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Mo Wonderboy

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Why? It's the only competition WWE have and when WWE have competition they will produce good stuff. I hope it doesn't go out, it's just the creative and booking side that all needs a change.

I dont really want it to go out of business. It's just so unwatchable these days it might as well be. Dont get me wrong, I want it to do well and always have, its just they've made so many mistakes with it, it kinda doesnt deserve to do well.

I miss WCW. Even when it was fucking rotten it was brilliant.

See thats what TNA needs to master, its rotten and unwatchable. WCW, even when rotten, was still watchable.

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4. A match that is underrated.

The Inaugural Brawl - WWF Invasion 2001

5. Your guilty pleasure match.

Goldberg vs Kevin Nash - WCW Starrcade 1998


6. Wresting character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).

Shane McMahon. One of my favourite wrestling characters who also had awesome matches and would take some stupid bumps. Also, wouldnt mind his money :P

7. Your favourite tag team.

Edge & Christian. Had some awesome matches with everyone and were both really good on the mic and entertaining. Back 10/11 years ago when first getting into wrestling and my only knowledge of it coming from WWF Smackdown 2 on ps1 I would probably have said Too Cool.

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Out of interest what has TNA done that has been so rotten and unwatchable?

A bit of everything I think. It was watching Bound for Glory last year that made me give up on TNA, as much as I hate the guy, turning Jeff Hardy heel was just stupid. I've tried watching Impact a few times since then.

There's nothing entertaining on the shows, the promo's are always far too long and pointless, it seems the talent they once had has either left or got worse, the storylines are awful. I think it all comes down to the writers, Dixie, Hogan and Bischoff. The first 3/4 months of last year when they came in were good, and then it just got awful.

They clearly know where they want TNA to get to, but havent a clue on how to do it. First thing they need to do is stop spending money on wrestlers that havent brought anything to TNA and not improved the product. Folk like Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Foley, the old ECW guys and even RVD, even though I like RVD, he just looks like he doesnt care. I find it pathetic that in almost 9 years, TNA have managed to create 2 main eventers, and they're only main eventers when the writers run out of ideas.

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A bit of everything I think. It was watching Bound for Glory last year that made me give up on TNA, as much as I hate the guy, turning Jeff Hardy heel was just stupid. I've tried watching Impact a few times since then.

There's nothing entertaining on the shows, the promo's are always far too long and pointless, it seems the talent they once had has either left or got worse, the storylines are awful. I think it all comes down to the writers, Dixie, Hogan and Bischoff. The first 3/4 months of last year when they came in were good, and then it just got awful.

They clearly know where they want TNA to get to, but havent a clue on how to do it. First thing they need to do is stop spending money on wrestlers that havent brought anything to TNA and not improved the product. Folk like Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Foley, the old ECW guys and even RVD, even though I like RVD, he just looks like he doesnt care. I find it pathetic that in almost 9 years, TNA have managed to create 2 main eventers, and they're only main eventers when the writers run out of ideas.

Why was it stupid? He still sells a ton of merch and it was something fresh and new, seeing Jeff Hardy for the first time in his career as a heel. Another thing, nobody saw it coming either.

You've got to be kidding me! The first 3/4 months of the Hogan/Bischoff reign was f*cking awful and that's the reason numbers didn't go up despite more exposure, it was awful. The whole monster push for Abyss and the stupid ring angle? Give me a break..

What talent left and what talent got worse? Daniels?

Hulk and Bischoff are on screeen characters, they dont have jobs in creative at all I'm sure. Dixie is a terrible on screen character however.

The promos are too long yes, but entertaining? Bubba Ray Dudley just powerbombed AJ through a table from off the top of the stage last week on Impact. What more do you want?

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Why was it stupid? He still sells a ton of merch and it was something fresh and new, seeing Jeff Hardy for the first time in his career as a heel. Another thing, nobody saw it coming either.

