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Mo Wonderboy

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The RAW General Manager :o

Macho Man Randy Savage - so say inside people

SHITE! I just wanted to quote that and not see who it was I am a failure of a man :( I would squeal like a little girl if it were true.

PWG Kurt RussellMania 2011

I'm hoping that PWG can redeem my faith in US wrestling for 2011.

"Pretty" Peter Avalon, Caleb Konley, ODB and "Manscout" Jake Manning vs. Cedric Alexander, Brandon Gatson, Candice LaRae and Willie Mack ( ***1/2 )

Mr. Aguila vs. Rey Bucanero ( **3/4 )

"Supernatural" Shane Helms vs. Joey Ryan ( *1/2 )

Low Ki vs. Davey Richards ( ****1/2 )

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Sinn Bodhi ( N/A )

Legends Battle Royal ( 1/2* )

Chris Hero vs. Kevin Steen ( ****1/4 )

The Cutler Brothers vs. The RockNES Monsters vs. Fightin' Taylor Boys vs. The Young Bucks ( ***1/2 )

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. El Generico - PWG Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/4 )

Excalibur has a lot to say before the show gets going, and as usual, it's fantastic. "I've never seen a crowd so impatient for a show to start! What are you doing later? Going to a Mensa meeting?" :lol: Fantastic.

Match 1

"Pretty" Peter Avalon, Caleb Konley, ODB and "Manscout" Jake Manning vs. Cedric Alexander, Brandon Gatson, Candice LaRae and Willie Mack

ODB is over big time with this audience. Willie Mack is over too, and no wonder. He's fucking brilliant. This crowd is NUKED for this action btw and the match hasn't even started yet. I can tell this is going to be good already. Manning and Cedric get this one going now. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there and Manning comes with a dramatic "he... PULLED MY HAIR!!!". He'll get over pretty quickly that way. :lol: They circle each other again and the fans call Manning a Girl Scout. Lockup and a Headlock from Manning. He charges down Cedric. Manning hits the ropes and runs into the Arm Drag and Arm Bar from Cedric. Arm Drag and then Manning hits the ropes and avoids a Dropkick and hits the ropes but runs into a BEAUTY of a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Gatson tags in. "Cedric the Sports Entertainer." :lol: Anyways, Manning hits the breaks and tags in Caleb. Caleb seems a bit miffed but he's a man. He can take it. The fans want to see Willie Mack. Some fans decide to chant for Gatson though and the other fans decide to join in. Well played lads. Gatson hits the ropes and ducks a move and gets an O'Connor Roll for a two count. Russian Legsweep from Gatson but then he misses a Big Splash, and in comes Avalon and Mack. The very sight of Mack in the ring makes me excited. Mack gets the fans right behind him. They criss cross. MACK FUCKING MURDERS AVALON WITH A SHOULDER TACKLE !!! Body Slam and then the Double Knee Drop from Mack and Avalon gets into the corner. ODB wants a shot in the ring now. ODB now comes into the ring and for once, she seems a bit hesitant to wrestle. Candice comes into the ring to meet ODB now. ODB makes fun of Candice's boobs. ODB then just charges her down and gets a Drop Toe Hold. Front Facelock and then a spanking for Candice. ODB then clubs down Candice and then gives her a crotch thrust. ODB with a chop in the corner and she's great fun here. More chops in the corner from ODB. Candice into the corner and ODB with the Avalanche and then the Shoulder Tackle and in comes Avalon. Avalon now has a chance to get a win back over Candice LaRae. Back Body Drop from Candice and she decides to stay in there. VIOLENCE PARTY IN THE CORNER FROM CANDICE !!! Mudhole Stomps and the fans love this. Drop Toe Holds into balls and ass and then in comes Cedric. Forearms from Cedric and he's sent into the ropes. BRUTAL ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM CEDRIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Avalon with a rake to the eyes and then into the corner goes Avalon. Cedric misses a charge and then Manning gets a cheap Clothesline in. Manning stomps on Cedric a bit. He clubs on Cedric and then he fights back and gets a cheap shot in at Caleb. Caleb comes in though. HIPTOSS INTO THE CORNER FROM CALEB !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the ring comes ODB again and she lands some more of them chops. In comes Avalon now with Shoulder Tackles and then he chokes Cedric in the corner. Gatson comes in and he's not happy. Forearms from Cedric but he runs into the Spin Kick from Avalon and in comes Manning. Elbows down across the back of the head and then he hits the ropes. Butterfly Suplex from Manning and that gets a two count. ODB now back into the ring and she spanks Cedric. ODB misses her charge in the corner. Gatson in with the hot tag and he piles them in the corner. Mack now comes into the ring. THE MTX FROM MACK !!! RAZZLE DAZZLE FROM GATSON !!! HUUUUUGE T-Bone Suplex on Avalon gets a two count. Manning gets dumped to the floor. MACK SENDS AVALON DOWN ONTO THE HEELS !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM CEDRIC ONTO EVERYONE !!! Candice drags to the floor and then Gatson decides he wants to dive. THE SASUKE SPECIAL !!! Willie Mack is still in the ring and I wouldn't be surprised if he did a dive, but he doesn't. Avalon into the ring. Avalon crotches Mack on the top rope. THE BALL PLEX OFF OF THE MIDDLE ROPE FROM CANDICE !!! MASSSIVE FROG SPLASH ON AVALON !!! THE MAN SCOUT WITH THE NOVACAINE ON CANDICE !!! CEDRIC THE FINISHER !!! GATSON MAKES AVALON TAP !!!

