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Mo Wonderboy

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I kinda did the same. Saw that right at the start, turned over and only briefly flicked back to iMPACT, yet everytime I did it seemed to be women that were on. God knows whos idea it was to open the show with that.

God damn you Vince Russo. They should get D'Amore back onto doing the Knockout's booking. It was really high when he was doing it.

It probably isn't Russo's fault but I need a scapegoat.

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Got home from the football today to find that my Chris Jericho DVD was delivered ... that's my Saturday night sorted (sad sack that I am). :D

I got it too and watched the biography part last night. Whilst enjoyable i feel that they left some parts out which should have been included and it seemed to be speeded along to extent. Obviously his matches with Benoit were always going to mean a big jump in the story.

As i said it was enjoyable but i wish they would give more insight to the man rather than giving us some dross matches on the set

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I got it too and watched the biography part last night. Whilst enjoyable i feel that they left some parts out which should have been included and it seemed to be speeded along to extent. Obviously his matches with Benoit were always going to mean a big jump in the story.

As i said it was enjoyable but i wish they would give more insight to the man rather than giving us some dross matches on the set

Aye, there were a few bits that were just glossed over. Still, it was a pretty decent look back. The extras are good too.

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WWE Extreme Rules 2010

Given how well the PPVs before this have come off on second viewing, this should be great as this has been, for me, the best PPV of 2010 so far with some cracking matches on the card.

The Miz and The Big Show vs. R-Truth and John Morrison vs. MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty, Gauntlet Match - WWE Unified Tag Team Championships ( **1/2 )

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio ( **** )

Shad Gaspard vs. JTG, Strap Match ( DUD )

Jack Swagger © vs. Randy Orton, Extreme Rules Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/4 )

Sheamus vs. Triple H, Street Fight ( ***1/2 )

Michelle McCool © vs. Beth Phoenix, Extreme Makeover Match - WWE Women's Championship ( ** )

Chris Jericho vs. Edge, Steel Cage Match ( * )

John Cena © vs. Batista, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Championship ( ****1/2 )

The Miz and The Big Show vs. R-Truth and John Morrison vs. MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty, Gauntlet Match - WWE Unified Tag Team Championships

The match entrants come in the above order. Opening the match will be Morrison and Miz. I seem to remember the audience being NUCLEAR for this show, making it impossible for the matches not to come across well in that regard. School Boy gets kicked out of and Miz then kicks Morrison in the stomach. Another right hand. Morrison into the ropes and he gets under Miz and lands an Arm Drag and then tags in Truth. Double Hiptoss from the challengers and then they have some fun. STANDING SHOOTING STAR/LEG DROP COMBO !!! That was nice. Right hands from Truth and then Miz into the ropes and he tags in Show, and Truth tries to go for him and then Show charges him down. No luck Truth ! Right hand to the gut from Show and then the Open Hand Slap. In comes Miz. Miz with a running boot to the face and that gets a two count. Chinlock with an added knee in the back from Miz. Truth fights out and then Miz clubs away at the back. Miz runs right into the Leg Lariat from Truth. Morrison and Show in and Morrison lands some right hands. Show throws Mo into the corner and charges into a boot. Morrison has the arm of Show and then stretches it over the top rope. PESCADO OVER THE TOP FROM TRUTH !!! The referee disqualifies John Morrison for using the move and the next team are now coming into things.

MVP and Mark Henry are next. MVP will open the match and he gets a two count from what came before. Show catches a boot and then tags in Miz. Clothesline from MVP and that gets a two count. Snap Suplex gets a two count for MVP and then in comes Henry. Miz tries to strike his way out and Henry just headbutts him down. Henry misses a charge and then tags MVP back into the match. Back Drop Suplex from MVP and then a Clothesline as Show has nobody to tag. Knee 2 Face from MVP and now he gets the fans behind him. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SHOW SAVES !!! Show misses a charge and winds up on the floor. PLAYMAKER FROM MVP !!! SHOW WITH THE KNOCKOUT PUNCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The Hart Dynasty with Bret and Natalya head for the ring. SPRINGBOARD HART ATTACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a fun opening match. The action was kept non-stop right from the first bell to the last. I actually really liked the opening section and really makes me sad that they got raped for time at Wrestlemania. **1/2

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

Punk with kicks to the stomach and then they club away at Rey. Kicks to the face and Punk looks like an angry man at the moment ! He stomps at Rey now and then a forearm takes down Rey. Punk into the ropes and runs into a Dropkick. Forearms from Rey and then he gets launched to the floor. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors sends Punk into the ring apron. Nicely done there. Dropkick in the ring. 619 ... blocked. Rey avoids GTS and lands a boot, but Punk with the Powerslam. Punk tries the launch again and it works. Serena with a kick to the stomach on the floor while Punk mocks the audience and distracts the referee. Kick to the back from Punk on the floor. Slingshot Senton coming back in from Punk and that gets a two count. Head Scissors from Punk. Rey escapes the move and then kicks the leg. Punk with the Sunset Flip, but Rey rolls through and gets a kick to the head for a two count. Punk clubs away at the back and the referee backs him off. Gallows gets a cheap shot in there and Punk with the two count from that. Punk locks the legs and then locks in the Bow and Arrow Hold. Rey counters and gets a two count. Brutal Clothesline from Punk and that gets a two count. Leg Drop from Punk and then another. The fans are chanting "619". The Gory Special from Punk as he continues to work on that. Rey escapes with an Arm Drag. He runs into a Powerbomb, but Rey counters and gets a two count. Rey out of the corner and he sends Punk face first into the middle buckle. Rey heads for the top rope and Punk crotches him up there. GTS ... countered to a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag and it's set up. 619 is stopped by Serena, and Punk with a shot to the back of the head. The referee now sends the rest of the Straight Edge Society to the back. BRUTAL DROPKICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! ASAI MOONSAULT FROM REY ON THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Punk sends Rey into the ropes and he comes off with a kick and that gets a two count. Rey onto the apron. Springboard Seated Senton, but then he springboards right into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Punk heads for the apron and lands the Springboard Clothesline and that gets a two count. Clubbing blows and Rey comes back. GTS ... COUNTERED TO THE RANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! WHOA !!! Big Boot from Punk and down goes Rey. That gets a two count. Punk waves to the crowd. High knee misses and we get the 619. 619 !!! Someone throws a chair in. ALLEYOOP ON THE FLOOR FROM A MEMBER OF THE SES !!! Punk brings Rey in now. GTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a bit stop-start. The lack of chemistry that I thought they had at Wrestlemania on first viewing of that match has definately come to the forefront here. Not that this was a brilliant match. They structured the match brilliantly which meant that they didn't have too many problems but the problems did come and took away from the match a bit. Still, good effort. ****