You've got to be kidding me! The first 3/4 months of the Hogan/Bischoff reign was f*cking awful and that's the reason numbers didn't go up despite more exposure, it was awful. The whole monster push for Abyss and the stupid ring angle? Give me a break..

What talent left and what talent got worse? Daniels?

Hulk and Bischoff are on screeen characters, they dont have jobs in creative at all I'm sure. Dixie is a terrible on screen character however.

The promos are too long yes, but entertaining? Bubba Ray Dudley just powerbombed AJ through a table from off the top of the stage last week on Impact. What more do you want?

I'm not a TNA fan boy, I slate it when it needs to be slated but you can't say it's not entertaining.

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You've got to be kidding me! The first 3/4 months of the Hogan/Bischoff reign was f*cking awful.

It was something different though, it wasnt that good but at least the shows were watchable.

What talent left and what talent got worse? Daniels?

Dont watch it enough to know who left or anything. Its just I remember back in 2005 when they used to have good matches in TNA and the X division was class, now there isnt an X division to speak of.

Also Chris Daniels is shit.

Hulk and Bischoff are on screeen characters, they dont have jobs in creative at all I'm sure.

Aye right, they would be nowhere near TNA if they didnt have some creative stroke. I dont think they are they are writing the shows, but they definately have a big say on what goes on.

The promos are too long yes, but entertaining? Bubba Ray Dudley just powerbombed AJ through a table from off the top of the stage last week on Impact. What more do you want?

Bubba was doing that to women 11 years ago.

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Also Chris Daniels is shit.

It'll be interesting to see how a motivated Daniels fairs in TNA. He has looked more like the guy that was in ROH during 2002/03 these days than he ever did in TNA. If he can take that form in, he's gonna be like a different wrestler for them.

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In discussing my fave tag team you need to look at how crap the division is now. It used to be awesome.

Demolition, Rockers, NAO, Dudleys. E&C, Outsiders, Hardy's, Harlem Heat, Steiners, LOD, APA, Natural Disasters, Hollywood Blondes were all great.

My own favourites as a youngster were the Rockers. I thought Jannetty was awesome and better than Shawn. Loved the Blondes as well, broke them up too early and they remained best firends until Pillman death.

I hate the Rock n Roll express, especially Ricky Morton

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A bit of everything I think. It was watching Bound for Glory last year that made me give up on TNA, as much as I hate the guy, turning Jeff Hardy heel was just stupid. I've tried watching Impact a few times since then.

There's nothing entertaining on the shows, the promo's are always far too long and pointless, it seems the talent they once had has either left or got worse, the storylines are awful. I think it all comes down to the writers, Dixie, Hogan and Bischoff. The first 3/4 months of last year when they came in were good, and then it just got awful.

They clearly know where they want TNA to get to, but havent a clue on how to do it. First thing they need to do is stop spending money on wrestlers that havent brought anything to TNA and not improved the product. Folk like Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Foley, the old ECW guys and even RVD, even though I like RVD, he just looks like he doesnt care. I find it pathetic that in almost 9 years, TNA have managed to create 2 main eventers, and they're only main eventers when the writers run out of ideas.

Turning Hardy was a good move, they had to do something that was surprising for the 10/10/10 move, since everyone knew that Hogan and Bischoff were turning heel. I was shocked and it was done relatively well.

I agree with Hero, Bubba powerbombing AJ off the stage was fantastic. The talent's still really good. Only the X-division has gotten worse, imo.

Flair has brought something, he's really entertaining. Foley was also good, although since he doesn't wrestle he's not on tv. The people that have been brought in have been decent. Sabu, RVD, Anderson and Hardy were all decent, they did f**k up with the ECW thing since they just canned them after about a month after Hardcore Justice.

Just as a side note, TNA isn't gonna be going out of business soon. If you listen to interviews, they are actually doing well in some countries. Jeremy Borash has done stuff and they're beating WWE in countries where they've both went in at the same time. They also sell more merch per person that attends their shows than WWE (obviously they make less money but it's a start) They're also running two house shows at the same time at some weekends.