Match Winners : Cedric, Candice, Mack and Gatson

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : You don't get much better formulas for an opener than this one. Don't overdo nearfalls, don't overdo big spots and get the fans right into it and they did all of that. Almost everyone in the match was entertaining in their way and had a decent chance to shine. No complaints from me.

Match 2

Mr. Aguila vs. Rey Bucanero

I'm gonna call Aguila by the name of "Rios" since that's easier. Lockup and a takedown from Rios. Lockup and a takedown from Rios again and then one from Rey. More takedowns from both men and then a spin kick sends Rey out. The referee stops Rios doing a dive. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE REFEREE FROM RIOS !!! Back into the ring they go now and kicks from Rios. Rey into the ropes and a Clothesline from Rios and that gets a two count. Kick to the head from Rios. REY WITH THE HANGING LUNGBLOWER !!! He then sends Rios to the floor. ROLLING SOMERSAULT PESCADO FROM REY !!! Kicks to the chest on the floor and then he sends Rios into the railing. Clothesline then sends Rios into the front row and Rey does something of a lap of honour. Chops to Rios who is on the railing. Back into the ring they go now. Kick to the stomach from Rey and then more kicks to the chest. Rios into the corner and Rey misses a charge. RIOS SLIDES REY TO THE FLOOR !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE RINGPOST FROM RIOS AND HE WINDS UP IN THE FRONT ROW !!! This is magnificent. REY GETS LAUNCHED INTO THE CROWD AND HE WIPES OUT A FAN !!! This is madness at the moment. Kicks to the gut from Rios and Rey is sat down. RIOS WITH A CANNONBALL OVER THE RAILING TO THE SEATED REY !!! What the fucking christ is this?! Back in the ring and he locks in the Chinlock with two knees in the back but he can't hold the move and he breaks it. Both men hit the ropes and collide in the middle of the ring. Rey is up first and that gets a two count. Samoan Crab now from Rey and then he turns it into the Half Crab. STF now from Rey and then he turns over Rios into a two count. Kicks to the side and then Rios gets a Front Slam. RIOS WITH THE MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Mr. Aguila

Match Rating : **3/4

Match Comments : That was good fun it has to be said. Both guys decided not to bother with lucha and decided to give the fans a crazy dive filled match which is what they probably wanted.

Match 3

"Supernatural" Shane Helms vs. Joey Ryan

The fans fucking HATE Helms btw. Mainly thanks to what he said about HBK. Helms is over in a BIG way thanks to the fact that he's facing Helms. Helms is a bit of a fat f**k here. I wonder how long it takes for the audience to pick up on that. Lockup and an Arm Drag from Helms. Lockup and into the corner they go. Helms gives him a clean break from there. I wonder if they change the approach of the match to have Ryan as the babyface. Cheap shot in the corner from Ryan and then he backs against the ropes. I guess not. Lockup and Ryan gets the Waistlock and then Helms to the Headlock. Ryan into the ropes and he charges down Helms. Ryan hits the ropes and then Helms makes Ryan stop. CHOKESLAM FROM HELMS ... Ryan kicks away and then heads for the floor. Ryan gets back into the ring now. Lockup and into the corner they go. Helms now comes out of the corner with right hands and then lands a Back Elbow. Ryan then gets dumped to the floor. PESCADO FROM HELMS !!! That gets some cheers from the crowd who aren't completely unappreciative of the man and Helms sends Ryan back into the ring. Jawbreaker from Ryan and then he gets into the corner and he starts winding up. SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM RYAN !!! Helms completely no-sells and slaps down Ryan. That is one way to get things going in the right direction. Figure Four Leglock from Helms now in the middle of the ring. Head first into the top buckle goes Ryan and then Helms jumps into the right hand and then a Jumping Arm Stunner from Ryan and now he is setting Helms. He slams the arm into the canvas now. Helms is whipped HARD into the buckles after that. Double Knee Arm Breaker from Ryan then follows that. Knee Drops on the arm from Ryan. Headbutt to the gut and then Helms comes back into the match. Helms then looks for the Shapshooter and Ryan then goes to the Arm Bar. Knees to the arm from Ryan. Hammerlock Body Slam from Ryan. Ryan then kicks down Helms and grabs the mic. He is saying that the fans aren't appreciating him. Have these morons not heard of adapting to the crowd? THE FANS ARE BEHIND YOU YA FUCKING SPACKER !!! Helms and Ryan now brawl around the ring and Helms with a series of chops at ringside. Swinging Neckbreaker from Helms, but that gets countered to the Divorce Court. Ryan signals for the end and then goes to the Arm Bar. Some fans chant "boring" and I kinda agree with them. It's not been very good this one. Right hands from both men now. Clothesline from Helms and the fans aren't liking this. Ryan runs into a European Uppercut. Straight Jacket Drop from Helms gets a two count and then he heads for the top rope. Ryan then stops Helms up there. Cross Body from Helms when he knocks down Ryan and that gets a two count. THE CHOKESLAM ... countered. Pump Handle Suplex from Ryan and then Helms goes into the corner. Ryan runs into a boot. Spinebuster from Ryan and that gets a two count. THE FINAL CUT FROM HELMS ... countered. BODY LOCK KIMURA FROM RYAN ... blocked. Ryan hits the ropes. CHOKESLAM FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BODY LOCK KIMURA FROM RYAN !!! HELMS TAPS !!!

