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Mo Wonderboy

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I'm still expecting a 3-way for the WHC as I said as soon as Del Rio won the Rumble, Del Rio vs Edge vs Rey.

I thought they made McIntyre look superb on the PPV, with the whole stare down with Edge in the interview segment and then the domionation of Rey when he entered the match.

The bit where Punk was stuck in the pod was sensational. He looke demented, like a fucking psychopath, I loved it.

Pish, pish, pish ending. I would rather Cena vs Miz for the WWE title and Punk vs Cena at Mania. I can't think of a main event that would have me any less interested than Miz vs Cena.

I was disapointed at the complete lack of Dolph Ziggler, one of the best things going in WWE at the minute.

Will intersting to see what now happens with the whole "2 21 11" angle if it's Taker, why is it on RAW?

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They've tried to build a LOT of new superstars. Hell, they've even been given more of a main event push than the one given to Cena that elevated him so much. By the time he faced JBL, he was the number one babyface on Smackdown.

This is why it annoys me when people just talk down Cena. It's pretty clear the guy has a lot going for him. People call him the Hogan of these days, and you know what? They're right. Because that's two guys that don't get the credit they deserve. Okay, I think a lot of people have twigged to Cena being good, so I don't think the point is as relevant anymore. They are both guys who, while having limitations, have the tools needed to be big stars.

They've tried to build new superstars, yet like i said, none of them are so called big guns, who are anywhere near Cena's level. The Miz for example, has been built as a joke and the match looks like a huge mismatch. Miz just beat Jerry Lawler and now he goes against Cena who won the Elimination Chamber against five other men, therefore he has no hope of winning at Wrestlemania, that's not good for the company.

I'm not doubting Cena is talented, the guy can put on some good matches, yet it's repetitive and boring that he's always involved in a title match each year at Wrestlemania. Someone else should be given a shot, although knowing the WWE, he'll no doubt be in the next five title matches at Wrestlemania.

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My only problem with Cena being in the main event year after year is that it feels stale. I have no problem with him headlining the next 10 Manias if he's still the top dog within WWE. The only guy I can see being a bigger deal on a Mania scale is The Undertaker.

The other problem with it is that there aren't many guys who can main event with him and make it feel like a proper Mania main event. Triple H, Randy Orton and The Undertaker possibly?

I don't think The Miz has been built badly at all. He's a cowardly heel. He's a b*****d and he's over like a fucker. I'd say he's been pushed well, but he's not been in the main events long enough to make the match feel like a Wrestlemania main event. That's a shame. WWE probably should have pulled the trigger earlier than they did with him.

They've also done a magnificent job of finally making John Morrison live up to his potential as a star and he'll be one to watch in the future, that's for sure.

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Who would people have suggested pushing to the main events instead of Cena? There was a real gap in terms of new stars being produced at that time who could've made the step-up. As I've said before though, I feel that the WWE are just around the corner from another golden age. There are a lot of excellent young guys coming through just now and I think that we are seeing some of them get the main event push this year (Miz/Del Rio). I might be alone in this but I think Miz will beat Cena at Mania.

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If The Miz beats John Cena at Wrestlemania then it's a disgrace, as clearly John Cena shouldn't have been in the main event in the first place.

Incidentally, I do wonder how many people would complain about John Cena being in the main event should that happen.

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I would've had Lawler in the title last night. Then him announce his retirement from wrestling (and he'll vacate the title now) if he can face Cole at Mania.

Have like a Rumble for the title, the last entrant being the mystery 21 2 11 guy.

All of this after CM Punk won the EC last night.

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I was rooting for Lawler to win the title on the basis that Miz would probably do a demolition job the next night. If they had Lawler win and then not allow Miz to get that win back, it would have been by far the worst booking decision since that first Rey heavyweight title win all of those years ago.

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Can't agree that WWe has made new starts, at least at main event level. All the recent new champions (Punk, Sheamus, Swagger, Miz) are not given clean wins over established other main eventers and are usually made to look weak. Having Miz against Lawler is just a joke and does nothing to help build him as a champion. Punk's first (or one of the first) match after he first won the title was against a returning Regal and he was utterly destroyed before sneaking out a win. Miz has yet to cleanly beat anyone of note (a terrible 61 year old commentator doesn't count). Hardly building new stars.

