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Mo Wonderboy

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Caught some of Smackdown last night as I was watching tv as my internet was broken, when did Cole start commentating on Smackdown again? I didn't actually mind Striker/Grisham's commentary last night, Cole was great again.

There were a couple of weird bits though, Cole admitted to using Rhodes' beauty tips and then said he had had lessons from Rhodes, and Striker and Grisham just started laughing. A good few seconds of just them laughing which I don't imagine Vince would be pleased about.

Also Striker asked if Rhodes would be at Goldust's wedding on NXT, to which Grisham replied that he was on hair and makeup. I then heard, quite quietly, Striker saying to Grisham "that was a good one" or something to that effect. Reminded me of this:


TNA was alright, used the backstage brawl twice in the one night which I don't like.

Morgan and Williams seem to have left Fourtune, good, but I don't like the thought of Morgan(or Williams for that matter) being a face.

I hope Lethal kicks Robbie's ass at TP.

Don't like the Beautiful People not doing their entrance to the ring! Love's stalker storyline is shit and the promos they have when they are in the make-up room always seem shit to me.

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2000 was amazing. The tail end of the Attitude era, but you look at the quality of the product. Everything in the first half of 2000 was turning to gold, and you had one of the best fueds ever between HHH and Rock, which was the first fued in years to have two matches which were "perfect".

1998 was great. The TV product was at least anyways. Wasn't a great fan of most of the PPVs but I could live with that. But you had the real emergence of The Rock, the best version of DX, Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon was at it's peak, D'Lo Brown had his one good year, Jeff Jarrett was a c**t and loving it.

Yep, 2000 really was the best for the WWE. Everything just seemed perfect, that was the peak for Professional Wrestling in the mainstream, and unfortunately, I doubt it'll ever get back to that stage again.Triple H and the Rock remains possibly my favourite fued of all time alongside McMahon and Austin.

2000 was a great success for the WWF as it proved that they could progress and improve as a product without Steve Austin who had been pushed so much as the biggest star of the company from 97-99.

Edited by Davis Love III
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TNA Destination X 2010

Finally getting around to a TNA PPV PBP for the first time since not long after Against All Odds which had an amusing #1 contender tournament.

Brian Kendrick vs. The Amazing Red vs. Daniels vs. Kazarian, Ladder Match ( ***1/2 )

Tara © vs. Daffney - TNA Knockouts Championship ( **1/4 )

Rob Terry © vs. Brutus Magnus - TNA Global Championship ( N/A )

Generation Me vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Ultimate X Match ( ****1/4 )

Syxx-Pac and Scott Hall vs. Kevin Nash and Eric Young ( * )

Douglas Williams © vs. Shannon Moore - TNA X Division Championship ( **1/2 )

Hernandez and Matt Morgan © vs. Beer Money Inc. - TNA World Tag Team Championships ( ** )

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle ( ***1/4 )

AJ Styles © vs. Abyss - TNA World Heavyweight Championship ( ** )