Match Winner : Joey Ryan

Match Rating : *1/2

Match Comments : That was boring as sin. Helms hasn't been an exciting wrestler for quite some time now and Joey Ryan isn't the kind of miracle worker that's gonna make him look interesting.

Match 4

Low Ki vs. Davey Richards

Oh man. This has to be good. The referee checks and we're underway. If there's any match on this show that HAS to deliver it's this one. Ki is looking for a leg and then he grabs then but Richards manages to get away and go to the Front Facelock and against the ropes they go. We have a clean break from there. Richards with the takedown and then Ki looks for a leg and so does Richards and he grapevines the leg. Ki manages to find the bottom rope and then pulls Richards into the middle of the ring and lets him up. Cool. These two guys have faced off before a couple of times. Ki goes for the takedown and Richards goes to the arm. Ki with the roll and then he kicks out of the arm move and Richards looks annoyed that he fell for that. Cool. Ki goes to the arm this time and Richards rolls through, but Ki keeps control of the arm. Richards kips up and then does some rolling about and then kicks his way out of the move. Slap to the face from Richards and he wants to see this match breakdown. He wants some shit kicking going on! Ki is now getting ready and Richards thinks that Ki looks kinda funny. Ki is looking for some kicks now. Leg kick from Ki and then a brilliant flurry ending with the chest kick from Ki. Into the corner they go and Ki with a MASSIVE chop from Ki. Richards fights back though and forces Ki into the corner and lands some shoulder charges and then lands a kick to the chest. Ki into the corner and then a CRACKING Head Scissors into a kick but then Richards with a Dropkick and Ki to the floor. RICHARDS WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE ... KI CATCHES HIM COMING OUT WITH THE KICK TO THE HEAD !!! Ki picks up Richards and lands some chops. Richards then gets sent into the railing. Back into the ring and there's only a one count. Head Scissors from Ki. Ki wants the referee to ask Richards if he quits. Obviously he does not. Richards rolls into the ropes. Back to the feet and more of them horror chops from Ki. Into another corner and Ki lands more of the same. Richards into the corner and Ki lands some shots but then Richards dumps him to the floor. Richards to the floor. BRUTAL RUNNING KICK TO THE CHEST FROM RICHARDS !!! Ki gets sent into the railing. Richards gets the fans riled a bit and then sends him back into the ring. Looks like they're gonna try and get some sort of heel/face divide here. Snap Suplex from Richards and then he goes to the Body Scissors. The fans are getting behind Ki and then he gets a two count out of that. Back Drop Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count. He then locks in the Chinlock with the knee in the back. Ki fights out of the move and then kicks the chest. Ki hits the ropes. ONE MAN ALARM CLOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Richards is now looking for the Boston Crab. Ki then manages to find his way to the bottom rope. Richards then gives the fans more stick, but then Ki comes back with more chops. Backbreaker from Richards and then he locks in the Camel Clutch. Ki escapes and then Richards with mocking kicks. He shouts in the face of Ki and then lands a massive Spin Kick to the gut. Richards getting some proper revenge for the beatings he took from Ki in the past. Stomps from Richards. Snapmare from Richards and then he goes to the Chinlock. Ki then kicks his way out of that, but then Richards with another Spin Kick and into the corner they go. Kicks to the chest in the corner from Richards. He opts to just choke Ki with the boot. Ki into the corner. KI COMES OUT OF THE CORNER WITH THE ROLLING KOPPOU KICK !!! Both men are down and are battling to their feet. Ki now comes back with chops. Kick to the stomach and then Ki into the ropes and he takes down Richards with elbows. Spin Kick to the chest and then a kick to the back of the head. BRUTAL LEAPING KICK TO THE FACE FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The two kicks to the chest and we know how that ends. BUZZSAW KICK TO THE HEAD ... Richards sweeps down Ki. Richards now with the kicks to the chest on Ki in the style of the man himself. KICK TO THE HEAD ... KI SWEEPS DOWN RICHARDS AND LANDS A DOUBLE STOMP TO THE CHEST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ki now heads for the top rope. Springboard move misses for Ki. Running Forearm from Richards and a high knee. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Low Ki is now battling to his feet. RICHARDS WITH THE ANKLE LOCK ... Ki is in the ropes. Chop to the neck from Ki. KI STOMPS THE FUCKING KNEE OF RICHARDS COMING DOWN !!! CARTWHEEL ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ki now heads for the top rope and we know what he wants. THE WARRIOR'S WAY FROM KI !!! RICHARDS WITH THE VICTORY ROLL INTO THE ANKLE LOCK ON KI !!! HE JUST HURT THE ANKLE !!! KI ROLLS THROUGH TO THE DRAGON CLUTCH !!! Richards picks up Ki and rolls him down. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! THE BUZZSAW KICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Flurry from Richards. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! THE DISCUS LARIATOOOOOOOOO FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richards now signals for the end and puts Ki on the top rope. Ki now has Richards ready. Uh oh... THE TREE OF WOE DOUBLE STOMP ... RICHARDS PULLS HIM BACK DOWN !!! THE SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM RICHARDS ... HITS THE KNEES !!! LOW KI TO THE TOP ROPE !!! WARRIOR'S WAY FROM LOW KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Low Ki

