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Mo Wonderboy

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Yeah I was wondering about the EV2.0/Fourtune match, not sure who's actually in it either. Since Morgan and Dreamer are out, I assume its AJ, Kazarian and Beer Money against Raven, Rhino, Richards and Kendrick?

I would think Williams would be in there since he's obviously going to turn on Fortune. Sabu with EV2 as well maybe? Fortune have had nothing to do with EV2 all month and have just been swaggering about as per despite losing at BFG.

They said they "were gonna do it old school" I thought that might've been an extreme match or something but I don't think anything's been set.

When Tenay and Tazz were going through matches it wasn't one of them. I too assumed it would be an extreme match but they've said nothing.

Yeah, no build up apart from the street fight and the shitty promos.

Lethal's push from a few months ago really is a distant memory. Now he's going to drop the title to some new guy who's had two matches and he's only been on TV once in a month.

Another thing that's annoyed me - why has their been no follow-up to the Beautiful People helping that no-mark celebrity batter Cookie or whatever she's called? Surely Cookie and Velvet or Angelina would've been better than the meaningless Sky/Sarita thing we've had this month?

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I would think Williams would be in there since he's obviously going to turn on Fortune. Sabu with EV2 as well maybe? Fortune have had nothing to do with EV2 all month and have just been swaggering about as per despite losing at BFG.

When Tenay and Tazz were going through matches it wasn't one of them. I too assumed it would be an extreme match but they've said nothing.

Lethal's push from a few months ago really is a distant memory. Now he's going to drop the title to some new guy who's had two matches and he's only been on TV once in a month.

Another thing that's annoyed me - why has their been no follow-up to the Beautiful People helping that no-mark celebrity batter Cookie or whatever she's called? Surely Cookie and Velvet or Angelina would've been better than the meaningless Sky/Sarita thing we've had this month?

huh.gif Can't believe I forgot Sabu and I thought I'd put in Williams.

Just looked at the card on Wikipedia, only one of the match isn't just a singles/tag team match and it's the Lumberjack match, which is first on their (Wiki's) card.

This is gonna be pretty shit.

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Caught the end of Impact last night. What an utter joke. What was basically the main event of the show was an old non wrestler hogging the spotlight in a shite angle. How long until he puts the title on himself? I can see it now; Bischoff vs Russo for the TNA heavyweight title!

Just a sign of how fucked up TNA is and how it's throwing it all away. Dixie really is a clueless moron.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Also major Turning Point spoiler:

Sabu is going to be the one fired

I had read that before the show.

Results are here for anyone interested: http://www.tnawrestling.com/news/item/2253-Turning-Point-Pay-Per-View-Results

Not seen any of it but will give random musings going off those results:

The X Division title is now a joke. What was the point in giving it to Lethal to have him defend it successfully once (I think), drop it then win it back in a couple of house shows, and then job to this tool?

No contest in the women's match is shit. Means we will get another month of build-up to another match between these two when Mickie should've been going over and chasing the title.

Glad the Guns went over the Dudleys, looking forward to watching that one on Friday.

RVD and Dreamer sounds like it was a hardcore match? It'll be crap and the ending seems a bit pointless. Why would RVD, after a month of not trusting anyone, take a few ladder shots then decide he's sorry?

Fortune had to win. It's a shame to see Sabu gone but I knew that would be happening as his contract was up. I would have liked to have seen all of EV2 gone but with what happened in the Dreamer-RVD match I doubt that'll be happening.

The Lumberjack match sounds absolutely ridiculous. Maybe it will be better seeing it but it sounds hilariously bad written down.

Jarrett and Joe went as you'd expect. It'll be interesting to see with they go with Gunner and Murphy (possible handicap match against Joe?)

Hardy winning was no surprise. A clean (I think, they've worded the referee's count on the carbon footprint pretty badly) win makes him look strong and they now have a new face to use.

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Just downloaded and started watching Turning Point even though I aint seen any TNA since Bound for Glory.

1 question, who the f**k is Robbie E? He looks like a shite version of Zack Ryder.

2nd question, are the Dudley's actually retiring? or is their contract just up and their going back to WWE?

Edited by KilliePie
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the lumberjack match reminded me of the vince bret match at mania with the buy off thing, obviously they didn't double cross bischoff but the likeness is there.

Other results aren't massively surprising. Aparantly Sabu Didn't want to leave and was unhappy when terry taylor told him his contract was getting shit canned

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Right, thoughts on each match from last night's PPV.

