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Mo Wonderboy

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AJ Styles still a heel btw? Cause I always thought he sucked as a heel, he's just a natural good guy, simply cause he aint got much personality about him.

Nobody in TNA is a face or a heel such are the ofteness of their turns and the way that the crowd just cheer their favourites anyway. For the record I believe the Fortune stable (AJ, Kaz, Beer Money) to currently be faces.

Yeah AJ was a heel, I thought he was decent enough, but I just can't not cheer him (same with all of that list except Cole and Del Rio) so whether he's a face or a heel doesn't matter, to me.

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Nobody in TNA is a face or a heel such are the ofteness of their turns and the way that the crowd just cheer their favourites anyway.

Aye true. Thats another couple of things I hate about TNA. Everyone just going from face to heel whenever and it not meaning anything and also the Impact Zone 'Fans' who are all complete dicks. They're the kind of fan Michael Cole would slag on NXT when talking about Daniel Bryan.

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RIght, think I've got my list of most liked/hated.

Hated (In order)

1. Jeff Hardy

2. Ric Flair

3. R-Truth

4. Rey Mysterio

5. Matt Hardy

Special mentions to Daniel Bryan and John Morrison. I couldnt stand Bryan for ages, but he's starting to show a bit of character in recent months.

Like (in no particular order)

1. Christian

2. Zack Ryder

3. The Miz

4. Alberto Del Rio

5. CM Punk

Special mentions to Goldust, Michael Cole and Drew McIntyre. Weirdly one of my most hated for ages was Punk, but since he's been heel I've loved him. He's one of those guys that just suits being one or the other.

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I just put Impact on there for the last few minutes to see this 'surprise'.

Pretty funny but sad that they just copied the Undertaker return vignettes, especially with the 3 3 11 at the end instead of 2 21 11.

Edited by KilliePie
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Had a swatch at that UKFF forum to see if could find out anymore about Kevin Nash coming to Killie for a show on May 25th in Killie and found this...

first and second row Tickets go on sale tomorrow at the show in Kilmarnock Grand Hall we are very exited at the prospect of having such a legend grace our ring with his presence this already is looking to be one of the greatest shows we have ever put together

Ticket info as follows......

£20 tickets are ringside seats which include an hour long Q & A with Kevin Nash including a meet and greet opportunity .Entrance to this will be at 4.30

£15 tickets are for second row these tickets only gets you access to the meet and greet and not the Q & A session

These are the only tickets on sale tomorrow night in Kilmarnock if you are wishing general tickets these will not be on sale until the start of may

we hope this helps

BCW Management

Quick question about this (looking at you DomDom :P), I'm busy tomorow night but would very much like to purcahse a couple of those 20 quid tickets. Is it possible if I went to the Killie Grand Hall at half 6, that I could get tickets for the May 25th show and not go to the show tomorow night?

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What the f**k! Nash musta had quite a bit of wine during that. Who is he crying about at the end? Also, I wish Sean Waltman would f**k off, junkie twat that he is, I almost hate him as much as Jeff Hardy.

I believe he get emotional at the end when talking about Waltman and his suicide attempt. I like Waltman, always comes across as a nice guy in interviews and with fans much like Scott Hall.

Chris Jericho circa 2008-2009 (Superstar of the year time, couple of runs with the Title just in case my timings are off) was easily the best heel of the last 5 years and possibly my favourite heel ever. Utterly fantastic.

The whole "Save Us" pish? CM Punk just now looks like a better heel than him.

IMO Cm punk is the top heel right now.Jesse "The Body" Ventura my fave heel color commetrey announcer of all time.

Agreed, Punk is probably the best at it right now. I'd say King during the Attitude Era, or even Heyman with JR.

Sin Cara IS masked, and I'd imagine that Alberto Del Rio would be the fued IF he isn't the champ. If he's the champ then I can't see it happening right away.

What happened to Juan Cena?:blink:

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Juan Cena was just a way to get Cena onto shows it'd seem.