Brian Kendrick vs. The Amazing Red vs. Daniels vs. Kazarian, Ladder Match

What's with the obsession with taking first names away. Both Daniels and Kazarian sound absolutely ridiculous. Big brawl between the four men to get this going. Kick to the face from Kaz and then he sends Daniels over the top rope. RED WITH A CORKSCREW PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Kendrick heads for the ring with a ladder and in comes Kaz. Daniels goes for the contract and Red stops him. Lots of action fast here. Daniels pulls down Red now and Red with right hands. Red goes under the ladder and Dropkicks it into the face of Daniels and then goes for the gold and Kendrick pulls him down. Red goes behind Kendrick. Red drags down Kendrick. Superkick in the corner from Kendrick to Red. Kaz is slingshotted into the ring onto the ladder. Daniels back in the ring and he takes a kicking from Kendrick. Running STO from Daniels to Kendrick. Daniels now goes with the Terry Funk ladder swing which Red flips over. DROP TOE HOLD JAMS THE HEAD OF DANIELS IN THE LADDER !!! OUCH !!! Right hands from Red and then he gets sent to the floor. Kendrick now chokes Kaz on the railing and then bridges the ladder on the bridge and apron. Kaz onto the ladder. DANIELS WITH THE ARABIAN PRESS ONTO KAZ ON THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! RED TAKES DANIELS OFF OF THE LADDER BRIDGE WITH A SLINGSHOT RANA !!! Ladder now set in the ring and Kaz and Red climb two sides of the ladder. Kendrick now goes up the side and gets pushed down and they do battle. KENDRICK PUSHES BOTH MEN DOWN TO A NASTY LANDING !!! Daniels is now recovering as Kendrick wants to go for it. Kazarian gets thrown into the ladder. Daniels has a ladder in the corner. SLINGSHOT FAMEASSER INTO THE LADDER IN THE CORNER FROM KAZ TO DANIELS !!! Kendrick comes back in with kicks. Kaz crushes the fingers of Kendrick. HURRICANE KICK FROM RED INTO THE LADDER AND KAZ !!! Right hands from Red to Daniels. HE RUNS INTO A BRUTAL LARIAT !!! Body Slam onto the ladder from Daniels to Red. Right hands from Kaz and Daniels. Kendrick now goes for the contract and gets pushed down. BACK BODY DROP TO THE LADDER BRIDGE FROM DANIELS TO KAZ !!! Enziguri from Kendrick to Daniels. Kendrick heads for the gold. Daniels throws him down. Daniels climbs and this doesn't go well. POWERBOMB ONTO THE LADDER BRIDGE IN THE CORNER FROM KAZ TO DANIELS !!! Kendrick and Kaz are now on top and Kendrick sends him down with a Bulldog. Running Dropkick from Red to Kendrick. Red ends up on the floor. Kaz runs into a boot. SLICED BREAD #2 ... COUNTERED TO THE NOVACAINE !!! Kaz goes for the contract and Red onto the apron. KAZARIAN SLINGSHOTS RED INTO THE ACE CRUSHER !!! SLICED BREAD #2 ON KAZ !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM DANIELS TO KENDRICK !!! Red with a shot to Daniels and then he brings another ladder into the ring. Daniels and Red doing battle on the ladder. ROCK BOTTOM OFF OF THE LADDER FROM DANIELS TO RED !!! Daniels now goes for the gold and Kendrick stops him. Kaz and Daniels are doing battle and Daniels gets dumped. Kendrick climbs. KAZ GETS IT !!!

That was a cracking showcase for all four of these guys. For as much stick as I give Daniels, he is willing to bump like an utter maniac and he showed that side of himself here. I thought a match like this would be Red's element, but he didn't show as much as I thought he would. ***1/2

Tara © vs. Daffney - TNA Knockouts Championship

Tara charges right into forearms from Daffney and then right hands from Tara. Tara into the ropes and she charges down Daffney. Body Slam from Tara and then the Standing Moonsault and that gets a two count. Tana clubs down Daffney. Daffney then sends Tara into the middle buckle and then lands some kicks to the back. Double Stomps to the back from Daffney. Kick to the stomach from Daffney there and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Daffney and then she stands on the face of Tara. European Uppercut from Daffney. Tara is whipped into the corner, but Daffney charges right into the Tarantula. Oh right, because she has a spider. Very good. Tara just gets tossed back into the ring though. Hairmare and then another. Kick to the chest follows that. That gets a two count for Daffney. Knees to the back from Daffney and then she locks in the Chinlock. She then locks in some sort of Modified Stump Puller. Tara tries to get the fans back into it. Tara kicks Daffney away and then kicks the leg of Daffney and lands an Enziguri. Tara with strikes to take down Daffney. Standing Lo Down from Tara and that gets a two count. Kick to the head from Daffney and then she locks in the Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Daffney charges and misses. Fireman's Carry Side Slam from Tara. Daffney rakes the eyes and then lands a Knee 2 Face and that gets a two count. Tara gets sent over the top rope and then Daffney charges her into the railing and then back into the ring. Daffney tries to belt. WIDOW'S PEAK FROM TARA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The standard was pretty decent here. It wasn't a terribly exciting match, but they didn't make any f**k ups and kept a good flow. **1/4

Rob Terry © vs. Brutus Magnus - TNA Global Championship

What's the Magnus report Ollie ?


