENDS EDGE INTO THE RING !!! BATISTA ELIMINATES HBK !!! HBK does NOT look like a happy man. HBK dumps a referee out of the way and then gets into the ring. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON THE REFEREE IN THE RING !!! Batista and Cena are now up as HBK leaves. Back Body Drop from Cena. BATISTA IS OUT AS EDGE PULLS THE TOP ROPE DOWN !!! Edge has his eyes on Cena. EDGE MISSES THE SPEAR ... HE SENDS CENA OUT !!! EDGE WINS THE ROYAL RUMBLE !!!

I stand by how I seen this match before. This was an absolutely amazing match. From the first to the last, the match was kept interesting with the stories running all the way through it. Up there with the very best rumbles and a surefire MOTYC for 2010. *****

Well, there was nothing that was actually bad on the show. A couple of boring matches, but not bad, and there was one pretty good match, one really good match and an absolutely amazing main event to cap the whole thing off. All in all, a really good PPV. Next up ... TNA Genesis 2010. I think I might have done a non-PBP of that.

Magic stuff on the Rumble match, Dom. :D

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Don't say I'm not good to you.

That documentary is really a must watch for all wrestling fans, uncovers so much about what was going on back in the day. The only downside is they cut about a year and half of WCW kicking ass all down to about a minutes footage which is unfair.

Don't think you're in a position to comment on what WWE should be doing with him then. Surely the fact you can't stand him makes him a good heel?

I've watched the WWE for years and am in a perfect position to voice my opinions on Cole, I hated him as a face commentator as well but aye when do you slither back to watching WWE again? thought you gave it up after Summerslam.


Watch that and then tell me you don't appreciate Michael Cole

I'm not going to watch it.

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I've watched the WWE for years and am in a perfect position to voice my opinions on Cole, I hated him as a face commentator as well but aye when do you slither back to watching WWE again? thought you gave it up after Summerslam.

Cole was very bland but now he is great to watch. He comes out with some brilliant one liners and his general heelish demeanour means he is excellent entertainment. Outwith Flair, the Guns and Anderson I'd actually say he is my favourite thing in wrestling just now.

I catch bits and bobs when there's nothing else on the TV. I'm not making an effort to watch it all the time as I was a couple of months ago.

I'm not going to watch it.

Why not? It's brilliant TV.

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I hated him as a face commentator as well

That's because he was a shit face. He's a much better heel though, and a lot of that is thanks to his annoying voice and mannerisms.

Outwith Flair, the Guns and Anderson I'd actually say he is my favourite thing in wrestling just now.

No love for Barrett and Jarrett ? I'd say they're the best things in WWE and TNA at the moment.

Why not? It's brilliant TV.

Agreed. The Cole/Bryan stuff is brilliantly done.

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No love for Barrett and Jarrett ? I'd say they're the best things in WWE and TNA at the moment.

Wade has been superb during his whole time in the WWE and JJ has been great the last couple of weeks. I prefer Mikey Cole over the two of them though. Some of the stuff he does on NXT is amazing, when he walked out or took the phone call for example :lol:

Agreed. The Cole/Bryan stuff is brilliantly done.

Feud of the year by some distance IMO has been Cole/Bryan/Miz. Some quite brilliant bits of TV.

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WWE Elimination Chamber 2010

Another PPV which I shat on at the time which drew some surprise from some of the members here. Royal Rumble was better than I gave it credit for, so I'm hoping that this PPV can prove me wrong as well.

Sheamus © vs. John Cena vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Kofi Kingston, Elimination Chamber Match - WWE Championship ( **1/2 )

John Cena © vs. Batista - WWE Championship ( N/A )

Drew McIntyre © vs. Kane - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( DUD )

Maryse and Gail Kim vs. Lay-Cool ( * )

The Miz © vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship ( ** )

The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk vs. R-Truth, Elimination Chamber Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( **** )

Sheamus © vs. John Cena vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Kofi Kingston, Elimination Chamber Match - WWE Championship

