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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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4. A match that is underrated.


5. Your guilty pleasure match.


6. Wresting character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).

The Rock

7. Your favourite tag team.

Road Dogg & Billy Gunn

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I can't comment on it currently, but during the Hogoff's main spell in charge, they had a bit of a "throw lots of shit at a wall" mentality which just didn't work a lot of the time. Lots of ideas came and went and left us thinking "what in the name of shit is going on?".

Aye, the whole 8 card stud thing, that happened at Against All Odds on PPV which Pope won, then got bitched of AJ at the next PPV. Why build up something like that on PPV if it ultimately led to nothing?

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The True Story of Wrestlemania really is a fantastic watch. I never really watch WWE dvd's but downloaded this after the comments earlier. Forgot how good some of the matches featured on it actually were. :)

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Right, full card set for ICW a week on Sunday, next door to the Cineworld and close to the Walkabout which is showing Wrestlemania. The card and my thoughts are...

ICW Championship

James Scott © vs. Johnny Moss

This is going to be glorious. Absolutely glorious. I can't remember being this excited about a match in ICW before and I do tend to get very excited! People have been wanting to see this match in Scotland for a long time now. Especially in ICW, where James Scott uses The Gold Label to keep his gold. If there's ANYONE that can outdo them all, it's Johnny Moss, the big fucking freak. Expect this to be a stiff insane and most likely shenanigans and weapons filled encounter.

ICW Zero G Championship

Scramble Match

Noam Dar © vs. Joe Coffey vs. Christopher Rampage vs. Andy Anderson vs. Dicky Divers w/ William Grange and Laura vs. Johnny Starr

After the mess of a Scramble at the SWA Gathering show, my hopes are cautious here. I guess that in ICW, you have a lot more room to maneuver when it comes to things to do during the match since there isn't any DQs or count outs in ICW. So all six men will be able to just brawl everywhere and keep people entertained. The talent in the match is excellent. I fully expect guys like Divers, Starr and Dar to excel in an enviroment like this. Should be mental and fun.

Best of Five Series: Match Two

Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild

So far, these two guys have had two excellent matches so expecting a third really shouldn't be out of the question. There will come a point where they will bring down the quality a bit though so as the last match will stand out though, so that might happen here. Probably the one match on the card which is likely to be a straight match with no brawling.

Lionheart vs. Jack Jester

Lionheart, Red Lightning, Wolfgang and James Scott all played a big part in the downfall of Jester at the end of the last show and Lionheart had a lot to say about it, and considering Jester's love for barbed wire and tacks, this isn't likely to end well for Lionheart at all. These two guys are gonna have an absolutely mental brawl. Lionheart has been involved in a couple of very sick matches in the past, and Jester always brings the mental.

Wolfgang and Red Lightning vs. BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew

The Gold Label vs. NAK part two. These two teams had a match back on Menace 2 Society. It was actually a decent straight tag team match that time out, but this time the shackles will be lifted and these two teams will go to war. It was actually a battle between Lightning/Lionheart and this same NAK team that started The Gold Label and started their war with the NAK. That match was absolutely nuts. I can't imagine what this one is gonna be like.

Kid Fite vs. CJ Banks

It was SUPPOSED to be Martin Stone in the spot of CJ Banks, but apparently he needs surgery so we're going to see this match instead. It should be good either way. I've always been interested in seeing more of CJ Banks in Scotland. Kid Fite has turned face. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of this idea. I like Kid Fite as a heel. Especially when he gets his baws oot to wind up fans. Should be a good match though, if a little uninvolving.

The Bucky Boys and The Wee Man vs. Vinny James, Jackie Polo and Charles Boddington

The Bucky Boys being Steven Xavier and Davey Blaze. I'll be honest. I don't have much hope for this as a match at all. I expect it will be fun and stuff but it'll probably be an absolute mess as well.

So yeah, another stellar card for ICW and I can't fucking wait!

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Kid Fite vs. CJ Banks

It was SUPPOSED to be Martin Stone in the spot of CJ Banks, but apparently he needs surgery so we're going to see this match instead. It should be good either way. I've always been interested in seeing more of CJ Banks in Scotland. Kid Fite has turned face. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of this idea. I like Kid Fite as a heel. Especially when he gets his baws oot to wind up fans. Should be a good match though, if a little uninvolving.

The Bucky Boys and The Wee Man

Having just watched some ICWonline on Youtube, I can safely say Kid Fite cuts a great heel promo.

