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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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The ending was good, Cena's TNA hint was class, and Vince was brilliant and believable, but there's absolutely no way it's the last we see of him on TV.

I think it will be. The angle is probably real, dramatized to the extreme. The board of directors didn't oust Vince but he stepped down and gave the day to day operations to Hunter. Vince will still own the company but I don't think you'll see him on TV for a while.

It also strikes me that when Punk returns he'll be the rebel against the heel owner HHH, pretty much like a today version of Austin and Vince.

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No one comes remotely close to CM Punk on the mic. I know this will have been mentioned on probably about 240 pages of this thread. But I could listen to him all night.

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It also strikes me that when Punk returns he'll be the rebel against the heel owner HHH, pretty much like a today version of Austin and Vince.

And who do you think will win that..

Watching whichever peoples favourite get squashed by Triple H over the last 10 years is a big part of the reason I hardly watch anymore. Amazing what you can get away with when you're shagging the boss's daughter.

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Well HHH will now need to develop a business brain, Vince will still guide him as well so Punk will. They clearly want Punk to be this era's Austin. A massive figurehead so he HAS to "beat" HHH.

Ha ha ha, yeah right.

Triple H's ego has been one of the biggest cancers affecting wrestling in the last 10-15 years.

Just remember my posts when Punk is back in the midcard.

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I wouldn't say Triple H is even close to being the same p***k he was maybe as recent as 5 years ago. He's very good for this business imo. I know everyone shits all over him now but Sin Cara was a Triple H guy and was the total anti-thesis to the guys that Vince and Johnny Ace snap up. He isn't in the same position he was when he was at his worst. He's not a "youngish" guy who saw two of his peers going a lot further than he was.

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I wouldn't say Triple H is even close to being the same p***k he was maybe as recent as 5 years ago. He's very good for this business imo. I know everyone shits all over him now but Sin Cara was a Triple H guy and was the total anti-thesis to the guys that Vince and Johnny Ace snap up. He isn't in the same position he was when he was at his worst. He's not a "youngish" guy who saw two of his peers going a lot further than he was.

Seems to be the popular opinion recently. Based on........, well, nothing.

Triple H is still a total p***k.

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Ha ha ha, yeah right.

Triple H's ego has been one of the biggest cancers affecting wrestling in the last 10-15 years.

Just remember my posts when Punk is back in the midcard.

Yeah but Vince will still be there to make sure he's making the right decisions, in a sorta ghost role.

WWE will still be good from now on, of that I have no doubt.

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Given proper time and training Shane O'Mac could have been a properly good wrestler. In all seriousness, did Shane O'Mac ever have a match that could be considered boring?

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Seems to be the popular opinion recently. Based on........, well, nothing.

Triple H is still a total p***k.

Which is based on? Unless you are Bily Gunn!!!

No doubts along with HBK, HHH was difficult at best, but cannot seem to recall many examples of above behaviour - perhaps Goldberg, but how long ago was that? So I am intrigued f your dislik is anything other than a persoanl dislike - which is fir enough by the way.

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I'm thinking Vince vs HHH at Mania next year for control of the WWE? It would be great to have another McMahon-Helmsley era with Hunter and Steph heeling it up for the next few months and Cena leading the faces against them.

There is also a dirtsheet rumour that Rey is in line for a big push leading up to him winning the WWE title at Summerslam in LA, with Raw taking place in San Diego the night after. I have no problem with this as long as they book him much stronger as a champ compared to his previous reigns when he was constantly jobbed out.

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I'm thinking Vince vs HHH at Mania next year for control of the WWE? It would be great to have another McMahon-Helmsley era with Hunter and Steph heeling it up for the next few months and Cena leading the faces against them.

There is also a dirtsheet rumour that Rey is in line for a big push leading up to him winning the WWE title at Summerslam in LA, with Raw taking place in San Diego the night after. I have no problem with this as long as they book him much stronger as a champ compared to his previous reigns when he was constantly jobbed out.

Starting with him either going out of the ring via the middle rope or going underneath them. I know it's stupid but I just can't get behind someone who goes through the bottom rope, it's for the women!

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By tomorrow afternoon, there should be a thread for it here. When that happens just click on the individual dailymotion videos. They're the best quality, as far as I've seen anyway,

Sadly, this is the first opportunity I have got to watch MITB. (Yes I clicked this thread and half closed my eyes, I have avoided spoilers, have no idea what happened at MITB or on RAW, I feel so left out :( ).

But I looked on the thread and the Video Weed link is working a belter....Cheers :thumsup2

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Anyone else enjoy Impact again last night? Only thing is that it's still greatly older guys like Sting who are near the title or ex WWE guys like Kennedy and Angle. Hopefully they can give AJ a push or someone like him. I think the BfG series could propel Crimson seriously right into the mix which would be brilliant to see.

I'm not sure why they were trying to push Aeries as heel against Moore though, considering Moore is a whiney wee tw@t and Aeries is a fans favourite, unless they're doing a rebel face character with him.

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I'm thinking Vince vs HHH at Mania next year for control of the WWE? It would be great to have another McMahon-Helmsley era with Hunter and Steph heeling it up for the next few months and Cena leading the faces against them.

There is also a dirtsheet rumour that Rey is in line for a big push leading up to him winning the WWE title at Summerslam in LA, with Raw taking place in San Diego the night after. I have no problem with this as long as they book him much stronger as a champ compared to his previous reigns when he was constantly jobbed out.

Both of those things would be utterly shit. Vince is what, 65 or so now? He's lost a lost of muscle mass by the looks of him, and is really starting to look like an old man, which of course he is. A match with him against HHH would be diabolical. As for the McMahon-Helmsley era, it worked because they had DX and Shane and Vince. Now it would just be HHH and Stephanie, and HHH is now no longer an active wrestler so how could he be such a threat? The McMahon-Helmsley era was largely built around HHH having the title, but now what would they base it around. And Cena 'leading' the faces would be boring as f**k. Superhero Cena to the rescue yet again. Yawn. I actually think they might have started Cena on the path to a heel turn. What better place for him to do so than in Miami against the Rock. At MITB he was booed to f**k, and in Miami he'll be booed to f**k. He still gets a lot of boos everywhere he goes, and even in storyline the powers that be are not happy with him. If Punk returns they could resume the feud, with Punk playing heel and Cena babyface, but have the feud designed to put Punk over as babyface in the Austin manner (tweener I think is the term, although I hate it).

At least Rey winning the WWE title won't be as absurd as having him win the HEAVYWEIGHT title!

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