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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Aye, I watched Tough Enough after RAW (half asleep) but it was pretty good. I loved Stone Cold's ways of talking to the contestants - he's taking no shit! Bill DeMott giving them all stupid nicknames was funny as well.

The woman that got put out was pathetic (whats your favourite match ever? emmm one with Melina and Alicia Fox :lol: ). The other woman who claimed to have 11 years experience was almost as bad! And yon big Eric guy was funny staggering about the ring which was a shame as he has a good look for the WWE.

EDIT for typos - i'm clearly half asleep now as well!

Has it aired here? Might want to put em in tags incase it does get shown here.

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I didn't think it was going to be shown here. I just YouTubed it.

I figured it'd get shown once NXT stopped here, since it's a very similar idea and Sky Sports will have an open slot since NXT finished.

Just watched it, love the nicknames. I'd love to see an uncensored version, just because hearing Stone Cold get beeped is ridiculous.

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I figured it'd get shown once NXT stopped here, since it's a very similar idea and Sky Sports will have an open slot since NXT finished.

Just watched it, love the nicknames. I'd love to see an uncensored version, just because hearing Stone Cold get beeped is ridiculous.

NXT is continuing for another season though.

I think Sky 1 will get it again or it'll replace Vintage.

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So their running both NXT AND Tough Enough? f**k me.

Superstars got shit-canned though didn't it?

The TV channel that shows Superstars aint renewing the contract forit over in the states, but they are still gonna film superstars each week and have it on wwe.com like they do for NXT over in the US. Over here we'll still get Superstars on Sky along with NXT and the usual stuff. Not sure if they're gonna show Tough Enough over here or not.

I Downloaded and watched Tough Enough last night. Was really good I thought. Austin's reactions to that lassie saying her favourite match of all time was Alicia Fox vs Melina was worth watching it alone, I thought he was gonna stun her for being such an idiot.

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From Corporate.WWE.com:

"Pursuant to WWE's Concussion policy, the stunt of using a folded metal chair shot to the head is prohibited. Triple H and The Undertaker have both been fined for violating this policy at WrestleMania XXVII. WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension for violation of this policy, which is unchanged and still in effect."

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Something really needs to happen soon I am getting seriously fed up with the Cena show... Every single wrestler I can think of has had a go at playing the baddie, some of them very well, but Cena just gets keeps getting the Hero role, and while I can't deny the guy is strong, he is slow, and sluggish and a terrible actor...

What is Batista up to I assume he is filming a movie or something as he hasn't appeared on that awefull tna yet, so I assume he still has a contract with wwe.

Is that TNA as bad as it looks, the other day it had RVD, Anderson, Hogan in the ring, but it looked so amateurish in comparison... I understand lower budget and less effects, but they looked unrehearsed and unorganised...

How many years do we think the "dead man" will get to go undefeated and when will the legends coming out year by year to take him on get boring...

just realised there was a wrestling thread on here, noticed a couple of avatars with rock, jericho etc, but never figured on a real thread.

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Something really needs to happen soon I am getting seriously fed up with the Cena show... Every single wrestler I can think of has had a go at playing the baddie, some of them very well, but Cena just gets keeps getting the Hero role, and while I can't deny the guy is strong, he is slow, and sluggish and a terrible actor...

What is Batista up to I assume he is filming a movie or something as he hasn't appeared on that awefull tna yet, so I assume he still has a contract with wwe.

Is that TNA as bad as it looks, the other day it had RVD, Anderson, Hogan in the ring, but it looked so amateurish in comparison... I understand lower budget and less effects, but they looked unrehearsed and unorganised...

How many years do we think the "dead man" will get to go undefeated and when will the legends coming out year by year to take him on get boring...

just realised there was a wrestling thread on here, noticed a couple of avatars with rock, jericho etc, but never figured on a real thread.

He was doing MMA I think but I'm not sure.

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Batista-Shamrock was rumoured for the next BAMMA card but I don't think that's going to be happening now.

TNA is so shite, I don't know why I even bother watching it any more. There was loads wrong with it last night again but I will pinpoint the Velvet-Winter-Angelina thing as being particularly awful.

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RAW was pretty shit and apart from Orton/Punk, Taker/HHH (to an extent although it was finisher overkill) Rhodes/Mysterio I thought Wrestelmain was keech.