Thanks Ollie. They lockup and Terry with a Hiptoss and then a Clothesline sends Magnus over the top rope. Magnus rakes the eyes. Right hands from Magnus. European Uppercut from Magnus and then he's sent into the ropes. Front Powerslam from Terry. Kick to the face and a slap from Magnus and he runs into a Spin Kick. Spinebuster and that gets a three count ?

Squash. N/A

Generation Me vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Ultimate X Match

Everyone goes for the X and that doesn't go very far. Clotheslines in the corner from the Bucks. Double kick from the Bucks and then they land N'Sync. Matt heads for the X and Sabin stops him. Sabin into the ropes and then they try the Camel Clutch/Dropkick combo which gets blocked. Brutal kick from Sabin to Nick while Matt takes a beating on the floor. Shelley into the ring and he lands the Manhattan Drop. Dream Sequence from the Guns. Shelley locks up Nick but Matt comes back into the ring where Shelley locks both guys in a submission, but Matt manages top stop that move from happening. DOOMSDAY SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA FROM THE GUNS ON THE FLOOR !!! That was pretty cool there from the Guns. Nick is now going for the X. Sabin pulls down Nick and now has him in the corner. Choking with the boots in the corner from the Guns. Nick into the corner and he gets over Sabin. Sabin runs into a boot. Nice Dropkick/Arm Drag from Nick. Nick then springs up to the wires and he heads for the X. Stereo Kicks from the Guns to Nick when they pull him down. Nick in the corner and Shelley runs into a boot as does Sabin, and then Matt comes off the top rope with a Double Dropkick. THE CRAZY DIVE FROM THE BUCKS !!! Matt heads for the wire now and he's close. Sabin misses a dive, but Shelley pulls him down and misses Sliced Bread #2. SPEAR ON SHELLEY !!! STANDING MOONSAULT/SHINGSHOT SPLASH COMBO FROM THE BUCKS !!! Kicks from Sabin to the bucks and Nick to the apron. SLINGSHOT X-FACTOR AND THEN A MOONSAULT OFF OF THE APRON ONTO SHELLEY !!! Nick is now heading for the wire and Matt is in there to play cover. Sabin has his eyes on Matt. SABIN SPRINGS OFF OF THE BACK OF MATT WITH A SPEAR ON NICK BRINGING HIM DOWN FROM THE WIRES !!! Matt to the top rope and he is now going for the wire. SABIN SWINGS SHELLEY INTO A DDT ON NICK !!! LARIATS AHOY !!! MATT WITH THE WORST CASE SCENARIO ON SABIN !!! Three guys are now on the wires and we can make that four now. All four men down. SUPERKICKS FROM EVERYONE AND MATT IS THE MAN LEFT STANDING !!! POWERBOMB INTO THE KNEES OF NICK !!! LEG DROP/SWANTON COMBO !!! NICK WITH A SUICIDE DIVE ON SABIN !!! FUCK SAKE !!! MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK ... BLOCKED !!! BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX SENDS NICK INTO MATT !!! DOOMSDAY SLICED BREAD #2 FROM THE GUNS !!! Sabin and Nick. NICK TAKES A FLAT BUMP OFF OF THE WIRES !!! SABIN GETS IT !!!

Holy spotfest Batman ! This is a cracker of a battle. I stand by what I say when I say that the Bucks make the Guns look tame, but where the Guns have the advantage is in how well they flow. They just put together moves like nobody's business. ****1/4

Syxx-Pac and Scott Hall vs. Kevin Nash and Eric Young

Lockup and against the corner they go. Pac and Young btw. Young gets the advantage and works over Pac in the corner, but Pac gets the Headlock. Thesz Press and punches from Young and then he slams the head of Pac into the canvas. The man is clearly not amused. Young with a right hand to Hall, and Pac floors him with a Clothesline. The fans want to see Hall and in he comes. Hall with the crotch chop. Young jumps into Hall and then Hall with the Fallaway Slam and that gets a two count. Pac with the chopping but then Young with a right hand. Back Body Drop then follows that. Young is sent over the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM PAC TO YOUNG !!! Pac then gets crotched on the ringpost, but Hall floors Young with a Clothesline. Back into the ring where Pac and Hall continue to lay down their beating. Sleeper Hold from Hall. Sleeper Hold from Young to Hall. Back Drop Suplex from Hall and then Nash wants to be tagged in, but the referee didn't see the tag. Pac is looking for a weapon and he can't find it. Pac puts spraypant in the face of Young. Young comes back with right hands on both men and then in comes Nash. JACKNIFE ON YOUNG !!! Nash then "tags out". X-FACTOR ON YOUNG !!! OUTSIDER'S EDGE FROM HALL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Eric Young looked really good here when it was basically a handicap match. You can always smell something fishy when a guy spends the entire match in the ring before the hot tag. *

