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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Day 2. The Ladder Match

After a couple of dodgy ones they head into proper amazing territory. Every TLC match at the time of print as well. Three discs of awesome. The Rise and Fall of WCW is up there too.

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Day 3. Underrated Wrestler - Golddust. OK I know people him and the character and he's rated highly on here. But he could have been given so much better in his various WWF/WWE runs.

Agreed. Would have been worth a run with the WWE title back in 96/97 just before the Attitude era.

He had a bit of a push on telly just before his current injury put him on the shelf ... had high hopes of him getting a spot on the Wrestlemania card as well.

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Oops, looks like I missed a day.

I liked Beyond the Mat and Rise and Fall of ECW they were pretty good.

Got to agree about Gold Dust as well. He was immense when he was with Booker T as well.

Just because:


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From 1996-1997, Goldust was at the peak of how far he was ever going to get. His gimmick just didn't suit the big title. The same reason as Doink never won the big prize as well. He was given as big a push as humanly possible without being in the main events. I think he actually done brilliantly well considering the gimmick he had.

I'm going to go for Billy Gunn. Shat on by many and for no good reason. Like Bob Holly actually, a tag team specialist. The Smoking Gunns were brilliant back in the day and who didn't love The New Age Outlaws? He had something holding him back from the bigger picture in WWE which is a shame. He clearly had ALL of the tools. Had all sorts of decent singles matches with all sorts of opponents as well. I've never got the hate this guy gets.

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I'm going to go for Billy Gunn. Shat on by many and for no good reason. Like Bob Holly actually, a tag team specialist. The Smoking Gunns were brilliant back in the day and who didn't love The New Age Outlaws? He had something holding him back from the bigger picture in WWE which is a shame. He clearly had ALL of the tools. Had all sorts of decent singles matches with all sorts of opponents as well. I've never got the hate this guy gets.

That's a decent shout too. WWE did give him a half decent singles push ... he won the King of the Ring when it still meant something but it just didn't work out for him as a singles competitor. Terrific tag team wrestler, though.

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I'm going to go for Billy Gunn. Shat on by many and for no good reason. Like Bob Holly actually, a tag team specialist. The Smoking Gunns were brilliant back in the day and who didn't love The New Age Outlaws? He had something holding him back from the bigger picture in WWE which is a shame. He clearly had ALL of the tools. Had all sorts of decent singles matches with all sorts of opponents as well. I've never got the hate this guy gets.

Agreed. He just seemed to be one of these guys who people just didn't care that much about as a singles wrestler for some reason. No idea why, I thought he was really good.

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Day 3. Underrated Wrestler

In wrestling just now, I'd go for either Eric Young or Brian Kendrick, although both of those could be put down to poor booking from TNA. When Kendrick and Paul London were teaming, they were fucking immense.

Quite a lot of X-Division wrestlers actually, Homicide, Amazing Red and Petey Williams are all pretty good, but I can kinda see why they aren't used above X-division status.

I also find it difficult to name ones from the past because at one time they might've been rated. I always loved Ken Shamrock, Steve Blackman and Al Snow(head cheese was hilarious).

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Homicide is fucking rancid these days. Used to be amazing and has become absolutely useless. Needs to be hidden with garbage brawls and five minute matches, such is the level that he clearly doesn't care anymore.

Never liked The Amazing Red. Sure, his moves look cool, but that's about it.

STEVE BLACKMAN~~~!!! Al Snow is a good shout. He's always been kinda appreciated, but never been roundly praised.

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Im a couple of days behind but here goes.

1. First Wrestling Game

Would have been Warzone. Looking back it was pretty basic. Good fun at the time though.

2. Favourite DVD

The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection. Watched the whole thing in a day. Outstanding.

3. Most Underatted Wrestler

Il go for Jerry Lynn. Had several great bouts but never made it big.

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Day 4. Under-rated match.

So you look at the Royal Rumble 1991 card and have a look through the matches! "The Rockers vs. The Orient Express? I've heard about that! The Big Bossman vs. The Barbarian? Ugh." Well yeah, I bet we've all thought that, or at least those of us who looked at the card and then watched the show. Had the opening tag match not taken the place, The Barbarian vs. The Big Bossman would have stolen the show as it was a cracking power match which had me on the edge of my seat when I watched it for the first time not so long ago. Definately not given nearly enough praise, probably because of the guys involved.

The Barbarian vs. The Big Bossman - WWE Royal Rumble 1991

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bit of catching up to do

Day 2 - Favourite DVD - the WCCW & AWA DVD's are very good but I'd go with the Bret Hart 3 Disc DVD.

Day 3 Underrated Wrestler - I was always a big Sean Waltman fan, even towards the end of his WWE run when I was probably the only one.

Day 4 Underrated Match - not sure if this will count as underrated as it was on a UK only PPV so it wouldn't have been seen by too many people to begin with but I'd go with Stone Cold v The Rock for the WWF Title at Rebellion '01. the best match between the 2 IMO

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I'd agree that Rock and Austin from Rebellion was a VERY good match and definately under-rated and even completely looked over. I can't agree that it's the best they've done though. Wrestlemania X-7 outing between them was my top Wrestlemania match of all time before HBK and Taker went and beat it twice.

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Day 2 Favourite DVD - Best Of Raw (that 15 year anniversary one)

Day 3 Underrated Wrestler - DDP. Loved this guy and thought he was ace. The pop when he took off the mask to reveal himself as Taker's wife's stalker was massive.

Day 4 Underrated Match - Hmm. Can't think of one just now

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Catching up to do this as it seems pretty fun:

1, First Wrestling Game - WWF Warzone. Loved it at the time but in all seriousness it was a bit shite.

2. Favourite DVD - Rise and Fall of WCW

3. Under-rated Wrestler - Dean Malenko. Not as an all round "Superstar" in any way but his in-ring ability was phenomenal, one of my favourite wrestlers to watch.

4. Underrated match -

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