Match Rating : ****1/2

Match Comments : Christ almighty, that was fantastic. Everything you could possibly want from these two guys. Kudos to them for trying to have a heel/face divide in the match. The match really hit another gear altogether in the second half with the madness. I loved that.

Match 5

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Sinn Bodhi

There's a name you don't often see in PWG. The fans, even though Roberts is an absolute state, are right into the man. And rightly so. The man is an absolute legend. The fact that the match wasn't editted out shows that it went shenanigans free. Jake Roberts is moved by the appreciation of the audience and is angry at his show of emotion. Even Sinn Bodhi is a little emotional in the corner. Sinn wants a handshake and the fans aren't into that at all. Sinn beats down Roberts. Kick to the gut and then Roberts with the famous jabs and then a right hand and Sinn heads for the floor. He still has those gorgeous jabs. Sinn back into the ring and then he heads back to the floor. Sinn now gets back into the ring. Roberts wants a test of strength and then a lockup. He's toying with Sinn. That's cool. We have a clean break from Sinn. Roberts seems to be amused by this whole thing. Sinn tries to go behind but Roberts goes to the Arm Ringer and then the Hammerlock and makes it look like it hurts. DDT ... Sinn gets the hell out of there though. The fans chant "DDT" following that. Sinn does the in and out of the ring act again and nobody cares. They're too busy giving Jake Roberts cheers. Sinn gets back into the ring now and a lockup and into the corner they go. Back Elbows from Roberts in the corner and then he clubs on Sinn. Into the corner and Roberts hits a boot. Sinn hits the ropes and lands the Baby Leg Drop on Roberts and that gets a two count. Sinn then chokes Roberts. Sinn hits the ropes again and he misses the Baby Leg Drop and both men back on their feet. Roberts now with the left jabs and then... SHORT ARM CLOTHESLINE !!! The fans are on their feet. DDT GETS A FUCKING MAMMOTH POP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Jake Roberts

Match Rating : N/A

Match Comments : I don't want to rate this. It wasn't great, but that wasn't the point. The fans ate it up.