Douglas Williams © vs. Shannon Moore - TNA X Division Championship

Williams sweeps down Moore and then gets sweeped down himself and we have an early stalemate. Drop Toe Hold from Williams and then he gets a Headlock Takedown which is quickly reversed. Another stalemate from that. Moore into the ropes and he gets under Williams and lands a pair of Arm Drags. Manhattan Drop and a right hand knocks Williams down. Leg Drop from Moore and that gets a two count. Shoulder Charges from Moore. Forearm from Moore to Williams. Leaping Rana from Moore and that gets a two count. Moore then sets Williams on the top rope. Williams gets down and under Moore and then knocks him down and lays in the stomps and then chokes him with the boot. Cravat from Williams and then he adds some knees to that. Running Knee Lift from Williams and that gets a two count. Moore runs into a Battering Ram and then a Gutwrench Suplex from Williams and he taunts the audience. CHAOS THEORY ... blocked. High Knee from Williams and then he chokes Moore. Knee to the face from Williams. Another right hand and then more of the same. This is getting rather dull. Moore comes back with the right hands and then sent into the corner. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Moore. Spinning Heel Kick from Moore and then a Dropkick. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM MOORE !!! Williams to the floor and he eats a Baseball Slide. Moore to the apron and then to the top rope. TWISTING MOONSAULT PRESS ONTO WILLIAMS FROM MOORE !!! Williams grabs something from under the ring. WILLIAMS HITS MOORE WITH A BRICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a decent little match. The match looked like it was just getting going though so it's a shame that it ended when it did. **1/2

Hernandez and Matt Morgan © vs. Beer Money Inc. - TNA World Tag Team Championships

Roode and Morgan are going to get the match started. Morgan wants Hernandez to start the match instead and Crazymex isn't too happy with that move from his partner. Lockup and into the corner they go. Clean break from the champ but then Roode with a kick to the stomach and some right hands. Hernandez runs right into a boot, but Roode jumps into Hernandez. Roode fights off and hits the ropes and runs into a Shoulder Block. Flying Forearm from Roode. Morgan then tags hims the mat the match because he isn't happy with how the match has gone at the moment. Right hands from Roode. He tries an irish whip and that doesn't end well for the challenger. Sidewalk Slam, but Morgan opts to just drop him. Morgan then tags out and he continues his arrogance. In comes Storm and Beer Money have a bit of a beatdown. Storm with a big right hand and then he tries a Suplex and that gets blocked and then Hernandez lands a Stalling Vertical Suplex. That was a LONG delay. Roode comes in and wants to put a stop to it. He lands the move and the audience liked that. Morgan continues his moaning. Hernandez wants to tag out and Morgan says he'll tag when he wants to. Morgan then tags himself into the match. Storm pokes the eyes and then tags in Roode. Morgan into the ropes and he takes down both men with the Cross Body Block. Hernandez looks like he's impressed. Morgan then tags Hernandez in. Roode with a kick to the face and he runs right into the Charge. HERNANDEZ WITH THE PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ... Morgan stands in the way of that and Storm hits the Enziguri. BLOCKBUSTER FROM ROODE !!! In comes Storm. Right hands from Storm in the corner and then he chokes Hernandez with a chain. Snapmare from Storm and he locks in the Chinlock. Hernandez into the corner and Roode lands a Clothesline. DOUBLE SUPERPLEX FROM BEEER MONEY !!! That is quality. Oooooooo ... BEER ... MONEY !!! After that we get a two count. Chinlock now from Storm. Storm fights out of the corner. Storm then rakes the eyes some more. Storm into the corner. Hernandez onto the apron and he charges down Storm and lands the Slingshot Shoulder Block. Morgan is shouting the odds so we don't know if he's going to take the tag. Morgan now tags into the match and he clubs down both men. Hernandez is now down in the corner. Avalanche in the corner on Storm. CHOKESLAM ... blocked. Discus Clothesline from Morgan to Roode. Morgan tags Hernandez in and wants him to finish the job. PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM HERNANDEZ TO ROODE !!! Morgan goes out and throws Hernandez back into the ring. Beer spit to Morgan. BORDER TOSS INTO A FACEPLANT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Far too long a match for what they were going for. It was basically there to show the dissent between the champs and we already got the message about five minutes in. It got boring after a while. **

