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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Saddest for me has to be the Benoit stuff.

I actually stayed up(I'm sure) for the Raw that night. IIRC, they were in the middle of a story that involved McMahon dying but they broke kayfabe and had Vince introduce the show in an empty arena. Then proceeded to show the reel. I had it taped on a dvd but the recorder was shite and I think it's either lost or stopped playing.

It was a really good show and I'm glad it happened before the truth came out since they've wiped Benoit off the WWE Universe.

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Saddest for me has to be the Benoit stuff.

I actually stayed up(I'm sure) for the Raw that night. IIRC, they were in the middle of a story that involved McMahon dying but they broke kayfabe and had Vince introduce the show in an empty arena. Then proceeded to show the reel. I had it taped on a dvd but the recorder was shite and I think it's either lost or stopped playing.

It was a really good show and I'm glad it happened before the truth came out since they've wiped Benoit off the WWE Universe.

I killed Chris Benoit!!!

Sitting watching Night of Champions with my mate and when Benoit no-showed, I jokingly said "I can't see Benoit no-showing for no reason. He's probably deid or something" My mate text me the next day to tell me and I nearly fainted. Spooky.

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I killed Chris Benoit!!!

Sitting watching Night of Champions with my mate and when Benoit no-showed, I jokingly said "I can't see Benoit no-showing for no reason. He's probably deid or something" My mate text me the next day to tell me and I nearly fainted. Spooky.


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This is why I love CM Punk.

I don't think there's a better entertainer, and I don't mean the way the WWE classify there wrestlers kind of entertainer, in the business, right now or since maybe The Rock.

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The year 2000 is such an easy choice.

The first six months of the year seen everything they touched turning to gold, and then King of the Ring happened and the momentum was killed stone dead. That year had HHH/Cactus and HHH/Rock fueds which are two absolute corking fueds, you seen Too Cool doing their very best work, the debut of the Radicals, Edge and Christian really perfecting their heel act as well as Kurt Angle perfecting his as well, the return of Steve Austin at the end of the year helped to pad things out as did Mick Foley as the commish.

What a year.

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Im stuck between the year 2000 or 2001 but i'll go for the year 2001 just because it had the best wrestlmania ever imo and it had the best royal rumble ever imo plus the alliance.

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Raw could be immense tonight with the folk due to be on it. Lets hope they dont f**k it up.

There's probably going to be more talking than wrestling tonight, although that might not be a bad thing, so long as it's entertaining.

Really looking forward to seeing The Rock in the ring again, although i have a feeling that he'll come out after the Main Event, as that will keep the viewers watching Raw throughout, as if The Rock comes out at the start, some viewers may choose not to watch the rest of the show.

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