Match 6

Legends Battle Royal

Mean Gene Okerlund is the MC for this one. We start with two men and then every 30 seconds, another man will enter the ring. How cool is this stuff? #1 is going to be "Dangerous" Danny Davis. He's still looking in great shape actually. #2 is Mike Graham. I have no idea who this guy is. That'll explain the lukewarm reception that he is getting then. Lockup and against the ropes they go and we have a clean break. Lockup and a Headlock from Graham. Graham charges down Davis. He gets another Headlock locked in but gets sent into the corner and Davis beats down Graham and he taunts the crowd, but the fans aren't booing him. Leg Drop from Davis. Jimmy Hart gets a cracking reception and he comes in at #3. He beats on Graham and the fans are hot. Chop for Graham and then he chokes him with the towel. Oh aye, he was aligned with Davis back in the day, wasn't he? Tito Santana is your #4. We don't get to hear the reaction for him because the music plays too early and the PWG DVDs can't play the music. Right hands from Tito to everyone and now the heels are in trouble. Head first into the buckle goes Davis 10 times from Santana and the fans like that obviously. Davis gets onto the apron and then gets dragged back into the ring. Davis avoids the elimination. I have no idea who this #5 is btw. Right hands from Graham. Davis clubs on Santana and then the unknown guy beats on him. Barry-O? Elbow strike takes down Barry. I think that's what they said. #6 is going to be Barbarian and that one pleases the fans and he's trying to get rid of Santana. Graham almost gets thrown out. Graham is eliminated. Barry with jabs in the corner on Santana. Davis just got taken out. I don't seem to know #7 either. Wishbone Legsplit from Barbarian and Santana to Davis. This unknown guy gets into the ring and then we have our #8 guy and yeah, I know this guy. Shane Douglas heads for the ring and the fans are big fans of this one. Unknown gets headbutted down by Barbarian. Douglas is actually looking in fabulous shape. Douglas lays on a beating on Davis and then bites the head and then chokes with the boot. Didn't waste any time choking the guy, did he? The Unknown gets punched in the throat. #9 in our big battle seems to be Warlord and he is looking GREAT!!! He is now a favourite and he eliminates Hart purely by chasing him. Warlord lays a beating on Davis. Barbarian has been eliminated by Douglas. Warlord won't be too pleased with that. He seems to just have twigged to that and gets some stomps in there. He now turns his attention to Unknown and lays a beating on him. Someone get rid of that dick. #10 is CHAVO CLASSIC~~~!!! Chavo is now into the ring and Danny Davis is gone. Low blow from Chavo to Warlord and that wasn't a good idea. Chavo is over thanks to the wee run in WWE that he had. Shane Helms now comes to the ring. Oh, that's going to be very popular. He would be #11. Helms takes the boos. Into the ring and Douglas lays on a beating on Helms and the fans are fans of that. He then beats on the back of Helms and lands a big elbow to the head. #12 is going to be "Cowboy" Bob Orton. He'll be over as rover as well. Orton gets into the ring. Chavo is now in a bad position. Chavo gets a shot in at Orton and we're now getting entrants thick and fast. Who on earth is this bloke at #13. He's from the Jump Cool Connection or something like that. I'll call him Mask since we already have an unknown. Mando Guerrero is working over Douglas with the Cool Connection guy and he's the #14. Terry Funk is entering at #15. Yeah, you can bet that he's over. This match is losing it's charm a fair bit though. Douglas goes after Funk and he wants more of that. Funk with big right hands in the corner and then a Headbutt. Right hands in another corner from Helms to Cool and we have #16 who turns out to be Savio Vega. Helms goes out and the fans like that. That'll ensure that Terry Funk is even more over than he was. Right, Unknown is called Rock Riddle. We have sorted that out. #17, who is MAJOR over, is "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. He points in the face of Funk and then gets into the ring and tells everyone to bring it on. He goes mental on Douglas. Vampiro is now in the ring. How on earth did that happen? Sean Morley now heads for the ring. Whit? He goes right after Piper and then goes to Orton. Tatanka turns up all of a sudden and I've kinda lost my place here. They now beat on each other like mental. Jabs from Morley to Vega and Piper gets away from the majority of the action. The fans don't want that though. They want Piper to unleash havoc on some poor sod. Someone just got launched out of the ring. Mando Guerrero has been papped out as well. Spin Kick from Vega misses but it doesn't from Vampiro and he sends Vega out with the Superkick. Cast to the head of Orton from Funk. Orton gets papped out of the match. I'm just gonna cover eliminations and major spots now. Piper with the eye poke on Morley and the fans liked that. Vampiro dumps Morley as well. Tatanka was the one that got launched out earlier I think. Chavo counters an elimination with a wee back roll and then he goes to the second buckle. Smart idea? Piper slaps Chavo to the floor. No then. Tatanka comes into the ring and unleashes with chops on people. Tatanka eliminates himself from the match. Why is this match still dragging on? Can they not just get it done. Douglas and Vampiro are out and we come down to Piper and Funk. Piper is actually looking decent. We now have a prayer for the dead wrestlers of the past. MICROPHONE TO THE HEAD FROM FUNK !!! That was quite nice. Funk is now laying on a hell of a beating and Piper heads to the floor. Funk goes out to deal with him and says he wants Piper to say Funk is the better man. This match has suddenly taken an upward turn. More beating in the crowd and then back to the ringside area they go. More bad words said to Piper and then the brawl goes around ringside and then back into the ring they go. PIPER HOLDS ON AND GETS BACK INTO THE RING !!! Piper wants more. Jabs from Piper now. Jabs from Funk and a right hand. Piper misses one. PIPER IS GOING FOR THE ELIMINATION AND THE FANS ARE GOING MENTAL !!! PIPER IS GOING MENTAL !!! HE KICKS FUNK TO THE FLOOR AND WINS !!!

Match Winner : Roddy Piper

Match Rating : 1/2*

Match Comments : The novelty wore off on this one. At least the Wrestlemania match didn't outstay it's welcome. This one did so and in a big way. The ending sequence with Terry Funk and Roddy Piper gets the 1/2* added on as it was real fun.