Agreed, Punk is probably the best at it right now. I'd say King during the Attitude Era, or even Heyman with JR.

Heyman probably falls under the "forgotten gem" list of things in wrestling. The way he riled up JR was fantastic. I loved it.

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That "sling shot rana" as the dude that made the video calls it, that is sick!!

I just put Impact on there for the last few minutes to see this 'surprise'.

Pretty funny but sad that they just copied the Undertaker return vignettes, especially with the 3 3 11 at the end instead of 2 21 11.

If TNA had come up with that themselves before the 2 21 11 stuff came out then they've got themselves probably theyre best promo ever.

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Juan Cena was just a way to get Cena onto shows it'd seem.

Heyman probably falls under the "forgotten gem" list of things in wrestling. The way he riled up JR was fantastic. I loved it.

Absolutely. Heyman came in and did Jerry Lawlers job better than Jerry Lawler.

The pinnacle of him riling up Ross came at Survivor Series 01 where JR goes mental and says "cornette can replace him tomorrow night on RAW" and Heyman burst out laughing and says "your funny for an unemployed guy!"

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Absolutely. Heyman came in and did Jerry Lawlers job better than Jerry Lawler.

The pinnacle of him riling up Ross came at Survivor Series 01 where JR goes mental and says "cornette can replace him tomorrow night on RAW" and Heyman burst out laughing and says "your funny for an unemployed guy!"

Hayman on commentary during that 2001 run was fantastic, especially during that Invasion storyline.

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And as for the Nash tickets, is there any other way of getting the tickets?

I think you can phone the Kilmarnock Palace Theatre for tickets at some point in the future. They haven't said when the normal tickets go on sale or at what price so I don't imagine they're gonna be on sale right away.

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If Jericho counts then he's number one on my most liked list, however if not,

Most Liked

1) Mr Anderson - He's like me, an asshole! :P

2) CM Punk

3) Edge

4) Kofi Kingston

5) AJ Styles

Also shout outs for Swagger/Del Rio/Christian/Orton and The Miz.

Most Hated

1) Hornswoggle - Annoying as f**k

2) David Otunga - Has no place inside a wrestling ring.

3) R-Truth - You can't sing, you complete and utter moron.


5) The Great Khali - Can't wrestle, can't dance, can't follow the match rules either.

Most Boring

1) Mark Henry

2) Drew McIntyre

3) Chris Masters

4) Rob Terry

5) John Morrison

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I was close to putting Masters in my like list!

ICW Online Season 3 Episode 2

Right, on this week's we have...

Christopher ( Chris Rampage ) vs. Johnny Moss

The Bucky Boys ( Steven Xavier and Davey Blaze ) vs. Vinny James and Joe Coffey

Match 1

Christopher vs. Johnny Moss

Rampage is in for a long night. We're joined in progress and Rampage is landing a Suplex. SUCCESS~~~!!! Don't get used to it lad. Rampage sent to the floor. Yeah, this is probably where it goes wrong. Mossy starts landing chops on Rampage and then right hands. Moss now has a chair and he throws it at the head of Rampage. Moss gets his chair back and then sits Rampage on it. Moss then lands a big Running Dropkick to the face and the audience are enjoying this. I can't help feeling we've missed something. Rampage then gets sent into the railing. Moss with another big chop. Rampage charges. MOSSY LAUNCHES RAMPAGE OVER A WALL !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Mossy then grabs the agent of Rampage. RAMPAGE DIVES OFF OF THE WALL ONTO MOSSY !!! Rampage: "f**k yous!". Into the ring now and Moss with forearms and then knees and then the High Knee. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM MOSSY !!! Rampage blocks a third and hits the ropes. RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX FROM JOHNNY MOSS !!! The agent now gets onto the apron. Right hand knocks him off of the apron. That gets a two count. Kick to the face from Rampage and then the X-Factor and that gets a two count. Northern Lights Suplex but Mossy rolls through and takes a School Boy and that gets a two count. Moss runs into a boot. Moss rolls through a Cross Body. JUMPING TOMBSTONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Johnny Moss

Match Rating : **1/2

Match Comments : That was great fun to watch again, it has to be said. Thought it was unfortunate that Rampage had to have this as his first match under the new gimmick but he didn't come off looking TOO bad here.