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle

Lockup and Angle with the Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock on Anderson. Angle into the ropes and he charges down Anderson. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock again from Angle. Anderson back to the feet and into the corner they go. Anderson wants Angle to come and have a shot at a Headlock. Anderson is tempted to come in and lock it in. Anderson takes the bait and Headlocks him, and Angle simply throws him off and then Angle wants to do the same again. Anderson goes back to the Headlock, and once again Angle throws him down, and now he has a smile on his face. He decides he wants to do this again. Kick to the stomach from Anderson and he has had enough. He goes for the Headlock again, and Angle lands a big Back Drop Suplex. Angle then with right hands and stomps against the ropes and then he chokes Anderson with the boot. Anderson into the corner and Angle lands a Back Body Drop on Anderson and that gets a one count. Angle into the corner and he lands right hands on Anderson. Suplex from Angle and then he gets a two count from that. Angle charges into a boot and Anderson heads for the top rope. Anderson then drops the throat of Angle onto the top rope. Single Arm DDT from Anderson and then he lands some right hands and chokes Angle with the boot. Shoulder Charges from Anderson and then Angle with right hands, but he runs right into the Shoulder Block and that gets a two count. Anderson then has an Overhead Wristlock. Angle gets launched into the ringpost and that gets a two count for Anderson. Arm Bar from Anderson. Angle gets a Clothesline to escape, but his bicep is knackered and that means he's very much out of things at the moment. Clothesline from Angle and then another. Angle charges into a boot, but Anderson charges into a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. Kick to the face from Anderson when Angle lowers his head, but Anderson charges into the Clothesline and that gets a two count. ANGLE SLAM ... avoided. Rolling Samoan Drop from Anderson and that gets a two count. MIC CHECK ... blocked. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ANGLE !!! ANGLE SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! LOW BLOW COUNTER !!! MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Anderson now charges Angle into the corner. Angle charges down Anderson off the top. FROG SPLASH FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ANGLE SLAM ... countered. The referee gets taken out. ANGLE SLAM FROM ANDERSON !!! The referee is out of the match though and there's nobody to count. Anderson now heads under the ring and he's looking for something. A chair. He gets someone off of their seat to take one. Anderson decides he wants to use the medal. BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX TO AVOID THE RIGHT HAND WITH THE CHAIN !!! Angle now has the chain. Angle now busts open Anderson with the medal. Angle now with right hands to the cut. ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! HE ADDS THE GRAPEVINE !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That wasn't a bad match, but it just dragged in some places. I daresay that if either man had chemistry with the other by this point, it'd be better. It was an ever improving rivalry at this point though. ***1/4