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Tag team wrestling in the mid-late 80s and early 90s was just phenomenal. Even mid 90s in WCW was incredible.

I think there are plenty of good tag teams outside of WWE these days. I love The Kings of Wrestling, Motor City Machine Guns, The Young Bucks, All Night Express, LDRS, Adam Cole/Kyle O'Reilly, The Fighting Taylor Boys, KENTA/Atsushi Aoki, Haas/Benjamin, Apollo 55 and loads more. It's a shame that the main promotions don't have a really strong tag division these days though.

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Turning Hardy was a good move, they had to do something that was surprising for the 10/10/10 move, since everyone knew that Hogan and Bischoff were turning heel. I was shocked and it was done relatively well.

That was a good heel turn and Jeff Hardy was able to play the character really well. They also found a way to make Jeff Hardy non-pish on the mic with the heel turn, so good on them I say.

Just as a side note, TNA isn't gonna be going out of business soon. If you listen to interviews, they are actually doing well in some countries. Jeremy Borash has done stuff and they're beating WWE in countries where they've both went in at the same time. They also sell more merch per person that attends their shows than WWE (obviously they make less money but it's a start) They're also running two house shows at the same time at some weekends.

They have the same core fanbase as they've always had as well, and they have been alive this long with that, so what makes anyone think that they are going anywhere?

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They also sell more merch per person that attends their shows than WWE (obviously they make less money but it's a start)

Won't that just be because with the smaller crowds it is more likely to be hardcore wrestling fans, who are more likely to buy merchandise?

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Forgot to add i just recieved Bruce Harts autobiography in the post.

I love Bruce, he turely believes he was and still is the greatest of the all the Hart Brothers.

Im not going to start reading it until the weeked but i did have a quick peak at the intro, in which he states he has only written the book as the ones written by his siblings were just to "gratify their ego's". For anyone who does not know, Bruce is usually one of the main culprits in Hart siblings fued due to never keeping his mouth shut.

Best Bruce moment: Mania 26 when he was ref, he stole the show. What a guy!

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Won't that just be because with the smaller crowds it is more likely to be hardcore wrestling fans, who are more likely to buy merchandise?

Yeah, that's what I was alluding to in the brackets. Also some of the attendance for WWE will be parent's who will only buy something for their kid(maybe) so it's only half of that market.

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It was something different though, it wasnt that good but at least the shows were watchable.

Dont watch it enough to know who left or anything. Its just I remember back in 2005 when they used to have good matches in TNA and the X division was class, now there isnt an X division to speak of.

Aye right, they would be nowhere near TNA if they didnt have some creative stroke. I dont think they are they are writing the shows, but they definately have a big say on what goes on.

Bubba was doing that to women 11 years ago.

They brought good TV for 4 months, the wrestling and storylines were utter pish. The product they put out now is a lot better than what they were doing for the first 4 months of Hogans arrival.

Well if you don't watch it enough to know who left why are u commenting on it? Back in 2005 TNA would have guys work on a pay per appearance sort of thing. They weren't signed to TNA they could go from TNA to ROH to any other company out there. AJ, Abyss, Daniels, Joe , Shelley, all these guys worked for ROH at the time as well.

I don't doubt for one second Hulk has creative control, he's just not part of the creative team. They'll have a say in what their character does, not much else I would imagine.

So does that make it less impressive because he was doing it 11 years ago. Hogan and ROck had one of the best matches ever but because he was headlining Wrestlemania 11 years earlier does that make the 2002 match shit? Course it doesn't, shit argument.

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They brought good TV for 4 months, the wrestling and storylines were utter pish. The product they put out now is a lot better than what they were doing for the first 4 months of Hogans arrival.

I can't comment on it currently, but during the Hogoff's main spell in charge, they had a bit of a "throw lots of shit at a wall" mentality which just didn't work a lot of the time. Lots of ideas came and went and left us thinking "what in the name of shit is going on?".

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