Backstage with Christopher Rampage and Bloke Kennedy. Rampage wants an entourage and Kennedy says that he's working on it.

Before this next match, The Wee Man introduces The Bucky Boys in fantastic fashion, starting with some ECW references. The Legion of Shroom, The Two Man Acid Trip, The School Age Outlaws. Magnificent. The Wee Man locks his eyes on Joe Coffey. "Justin Bieber's been on the steroids for Wrestlemania!" HAHA !!! He calls James and Coffey the Sausage Roll Express before getting planted.

Match 2

Vinny James and Joe Coffey vs. The Bucky Boys

Bucky Boys are Davie Boy ( Davey Blaze ) and Stevie Boy ( Steven Xavier ). They come in and help their "cousin". James with big chops and right hands. James and Coffey are launched to the floor. The Bucky Boys with Stereo Baseball Slides and now the brawl is on the floor. Blaze and Coffey back into the ring. Blaze is hit with a Dropkick. James with a big chop and then Xavier is sent over the railing. Coffey into the ropes. James gets sent through the railing. Coffey into the ropes and Blaze gets under Coffey and lands a Dropkick and then a knee to the gut. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Coffey. Leg Drop from Coffey and that gets a two. Blaze with right hands. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Coffey and that gets a two count. Xavier into the ring and in comes James. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then a Rana from Xavier. Enziguri from Xavier misses and James with a Back Drop Suplex. Clothesline in the corner from James and then Double Knees and in comes Coffey. Coffey sent into a Dropkick to Xavier's face. Coffey now chokes James with a boot. Snap Suplex from Coffey and that gets a two count. Clubbing blows from Coffey and then into the corner where James gets some cheap choking in there. Double Suplex from Coffey and James. Blaze isn't a happy chappy about that. Nothing new there. Sidewalk Slam from James and that gets another two count. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM JAMES !!! James then stands on the face of Xavier. Snap Suplex and then a hard tag out. Dissent! Stomp from Coffey and then he twists the neck a bit. Kicks to the leg now from Xavier. Arm Breaker from Xavier and suddenly he has a submission locked in. COFFEY TURNS THAT INTO A RUNNING LIGER BOMB !!! James comes in and knocks Blaze off the apron. James sends Xavier into the corner and misses a Clothesline. Xavier gets a School Boy for a two count. TILT-A-WHIRL REVERSE DDT FROM XAVIER !!! Xavier gets the fans behind him and now we have the hot tag. Blaze is the preverbial house on fire. Coffey tries for a Belly 2 Belly and it gets blocked. Dropkick from Blaze and then a Rana on James. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM COFFEY TO BLAZE !!! DISCUS LARIAT TAKES OUT JAMES !!! XAVIER WITH THE RUNNING SHOOTING STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : The Bucky Boys

Match Rating : **

Match Comments : I forgot how awesome Xavier's stuff always looked, and he always bumped like a maniac as well. Those two things helped this one along. Not as good as it was live though.

Post-match, Joe Coffey lays a beating on Vinny James and then the two guys go pure bush on each other. We end with Coffey and James, and Davey Boy gets in a wee bit of abuse. Nice!

The main good thing about this episode is the pure beating that takes place with Mossy which is par for the course with that guy. The tag match isn't great but there's some nice stuff there. All in all, it's naw bad.

Can be found there!

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I think you can phone the Kilmarnock Palace Theatre for tickets at some point in the future. They haven't said when the normal tickets go on sale or at what price so I don't imagine they're gonna be on sale right away.

You think you can phone for tickets even for meet and greet?

Doesn't that 3 3 11 promo just scream "we're TNA and we're shite."


Aww absolutely. YOu should see DIxie's twitter page, its ramshacked with folk abusing TNA, the promo and creative!

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