John Cena curtain jerking the match is a bit of an odd one. Starting this match will be Kingston and Sheamus. Not the most exciting of openings to the match. Kofi uses his speed to open the match and he's sent to the ropes. Cross Body gets a two count and then he lands a Dropkick for the same result. Kick to the stomach and the leg and then a nice Thrust Kick. Knee to the chest from Kofi and that gets a two count. Kick to the stomach from Sheamus and a club to the back. The fans start chanting "RKO". Sheamus then rips at the face of Kofi. Kofi comes back with forearms but runs into a Back Elbow. Clothesline from Sheamus and he taunts the crowd. Both men try for Hiptosses. High kick from Kofi and then he lands a Springboard Cross Body for a two count. European Uppercuts from Kofi. Sheamus runs into a boot and Kofi tries for a Sunset Flip and that fails. "Cena Sucks" chant breaks out and he looks heartbroken. Kofi with a fightback and now both men are on the steel. Kofi gets pushed into a chamber. Back in. HATEBREAKER FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The next man is now coming into the match. Triple H is the entrant and Sheamus does not look too amused. The fans love the slow build here. The two men face off and Sheamus won't back down here. HHH pushes Sheamus and then lands a series of right hands. Knee to the stomach from Sheamus and then he lands right hands. High Knee from HHH. HHH then with the Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Clothesline in the corner from HHH. Right hands in the corner and down goes Sheamus. HHH then lays in the stomps. Short Arm Clothesline from HHH and that gets a two count. Sheamus then gets sent out to the steel. HHH tries to send Sheamus into the wall and vice versa. HHH sends Sheamus back over the top rope with a Clothesline. HHH runs into a boot. CELTIC CROSS ... misses. DDT from HHH. That gets a two count. Kofi coming back in and he lands the Cross Body on Sheamus and then he lands a Clothesline on HHH. Dropkick sends Sheamus into the corner. HHH whipped into Sheamus and he lands on the steel. Kofi then with right hands on Sheamus in the corner. Flying Clothesline on Sheamus. SLINGSHOT BOOM DROP ONTO HHH ON THE STEEL !!! That was nice. Sheamus clubs down Kofi from behind with a Clothesline. That gets a two count. Randy Orton is next in and he flies at Sheamus and takes him down with right hands. He then takes down HHH. He stomps away at the stomach. Head first into the top buckle and Orton with a European Uppercut and then he stomps at Sheamus as well. He then does his series of stomps. Right hand to HHH. Sheamus then gets sent out to the steel. Sheamus then gets sent face first into the chains time and time again. HHH feels the same again and again and again. Orton chokes Sheamus with a boot. KOFI COMES OFF THE TOP ROPE WITH A PLANCHA ONTO THE OTHER MEN !!! Kofi springboard right into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Orton stomps away at Kofi and then HHH comes in and lands some right hands. HHH into the ropes and he lands the Knee 2 Face, but Orton with the Powerslam changes the tide pretty quickly. Orton now has his sights set on HHH. RKO ... TROUBLE IN PARADISE ... PEDIGREE ... this all ends with HHH sent out to the steel. Kofi gets sent out there too. The match has had it's fair share of deadspots. There shouldn't be dead spots with four guys in the ring. Anyways, the next man in the ring is Ted Dibiase who is met with apathy. Hot Shot from Dibiase to Kofi and then he lands right hands and Fist Drops on HHH. Dibiase then looks at Orton but lands the Fist Drop on HHH. He now looks down at Orton. Dibiase extends the hand to Orton and then picks him up. Orton and Dibiase then go after HHH and the fans aren't happy with that. Orton chokes HHH with the boot. Orton with a knee to the stomach of Sheamus and then he gets sent into the ringpost. Orton then to the steel with Kofi and Dibiase and then they try and get Kofi's head through the chain links and succeed. That's pretty sick stuff. DIBIASE ADDS A BOSTON CRAB !!! Ouch. Kicks to the stomach are added from Orton. HHH with right hands on Orton and then Legacy attack HHH. Kicks to the stomach from Dibiase to HHH. HHH sent to the floor by Orton. HHH sent into the chain back first twice. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON ... Dibiase wants him to do it on the steel. HANGING DDT ON THE STEEL FROM ORTON TO HHH !!! Legacy are now waiting on Cena coming out of the chamber. Cena is ready for the battle though. He goes mental and sends Orton into the ring and lands the Flying Shoulder Blocks. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! Throwback on Dibiase and he heads for the top rope. SUPER FAMEASSER FROM CENA !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO THE STEEL FROM CENA TO DIBIASE !!! Cena sent to the other side. Orton then gets sent face first into the steel. STF ON DIBIASE IN THE RING !!! Orton makes the save. Orton Backbreaker from Orton and then he has his eyes on Cena. Cody Rhodes now has a lead pipe on the floor. He throws the pipe in. RKO ... misses. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT WITH A PIPE SHOT FROM CENA AND DIBIASE !!! PIPE SHOT TO CENA !!! Dibiase has his eyes on both men. HE PINS ORTON !!! HE'S OUT !!! Randy Orton has been eliminated.