Match 7

Chris Hero vs. Kevin Steen

We're back to the actual wrestling now! Lockup and a Headlock into the Waistlock from Hero and Steen then goes behind. Hero goes to the arm and takes Steen down and gets the Arm Bar. Hammerlock from Hero and then Steen goes to the Headlock and then gets shoved into the ropes. Lockup and a Headlock from Hero and he gets sent into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Steen goes for the leg of Hero and then Hero goes over him and gets a School Boy for a one count and then they go into the ropes again. Lockup from Steen and then he goes to the Arm Ringer and then Hero does some flipping about and goes to the Arm Ringer. I think the fans are giving something of a joking "This is Awesome" chant from the crowd because of the shitfest we just watched. Both men are now exchanging chops. Headlock from Steen and then gets sent into the ropes and he charges down Hero. ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! That one sends Steen to the floor. Too early to do the damage in a big way. Steen grabs something at ringside and Hero gets angry and heads for the floor. Hero with chops at ringside. Kicks to the stomach from Hero. Hero then gets sent into the railing. Steen asks the fans if they want to see Hero up closer. Hero jumps over the railing and goes into the crowd. YAKUZA KICK TO STEEN FROM HERO IN THE CROWD !!! The brawl heads right into the crowd now and Steen lands some chops. Hero with a Headbutt and it continues around. Hero then with a big clubbing shot but Steen has none of that and lands some forearms and down goes Hero. STEEN WITH A BIG SPLASH OFF OF THE LIGHTING RIG ONTO HERO !!! Back to the ringside area they go now. POWERBOMB ON THE APRON FROM STEEN !!! Hero gets into the ring and Steen follows. SECOND BUCKLE MOONSAULT FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hero with a headbutt to the stomach and then more headbutts. Steen then rips at the face of Hero and then chokes him over the middle rope. Steen bits the nose of Hero and then lands a hard chop to the chest of Hero. Steen has some words for one fan who screams. Jabs from Steen. Right hands then follow that from Steen and then he lands the Somersault Leg Drop to the back of the head and that gets a two count. Hero onto the apron and he fights his way back into the ring with a boot. Forearms from Steen and we also have chops and those bad boys HURT. Forearm from Steen and then more of the same and then chops again and Hero is getting a bit angry. HERO CATCHES STEEN COMING OFF THE ROPES WITH THE YAKUZA KICK !!! Hero now with chops and kicks. Knee to the gut from Hero and then a Somersault Neckbreaker. Steen blocks an elbow. Boot to the face and that sends Steen to the floor. Hero fakes the dive. SWINGING KICK TO THE FACE TO THE FLOOR FROM HERO !!! YAKUZA KICK TO STEEN ON THE FLOOR !!! Jabs from Hero. Steen runs into the knee. CRAVAT ROLL OF THE DICE OFF OF THE MIDDLE BUCKLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back in. HANGING DDT CATCHES HERO COMING INTO THE RING !!! STEEN CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER !!! Has he ever missed that move? ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SHARPSHOOTER FROM STEEN ... Hero manages to escape the move. F-5 FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CRAVAT DRIVER FROM HERO !!! That's one way to get back into the match! Flying Forearm. BIG POWERBOMB FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! STEEN LOCKS IN THE SHARPSHOOTER !!! Hero finds the bottom rope with ease. Back to the feet and then Hero is set on the top rope. Hero blocks the Super Back Drop Suplex and knocks him down. HERO WITH THE MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! CODEBREAKER FROM STEEN !!! MOONSAULT MISSES FROM STEEN !!! ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DEATH BLOW FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK !!! CRADLE DRIVER FROM STEEN !!! SLEEPER HOLD SUPLEX FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOOUUUUTTTTTTTTT !!! Fucking bring it!!! ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! CYCLONE KILL FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winner : Chris Hero

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : COULD have been higher if it dumped the goofy stuff at the start, but this is the very high end of the rating given. These two guys winded up having a good and proper fight in this one. I LOVED it.

Match 8

The Cutler Brothers vs. The RockNES Monsters vs. Fightin' Taylor Boys vs. The Young Bucks

It all breaks down and we get this going. We're left with the Taylors and the Bucks and the Bucks want to make a deal. Dustin is left in the ring with the Bucks and he lands a Double Clothesline and then he sends them to the floor. In come the NES. Slingshot Leg Drop from Goodtime and in comes the Taylors. Hiptoss Backbreaker from Cage and then in comes Brandon with the Cross Body. Clothesline from Brandon and in comes Cage. Leaping Leg Lariat from Brandon and then into the corner and the Spinning Back Elbow. Double Gutbuster from the Taylors and that gets a two count. Looks like Brandon is a legal man now with Cage. In comes Ryan and into the ropes goes Dustin. Double Knees from the Taylors and in comes Goodtime. Goodtime comes off the ropes and then we have a low blow for Cage. Rana from Goodtime and then he lands a lovely Dropkick and down goes Ryan. Into the ring comes Yuma and they hook the leg and then a Double Senton Splash from the NES gets a two count. Kicks to the back from Yuma to Ryan and then an arse shot. Back Elbow from Ryan and then in come the Cutlers and then they land the Rolling Shoulder Tackle. Spear from Matt and then the Risky Business. Springboard Dropkick sends Goodtime to the floor and this is flowing quite well. Waistlock Takedown is avoided by Brandon and then Matt tries to tag out and he gets a beating from all of the competitors and even the referee gets in on that action. Head Scissors from Everyone now. Dustin doesn't look amused. BOSTON CRAB ON EVERYONE FROM DUSTIN CUTLER !!! Everyone breaks that now. Into the corner and a nice Neckbreaker from Matt and in comes Yuma. Jabs and kicks on Matt and then he gives him the finger. Nick drags Yuma to the floor but the Swinging Dropkick from Matt hits it's target. Back into the ring now and Matt wants a challenge from Yuma here. The fans want Goodtime in the ring. The Bucks then come down on the arm of Goodtime and this is trademark stuff from the Bucks. Double Stomp on the arm from Matt. Kick to the head follows that from Matt. The fans chant for Yuma and then he comes back into the match. Knee to the gut from Matt puts a stop to that and then in comes Dustin and he comes down on Matt Jackson before going to work on the legal man, Johnny Yuma. Brandon now into the ring. Brandon gets shoved to the floor and Matt gets his revenge by sending him to the floor. Handspring Back Rake in the corner from Matt and then in come the Taylors with double kicks and the referee appears to have lost control of this one. Fallaway Slam from Cage to Yuma. Ryan holds Yuma in the corner and Cage then sets him on the top rope. Goodtime and Ryan are having something of a battle on the apron. STALLING SUPERPLEX FROM CAGE TO YUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner go the Taylors and then an Arm Ringer from Ryan and he takes down Goodtime. Cravat from Ryan and then in comes Matt. Yuma gets behind Matt and then Nick hits him with the high knee in the corner. Goodtime is now tagged into the match and he lands the Slingshot Dropkick and then another Dropkick and then more of the same. Matt runs into a boot. Modified Olympic Slam from Goodtime. Nick is on the floor and Goodtime goes up top but Nick stops him. Release German Suplex on Nick. Ryan is now behind Goodtime. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM GOODTIME TO THE BUCKS !!! In come the Cutlers. SUICIDE DIVE FROM BRANDON TO EVERYONE ON THE FLOOR !!! Cage and Brandon in the ring and Brandon goes down. Yuma onto the apron. YUMA WITH THE STAGE DIVE ONTO THE GUYS !!! TANDEM TOMBSTONE FROM THE CUTLERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... LOADS MAKE THE SAVE !!! DOUBLE SUPERKICK TAKES DOWN GOODTIME !!! SUPERKICKS AHOY ON THE REST FROM THE BUCKS !!! WORST CASE SCENARIO FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GORY DOWNWARD SPIRAL ON NICK !!! DISCUS LARIAT FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Yuma is now coming into the ring. Down goes Cage and then we have madness. F-U OFF THE TOP FROM YUMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The RockNES Monsters

