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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I'll post RAW thoughts when I've watched it. I've managed to skip any and all spoilers in this thread for RAW to make THIS post...

30 Day Wrestling Challenge: Favourite Gimmick Match

The Ladder Match

I've just got a soft spot for this stuff. I simply love ladder spots. As long as they aren't complete botchfests, I love any and all ladder matches that ever happen. Well, maybe not love, but they entertain me.

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Day 4. Under-rated match.

So you look at the Royal Rumble 1991 card and have a look through the matches! "The Rockers vs. The Orient Express? I've heard about that! The Big Bossman vs. The Barbarian? Ugh." Well yeah, I bet we've all thought that, or at least those of us who looked at the card and then watched the show. Had the opening tag match not taken the place, The Barbarian vs. The Big Bossman would have stolen the show as it was a cracking power match which had me on the edge of my seat when I watched it for the first time not so long ago. Definately not given nearly enough praise, probably because of the guys involved.

The Barbarian vs. The Big Bossman - WWE Royal Rumble 1991

3. Under-rated Wrestler - Dean Malenko most definately, even my dad acknowledged one time that Dean Malenko was a great wrestler and he hasn't watched a full episode of wrestling in over 10 years.

4. Underrated match - Hakushi vs 1-2-3 Kid at Summerslam.

5. Gimmick match - TLC matches from 00-01.

Anyone else not buying into this streak feud?

Your not buying into The Rock either, infact why are you watching WWE ?

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Having missed yesterday's (don't think I've got a suitable candidate for an underrated match anyway) I'll rejoin it now.

Day 5 Favourite Gimmick Match

There a load of really good concepts; lethal lockdown, ultimate X, TLC(back in the day), Money in the Bank, Monster's Ball(again used to be really good) and who can forget the Taipei Death Match?

I'd probably just it to the TLC. Bringing those three tag teams together, in a match that had something for each of them was amazing. And their series of matches were brilliant.

edit: just realised I didn't mention either Hell in a Cell or the classic Cage match, wtf!

Edited by forehead7
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Deary me, the Taipei Death Match is an absolute abomination and should never be spoken of again.

I've bought into the Triple H thing a LITTLE. I mean, we've seen what sort of hold he has in the past, so it IS possible that Vinny Mac could have him go over, and The Undertaker has a great amount of respect for him, so I don't think he'd mind doing that job.

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Favourite gimmick match: Probably a cage match, but only if done right, i.e. doesn't have a million people running in and used as a proper feud ender

I'd agree, only if done properly in that they actually have to climb out of the cage instead of walking out a fucking door.

So that's Sheamus and Dibiase interrupted Triple H talking about Wrestlemania now, and it's No Holds Barred... please tell me they aren't going to have anyone interfering in that match.

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As far as I'm concerned, the only way to properly do a cage match is shove a roof on it and don't have ANY escapes. The cage should be there so as neither man can runaway or nobody can get in. The way it is now, it's basically the guy who runs away from the match that wins.

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1. Your first wrestling video game - WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

2. Your favourite wrestling DVD - Never owned a Wrestling DVD

3. A wrestler that is underrated - Kane

4. A match that is underrated - The Rock v Kurt Angle v Undertaker (Vengeance 2002) maybe i'm wrong, yet it doesn't seem to get spoken about too much. :unsure:

5. Favourite Gimmick Match - Elimination Chamber

Edited, wrong PPV! :ph34r:

Edited by Parscelona
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The triple threat was at Vengeance 2002. ;) Terrific match though. Love when they just start unloading the big guns on each other.

My bad, wasn't too sure on the PPV although i had a feeling it was No Way Out. :ph34r:

Agreed though, it was a superb match. :D

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Wait, why are we picking our favourite gimmick match? It's Day 5, guilty pleasure match. I'd assume that it means a specific match rather than a stip, but even if it does HIAC/MITB/Ladder/Cage aren't a guilty pleasure, where's the guilt from liking them?

The only one I can think off the top of my head would be the Chair Swinging Freaks vs The Dudleys at Hardcore Justice last year.

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Any one up for doing a WWE/TNA/(Maybe ROH if they're doing regular shows just now since their TV deal is done) fantasy league? We could have everyone gets to pick 5 or 6 workers and then every WWE/TNA/ROH show you get x amount of points for a win, draw, appearance? I've seen one on other forums and it looks like it could be pretty good.

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Any one up for doing a WWE/TNA/(Maybe ROH if they're doing regular shows just now since their TV deal is done) fantasy league? We could have everyone gets to pick 5 or 6 workers and then every WWE/TNA/ROH show you get x amount of points for a win, draw, appearance? I've seen one on other forums and it looks like it could be pretty good.

I would be, can a wrestler be on more than one team? Cena would be a dead cert for MVP.

Maybe double points for PPV wins.

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I would be, can a wrestler be on more than one team? Cena would be a dead cert for MVP.

Maybe double points for PPV wins.

Nope, I'd just post up the rosters for WWE, TNA and ROH and then we'd have a draft and it'd be one team per wrestler but you'd be able to trade or something, IDK yet I'd have to iron out the details.

Yeah I thought double points for PPV's, maybe triple for a title win or something like that.

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