I never thought I would say it but Stone Cold going about stunnering everyone is now boring and predictable. He can go away again for me.

WWE should be pushing CM Punk to the stars the guy is the best thing in wrestling for years. Why make the Corre look like pussies as well? They are meant to be running all over Smackdown and get beat off the Oddities of 2011 at Wrestemania.

Kane puts out Taker a few months ago and is one evil b*****d now he is involved in a match with Santino and other shit against the guys who helped him take out the Undertaker? (obviously under the guise of Nexus) It's just really not believable is it?

The excitement between the Rumble and Mania has people tuning back in and then it just goes a bit flat and a bit meh again with a pretty poor Mania and a dire RAW the night after.

Sin Cara looks the neebur though about the only thing on Raw to get excited about.

Edited by Neilly
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From Corporate.WWE.com:

"Pursuant to WWE's Concussion policy, the stunt of using a folded metal chair shot to the head is prohibited. Triple H and The Undertaker have both been fined for violating this policy at WrestleMania XXVII. WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension for violation of this policy, which is unchanged and still in effect."


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Batista-Shamrock was rumoured for the next BAMMA card but I don't think that's going to be happening now.

TNA is so shite, I don't know why I even bother watching it any more. There was loads wrong with it last night again but I will pinpoint the Velvet-Winter-Angelina thing as being particularly awful.

The only reason TNA stays is because of the moron fans inside the Impact Zone, who seem to lap it up everytime some guy who had potential maybe 5 years ago but is now getting taken up the backdoor by TNA (point and case being Samoa Joe, who should have just stayed in RoH and waited for Vince to give him a call) or some washed up former WWE legend, or Matt Hardy, makes a run in. The worst example of these moron fans being those two clowns from The Sun. I was listening to the interview with Jeremy Borash from their podcast last night and it's 45 minutes of one of them giving him a rim job. Fucking cretins.

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Batista-Shamrock was rumoured for the next BAMMA card but I don't think that's going to be happening now.

TNA is so shite, I don't know why I even bother watching it any more. There was loads wrong with it last night again but I will pinpoint the Velvet-Winter-Angelina thing as being particularly awful.

Yeah, it takes a special kind of terrible to make normal divas or knockouts stuff preferable.

Considering how good it was when Scotty D'Amore was writing it as well....They really should get him back and ffs get rid of the women's tag titles, there's no need for them!


The only reason TNA stays is because of the moron fans inside the Impact Zone, who seem to lap it up everytime some guy who had potential maybe 5 years ago but is now getting taken up the backdoor by TNA (point and case being Samoa Joe, who should have just stayed in RoH and waited for Vince to give him a call) or some washed up former WWE legend, or Matt Hardy, makes a run in. The worst example of these moron fans being those two clowns from The Sun. I was listening to the interview with Jeremy Borash from their podcast last night and it's 45 minutes of one of them giving him a rim job. Fucking cretins.

I disagree, Joe's still got it, and has been really good in TNA. His feud with Angle was brilliant. It's just the fact that he's had to wrestle the Pope for all but one month since October! His feud with Jarrett was decent as well.

I'm glad they were praising him, Borash is really good. Does a lot for TNA and normally doesn't get the praise. They're(The Sun's people) usually pretty good as well.

Edited by forehead7
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I disagree, Joe's still got it, and has been really good in TNA. His feud with Angle was brilliant. It's just the fact that he's had to wrestle the Pope for all but one month since October! His feud with Jarrett was decent as well.

I'm glad they were praising him, Borash is really good. Does a lot for TNA and normally doesn't get the praise. They're(The Sun's people) usually pretty good as well.

I think Joe's quality, I just mean that they're using him so poorly it's unbelievable. He should be around guys like Angle and he should definitely be above Jeff Hardy.

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Right, since I appear to miss the discussions for Mania and RAW while I was in Glasgow, I'm gonna give my thoughts on the recent ICW show.

Noam Dar won a six man 10 minute Scramble Match to retain the Zero G Championship.

There was a scramble match at an SWA show which just didn't work not so long ago, so I was a little worried about this one going in. They had the right idea though. There was a lot of nothing action on the floor and the action in the ring was always exciting and free flowing, meaning that there didn't appear to be too many distractions coming from all over the place. The real highlight of the match was Johnny Starr landing a VICIOUS Superkick which brought the 200+ crammed audience to their feet. I didn't like the ending though. Noam Dar was either 1) gonna make Chris Rampage tap out or 2) keep the title with the time limit running out. No suspense there. Noam and Rampage had a belting little exchange at the end of the match though.