Shad Gaspard vs. JTG, Strap Match

JTG with right hands and then Shad with a big shot and he starts touching corners. JTG then starts whipping away at the back of Shad. JTG goes for the corners and he gets stopped at the second corner. Shad goes for the corners again. JTG stops him from the apron. JTG drops the throat of Shad over the top rope and then comes back in. Leaping Leg Drop move from JTG and then he goes for the corners, but Shad stops him with a Front Drop Suplex. Shad then drags JTG over to the corner and then rams the shoulder into the ringpost. Matt Striker mocks Shad's talking while whipping JTG. Cole says it's not funny, but I beg to differ. Shad then chokes JTG with the strap and then goes to touch the corners. JTG with the Sleeper Drop and he touches the fourth corner.

What a load of shite. DUD

Jack Swagger © vs. Randy Orton, Extreme Rules Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Orton gets a monster pop which would have gotten an 11/10 from the scale I was doing for the Wrestlemania review. They do a couple of counters which leads to a stalemate. Lockup again and Swagger with the Dragon Screw and then he locks in the Waistlock. Orton misses a Back Elbow to escape and Swagger now with the Shoulder Blocks. Swagger gets in the face of Orton, but Orton goes behind and elbows down Swagger. Nice. That gets a one count. Orton Backbreaker and that gets a two count. Swagger heads for the floor and he has the chair from earlier. That didn't get him anywhere and then Orton stalks Swagger around ringside. Swagger gets back into the ring and then Swagger tries for a kick to the head and heads for the floor again. Orton follows again and walks into a right hand. Orton then gets sent into the barrier. Release Northern Lights Suplex on the floor from Swagger. Swagger then charges Orton into the barrier and then the apron. Back into the match they go and we have a two count from that. Right hands from Swagger and then he chokes Orton with the boot. Orton then kicks out of the corner and Swagger with another right hand to the gut and then lands shoulders to the stomach. Snap Suplex from Swagger. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Swagger and that gets a two count. Swagger then beats away at Orton. The vast majority of the audience is well behind Orton here. Swagger with the Snap Suplex again and then a Back Drop Suplex and he's really landing an array of Suplexes at the moment. Swagger runs into a knee, but then he launches Orton into the ringpost. Swagger now has the title belt and is back in. Body Slam from Swagger. I assume he's going to do something with that title belt. Swagger has his eyes on the head of Orton. The Running Vader Bomb ... RIGHT INTO THE TITLE BELT FROM ORTON !!! Clotheslines from Orton and then the Powerslam from Orton and then he gets a two count from that. Swagger heads for the apron and Orton goes over to him. Hanging DDT and Swagger does his best to fight it, and then drops Orton over the top rope. Swagger now goes out and goes under the ring and gets a trashcan. BRUTAL TRASHCAN SHOTS TO THE HEAD !!! FUCKING HELL !!! He SWUNG those. Swagger gets sent head first into the announce table repeatedly. European Uppercut from Orton. Swagger then gets launched into the ringsteps. Orton now has the head of Swagger on the steps. STOMP TO THE HEAD ON THE RING STEPS !!! That is just brutal stuff. That second trashcan shot was just sick. Back into the ring and Orton runs through his series of stomps. He then lands a Knee Drop ... not quite, as Swagger moves. Swagger tries to bring a chair in but fails. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! Orton was going to go for the RKO but gets the chair and puts it in the seated position. RKO ... SWAGGER COUNTERS AND PUTS ORTON THROUGH THE CHAIR !!! THE DOCTOR BOMB FROM SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Brilliantly clean win for Swagger in what was a very very good match. Jack Swagger when he tried to use the weapons failed every single time, but then it all backfired on Orton as it was his one and only failure with the weapons that ended up costing him the match. Love that sort of storytelling in a match. Really good. ****1/4

