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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Mania is looking pretty ordinary this year.

Taker/HHH has failed to whip me into a frenzy as Takers Mania matches usually do.

Cena/Miz is about the least appealing match of the night for me.

Punk/Orton should be good and Rhodes/Rey has the potential.

A few things which I would liked to have seen:

A much earlier return from both Taker and HHH and a proper build up rather than a story thrown together with 6 weeks to go and no explanation as to why Taker doesn't want revenge on either Kane or The Nexus/Corre.

Someone other than Austin as special ref, gives away the finish.

Bryan holding onto the US title until Mani where he then looses to Sheamus.

Ziggler to stay on SmackDown and feud with Christian and facing each other at Mania (which could been a MOTY)

The IC title to be defended in a meaningful feud.

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Nope, I'd just post up the rosters for WWE, TNA and ROH and then we'd have a draft and it'd be one team per wrestler but you'd be able to trade or something, IDK yet I'd have to iron out the details.

Yeah I thought double points for PPV's, maybe triple for a title win or something like that.

That sounds really good, athough I'd prefer if you left out RoH.

Taker/HHH has failed to whip me into a frenzy as Takers Mania matches usually do.


Cena/Miz is about the least appealing match of the night for me.

I think they've built Miz up brilliantly. It's not quite a Mania main event but then what is?

Punk/Orton should be good and Rhodes/Rey has the potential.

I think both of those will be good matches. As long as Punk and Rhodes get put over anyway.

A much earlier return from both Taker and HHH and a proper build up rather than a story thrown together with 6 weeks to go and no explanation as to why Taker doesn't want revenge on either Kane or The Nexus/Corre.


Someone other than Austin as special ref, gives away the finish.

It was pretty obvious anyway I thought.

Bryan holding onto the US title until Mani where he then looses to Sheamus.

I kind of agree, but I'm not sure how else they could've built it up?

Ziggler to stay on SmackDown and feud with Christian and facing each other at Mania (which could been a MOTY)

Much as I love Del Rio, I'd have had Christian win the Rumble with Edge-Christian at Mania for the title. I also wouldn't have given away the first ever Edge-Christian match on free TV though to make it more Mania worthy.

The IC title to be defended in a meaningful feud.

Was never going to happen unfortunately. Not sure who they could've used that haven't wrestled each other 20 times over the last year on SD anyway (I'm thinking Kingston, Ziggler, McIntyre and Swagger here).

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Smackdown IC TItle spoiler

Wade Barrett beats Kofi to become the Intercontinental Champion


Has the Corre versus Big Show and chums been confirmed? If so I wonder how that will affect that? Barrett should be a main eventer on that show and this just smacks of trying to give him and Kofi something to do right before Mania.

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My bad, wasn't too sure on the PPV although i had a feeling it was No Way Out. :ph34r:

Agreed though, it was a superb match. :D

The Rock and Taker had a match at No Way Out in 2002. Easy mistake.

Taker/HHH has failed to whip me into a frenzy as Takers Mania matches usually do.

When you look at it the streak isn't all that impresive at all when you look at the effort taken to create it. Taker got to a certain point with the streak and they've pushed it since. All it takes is once a year, an established superstar with no real feud faces Taker and loses.

Until Taker actually loses it which I think he should, no one is going to give a shit about another Undertaker match at Wrestlemania.

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I think they've built Miz up brilliantly. It's not quite a Mania main event but then what is?

I'm still not sure as to what the appeal of The Miz is, as unpopular as that is. He's not a standout wrestler and his gimmick isn't all that great. As for his promos, all he says is "Really? Really? **insert city name** sucks. **insert sports team put down**, I'm The Miz and I'm awesome. Honestly don't see what the fuss is about.

I think both of those will be good matches. As long as Punk and Rhodes get put over anyway.

Punk and Orton WILL be good, but I'm actually really looking forward to Mysterio vs Rhodes.

I kind of agree, but I'm not sure how else they could've built it up?

Have Sheamus repeatedly attack Bryan backstage, interfere in matches etc etc would have been enough to set up a title match at Mania. It's not like it needed a particularly good build up.

Much as I love Del Rio, I'd have had Christian win the Rumble with Edge-Christian at Mania for the title. I also wouldn't have given away the first ever Edge-Christian match on free TV though to make it more Mania worthy.