AJ Styles © vs. Abyss - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Abyss goes after Styles before the ring intros are done. Abyss sends Styles into the corner and then into the ropes. Flapjack from Abyss and that looked weak. Considering the number of times those two guys have done that move, that was shocking. Abyss sends Styles to the ramp. Ric Flair doesn't look too amused with what's going on at the moment. Right hand from Abyss. Abyss continues his beating on Styles and then Styles gets a shot in. STYLES CHARGES INTO A BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! That one woke up the Impact Zone. Abyss runs into a Dropkick to the knee. Kicks to the knee from Styles. Abyss stands on the apron and then Styles kicks him to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM STYLES TO ABYSS !!! Styles now goes and gets a chair and brings it into the ring. He wedges it in the corner. Why does the referee not just take it out. Oh, he does, and then he catches Styles trying to cheat. That was well done there, and we now actually have good booking of the referee, as rather than act the idiot, he's now distracted from the chair in the corner. Gorilla Press Slam misses and Styles gets a Dropkick. Chops from Styles and then Abyss with a bit of a fight. Styles now stretches the knee of Abyss over the middle rope. Styles now with chops. Right hand from Styles and he heads for the apron. Springboard gets caught. CHOKESLAM ... caught. Kicks to the knee from Styles, but he runs into Clotheslines from Abyss. Back Body Drop from Abyss and the ring caves a bit. Avalanche from Abyss. Sidewalk Slam from Abyss and that gets a two count. SHOCK TREATMENT ... no. PELE KICK !!! Styles onto the apron. Springboard Forearm from Styles coming back in and that gets a two count. STYLES CLASH FROM STYLES ... stopped. CATAPULT FUCKING LAUNCHES STYLES INTO THE CHAIR !!! That looked brutal. SHOCK TREATMENT FROM ABYSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Styles gets set on the top rope. He knocks down Abyss. SPIRAL TAP FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Styles argues. BLACK HOLE SLAM FROM ABYSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Ric Flair is right at the ring. Flair then sprays shit in the referee's eyes. Low blow from Styles and now the belt has been tossed to the referee. BELT SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM STYLES !!! Hulk Hogan now sends another referee down to the ring and Hogan wants Chelsea and Flair sent to the back. Abyss is now Hulking Up. Styles with a chop. "YOU !" and then right hands from Abyss. Big Boot from Abyss. CHOKESLAM SENDS STYLES THROUGH THE RING !!! THE REFEREE CALLS IT !!!

That was one mediocre match right there. Remember the days when these two guys had matches and you'd just know that they'd be at least very good ? Just goes to show what pishy booking can do to the standard of a match. **

Not a bad PPV match wise. There was a good opener and a terrific spotfest. A couple of matches definately overstayed their welcome though and the main event was ridiculous. Still, not bad.

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Don't like the Beautiful People not doing their entrance to the ring! Love's stalker storyline is shit and the promos they have when they are in the make-up room always seem shit to me.

Like the Hogan/Warrior thing where only Hogan could see Warrior in the mirror? What else will TNA copy from WCW? Will they actually go as far as to hire Warrior? I do hope so, not because Warrior is in any way good, but because it would be tremendous car crash stuff.

Anyway, WWE seem to be building towards something big regarding Nexus at Survivor Series. Did they run over Stone Cold Steve Austin?!

But seriously, what does everyone reckon will happen at Survivor Series regarding Nexus?

Incidentally, what did happen to Rikishi? God he was shit. I hated watching him give the stinkface to people. Rank.

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Anyway, WWE seem to be building towards something big regarding Nexus at Survivor Series. Did they run over Stone Cold Steve Austin?!

But seriously, what does everyone reckon will happen at Survivor Series regarding Nexus?

As others have mentioned on the thread, I reckon we could be seeing a Cena heel turn and have him be a willing member of Nexus.

Incidentally, what did happen to Rikishi? God he was shit. I hated watching him give the stinkface to people. Rank.

Rikishi did have his moments ... splash off the top of the cage at Fully Loaded 2000 ... chucked off HIAC by Taker ... seeing who he would give the stinkface to next. :P

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But seriously, what does everyone reckon will happen at Survivor Series regarding Nexus?

I HOPE... at various points in the match Barret and Cena square up and have words, gradually building the tension. Then towards the end, with the tension seemingly at breaking point, Cena grabs a chair giving the impression of him saying "f**k it, I don't care about the consequences". He goes for Barrett who ducks and he takes out Orton who is right behind him.

Initially, it looks like Cena is devastated with what he did but then a slow sly grin comes across his face before he embraces Barrett. Anything after that would be good, but best scenario would be Cena to do a quick 3 count but with Orton's foot just under the ropes, really really subtle so hopefully not too many people notice. Have Nexus celebrate in the ring but then the next night on Raw it's revealed that Orton is still champion. With Cena then a fully committed member of Nexus, things would get very interesting.