Sheamus vs. Triple H, Street Fight

HHH's arm is hanging by the side. He's basically a one arm man in an arse kicking contest, but he starts off by landing right hands. Clothesline sends Sheamus down to the floor. HHH follows him out there and drives him down, but he used both arms and that hurt him. Head first into the tables goes Sheamus and then into the barrier. Sheamus gets launched into the barrier. They then battle up the aisle and Sheamus gets sent into the barrier again. Back into the ring they go. Sheamus charges right into the Spinebuster. PEDIGREE ... HHH can't hook the arm and Sheamus lands the Short Arm Clothesline. To the floor where Sheamus then continues his attack. HHH then gets launched into the barrier. The same again and the fans are well behind HHH at the moment. HHH is then draped over the apron and Sheamus lands an elbow to the throat. Sheamus then lands a bunch of right hands and that gets a two count. Sheamus repeatedly sends the face of HHH into the canvas. Knee Drop from Sheamus and that gets a two count. Right hands from Sheamus in the corner. Crossface Forearm strike from Sheamus and then a Knee Drop to the back of the head and that gets a two count. HHH comes back with right hands, but charges into a Clothesline from Sheamus and that gets a two count. HHH is battling back but Sheamus is putting the pressure in. HHH eventually gets the Back Drop Suplex to escape. HHH heads for the floor where Sheamus goes out and lands a Swinging Neckbreaker. Into the ring and Sheamus runs into a boot and then gets sent into the ringpost. DDT from HHH but that did some major damage to the head of both men. HATEBREAKER FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sheamus with right hands. Running Powerslam from Sheamus and that gets a two count. Sheamus brings a pipe in and he can't hit the shot. HHH with right hands. Knee 2 Face from HHH. HE RUNS INTO THE PIPE TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CELTIC CROSS FROM SHEAMUS ... stopped. Sheamus then gets dumped over the top rope. HHH walks right into the right hand and then Sheamus has a kendo stick. Drop Toe Hold sends Sheamus into the ringsteps. HHH then lands a kendo stick shot to the back of the head and now he's laying on a beating with the kendo stick. Up the ramp the two guys go. PEDIGREE ON THE RAMP ... Back Body Drop puts an end to that. Kick to the head from Sheamus. Back into the ring they go. Into the ring and another kick to the head from Sheamus. HHH pushes the ref down and crotch chops Sheamus and eats another kick to the head. BROW KICK FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was one sided as you could wish for, but there was a major injury to HHH which explains that. Sheamus still comes off looking strong as f**k though. ***1/2

Michelle McCool © vs. Beth Phoenix, Extreme Makeover Match - WWE Women's Championship

The bell rings and this thing gets going. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Beth gets over Cool and rolls her up and gets a two count. Beth comes off the middle buckle and lands a Clothesline. To the floor they go and then Layla comes over and gets kicked and sent into the ring. Beth goes to hit Cool with a broom, and Cool puts hairspray in the eyes of Both. Cool now has an ironing board and CLOBBERS Beth with it and gets a two count. Lots of ironing puns comes from that. Cool puts the board on Beth and then lands a Double Stomp. Cool tries to use the iron, but Layla was holding the extension and she didn't reach. Beth gets a two count. Beth Dropkicks an ironing board into Cool. Cool sprays hairspray into the eyes of Vickie and Layla and now Beth lays a beating on Cool. Ironing boards into the ring now and then Cool gets sent in too. Beth then bounces a bucket off of Cool. :lol: Well, this is fun at least. Two ironing boards are now laid out and Cool is put on the top rope. BETH GETS PUSHED ONTO THE BOARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Faith Breaker is stopped. GLAM SLAM FROM BETH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was actually a good fun women's match there. **

Chris Jericho vs. Edge, Steel Cage Match

Jericho doesn't seem to want to get into the ring and he wanders about in lieu of actually getting in. Jericho then grabs a chair and hits the cage with it. Aye, that'll help. Edge with a Baseball Slide. Edge goes out and attacks Jericho out there. Right hands from Edge and then Jericho sent into the ring. Jericho goes for the escape and gets mooned. Edge with right hands and then he sends Jericho into the corner and lands a Clothesline. Edge then Catapults Jericho into the corner, and he uses the momentum to try and escape, but Edge notices in time and stops him escaping. Edge slams Jericho back into the middle of the ring. Jericho gets launched into the cage from Edge. Edge misses a Spear against the cage and hits the steel. Edge heads fo the door, but Jericho stops him with the Springboard Dropkick. Catapult sends Edge throat first into the bottom rope and Jericho will be happy to stay in the cage now that he has the control of the match. Jericho then lands some right hands. Jericho then stands on the face of Edge. Back Drop Suplex from Jericho and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Jericho. Edge then with elbows to the stomach. Jericho with a kick to the face, but a Back Body Drop sends him into the cage. Edge lands a Clothesline and then another. Edge-O-Matic gets a two count for Edge. Jericho gets a Bulldog. LIONSAULT ... MISSES !!! Jericho looks for the escape, and Edge goes and stops him from escaping. JERICHO COMES OFF THE TOP ROPE RIGHT INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! That was nice there. Jericho then gets launched into the cage and that gets a two count. This is all over the place here. IMPLANT DDT ... COUNTERED TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO ... countered. Big Boot from Edge and now he has the eyes on Jericho. EDGE WITH THE SPEAR ... JERICHO TURNS AND GOES FOR THE DOOR !!! Jericho now has the steel chair and tries to bring it in. THE DOOR IS SLAMMED INTO THE HEAD OF EDGE !!! Jericho is now going for the victory and then walks back into the ring. Jericho has the chair and waits for Edge to get back up. SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho then goes for the escape. Edge is up there with him and he gets crotched. Jericho now goes for the escape and he is now over the top of the cage. Jericho is hanging from the cage and now Edge is heading up. Back into the ring. SPRINGBOARD SUPER CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! QUALITY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho into the cage a few times. What on earth is going on here. Jericho goes for the escape again and Edge sends him back into the middle of the ring. Edge slams the cage door into the ankle of Jericho and now works on the leg. SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Thank f**k that's over. Started well, but it just got worse and worse. Really tedious and much worse than I remember it being. *

John Cena © vs. Batista, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Championship