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : This was a bit on the messy side it has to be said, but it remained good fun all of the way.

I don't normally cover the post and pre match stuff, but the move Kevin Steen does to Johnny Yuma is unreal. It's almost worth the price of the DVD alone. Which is good because the rest of the DVD is good too. It was like a Reverse Powerbomb that dropped Yuma on his neck on the buckles and then to the floor. Horror move and amazing to see.

Match 9

PWG Heavyweight Championship

Claudio Castagnoli © vs. El Generico

Claudio doesn't mind the "Hey!" in PWG. Lockup and into the corner. Claudio misses a charge and Generico misses a kick. Claudio sweeps down Generico and then works on the leg. Generico to the Headlock and then he's sent into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Claudio just looks at Generico and then they collide for a second time. Big chop from Generico but then he gets charged down. Generico with a pair of Arm Drags and then the Mexican Arm Drag and then he locks in the Arm Bar. Into the corner they go and we have a clean break untill Claudio kicks the gut and then into the middle of the ring. European Uppercut from Claudio and then he takes down Generico and works on the legs. Generico tries to find his way to the bottom rope but then Claudio grabs the face. Generico finds the bottom rope. Back to the corner goes Generico and Claudio misses a charge. Chop from Generico and then punches. Generico avoids a Powerbomb and hits the ropes and hits a LOVELY Head Scissor Takedown and Claudio goes into the corner. Chops from Generico. Generico to the apron and he buries a shoulder to the gut but then European Uppercuts from Claudio. Headbutt from Claudio and then Generico with right hands. Leaping Rana and a beauty from Generico and Claudio heads for the floor. PESCADO ... Claudio then catches him. BACKBREAKER ON THE APRON FROM CLAUDIO !!! Claudio then sends the leg of Generico into the ringpost. Kicks to the leg now from Claudio and then Generico comes back with right hands. Into the corner and Claudio with kicks to the gut. He stomps down on Generico in the corner. Claudio sweeps down Generico and then drags him into the middle of the ring and slams the leg into the canvas. Claudio then kicks at the leg of Generico. Half Crab from Claudio and then Generico finds the bottom rope. Chops from Generico and then right hands. Claudio then sends Generico face first into the top buckle. Gorilla Press and then Claudio drops Generico face first on the top buckle and that gets a two count. Claudio is now looking to unmask Generico and then gets the Chinlock. That was a nice wee bit of storytelling there and then Generico hits the ropes and a Powerslam from Claudio and that gets a two count. Now there's more kicks to the leg from Claudio. More pulls on the leg, but then El Generico to the middle buckle, and then Claudio drops his knee on the canvas from there. Knees to the back from Claudio. Right hands from Generico now. Dropkick from Generico and he is back in the match. He misses a Dropkick and Claudio. HUUUUGE CHOKESLAM FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chops from Generico now and he is fighting his way back into the match. Dropkick to counter the Flapjack from Claudio and then he Swiss man is sent to the floor. Generico can't dive so he just heads for the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF OF THE TOP ROPE FROM GENERICO !!! Back into the ring they head now and the fans are trying to sing El Generico back into the match. He heads for the top rope. Cross Body off the top gets a two count for Generico and he's still selling that leg. What a trooper. Generico runs into a boot and so does Generico. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER ... blocked. European Uppercut. THE BICYCLE KICK FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The Swiss Crab from Claudio. Generico finds the bottom rope. DEAD LIFT GERMAN SUPLEX FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Claudio. Generico tells Claudio to bring it on. Flurry of uppercuts from Claudio. Running European from Claudio. YAKUZA KICK FROM GENERICO !!! POP UP EUROPEAN UPPERCUT FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GENERICO COUNTERS THE RICCOLA BOMB BEAUTIFULLY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM GENERICO ... can't hit. LARIAT FROM CLAUDIO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK CATCHES CLAUDIO ON THE TOP ROPE !!! BRAINBUSTAH... nah. Claudio doesn't get it either. THE SUPER RICCOLA BOMB FROM CLAUDIO ... COUNTERED TO THE RANA FROM GENERICO !!! YAKUZA KICK !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTTT !!! THE ALPAMARE WATERSLIDE FROM CLAUDIO !!! HE DOES IT WITH NO HANDS !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! RICCOLA BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOOUUUUTTTTTT !!! ONE LEGGED BIG SWING INTO THE NEUTRALIZER !!! GENERICO HAS TO TAP !!!

