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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Dom, this is the one I've been following from here.

ok I clearly got this from UKFF but who says PNB can't do one as well?

30 Days of WRESTLING

If you don't know how it goes, we basically have one question for each day where we post our answers and discuss said question/answers, before moving onto the next question the following day.

1. Your first wrestling video game.

2. Your favourite wrestling DVD.

3. A wrestler that is underrated.

4. A match that is underrated.

5. Your guilty pleasure match.

6. Wresting character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).

7. Your favourite tag team.

8. Your favourite championship belt (look and lineage).

9. Favourite entrance theme.

10. Saddest wrestling moment.

11. Your favourite year for wrestling ever.

12. A match you would show a non-fan.

13. Your favourite promo/interview ever.

14. Your favourite storyline ever.

15. Your favourite non-wrestler ever.

16. Post your favourite wrestling picture (or the best you can find).

17. Your favourite wrestling video game.

18. Best talker.

19. Your favourite ever faction.

20. A show you didn't think you'd like, but ended up loving.

21. Your favourite arena set-up ever.

22. The oldest piece of wrestling merch/tape you own.

23. A show you have watched more than five times.

24. Your favourite bump ever.

25. Most holy shit (biggest shock/pop) moment ever.

26. Favourite heel ever.

27. Favourite face ever.

28. Your favourite promotion ever.

29. Your favourite show ever.

30. Your favourite wrestler ever.

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Haud on, where are we getting that 30 day challenge from? According to the UKFF one, it's Most Satisfying Victory.

Aye, Hero of the Day will have just copied it on Day 1 but there's loads of edits down the bottom on the UKFF one. Entrance theme is better than Satisfying Victory anyway.

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Just looking for thoughts here, hopefully drum up some conversation outside of American wrestling or recent British stuff. Who are your favourite British wrestlers/was the best, excluding the big four of Regal, Finlay, Davey Boy and Billington? From back in the days of World of Sport (or futher back), all the way to today.

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Michael Cole posted a homophobic slur this afternoon on his recently launched Twitter account as he called fellow WWE announcer Josh Mathews a 'faggot'.

The tweet was in response to Mathews writing "Chicago!", the host city of this Monday's Raw taping.

The one word message was deleted approximately half an hour later and an apology was issued.

"I apologize to any and all who were offended by my tweet toward young Josh Mathews," Cole wrote. "It was obviously not meant the way it was taken."

He later added, "I was not ordered to apologize I said I am sorry because I am. Now can I get back to being a character again please?"


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Just looking for thoughts here, hopefully drum up some conversation outside of American wrestling or recent British stuff. Who are your favourite British wrestlers/was the best, excluding the big four of Regal, Finlay, Davey Boy and Billington? From back in the days of World of Sport (or futher back), all the way to today.

I just can't seem to get into British wrestling. I don't know why though because I can tell it's good.

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Rollerball Rocco was just insanely good back in the day. Delighted with YouTube having loads of his stuff which allowed me to go back and take a look and this guy was incredible. Most likely the best to come out of the UK, NOT excluding the names mentioned.

In more recent times, "Bad Boy" Liam Thomson is probably the best in Scotland at the moment. Can't speak for the UK as there's far too many guys I haven't seen, but there's guys like El Ligero, Johnny Moss and Dave Mastiff who have shown time and time again that they are great.

The way to get into UK wrestling these days is to go to a show. Most places have shows available to them nowadays, other than Edinburgh for some reason.

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Saddest Wrestling Moment

Shawn Michaels losing at Wrestlemania 26 probably. Shawn Michaels was probably better in the last couple of years of his career than he had been at any other point, and went out at the peak of his powers. In hindsight, that was absolutely the right thing to do for HBK, but at the time, I definately wanted to see more of him, and it was a damn shame that he packed it in.

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Rollerball Rocco was just insanely good back in the day. Delighted with YouTube having loads of his stuff which allowed me to go back and take a look and this guy was incredible. Most likely the best to come out of the UK, NOT excluding the names mentioned.

In more recent times, "Bad Boy" Liam Thomson is probably the best in Scotland at the moment. Can't speak for the UK as there's far too many guys I haven't seen, but there's guys like El Ligero, Johnny Moss and Dave Mastiff who have shown time and time again that they are great.

The way to get into UK wrestling these days is to go to a show. Most places have shows available to them nowadays, other than Edinburgh for some reason.

One of my favourites has always been Johnny Saint. Just an insanely talented guy, and still making appearacnes well into his 50's. Just made chain wrestling look simple and absolutely flawless in transitions.

As you say Rocco was c lass. As a matter of fact, only the other day I watched a great match between Rocco and Billington. Superb.


It is freaky how much Billington and Benoit remind you of each other.

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The saddest moment for me was watching the wrestling and then on comes a tribute video saying The British Bulldog had died :( He was my hero when I was a kid and was genuinally gutted when I watched that. He had prob died a couple days previous but I hadn't known about it - so it was both shocking and sad for me :(

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It's scary how good Johnny Saint still was a couple of years ago. I don't know if he's still as good now, but he had some brilliant matches. Some of the stuff he was coming out with was brilliant. Some wrestlers are timeless.

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Been some right sad moments in wrestling but if i had to narrow it down i would down to these few:

Pillman- He was a class act and could not perform to anywhere near his best due to his ankle/foot injuries, yet he was still really enjoyable to watch. I wish he had been in WWE year before his injuries. To find out on a show that one of favourites was dead was gutting.

Eddie- I was gutted when he died, could not believe it for days. He fought through such difficulties, which were known publically and come out all the better. When he beat Lesnar for the title i remember jumping out my seat at about 4 in the morning when he won the title. A totally lovable babyface and much missed in the buisness.

The king of all sad moments is Owens death. I never watched Over the Edge 99, so the next morning at school when people were asking if i saw it, i thought some major angle or incident had happened in the Taker Austin main event. I could honestly watch Bret and Owen matches all day and to find out one had died on live tv was just shocking. Watching the event and Raw is Owen are just so emoitonal. In wrestling you read about all these tossers and those with half the talent he had getting to the main events and winning titles.

When you watch any shoot interview or read any book you never find anyone bad mouth Owen (apart from the Austin neckbreak situation) Everyones face lights when his name is mentioned and his rib stories are classic. Martha's book is heartbreaking to read too. Gutted she is determined to irradicate his wrestling history over a genuine mistake and accident. He seems to get the "Beniot treatment" when he should be celebrated, just to keep her mouth shut. Very sad imo

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Saddest wrestling moment for me would be the Eddie Guerrero memorial show on RAW the day after he died. Especially at the start when Vince is addressing the crowd. Big Show greetin his eyes out and JBL just looking absolutely devastated. I was absolutely gutted that day,

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