Lockup and they wind up against the ropes. Cena hits the ropes and gets a Shoulder Tackle and Batista heads for the floor. He does it again, and Batista heads for the floor again and then brings a chair out. Batista misses a chair shot and then eats a Bulldog. Release Fisherman Suplex and then he waits again. Batista into the corner and Cena runs into an elbow. Clothesline from Batista. This is very two sided at the moment. Big Boot from Batista and both men just throwing big bombs at each other right from word go. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... blocked, and Cena gets sent into the ringpost. Dropkick to the knee from Batista and then a right hand. Batista then slams the leg of Cena into the ring apron. Into the ring and knees to the leg from Batista. Short Arm Clothesline from Batista. Suplex then follows that and Batista now keeps his eye on Cena. Right hands from Cena but he's knackered. To the floor we go again. Cena can't stand. Batista gets sent into the ringsteps. Into the ring where Cena can't stand, and Batista takes the oppertunity to lock in the Figure Four Leglock. Cena reverses the pressure. Batista is forced to break the hold. It's a shame that they ultimately it's gonna break down to a bunch of nonsense. Cena with the Shoulder Tackles. What did I say ? PROTOBOMB !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! After that, Cena heads for the floor. Batista smacks Cena with a wrench and heads in the ring. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON A CHAIR IN THE RING FROM CENA TO BATISTA !!! The first big move of the match there. Batista gets up and then crotches Cena on top. SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! Cena gets back to his feet and Batista heads for the floor and brings out a table and sends it into the ring. Batista sets the table in the corner. CENA GETS KICKED THROUGH A TABLE !!! To the floor they head. CENA GETS LAUNCHED THROUGH A BARRIER !!! That looked pretty horrible. Cena gets up at nine and Batista sets up the announce table. Head slammed into the ringpost. BATISTA GETS SENT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT OFF OF THE STEPS !!! That was quality. BATISTA BEATS THE COUNT !!! SPINEBUSTER THROUGH A TABLE IN THE RING FROM BATISTA TO COUNTER THE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT IN THE RING !!! CENA GETS THE STF WHEN BATISTA BRINGS THE STEPS !!! He lets go. Obviously that was never going to end the match. This is when Cena ties Batista to the ringpost to end the match. Many argued with this ending, but I thought it was amazing.

That was a corker of a match. I love Cena brawls. It appears that, like HHH, Cena has got a formula for the LMS match and he makes it work every single time. Umaga and Edge both had similarly awesome matches with Cena in this gimmick. ****1/2

Not QUITE as great as I remember it, but there's still three matches at 4* and a ***1/2. Really, can I complain about a PPV that good ? Not really.

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CM Punk isn't expected to be in 'wrestling action' for at least three months due to his hip issue, however WWE creative has been told to come up with non-wrestling storylines to integrate punk into RAW.

Surgery is scheduled for this week and as of writing, Punk is not expected to appear on this week's TV tapings.

In terms of the injury, the feeling is that Punk could work through it, but WWE management do not want to risk it getting any worse.

f**k sakedry.gif

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BT Gunn © vs. Red Lightning - ICW Championship - ICW Dazed and Confused

The main event of the best live show I've ever seen has finally made it to Youtube. Expectations were a bit mixed for me coming into this match as Red Lightning was ever solid but hadn't been in many standout matches. BT Gunn was on a tear though.

Lockup and a Headlock from Lightning. He then charges Gunn down for a two count. Gunn throws Lightning down and he complains about a hairpull. Lockup and Headlock from Gunn. Gunn charges down Lightning. Gunn into the ropes and Lightning heads for the floor. Lightning comes in and stops a dive and lands a big Back Elbow and that gets a two count. Gunn into the ropes and he lands a big Shoulder Block. Lightning heads for the floor again and Gunn is fed up. SUICIDE DIVE FROM GUNN !!! Into the ring they go and Lightning with a rake to the eyes. Head first into the top buckle goes Gunn. Gunn into the opposite corner and he misses a charge. Overhead Kick from Gunn gets a two count. Gunn over the top of Lightning and then a kick to the head. Senton Splash from Gunn and that gets a two count. Head first into the top buckle goes Lightning. Lightning drops Gunn on his head and then sends him to the floor and now the brawl heads out there. Kick from Gunn. LIGHTNING WITH A FUCKING HIPTOSS INTO ROWS OF NON FOLDUP CHAIRS !!! The brawl is now heading for the back of the hall. They brawl at the back of the hall and Gunn sends Lightning into an unbreakable table and goes to the balcony with Lightning still on it. SWANTON BOMB FROM GUNN AND THE TABLE STILL DOESN'T BREAK !!! LIGHTNING WITH A SUPLEX AND IT DOESN'T BREAK !!! Lightning jumps on the table and it still doesn't break and now we head back for the ring. Head first into the apron he goes and then Lightning goes under the ring and pulls a ladder out as if the madness couldn't increase. Lightning has the ladder. Baseball Slide from Gunn sends the ladder into Lightning. Gunn then sends the ladder into the ring and Lightning is the next one in there. Gunn now has the ladder set against the corner as Absolution head for the ring and then Gunn sends them off of the apron. GUNN RUNS UP THE LADDER AND TAKES OUT ABSOLUTION ON THE FLOOR WITH A PLANCHA !!! :D :D :D Crazy stuff here. Lightning throws the ladder into the face of Gunn and that gets a two count. Lightning heads for the top rope, comes down and stomps Gunn. He then sets the ladder up and slams Gunn in front of it. GUNN PULLS LIGHTNING OFF INTO A WHEELBARROW FACEPLANT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Gunn heads for the top of the ladder and we take a break.


Review of the match comes later, but first, we have the Gold Label hitting the ring and someome comes to the ring dressed in a mask and a towel. IT'S DARKSIDE !!! THE CROWD GOES FUCKING MENTAL !!! HE TAKES HIS REMATCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BT GUNN IS THE TERMINATOR !!! Belt to the back from Darkside and now he lands some right hands. Darkside gives Gunn the finger. THE DARKEST DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! DARKSIDE WINS THE ICW CHAMPIONSHIP !!!

It's just crazy stuff really. Take out the post-match madness and what you have is STILL absolutely crazy. It's rare to see Red Lightning in such a balls to the walls mental match, but it was helped in part by the chaos of all of the interference and all of the storylines through the night coming to a conclusion in one mental run of insanity. If you add the post match stuff, it's full marks but I'm rating the match and that is still worthy of a stunning score. ****3/4

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CM Punk isn't expected to be in 'wrestling action' for at least three months due to his hip issue, however WWE creative has been told to come up with non-wrestling storylines to integrate punk into RAW.

Get him on the commentary!

Btw Raw is at 1am tonight instead of 2am folks.

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TNA Lockdown 2010

So it's one of the big ones for TNA.