What's their gimmick?

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Aye, he used to send in video promos for ICW all of the time. They were always good fun.

The Bucky Boys are exactly what you would expect. Two neds drinking bucky. The Wee Man ( of Ned Kru fame ) is their "cousin" and they came in to back him up because he always got a doing.

Their entrance has crazy strobe lighting that will probably give you a seizure. I had to go to the bar.

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I posted the 30 day challenge on another board, but we just ran through them all in one block but I'll expand on what I said here since it's a day by day affair

Day 8 Favourite Championship Belt (look and lineage)

I had a look through a lot of belts the better one's (for looks) being ECW's TV title, the Attitude era WWF championship and the Hardcore title.

The final two were the TNA Tag Belts and the Intercontinental title. The tag belts just won. Both have had some fantastic matches, and both look pretty good and awesome.

I just prefer the look of the tag belts and that's what swung it since both have great matches and couldn't be separated in that respect.


Edited by forehead7
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Day 7(?) Favourite Championship Belt (look and lineage)

Day 7 was favourite tag team btw.

I'll do my day 8 and 9 the now for yesterday and today (Saturday)

8. Your favourite championship belt (look and lineage).

The big gold belt. I know it's slightly changed since the WCW days but it just looks fucking cool even though its been around for years.



9. Favourite entrance theme.

Hard to choose just one.

Best all time entrance theme goes to...


it was either that or the Wolfpac theme.

Best current theme...



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Speaking of Zack Ryder, anyone been watching his weekly youtube show, Z! True Long Island Story? And if you haven't you need to, its awesome.

Here's the most recent episode, but if you aint seen any you should start from episode 1 to get the running jokes :D

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Shit, didn't realise I'd missed a whole other day.

Day 9 - Favourite Entrance Theme

It's tough. Stuff from ECW was amazing cause it's all from the Metal scene and I'm into that, Raven's Even Flow by Pearl Jam, RVD's Walk by Pantera, New Jack's Natural Born Killaz by Dr Dre and best of the bunch was Tommy Dreamer's Man in the Box by Alice in Chains.

It's got to fit the character and stuff like Foley's with the car crash and Taker's eerie, dark tune suited them. Raven's one with the raven call and Shamrock's one were both really cool as well. And going by that it'd have to be Austin's. Glass smashing must be the most notable sound in wrestling and the tune itself just smacks of badassery.

Fast forward to current times and it'd have to be either CM Punk or AJ's. Killswitch are amazing and This Fire (Punk's) is a great song. AJ's is really catchy and I find myself singing it at other times.

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:lol: When did he do it this time?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it!


During Kofi Kingston's match. I can't remember the full line though but it's in their somewhere, he quickly tried to redeem himself by going " n*****... Uh superstar" the damage was however done. What's surprising is that it's been left in from the edit.

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Fast forward to current times and it'd have to be either CM Punk or AJ's. Killswitch are amazing and This Fire (Punk's) is a great song. AJ's is really catchy and I find myself singing it at other times.

He still got the one he had back in like 2004/5 with the "You are, you are" bit at the start? Cause that was a good theme.

Anyone else hear Booker T dropping the N-bomb on SmackDown? :lol:

That wont be the first time he's done that since he started commentating, he'll have to watch himself.

My favourite thing Booker has done since he started commentating was his reaction to Big Show saying hello to his on his first night back on Smackdown.

Go to 6:37 though the video and watch for about 10 seconds...



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Michael Cole rapping along to R-Truths intro and then slating him was bloody hilarious. Cole is easily one of the most entertaining indiviuals in wrestling at the minute.

Getting to see R-Truth getting squashed is also delightful.

Think your forgetting one S. Hall and one L. Zybsyko

Day 9 - Favourite Entrance Theme

Either the nWo or The Rock's music for the guitar solos. Notable mentions go to Ahmed Johnson, nWo wolfpac, Austins disturbed version, and Chris Benoit's from 2002-2006.

CUrrently AJ, Joe and Drew McIntyre?

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Day 9 - Favourite Entrance Theme

Some crackers to chose from ... Austin, The Rock, Taker's ministry theme, APA, nWo and Macho Man's 'Pomp and Circumstance' never fail to get the goosebumps going. Honourable mentions to Yoshi Tatsu, William Regal, Drew McIntyre and Edge from the current crop. Oh, and Flair's was alright too...

Best of the bunch, though, is Goldust's theme. Love it.

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