If I had my way Edge would be nowhere near the title, he has pretty much been constantly since 2006. Del Rio vs Christian would have been the shit, it already has a build up dating back months and would have me far more interested than Edgs vs Del Rio.

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Punk and Orton WILL be good, but I'm actually really looking forward to Mysterio vs Rhodes.

Mysterio/Rhodes strikes me as a match that's gonna get raped for time. Punk vs. Orton... I dunno. I think that "The Excitement Killer" Randy Orton needs someone who can really build a match in there with him, and CM Punk ain't that guy.

According to the challenge on the UKFF, we're on the Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania match of choice, and there's only one for me. The Undertaker. Wrestlemania 26.

What it had that the first match didn't have was a very clear story. HBK used his speed and went after the wheels of Taker, while right from the very first minute of the match, The Undertaker was looking for finishers and trademark moves to try and put HBK away early and not once did they ever move away from that. Just an incredible match.

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Mysterio/Rhodes strikes me as a match that's gonna get raped for time. Punk vs. Orton... I dunno. I think that "The Excitement Killer" Randy Orton needs someone who can really build a match in there with him, and CM Punk ain't that guy.

According to the challenge on the UKFF, we're on the Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania match of choice, and there's only one for me. The Undertaker. Wrestlemania 26.

What it had that the first match didn't have was a very clear story. HBK used his speed and went after the wheels of Taker, while right from the very first minute of the match, The Undertaker was looking for finishers and trademark moves to try and put HBK away early and not once did they ever move away from that. Just an incredible match.

HBK vs Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 21 was one of the best wrestling matches I have ever seen. No doubt Michaels rises to the occasion for every Wrestlemania and can make anyone look good, thing is Kurt Angle didn't need looking good. It was just a fantastic match. The crowd involvement as well was excellent and even with Kurt as a heel many of the fans still cheered for Angle that night.

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Thoughts on last night's Impact;

Impact last night was awful. The main event just had a dreadful and, in my view, pretty distasteful ending. Why are they so obsessed with 'fooling' the fans to the point where they got the ref to do the X sign?

Still far too much Hogan and Bischoff. Is Hardy gone now? If not sounds like he'll be a face when he returns. And Bubba/Bully, a main eventer? When was the last time he was in the main event of any PPV? 1999?

Hair vs title match at Lockdown? Dear me.

Incredibly obvious what Angle was going to do. And a pathetic balde job by Jarrett in the sense that it was needless and added nothing.

Gunner as TV champ? At least now the TV title is actually going to be on TV!

The Pope thing with the fake knife was a load of crap too.

TNA, you are utter knobs who are driving your business into the ground you utter wankers. And it's a shame as you have so much talent, but you'd rather give 20 minutes to pish like Hogan, Bischoff and Bubba/Bully. Tossers.

P.S. Sting, Macho Man called, he wants his jacket back.

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Listen to JR scream when he hits it. :lol:

I always love that.

I thought it was Lawler.

Brilliant, just another brilliant episode from last call. Just completely rips into the "Jay-brone" that has the stall.

Hall - "And what time do we start?"

Jay-brone - "Ummm i would imagine arouns noon would be a good time"

Hall - ".....so I'll be our about 1ish!"

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Much as I love Del Rio, I'd have had Christian win the Rumble with Edge-Christian at Mania for the title. I also wouldn't have given away the first ever Edge-Christian match on free TV though to make it more Mania worthy.

They already had a fued in 2001 when Christian turned on Edge and joined the Alliance. Although they (the WWE) would probably rather you forget that, just like Taker vs Triple H has never happened :P

And Bubba/Bully, a main eventer? When was the last time he was in the main event of any PPV? 1999?

2004 Great American Bash vs The Undertaker :P

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Chaps, I downloaded 'The True Story of Wrestlemania' last night and I have to say it's a cracking watch, really good to hear loads of interviews with everyone and good memories of matches years and years ago.

Anyone else watched it?

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I could tell from the sort of lower pitch of the scream that it was JR. "AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!" :lol:

The Dudleys vs. The Undertaker closed GAB so you can easily make a claim for it being part of a double main event.

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No way was tht the main event. JBL won the title of Guerrero at that PPV and held it until WM 21.

He did indeed but it wasnt the main event. Reason Taker - Dudleys went on last was cause Taker buried his Da' in cement and killed him. Thankfully his dad got better and returned last year.

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