Rob Van Dam vs. James Storm ( **3/4 )

Homicide vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin, XScape Match ( ** )

Kevin Nash vs. Eric Young ( *1/2 )

Angelina Love and Tara vs. The Beautiful People - TNA Knockout Tag Team and Singles Championships ( **1/2 )

Shannon Moore vs. Kazarian vs. Homicide - TNA X Division Championship ( ***1/4 )

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Team 3D ( DUD )

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle ( ****3/4 )

AJ Styles © vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero - TNA World Heavyweight Championship ( **** )

Team Flair vs. Team Hogan, Lethal Lockdown Match ( ** )

Rob Van Dam vs. James Storm

RVD kicks the cage door into the face of Storm and the brawl begins on the floor. The fans are way into RVD here. RVD with right hands on the floor as they brawl around ringside. Superkick sends Storm into the railing. Storm then gets draped on the railing and RVD comes off the cage with a Leg Drop. Very nice. RVD slams the head of Storm into the camera stand. Head first into the steps goes RVD and that changes the momentum. Storm puts the beer bottle in the ring and then RVD comes back with right hands. Into the ring they go and RVD has been busted open. Into the ring and the bell rings. RVD with the Spinning Heel Kick in the corner. Kicks to the back of the head from RVD. RVD then chokes Storm in the corner with the boot. Storm into the corner and he comes out to a Manhattan Drop and then gets crotched on the top rope. RVD to the top rope and he lands the Leaping Sidekick and that gets a two count. To the middle rope goes RVD and he lands a series of punches. RVD misses the Monkey Flip and Storm lands the Hanging Neckbreaker and then Storm goes to work with right hands. Snapmare and then a knee to the back and a Chinlock from Storm. RVD battles his way out but he runs right into a Clothesline which sends him to the apron. That gets a two count. Big Boot from Storm. Storm with a Chinlock again. RVD hits the ropes and lands a Spinning Heel Kick. Right hands from both men now. RVD with a Clothesline on Storm. Storm into the ropes and he gets launched into the cage. Slam from RVD and then he heads to the corner. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jawbreaker from Storm. He spits the beer in the eyes of RVD. DDT FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE LAST CALL ... ducked. Spin Kick from RVD and then he heads for the top rope. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM RVD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a fine opener. They didn't overdo anything and it was well booked. They got a couple of big nearfalls in there without wasting any of their really big moves, so kudos for that as well. **3/4

Homicide vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin, XScape Match

Kendrick's music is just weird. Is it supposed to suit him ? Homicide goes straight for the escape and Kendrick is wanting out of the door. Guns stop the escapes. Dream Sequence on Homicide lands. They both kick down Kendrick who bleeds. Kendrick and Homicide manage to change the flow of the match. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Homicide to Shelley. Now Kendrick and Homicide take control of the match. Kendrick runs the ropes before slapping Sabin in the face. Shelley heads back for the escape and gets slammed into the cage. DDT/Novacaine from Sabin to Kendrick and Homicide. Leaping Forearm in the corner from Shelley and then from Sabin. Kendrick misses a charge. Springboard Swinging DDT from Sabin. Swinging Neckbreaker from Homicide to Sabin. Codebreaker from Shelley to Homicide. Low blow from Sabin to Kendrick who was on top. POWERBOMB/SLICED BREAD ... stopped. Shelley in the tree of woe and Kendrick lays in a beating. Superkick from Kendrick to Sabin. GRINGO KILLER FROM HOMICIDE TO SABIN !!! Homicide is going for the escape and he escapes.

Too short to be anything other than an okay spotfest, but that's exactly what it turned out to be. The ending was a bit of an anti-climax. **

Kevin Nash vs. Eric Young

Young gets under Nash and kicks the leg and lands a big right hand. Nash is a little surprised by the early control of Young. Lockup and Nash with a knee to the stomach and then an elbow to the back of the head. Right hand from Nash and he runs into a boot. Young to the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick gets a two count and then he lands another Dropkick with Nash on the apron and then a Cross Body sends Nash against the cage. Referee is pulled to a bad point, and Nash gets a low blow. I don't like the idea of DQs counting for something inside a cage. Knees to the stomach from Nash and then he lands right hands, but then Young with right hands, but then tells Nash to bring it and Nash beats him down some more. This doesn't really make any sense. Nash chokes Young with the boot. CHOKESLAM FROM NASH !!! Young still doesn't stay down and then comes back with right hands. Young charges right into a Big Boot. Nash than sends Young face first into the cage and lands a Jacknife and that's game over.

I don't understand the logic of Young playing the "HIT ME !" game. Okay, so he brought the fight, but big deal. It only served to make him look stupid and make Nash look like a monster, and why does that do TNA any good ? *1/2

Angelina Love and Tara vs. The Beautiful People - TNA Knockout Tag Team and Singles Championships

We start with Sky and Love in the ring, and Love takes the control early. Clothesline from Love and then the Back Elbow. Sky wants a timeout and then Love drags Rayne into the ring and lands a Front Slam and that gets a two count. Jawbreaker from Rayne, but in comes Tara with right hands. Rayne avoids a move and back in comes Sky, but she runs right into a Bridging Reverse Chinlock. She lets go and lands a Snap Suplex and that gets a two count for Tara. Chop from Tara and then she's sent into a cheap shot from Rayne and that gets a two count for Sky. Sky then chokes Tara and that gets a two count. Sky gets a series of stomps to the face and that also gets a two count. Double Arm Ringer and then a Double Dropkick to the back and that gets a two count. Head Scissor Face Drops from Rayne to Tara. In comes Sky and that gets a two count. Tara comes back into the match and lands some kicks and right hands. Tara heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! In come Rayne and Love. Clothesline from Love and then a Hair Takedown. Sky into the corner and then Rayne gets sent into her. Tara tags herself in. WIDOW'S PEAK ON RAYNE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SKY SAVES !!! LACEY SMACKS TARA WITH THE BELT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a not bad wee tag match. Knockout tag team matches tend to be not bad. Beautiful People tend to be poor in singles but they have good chemistry as a team and had a couple of good wee matches around this time. **1/2