Ted Dibiase has a smile on his face while Randy Orton is not amused, but Orton has a weird look on his face too. Weird. Anyways, we're down to five. Kofi takes Sheamus back into the ring. TROUBLE IN PARADISE ON DIBIASE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Ted Dibiase has been eliminated.

BROW KICK ON KOFI !!! CELTIC CROSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Kofi Kingston has been eliminated.

Sheamus with right hands on Cena as we're now down to three. Cena goes to the steel. Running Knee Lift from Sheamus who has been in there the whole time. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA ... COUNTERED TO THE HATEBREAKER !!! Running Powerslam gets a two count for Sheamus. Cena is now put in the corner. Running Shoulder Block in the corner to Cena who is in the Tree of Woe, and then Sheamus with a series of knee strikes. CELTIC CROSS FROM SHEAMUS ... HHH WITH THE LOW BLOW ON SHEAMUS !!! PEDIGREE ON SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Sheamus has been eliminated.

We're now down to the final two of John Cena and Triple H. STF FROM CENA !!! HHH TAPS !!!

That was a disappointing match when you consider the wealth of talent that was in it. It wasn't bad or anything. The eliminations came too thick and fast though and when they started, the match was all over the place. Before that point, it felt like a standard TV match, which considering the gimmick of the match and the rules, that is a huge disappointment. **1/2

John Cena © vs. Batista - WWE Championship

Vince McMahon has made this match and this is going to be a bad time for Cena I'd imagine. Batista looks pretty happy with how this is going. Right hand from Cena. SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! BATISTA BOMB FROM BATISTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! N/A

Drew McIntyre © vs. Kane - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Jerry Lawler asks if Drew has had a charisma bypass somewhere. Not a bad question actually. Drew ducks a right hand and then lands right hands. Kick to the stomach and more right hands from Drew. Drew runs right into a right hand. Kane then with right hands of his own. Snapmare and a Dropkick from Kane and that gets a two count. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Kane. Drew manages to escape from the move and then lands some right hands. Kane charges down Drew and gets a two count. Side Headlock again from Kane. Drew manages to escape but misses a Hiptoss and Kane gets a Neckbreaker and that gets a two count for the machine. Kane into the corner and Kane misses a charge and Drew with some kicks to the stomach and then right hands. Clothesline in the corner and more of the same. He's been watching too much Shingo. Short Arm Clothesline does nothing, and Drew runs right into the Clothesline of Kane. Elbow to the back of the head from Kane. Drew into the ropes and then kicks the knee and now he has a different focus. Drew with clubbing blows to Kane. Drew gets sent to the apron. He then drops the arm over the top rope and he's just picking apart Kane. BIG right hand from Kane and then a kick to the knee and a Double Knee Arm Breaker from Drew gets a two count. Arm Bar from Drew. Drew gets sent over the top rope from there and that looked like a bad landing. Back into the ring and Kane lands right hands. Single Arm DDT from Drew and he goes back to the Arm Bar. Kane uses his power but he can't do that, so Kane uses right hands. Big Boot from Drew. FUTURE SHOCK DDT ... countered. Kane lands a Big Boot of his own. Right hands from Kane. Kane charges into an elbow. Drew jumps right into the right hand and that gets a two count. Sidewalk Slam from Kane and that gets a two count. Kane heads for the top rope. Flying Clothesline from Kane. CHOKESLAM ... Drew escapes and heads for the apron. Kane and Drew to the apron now and Kane boots Drew off. Back into the ring they go and Kane looks happy. Drew wants to head for the back. They brawl down to the aisle. Back into the ring and Drew gets a cheap shot. FUTURE SHOCK DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a boring heap of shite that was. It seemed to get worse and worse as it went on. I thought it had potential when Drew was looking to damage two body parts but when they abandoned that, it was terrible. DUD

Maryse and Gail Kim vs. Lay-Cool

How can you not love Maryse ? Lockup with Kim and Layla and Kim gets the arm. Forearms from Kim and then Lay into the ropes and she gets a nice cover for a two count. Kicks to the arm from Layla and then Kim into the corner. Layla misses a charge and Kim goes over her and gets a two count. Forearms from Kim and then she hits her Cross Body in the corner. Cool boots Kim off of the top rope and that didn't end too well. Cool comes in and slams the head of Kim off of the canvas and then gets a Camel Clutch. Kim tries a fightback and Cool just smashes her back down again. European Uppercut from Cool and then she lands knees to the back. Kim into the ropes and she comes out with a kick and then a Clothesline. Maryse comes around the tag but then pushes her into a kick in the face. FAITH BREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That wasn't TOO bad I suppose. Wouldn't be bad for a TV match. *