And we all know what happened to Nexus. Cena was allowed to easily beat them every single time. Again, hardly building up new stars.

Punk, Miz, Morrison, Ziggler, Del Rio, Sheamus, Bryan, Kingston, Barrett, McIntyre, DiBiase, Rhodes. These are the guys who the company should be elevating to mid to upper card status, as basically they're the best they have and are good workers with a lot of potential. Obviously Orton, Edge and Cena will be around for a long time and with their star power can help get these guys over. Guys like Kane, Rey, Big Show, Undertaker are at the end of their career. How many of them will be at Mania 2012? Incidentally, if Cena was to turn heel, how ace would it be if he and Orton did the 'Two Man Power Trip' angle?

Also the Nexus should branch out;

Mexican Branch; Mexus

Texan Branch; Texus

Female branch; Sexus

Lex Luger led branch; Lexus

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My thoughts on last night:

ADR vs Kingston was a good opener, good result.

SD chamber was fantastic, match of the year & the peeps are happy

Miz-Lawler zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Raw chamber was great apart from that w****r headlining wrestlemania for the 7th time.

Overall ppv 7/10

Highlight was seeing Trish back

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All the recent new champions (Punk, Sheamus, Swagger, Miz) are not given clean wins over established other main eventers and are usually made to look weak. Having Miz against Lawler is just a joke and does nothing to help build him as a champion. Punk's first (or one of the first) match after he first won the title was against a returning Regal and he was utterly destroyed before sneaking out a win. Miz has yet to cleanly beat anyone of note (a terrible 61 year old commentator doesn't count). Hardly building new stars.

I still feel that The Miz is being treated fine. He's not supposed to be a very strong guy winning cleanly every time. He's supposed to be a dirty wee p***k. Although despite that, he still got a clean win over Lawler. He's been given shitloads of mic time and is pushed as a big deal.

CM Punk has slowly but surely become something of a major player in WWE. You can easily buy him in the main event scene from now on. I daresay that a CM Punk vs. John Cena match would be bigger than a Miz vs. Cena match because of how long Punk has been established in among the big boys for.

I agree that they fucked Jack Swagger, and at a time when he was at his best as well. He was being pushed to the heavens down our throats almost and when he really began to excel in his role, that was when he was cut off at the knees.

Sheamus took out Triple H which was a massive deal. Made him look like a monster. Shame that they decided that he had to go on and have a crap fued with Randy Orton. It's a shame that he has recently only been used as a guy to help get John Morrison over. That said, it has worked and you can see that for yourself.

And we all know what happened to Nexus. Cena was allowed to easily beat them every single time. Again, hardly building up new stars.

A lot of the guys in Nexus/Corre don't really deserve to be anywhere near the main events. Wade Barrett and Michael Tarver are the two that I feel sorry for. Tarver has gone to being nothing when he has a boatload of charisma.

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Can't agree that WWe has made new starts, at least at main event level. All the recent new champions (Punk, Sheamus, Swagger, Miz) are not given clean wins over established other main eventers and are usually made to look weak.

They are getting there, you can't just fire guys into the main event and make them stick. Besides, look at the names you mentioned - Punk is a 3 time champion and is leading the Nexus, Sheamus ended the career of HHH (kayfabe), I seemed to be the only person who was into Swagger, and Miz is about to main event the biggest PPV of the year.

Having Miz against Lawler is just a joke and does nothing to help build him as a champion.

Lawler is over and can still work a match. Having Miz beat an eldery commentator who everyone likes gets him heat.

Punk's first (or one of the first) match after he first won the title was against a returning Regal and he was utterly destroyed before sneaking out a win. Miz has yet to cleanly beat anyone of note (a terrible 61 year old commentator doesn't count). Hardly building new stars.

Wasn't watching when Punk was champion. Miz is a sneaky heel who the crowd want to see get battered, he's still beating these guys.

And we all know what happened to Nexus. Cena was allowed to easily beat them every single time. Again, hardly building up new stars.

Aye, they were booked poorly at times, especially with Cena as you say. They still dominated a huge part of the Rumble and decided the title match at the last PPV.

Punk, Miz, Morrison, Ziggler, Del Rio, Sheamus, Bryan, Kingston, Barrett, McIntyre, DiBiase, Rhodes. These are the guys who the company should be elevating to mid to upper card status, as basically they're the best they have and are good workers with a lot of potential.