Shannon Moore vs. Kazarian vs. Homicide - TNA X Division Championship

Kaz and Moore go to work on Homicide. Homicide into the ropes and he runs into a Double Hiptoss. Leg Drop from Moore and a Springboard Leg Drop from Kaz. Homicide to the apron and he fights back. Homicide is taking some beating. John Woo Dropkick sends Homicide into the cage and that was some brutality there. Kaz with a shot, and then Moore with a Springboard Cross Body. Moore and Kaz then do battle. Kaz with the Sunset Flip and that gets a one count and we have some quick reversals. Some stuff going on but the camera misses it. Moore into the ropes and a Jumping Back Elbow from Homicide and then a Snap Suplex on Kaz and now he rakes the eyes. Homicide gets in the face of Moore and lands another right hand. T-Bone Suplex from Homicide to Moore. Homicide chokes Kaz over the bottom rope. Snap Suplex and then Homicide rolls through but Moore drops down and lands a Manhattan Drop. Leg Drop from Moore and then Kaz tries to steal the pin. Cide then gets put on the top rope. Double Superplex on Homicide is countered. DOUBLE TOP ROPE ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kaz had both men pinned there. That was quite nice. This is some good stuff going on. Kaz into the corner and then Homicide runs into a boot. KAZ FALLS DOWN THE SIDE OF THE CAGE !!! MOORE WITH WHISPER IN THE WIND !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz on top and he lands a Top Rope Dropkick and that gets a two count. Moore goes head first into the top buckle as does Kaz. Moore then set on the top rope and he goes for something. SUPER ACE CRUSHER ... blocked. Moore and Kaz both on the top rope. Moore sweeps down Kaz. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM MOORE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Moore into the ropes. REVERSE POWERBOMB AND THEN A POWERBOMB BOTH INTO THE CAGE !!! Kaz now sets Homicide on the top rope. FLUX CAPACITOR ON HOMICIDE ... blocked. TOP ROPE HIPTOSS FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HOMICIDE SAVES MOORE'S PIN ATTEMPT !!! European Uppercuts from Homicide and then he runs into a boot. Blockbuster from Moore misses. GRINGO KILLER ON MOORE ... stopped by Kaz. MAXIMO EXPLOSION FROM KAZ TO HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a good spotfest there. Nothing original from any of them, but they gave it a flow. I didn't like that they didn't play on the Moore/Kaz combo at the start a wee bit more as it ultimately meant nothing, but that's a minor gripe. ***1/4

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Team 3D

There's going to be falls count anywhere apparently, and they brawl around the arena as a result. Back Body Drop from Ray to Hall on the ramp. Nash takes a beating too and now the brawl heads into the crowd. This is beginning to look worryingly like a mid 90s Dudley match. Bottle of juice to the head of Nash from Devon. Ray gets the audience behind him and that looks like some crowd. Double Axe Handle across the back of Hall while Devon and Nash battle back to the ringside area. Right hands from Devon to Nash. Hall is back at the ringside area and he helps his partner and now he Outsiders have control back. Big Boot from Nash to Ray and into the ring they go. Devon is in the ring with Hall and Nash and we don't need tags. Devon gets sent into the cage. Nash now shuts the door and the Outsiders work their magic. Ray is having a look around to see if there's anything he can do. Devon into the corner and Hall lands a Clothesline. Ray hits the hand of Nash with the chair and then slams the door into his face and Ray is now back in the ring with right hands on Hall. Right hands on both Hall and Nash. Body Slam from Ray to Hall. They then whip Hall into Nash and Team 3D with Avalanches. Hall hit with the Body Slam and now we have the Wassup Headbutt from Team 3D. The audience now wants Devon to get the tables and he heads for the floor and he brings a table into the match. 3D THROUGH THE TABLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a horrible match. Crowd brawling that meant nothing, The Band looking absolutely terrible on offense and then the usual Team 3D table shit to win the match. I have no interest in this shit. DUD

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle

Lets see how this comes off on repeat viewing. Right hands from Anderson to get this thing going. Angle misses one and then Anderson with a Dropkick to the leg and now he wants out of the cage. Angle gets up and stops Anderson from leaving. Anderson hits Angle with the chain for the key and then Anderson with a series of right hands. Anderson now wants to escape again and Angle attacks from behind and lands a big Back Drop Suplex. European Uppercut and then right hands from Angle. Kicks in the corner from Angle. He looks at the door of the cage and decides he wants to lock some more moves. Snap Suplex from Angle. Anderson launches Angle into the cage and now Angle is busted open pretty badly. That is an absolute gusher on the head of Angle and Anderson lands some right hands to the head. Anderson then chokes Angle on the middle rope and he's happy to lay the beating down. Anderson does some "mongo" stuff with the hand of Angle, and you can see Angle struggling not to laugh at it. Angle's face is now the preverbial crimson mask. Angle dragged into the middle of the ring. Anderson onto the middle rope and he jumps into the boot of Angle, but Anderson catches it and drops an Elbow Drop. Anderson into the ropes and a Leg Drop and now he heads for the escape. Angle catches him on the escape and lands some right hands of his own, but then Angle gets launched into the cage yet again. Angle blocks a Piledriver with the Back Body Drop and now Angle is at the padlock, but Anderson hits Angle with a HUGE shot to take the advantage back. Anderson is bleeding I think. Anderson to the top rope. AMAZING POPUP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM ANGLE !!! Angle is now battling to his feet. Anderson is taking the tape off of his wrist and you know the idea here. He then chokes Angle with the tape. Angle is somehow able to fight his way back thanks to the energy of the crowd. Back Drop Suplex lands Anderson on his head and that was a big bomb to try and get him back into the match. Angle and Anderson to their knees and both men land right hands. Angle with a Clothesline gets the advantage and now he works on Anderson. Back Body Drop from Angle. Anderson into the corner and then he raises a boot, but runs into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. ANGLE SLAM ... countered, and Anderson lands the Rolling Samoan Drop. MIC CHECK ... blocked. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ANGLE !!! HE'S LANDING SHITLOADS OF THESE !!! Angle has a look at the door. ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! Anderson escapes. THE MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! Anderson had the cage door open. ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! He then shuts the door and locks it yet again. Angle now has the key and he throws it away. Anderson looks at the door and Angle and he looks like he's shitting it. Anderson backs away and now he tries to climb out. He pulls Anderson back in and Anderson floors him with right hands. Anderson with right hands on Angle. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX OFF OF THE TOP ROPE LANDS ANDERSON ON HIS HEAD !!! Angle now pulls Anderson to the corner and heads for the top rope. He decides that it isn't high enough and he heads for the top of the cage. MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP OF THE FUCKING CAGE SENDS THE ARENA INTO A FRENZY !!! Angle now has a key and he unlocks the cage and he opens the door. Anderson is now up and he's giving Angle the finger and he's really acting out of desperation. MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Anderson now crawls over to the door of the cage. ANGLE CATCHES ANDERSON GOING OUT WITH THE ANGLE LOCK !!! Anderson rolls through and kicks Angle into the cage. Anderson is almost out again, but now Angle is choking Anderson with the key chain. Angle then walks out.