The Miz © vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship

MVP and Miz to get this thing going. MVP slaps Miz and then he clubs away at him. Kicks to the stomach from MVP. Miz with a back elbow and then he runs into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. MVP heads for the bottom rope and then he sends Miz into the barrier and then back into the ring. Miz hits the ropes and misses a Baseball Slide and walks into a Clothesline. That gets a two count. MVP into the ropes and he runs into the Back Elbow. Kick to the stomach from Miz and then a series of kicks. Choke over the middle rope from Miz but then MVP lands a Flying Forearm and then some right hands and that gets a two count. Arm Bar from MVP. Miz escapes and gets some kicks and then lands a nice Double Knee Gutbuster from Miz and that gets a two count. Choke over the middle rope from Miz. Miz then drops his weight over the back of MVP. Kick to the stomach from Miz and that gets a two count. Miz then locks in a Chinlock on MVP. MVP escapes the move, and then Miz sends down the MVP. MVP with a kick and a Small Package and that gets a two count. Running kick to the face from Miz and that gets another two count. Crucifix gets a two count for MVP. Miz isn't happy with that and lands a series of right hands. Big right hand from MVP and then lands some Shoulder Blocks. Miz lands a big Lariat and that gets a two count. MVP lands an Electric Chair Bridge and that gets a two count. MVP now comes back with right hands. BASEMENT DDT FROM MIZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Matt Striker namechecks Monsta Mack on commentary. Chinlock again from Miz and MVP charges him into the corner. MVP charges into a boot. Miz charges and lands his Clothesline in the corner and Show gets the fans into this. Miz gets crotched on the top rope. Slaps from MVP. Headbutts from Miz and MVP ends up in the middle of the ring. POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Miz is now busted open. Right hands from both men now. Kicks to the arms and then lefts and rights. Flapjack from MVP. Clothesline from MVP and another. Knee 2 Face. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Show drags Miz to the floor and then MVP comes out. Henry goes and sends Show into the ringpost. SHOW SENDS HENRY CRASHING THROUGH THE BARRIER !!! Miz and MVP back into the ring. Forearms from MVP in the ring and then he charges and misses the kick. KNOCKOUT PUNCH FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Another boring match here from these two guys. I'm willing to give points for the match feeling pretty heated and physical between them at one point, but it was again par for the course. **

The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk vs. R-Truth, Elimination Chamber Match - World Heavyweight Championship

f**k R-TRUTH !!! The bell rings and we have five minutes between these two guys. Lockup and a Headlock from Truth. Truth into the ropes and he charges down Punk. Dropkick from Punk switches the tide. Back Drop Suplex then from Punk and that gets a one count. Right hands from Punk. Truth gets over Punk and then lands his Side Kick and that gets a two count. Clothesline sends Punk over the top rope. Punk gets Catapulted into the chain. Punk then gets sent face first into a chamber and Truth heads for the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM TRUTH !!! Punk gets whipped into the chain over and over again and Truth looks good here. The Stroke from Truth. Scissor Kick misses. GTS ... misses. LIE DETECTOR ... misses. Kick to the head from Punk. GTS FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! R-Truth is eliminated.

Punk has a sermon and then the next man hits the ring and that man is Rey Mysterio hits the match. Rey with a Springboard Seated Senton and a Cross Body gets a two count. Rey runs into a kick and he gets a Sunset Flip countered by a kick and that gets a two count. Into the corner goes Rey and Punk runs into a boot. Rey goes under Punk and gets the Drop Toe Hold, but Rey runs into a Powerslam from Punk and that gets a two count. GTS ... COUNTERED TO A RANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rey tries a rolling Rana. PUNK SWINGS REY INTO THE CHAINS !!! I love when Rey bumps around like a madman. Into the middle of the ring and that gets a two count for Punk. Punk lands the big knee in the corner and then he taunts Jericho. REY GETS LAUNCHED HEAD FIRST INTO A CHAMBER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rey then gets put on the top rope. Rey with a comeback. Rey then heads for the chamber but Punk sees this. Punk and Rey are going to battle on the top rope. I mean the very top. Punk crotched on the top. SUPER RANA FROM REY SENDS PUNK TO THE STEEL !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! CM Punk has been eliminated.