I THINK... Cena will reluctantly let Barrett win, then hit him with an attitude adjustment setting up a feud between them which will lead to Cena becoming champion again. It will be shite.

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Like the Hogan/Warrior thing where only Hogan could see Warrior in the mirror? What else will TNA copy from WCW? Will they actually go as far as to hire Warrior? I do hope so, not because Warrior is in any way good, but because it would be tremendous car crash stuff.

Anyway, WWE seem to be building towards something big regarding Nexus at Survivor Series. Did they run over Stone Cold Steve Austin?!

But seriously, what does everyone reckon will happen at Survivor Series regarding Nexus?

Incidentally, what did happen to Rikishi? God he was shit. I hated watching him give the stinkface to people. Rank.

Yeah, when Sky leaves the room, this weird gothic chick turns up. You only see her in the mirror. Then Sky comes back and Love asks her if she saw the woman. It's all pretty shit.

Yeah. Cena will help Barrett win the title but AA-ing Orton. Then he'll rip his ref shirt off to reveal the Nexus yellow.

I didn't mind him. But I was very young when he was about in 2 Cool. Actually liked them back in the day ph34r.gif

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Now that that's out of the way, I was thinking about the Rock - Hogan match at Mania. Who were you cheering for? For me it was Rocky all the way, although I was a massive Rock fan and he remains my all time favourite. though!

That's my favourite match ever. I was firmly behind the Rock but then I hadn't watched any WCW and was too young to really know who Hogan was.

Another wee cracker on SmackDown this week between Bryan and Ziggler. These two guys have been stealing the show for me the last few weeks.

Their match at Bragging Rights was probably my second favourite of the year after the Guns vs Gen Me match at Victory Road.

I HOPE... at various points in the match Barret and Cena square up and have words, gradually building the tension. Then towards the end, with the tension seemingly at breaking point, Cena grabs a chair giving the impression of him saying "f**k it, I don't care about the consequences". He goes for Barrett who ducks and he takes out Orton who is right behind him.

Initially, it looks like Cena is devastated with what he did but then a slow sly grin comes across his face before he embraces Barrett. Anything after that would be good, but best scenario would be Cena to do a quick 3 count but with Orton's foot just under the ropes, really really subtle so hopefully not too many people notice. Have Nexus celebrate in the ring but then the next night on Raw it's revealed that Orton is still champion. With Cena then a fully committed member of Nexus, things would get very interesting.

I THINK... Cena will reluctantly let Barrett win, then hit him with an attitude adjustment setting up a feud between them which will lead to Cena becoming champion again. It will be shite.

Agree with what you want to happen as well as what you think will happen. Although the bigger picture storyline intrigues me.

TNA are a joke. Who opens their show with a 10 minutes knockouts backstage brawl that nobody gives a f**k about? Way to keep viewers hooked from the start.

Aye that was a rotten brawl. I know wrestling's scripted but it was so false. Impact on the whole was poor last night I thought. How can you build the show around Hogan when he's hardly ever there?

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Aye that was a rotten brawl. I know wrestling's scripted but it was so false. Impact on the whole was poor last night I thought. How can you build the show around Hogan when he's hardly ever there?

It's bad enough that this shite even makes it onto the show, but to open the show with it? They had the opening brawl plus an actual match for f**k sake.The opening segment should always be used to build up a major feud, not filled with shite like that.

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TNA are a joke. Who opens their show with a 10 minutes knockouts backstage brawl that nobody gives a f**k about? Way to keep viewers hooked from the start.

You want to know why I didn't give my thoughts on Impact this week ? This is why. ^^^^^

I lost interest during that and just turned it off and deleted it.

It's bad enough that this shite even makes it onto the show, but to open the show with it? They had the opening brawl plus an actual match for f**k sake.The opening segment should always be used to build up a major feud, not filled with shite like that.

I think they're under the impression that people give a shit.

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You want to know why I didn't give my thoughts on Impact this week ? This is why. ^^^^^

I lost interest during that and just turned it off and deleted it.

I think they're under the impression that people give a shit.

I kinda did the same. Saw that right at the start, turned over and only briefly flicked back to iMPACT, yet everytime I did it seemed to be women that were on. God knows whos idea it was to open the show with that.

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