That is a sensational match. I don't normally like guys leaving the cage and then coming back in, but on an occaision like this, it works so well. Both guys had their agenda as well. Anderson had no ideas other than get the f**k out of there, while Angle wanted to lay a violent beating on Anderson for as long as possible and they never strayed from that. A stunner of a match. ****3/4

AJ Styles © vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and a knee to the stomach and a Hiptoss from Styles. Lockup and Styles goes to the arm. Dinero goes to the Front Facelock. Arm Ringer from Styles. Arm Ringer then from Dinero and then he goes to the Hammerlock. Styles to the Arm Ringer again and then an Arm Drag. Dinero goes behind and Styles goes back to the arm to try and get away from that. Arm Drag from Dinero and then a Drop Toe Hold and a rollup from Dinero. Rather enthusiastic duelling chanting from the audience. Styles rolls through and he tries a slam and misses. Hiptoss from Dinero and a Body Slam and then a pair of Arm Drags and Styles backs into the corner. Lockup and into the corner and Styles lands some chops. Dinero reverses and comes back with rights and lefts. Manhattan Drop misses from Styles and Dinero lands a Clothesline. Styles with an elbow. Styles runs into a Flying Forearm and then the Bionic Elbow from Dinero. Side Kick and then a kick to the face. Dinero hits the ropes and gets launched into the cage. Kick to the head from Styles. Dinero comes back with right hands. Rebound Dropkick catches Dinero right on the kisser. Chinlock from Styles. Dinero with right hands to the stomach and then a forearm. Styles with a big throw over the head. Styles then goes to the leg and drops some elbows. Kick to the leg from Styles. Another kick to the leg from Styles. Kick to the leg misses from Styles and then forearms from Dinero. Styles with a cheapshot, but Dinero avoids a Suplex. Styles gets launched into the cage. DDT from Dinero and now he's back into the match. Back to the feet and forearms from Dinero. Styles into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Dinero. Flying Shoulder Tackle from Dinero. Styles goes for the leapfrog and Dinero catches a Powerslam for a two count. Styles charges Dinero into the corner and then gets a Shoulder Block. Chop from Styles. Styles misses a Clothesline and then goes to the top rope. Flying Forearm off the top rope from Styles gets a two count. Dinero on the top rope. Dinero with headbutts to knock down Styles. DIVING HEADBUTT FROM DINERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles avoids a move. PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Backbreaker from Styles and then he heads for the apron. 450 SPLASH FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Styles heads for the top of the cage. HIGH CROSS BODY OFF THE TOP ... MISSES !!! POPE WITH THE SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CODEBREAKER FROM DINERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DDE ... MISSES !!! Styles grabs a pen from the camera man's pocket. PEN TO THE EYE FROM STYLES !!! DISCUS LARIAT !!! STYLES CLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

For the most part, this didn't really feel like a PPV level title match, but they didn't half kick things into another gear near the end. I'd love to see what these two guys are capable of with less limitations on them. ****

Team Flair vs. Team Hogan, Lethal Lockdown Match

Roode and Abyss start the match. Abyss pushes Roode and then gets slapped and then right hands from both men. Kicks to the leg from Roode and then more right hands. Roode into the ropes but he lands a kick to the face but runs into a Big Boot. Into the corner and Roode with right hands. Right hands from Abyss in the corner and then an Open Hand Slap. Right hands from Abyss and then he chokes Roode with the boot. Back Body Drop from Abyss. Roode rakes the eyes of Abyss. Head first into the cage goes Roode. Roode sent into the cage again. Blockbuster from Roode. Right hands then from Roode. Roode then chokes Abyss over the middle rope. Kicks in the corner from Roode. The countdown is now on for the next man is. Rob Van Dam is now the next man in the match. He's taking his time coming to the ring to help his partner. Spin Kick knocks down Roode and then right hands from RVD. Kicks in the corner. Punches in the corner from RVD and then a Spinning Heel Kick. Monkey Flip from RVD. RVD is putting on a clinic of kicks. Roode sent face first into the cage. The next man in the ring is going to be Desmond Wolfe. Wolfe Dropkicks RVD into the cage and then sends him face first into the cage and he then gives the audience abuse. Right hand from Roode to Abyss and we have a fight back from that. Kick to the leg from Roode to Abyss. Roode with a choke with the boot to RVD. Double Back Elbow from Roode and Wolfe to RVD and then to Abyss. Jeff Jarrett comes in and lays the beating on everyone. Powerbomb from Roode to JJ stops the momentum and then he gets catapulted into the cage. The brawl is getting a little disjointed now. Just as well that the entrances come thick and fast. Manhattan Drop from JJ and in comes Storm. JJ comes back and lands a Delayed Vertical Suplex on Roode. Nice. Choke with the boot from Storm to RVD, revenge for earlier, as now Jeff Hardy is heading for the ring. Jeff Hardy was laid out by Sting backstage. RVD with a right hand on Storm as we now have the advantage going the way of the heels. Sting now comes down to make it 4 on 3 to give the heels the numbers advantage for the first time in the match and we now go into the match beyond.