Chris Jericho comes in next and he eats a Monkey Flip. Rey with a Wheelbarrow Bulldog blocked and then Jericho with a Bulldog gets a two count. Kick to the chest from Jericho. Flapjack from Jericho and then he taunts the crowd. Jericho gets taken down. 619 !!! Seated Senton misses and Rey catches onto the chaining and then gets thrown down to the steel face first. Ouch ! Jericho sends Rey back into the ring. Slingshot Splash from Jericho and that gets a two count. Jericho then chokes Rey over the middle rope. Jericho then stands on the back and chokes Rey. Jericho then taunts The Undertaker. Kicks to the head and shoulder from Rey to come back into the match. Snapmare from Jericho and then a Half Nelson. Rey into the ropes and he lands a Springboard Moonsault Press for a two count. TILT-A-WHIRL GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM REY !!! Jericho charges Rey into the corner with that. WALLS OF JERICHO !!! The countdown is on though and in comes John Morrison. Forearms from Morrison. Morrison then lands Dropkicks on both men and sends Jericho to the steel. Kick to the face from Rey. He's on the steel. PELE KICK SENDS REY OUT TO THE STEEL !!! Jericho back into the ring and he gets sent into the ropes. Jericho with a School Boy for a two count. Jericho runs into a boot. Morrison to the top rope. REY PUSHES MORRISON INTO THE CHAMBER !!! Rey then gets sent to the steel. Jericho then pushes Rey into the chain. MORRISON FLIES OVER THE BUCKLES TO LAND ON JERICHO AND REY !!! STANDING SHOOTING STAR ON REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey into the ropes and Morrison runs into an elbow. Rana from Rey. 619 ... RIGHT INTO THE BACKBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kicks in the corner from Jericho. Jericho runs into a boot. FLASH KICK ON JERICHO !!! Morrison then gets set on the top rope. SUPER RANA ... blocked. STARSHIP PAIN FROM MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Rey Mysterio has been eliminated.

I can't believe that Morrison was the one to put out Rey. Kick to the arm from Morrison. Morrison keeps an eye on Rey. WALLS OF JERICHO !!! The Undertaker comes in and lays a beating down on Jericho and then rights and lefts. Taker with the Clothesline in the corner. Snake Eyes and then the Big Boot. Clothesline sends Morrison to the steel. Leg Drop on Jericho and that gets a two count. CHOKESLAM ON BOTH JERICHO AND MORRISON ... blocked. Double Suplex from the two challengers. They then send Taker to the steel. LA MAGISTRAL CRADLE FROM MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Morrison takes a NASTY landing on the steel. Jericho with right hands and then he tries to lock himself in a chamber. Not quite. Kicks from Taker. Avalanche in the corner from Taker. Snake Eyes. FLASH KICK FROM MORRISON TO TAKER !!! STARSHIP PAIN FROM MORRISON ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Jericho was about to get back in but Taker sat up and Jericho got back into the chamber. :lol: That's brilliant. Morrison out to the steel. TAKER SENDS MORRISON THROUGH THE DOOR OF THE CHAMBER !!! Jericho holds the door in place though. LAST RIDE FROM TAKER ... Jericho stops that. TAKER GETS SENT THROUGH A WALL !!! CROSS BODY OFF OF THE CHAINS FROM MORRISON TO JERICHO !!! FLASH KICK ... INTO THE CHOKESLAM ON THE STEEL FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! John Morrison has been eliminated.

Now the straps are coming down from Taker. Jericho heads to the steel and Taker wants him in the ring. Right hands from Taker in the ring and he works on the back of Jericho. Taker with a big shot and then Taker misses a big kick in the corner. Jericho with the clubbing blow. SUPERPLEX FROM JERICHO !!! He gets a two count from that and then kicks at the head of Taker. Taker grabs Jericho. CHOKESLAM ... JERICHO ROLLS THROUGH TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO ... COUNTERED TO HELL'S GATE ... COUNTERED TO WALLS OF JERICHO !!! TAKER COUNTERS WITH THE HELL'S GATE !!! Jericho forces Taker to break. Taker tries for the Tombstone. THE CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho now with Shoulder Charges and then right hands and we know what's coming here. THE LAST RIDE !!! Both men are now down. SHAWN MICHAELS INTO THE RING !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! Jericho can't believe his luck. ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That lacked a little something to take it to the next level, but outside of the first exchange between Truth and Punk, this was really good stuff all of the way through. Especially the little section between Morrison, Taker and Jericho. It's a shame that the audience was so quiet for Morrison. ****

The main event isn't quite good enough to save what is a pretty crappy show.

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