Match Winner : Claudio Castagnoli

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : There's something about El Generico that when he's in a match where you just KNOW he can't win, he manages to drag you kicking and screaming into a position where you actually believe it's going to happen. That's what made this match so amazing.

In a disappointing year, you can ALWAYS count on PWG to get the job done, can't you? THREE matches clocking in at ****+ makes this a must-see DVD. All sorts of entertaining stuff as well, apart from the awful Battle Royal.

A card containing KoW, albeit not together, El Generico and Davey Richards was never going to be a let down. How much did the DVD cost? I'd like to check it out.

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Apparantly Sky cut out alot of the stuff regarding R-Truth's heel turn?? I watched it online so not sure what Sky did and didnt show but I heard they didnt show Truth sparking up a fag and blowing the smoke at Morrison :lol: its on Youtube if anyone missed it.

I personally thought the R-Truth heel turn was done superbly and look forward to seeing how he gets on as a heel. I think he will actually do pretty well. He has that crazy look in his eyes

Edit here it is

"Think of the children R-Truth" :lol: :lol:


Is it just me or does Morrison sell the smoke being blown on him?!

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I meant, do you have a source saying he's the new GM? Something saying exactly that?

Sorry I just nicked it from another forum although that wrestler mentioned has been all over wwe vintage collection this week. Prob not connected but ya never know. Really hope its true

Edited by gordon the gopher
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A card containing KoW, albeit not together, El Generico and Davey Richards was never going to be a let down. How much did the DVD cost? I'd like to check it out.

Sorry for taking so long. It's usually about 12-13 quid.

As for the guys you mentioned, you also sometimes get Eddie Edwards, Roderick Strong and Akira Tozawa who is THEE highlight of PWG at the moment. Willie Mack has just become a regular and he's fantastic. The Young Bucks can also usually be relied on for a pretty epic tag match in PWG. There is absolutely nothing like a Young Bucks PWG match, for atmosphere at least.

any of use ever been to a BCW event, was readin the local paper and it said Kevin Nash will be in Kilmarnock with them considering going is it worth it?

BCW are usually quite good. They try and focus on both 1) family friendly stuff and 2) good wrestling. They mix it well, much like PBW and Kilmarnock do tend to be their big shows.

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Sorry for taking so long. It's usually about 12-13 quid.

As for the guys you mentioned, you also sometimes get Eddie Edwards, Roderick Strong and Akira Tozawa who is THEE highlight of PWG at the moment. Willie Mack has just become a regular and he's fantastic. The Young Bucks can also usually be relied on for a pretty epic tag match in PWG. There is absolutely nothing like a Young Bucks PWG match, for atmosphere at least.

I've heard the Young Bucks are good but I haven't actually watched anything of theirs yet, even their TNA stuff. I'll probably order it when I get a job :lol:

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I'd recommend PWG Seven as a starting point. It has all of the stuff you could want from a PWG show. A good hard hitter between Roderick Strong and Bryan Danielson, a pure beast between Davey Richards and Chris Hero and then the most mental match of 2010, triple threat tag team match with The Young Bucks, El Generico/Paul London and The Cutler Brothers ( PWG mainstays ) in a No DQ match. There's also amusing stuff up and down the card.

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Big Kev took to Twitter last night and gave us an update on Scott Hall's health.

It seems he is a real bad way, with Nash saving his voicemails and recording his calls incase it is the last time he hears from his best friend

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-- Multiple sources have confirmed that Jay Lethal has parted ways with TNA Wrestling. His profile was removed from the company's website Wednesday night.

In a new bit of information, many within TNA are saying that organization officials opted to release the former X Division Champion.

From LoP who say it's from PWInsider.com

Part of me hopes he goes to the WWE, the other part hopes he goes somewhere where he's likely to get over.

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I'm not surprised by Lethal, they really shot themselves in the foot by pushing him with the Ric Flair feud only to have him lose his X Division title to Robbie E the next month.

I doubt he'll be anything more if he went to WWE. It'll be the same story as Kaval if he went.

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Yeah seems that it is true. And in addition, couple of the wrestlers are unhappy about it. Various tweets were written by Max and Jeremy Buck, Amazing Red and Tara. Nothing offensive or anything just saying that the locker room morale has went down and stuff like that.

[rumour]Suicide has been added to the roster again though whistling.gif [/rumour]

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