They are elevating them to upper card status!

Punk - 3 time champion

Miz - Current champ and about to headline Mania

Morrison - Has challenged for the title

Ziggler - Been in the main event for the last couple of months

Del Rio - Won the Rumble and about to headline Mania

Sheamus - 2 time champion, retired HHH

Bryan - US champ and has been for a long time, great feud with their current champ and main evented Summerslam not bad for his first year in the company

Kingston - Intercontinental champion, just had a PPV match with the man who'll headline Mania and has been in the Elimination Chamber before

Barrett - Led Nexus, challenged for titles on both brands

McIntyre - Supposedly looked a star in the chamber last night, haven't seen it yet

DiBiase - He's shit and not over at all

Rhodes - I think they could be about to give him a big push

Obviously Orton, Edge and Cena will be around for a long time and with their star power can help get these guys over.

I think they will put them over when it's good for business, and I think we'll see that at Mania with at least 2 of the 3 names you mention.

Guys like Kane, Rey, Big Show, Undertaker are at the end of their career. How many of them will be at Mania 2012?

Next to none, but Kane is near enough a jobber again, Rey is dropping down the card (hopefully), Big Show has been getting destroyed by Jackson, and Taker is going soon but how do you do it? IMO they shouldn't end the streak.

Incidentally, if Cena was to turn heel, how ace would it be if he and Orton did the 'Two Man Power Trip' angle?

I'd like that but it won't happen.

This is a massive Mania for me, the buyrate may well be down but it will give that massive list of guys a chance on the biggest stage of them all and will help elevate them. Two or three years down the line Mania could be massive.

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I feel for Sheamus, as he has gone off the boil ever since he took out Triple H, as you can tell he's been waiting on his return yet HHH hasn't comeback and instead Sheamus has done nothing relevant, apart from becoming Morrison's bitch.

I would have had this years Wrestlemania look something like this,

WWE Title: The Miz v Randy Orton v CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title: Edge v Christian v Alberto Del Rio

Streak Match: Undertaker v Cena

Rival Match: Sheamus v HHH

MITB: Swagger v Mysterio v Kingston v Rhodes v Bryan v Ziggler v Morrison v Barrett

Giants Match: Big Show v Kane v Nash

Tag Titles: Sanlov v Nexus v Corre

As you can see, Cena doesn't always have to be involved in a title match at Wrestlemania.

This year, i would have him go for the streak as it would allow four superstars (Miz/Punk/Christian/Del Rio) to solidify themselves as big game players. Plus, if The Rock returned to action for one match, i would have him against Cena at Mania in Miami next year.

You can even give Cena a hate feud instead of a title match, the one against Nexus would have been perfect, as if the WWE had played their cards right then that storyline could have ended at Mania.

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I feel for Sheamus, as he has gone off the boil ever since he took out Triple H, as you can tell he's been waiting on his return yet HHH hasn't comeback and instead Sheamus has done nothing relevant, apart from becoming Morrison's bitch.

I would have had this years Wrestlemania look something like this,

WWE Title: The Miz v Randy Orton v CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title: Edge v Christian v Alberto Del Rio

Streak Match: Undertaker v Cena

Rival Match: Sheamus v HHH

MITB: Swagger v Mysterio v Kingston v Rhodes v Bryan v Ziggler v Morrison v Barrett

Giants Match: Big Show v Kane v Nash

Tag Titles: Sanlov v Nexus v Corre

As you can see, Cena doesn't always have to be involved in a title match at Wrestlemania.

This year, i would have him go for the streak as it would allow four superstars (Miz/Punk/Christian/Del Rio) to solidify themselves as big game players. Plus, if The Rock returned to action for one match, i would have him against Cena at Mania in Miami next year.

You can even give Cena a hate feud instead of a title match, the one against Nexus would have been perfect, as if the WWE had played their cards right then that storyline could have ended at Mania.

Cena vs Taker in a streak match was in my mind aswell i reckon that would be a pretty good match, Reckon they need to give Cena a heel run now just to change it up. As for the new stars thing i agree not enough is being pushed but McIntyre looks pretty good as does John Morrison so im hopeful for those 2.

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