Jay Lethal © vs. Robbie E. - TNA X Division Championship

If Robbie E is to win this title here, I hope he looks much better than he did last time I seen him. Major improvements in Robbie this time out. The most notable difference being that he actually learned how to bump since last time out. Added to the very crisp looking offense that he already had, he's beginning to look something like a wrestler now ! It's not the 80s anymore though. A Neckbreaker is NOT a finisher. The match was good for the most part. Nothing amazing or anything. The crowd was major hot for it as well. **1/2

I'm predicting a Team 3D heel turn for later btw.

Tara vs. Mickie James

Match + post-match makes this absolutely fantastic viewing. The match itself was a good physical battle and the post-match was glorious glorious stuff. Just so much fun how it just kept going and going and going, and not only that, but they also kept it fresh unlike the battle on Impact which was one of the most horrible segments I've ever been though. So, for the match and the post-match, we get a big big rating. ****1/4

Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Team 3D - TNA World Tag Team Championships

So much mutual respect. There's soooooo gonna be a heel turn in this one. Well f**k me, I did not see this coming at all. The more and more that the match went on, the more and more I was completely sucked into the match. I thought that the ending was a real letdown and some of the first couple of minutes looked really contrived. It was a fucking stunner of a match though and probably the best normal rules tag team match that Team 3D have ever had. ****1/2

So we have no heel turn, and the Dudleys end with the best normal rules match of their careers. Can't ask for much more than that.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam

Didn't take them long to completely lose the audience but given what had come previous, the crowd were bound to tire at some point. The injury with Dreamer didn't help any, but this was about as poor a match as these two guys are able to put together. I'll give points for the physical nature of the match, but that wasn't very good. *

Fortune vs. EV 2.0.

Disappointed that it's Sabu that's gone because he was looking motivated and was a lot of fun in the short time he was back in TNA, outside of the match with RVD of course. Had to love the Gore from Rhino in this one. That was at least not boring, but this was not a very good match. The closing sequence was a lot of fun though. **1/4

Abyss vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero, Lumberjack Match

It was a better match than I was expecting. I really don't like Lumberjack matches as they put certain limitations on a match and I thought this match would really suffer from it. I'm not sure if these two guys could have done a better match with different stipulations but the match itself wasn't too bad, considering it was Abyss and it wasn't a No DQ type of match. I seen the brother turn coming, but the lumberjack turn was a nice touch. **

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

A bit of a dull match. Samoa Joe has lost a lot of the snap that he used to have. Just watch the moves he does and how he does them and compare it even to 12 months ago. He's definately not the same. As for the match, it felt like it was just going and going and it wasn't even on that long. Poor stuff. *1/2

Jeff Hardy © vs. Matt Morgan - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

The Jeff Hardy stuff is just awesome. I think it's the demeanor of both guys here that made me enjoy it a bit more than I would have. Morgan looked like a fired up animal while every move that Hardy did was did with a bit of disdain. The match wasn't really all that good though. Probably would have hated it under different circumstances. And I also have a bit of sympathy with the thrown together nature of the match. **

Two good match/segments. One of them was genuinely terrific. After that though, things never really kicked off.

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Just seen a picture of the new TNA Heavyweight Title belt. That thing is hoachin'! Didnt think you could get worse than the new WWE Tag Team belts but Hogan has managed it.

What happened to the nice looking belts they used to have. Most new ones look shit.

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When Tenay and Tazz were going through matches it wasn't one of them. I too assumed it would be an extreme match but they've said nothing.

I predicted Tazz would be the guy Bischoff was on about, turning on EV2. He has shown potential heel turn in commentary, oftern disagree with that tube Tenay, how he still has a job is beyond me.

This is the new belt:

Just in case:


Ohh dear god, what was wrong with the TNA title belt previously? TNA is supposed to be an alternative to WWE and I';d rather have the goofy spinning thing than that.

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I predicted Tazz would be the guy Bischoff was on about, turning on EV2. He has shown potential heel turn in commentary, oftern disagree with that tube Tenay, how he still has a job is beyond me.

Ohh dear god, what was wrong with the TNA title belt previously? TNA is supposed to be an alternative to WWE and I';d rather have the goofy spinning thing than that.

You like Taz but not Tenay? Tenay is much better than Taz in commentary.

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Just seen that The Miz and Alex Riley are both gonna be on Sky Sports News at half 9 this morning.

When I left at 9.40 they still hadn't been on. Anyone see it?

I';d rather have the goofy spinning thing than that.


You like Taz but not Tenay? Tenay is much better than Taz in commentary.

IMO both of them are rotten. The best commentary team in the business just now for me would be Matthews and Cole.

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