The weapons come down and Beer Money seem to be the ones taking the main advantage of that. Body Slam from Wolfe and then he jumps into a right hand. JJ goes mental with a trashcan. RVD gets sent into the cage again. Double Suplex from Beer Money and now ... BEER ... MONEY !!! JJ gets charged out of the cage. Abyss beats on Sting in the corner with a baseball bat. Beer Money to battle with JJ on the floor while Abyss empties a bag of tacks in the ring. Wolfe saves Sting. BEER BOTTLE SMASHED OVER THE HEAD OF ABYSS !!! Jeff Hardy then hits the ring. Hardy goes mental with a kendo stick. JJ gets his guitar. TOP ROPE GUITAR SHOT ON WOLFE !!! RVD WITH THE FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH ON WOLFE !!! Sting is still in there though and he lands shots. CHOKESLAM ON THE TACKS FROM ABYSS TO STING !!! Hardy is now on top of the cage and it looks like there's a ladder up there. TWIST OF FATE ON THE ROOF OF THE CAGE !!! He then puts Storm on the table. SPLASH OFF OF THE LADDER THROUGH THE TABLE ON STORM !!! Ric Flair is now here. Hogan is now heading for the cage as Flair tries to get the HoF ring. Hogan now has the baseball bat. This getting a bit ridiculous. Eric Bischoff runs into the ring and the audience are booing. Bischoff hands Flair's bass knux to Hogan. BRASS KNUX TO THE HEAD OF FLAIR !!! Flair is now busted open. I'm really getting annoyed with this. FLAIR LANDS IN THE TACKS !!! JESUS CHRIST !!! That woke me up. Abyss pins Wolfe and that's it.

That started as an average cage brawl with loads of guys, and then descended into a fun but unexciting brawl between them with the cage closed. The stuff with Hogan and Flair was ridiculous and can't believe it took up so much time. Basically this was thumbs leaning down stuff. **

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Wade has been superb during his whole time in the WWE and JJ has been great the last couple of weeks. I prefer Mikey Cole over the two of them though. Some of the stuff he does on NXT is amazing, when he walked out or took the phone call for example :lol:

Feud of the year by some distance IMO has been Cole/Bryan/Miz. Some quite brilliant bits of TV.

That's BS because you haven't seen Kurt Angle vs Anderson's....

Loving the Survivor Series promo with Barrett, reminds me so much of those nWo ones with Bischoff.

The promos of Bischoff constantly challenging McMahon to a match at Starrcade I think? were excellent as well, Bischoff knew fine well Vince was turning up but most of them were great promos.

As others have mentioned on the thread, I reckon we could be seeing a Cena heel turn and have him be a willing member of Nexus.

Rikishi did have his moments ... splash off the top of the cage at Fully Loaded 2000 ... chucked off HIAC by Taker ... seeing who he would give the stinkface to next. :P

What about him have Madison Square Garden in the palm of his hand during the Rumble 00 as well

Who opens their show with a 10 minutes knockouts backstage brawl that nobody gives a f**k about? Way to keep viewers hooked from the start.

As Kevin Nash says about people on the internet "you watch because you love it"

That's my favourite match ever. I was firmly behind the Rock but then I hadn't watched any WCW and was too young to really know who Hogan was.

Their match at Bragging Rights was probably my second favourite of the year after the Guns vs Gen Me match at Victory Road.

Angle and Anderson at Lockdown and you mean Bound for Glory?

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As Kevin Nash says about people on the internet "you watch because you love it"

Well, I actually turned it off because I hated it.

The promos of Bischoff constantly challenging McMahon to a match at Starrcade I think? were excellent as well, Bischoff knew fine well Vince was turning up but most of them were great promos.

Slamboree I think was the one he challenged him to take him on at.

That's BS because you haven't seen Kurt Angle vs Anderson's....

Good heated fued with a stunner of a payoff.

No love for HBK/Taker though ? The gradual descent to madness of HBK as he got desperate for his match with Taker was brilliant.

As for matches of the year, I'd call it as ...

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker - WWE Wrestlemania XXVI

CIMA, Gamma and Dragon Kid vs. BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino - Dragon Gate USA : Mercury Rising 14/07/2010

Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2010

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Lockdown 04/2010

Shingo Takagi vs. BxB Hulk - Dragon Gate 11/07/2010

Kings of Wrestling vs. Motor City Machine Guns - ROH Supercard of Honor V 08/05/2010

Red Lightning vs. BT Gunn - ICW Dazed and Confused 04/09/2010

The Young Bucks vs. El Generico and Paul London vs. The Young Bucks, Guerrilla Warfare Match - PWG Seven 30/07/2010

Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Victory Road 11/07/2010

Batista vs. John Cena, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Extreme Rules 04/2010

In that order as well. Obviously that's without giving the TNA and WWE stuff a second watch so there might be better matches.

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Royal Rumble Match - WWE Royal Rumble 2010

:blink: Apart from CM Punk's running commentary and Edge returning, this years Rumble match wasnt very good and very forgettable, dunno how you can have it anywhere near a match of the year list.

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The thing is, between the Punk entry, the DX stuff and then the final stretch, every part of the match was covered. I also liked that the match was constant action and there weren't too many occaisions where there aren't too many guys in the match.

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