Liam Thomson df. Andy Wild.

While the matches these guys had before were slow building, this one got going right away with Bad Boy jumping Andy Wild before the bell. There was some magnificent moments in the match though. It's clear we're gonna see some finisher lifting in the future from these guys as Liam teased going for the Tiger Driver. There was also a Lungblower out of nowhere as Andy Wild posed for the crowd. Not as good as the previous matches, but they had to have a match like this eventually in order to keep stuff for the last match. No complaints from me as it was still a good 'un.

Kid Fite df. CJ Banks.

I'm hoping that this is the start of an extended run in ICW for CJ Banks as he was like a hand in a glove in this kind of atmosphere. He had zero problems getting the audience to hate him, and was the perfect opponent for Kid Fite to cement his new face turn. Kid FIte as a babyface in any other promotion doesn't work for me as well as his heel work, but in ICW, it works. They love their badass hard men in this place. The action was brilliant. CJ Banks has had some shifty matches this side of the border, but he was good here. He has boatloads of charisma and knows how to talk and now it's clear this guy can go too.

James Scott df. Johnny Moss to retain the ICW Championship.

This was a match which people were clamouring for. And when James Scott sent the rest of The Gold Label to the back, everyone was delighted for many reasons. My main reason was that we were going to be seeing a one on one between two of the UK's finest. And they didn't disappoint. They did the standard crowd brawling with some Mossy madness as he ragdolled James Scott about a fair bit. The new Asylum went MENTAL when Mossy set up for his Tombstone and then went through the roof when he hit it. ONE !!! TWO !!! THRE... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! To say I went mental at that point would be an understatement. I was LIVID. And then The Gold Label came out and helped James Scott get the win he needed. On most evenings this would have been the match of the night and with a proper finish, it probably WOULD have been.

During the interval, Psycho Dalek shot a music video, and then the MC got pure pelted with glow sticks in a great moment which I hope we get to see in the Webisodes. Unfortunately some fuds kept this going into the matches in the second half. Not cool to throw glow sticks at wrestlers mid move. Not cool at all.

The Bucky Boys and The Wee Man df. Vinnie James, Jackie Polo and TJ Rage.

THIS was your match of the night. Vinnie James brings an intensity which you just can't match at the moment. The Wee Man got taken out of the match early, and then the five men remaining went out there and just busted a gut in a big way. All five of them were just flying all over the place and gave a match where it felt like all of them really hated each other. Xavier in particular looked and bumped like a man possessed for most of the way. A SUPER match.

Jack Jester df. Lionheart.

And so finally we see a big win over one of The Gold Label, and it's the ICW fan favourite Jack Jester that picks up yet another massive win. Pre-match, we seen BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew take out Red Lightning and Wolfgang, thus leaving us with a one on one match, and Jack Jester clearly hadn't forgotten about being cost the ICW Title by The Gold Label and Lionheart was the main ringleader that night. Jack Jester punished him. BIG time punished him. Lionheart showed great resiliance. Jester tried and failed to put him through a table twice with a DVD but succeeded with the third attempt and Lionheart managed to kick out. You can't survive forever though. A great match.

Operation RedWolf df. BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew

Amazingly, this turned out to be the worst match of the night! It wasn't a bad match by any means, but it was a bit TOO hard to follow at times. Wolfgang getting twatted with a pot was just vile, as was BT Gunn suffering a horrible Suplex over the railing.

Post-match, we had Chris Renfrew, Kid Fite, BT Gunn and Jack Jester challenge The Gold Label to an eight man Glasgow Street Fight in July at the Classic Grand, which is basically the ultimate must-see match in ICW. I can't stress enough how molten the crowd is gonna be for that.


An amazing show from top to bottom. Not quite as good as Dazed and Confused as it lacked the genuine MOTYC that show had, but this show had amazing stuff from start to finish. Oh and Carmel got a Body Slam onto tacks and Kay Lee Ray challenged her. Also, Red Lightning was AWESOME on the mic all night.

Oh, two matches for SWA After Hours on May 22nd. Check THIS out!

Dicky Divers vs. "Suicidal Suicidal Suicidal" Jimmy Havoc (~~)

Joe Coffey vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

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