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Mo Wonderboy

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Was thinking to myself, "how did Teddy Long restrain himself from coming out and making that opening segment a tag team match?" Come back from the break and it's been made!

How many times has DiBiase faced Hunico though? Seems like it's happening everytime I watch Smackdown blink.gif

I tried watching SD again for a few weeks but I just find it impossible. Even if SD was 10x better than RAW, there's just something about it. :unsure:


Edited by Paulo Sergio
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Any time I try and watch it, the crowd noises put me off now. It's like they're performing at Woodstock. It would work on a show at Wembley Arena but I just can't bring myself to watch Impact. If I do like it and enjoy it, I'll go back to it next time and the same annoyance will occur, so ultimately it's pointless.

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Any time I try and watch it, the crowd noises put me off now. It's like they're performing at Woodstock. It would work on a show at Wembley Arena but I just can't bring myself to watch Impact. If I do like it and enjoy it, I'll go back to it next time and the same annoyance will occur, so ultimately it's pointless.

I managed to persevere but I agree, not just the crowd though. When they were doing promos, the sound just sounded shit. Like it was poorly filmed, not what you expect from a TNA/WWE promo, not sure if it's the acoustics or whatever but it just sounded different and I didn't like it.

The two shows themselves were alright though. Can't see me staying up to 4am watching the PPV though.

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From what I've read it sounds like Jesse Sorensen took a really, really bad one last night.


Zema Ion jumped over the rope to Sorensen on the outside, crossbody style. I'm not sure if it was Sorensen or Ion's fault but Ion's knees hit Sorensen's head and he went straight down. Got his hands up but obviously not enough. I'm pretty sure that happened at around 1.11am, so it was quite clearly a botch from someone.

It was an alright PPV, I missed from between 2am and 3am because I decided to look for(and found) a stream of The Walking Dead premiere, think I missed the X-Division match and the tag match.

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Zema Ion jumped over the rope to Sorensen on the outside, crossbody style. I'm not sure if it was Sorensen or Ion's fault but Ion's knees hit Sorensen's head and he went straight down. Got his hands up but obviously not enough. I'm pretty sure that happened at around 1.11am, so it was quite clearly a botch from someone.

It was an alright PPV, I missed from between 2am and 3am because I decided to look for(and found) a stream of The Walking Dead premiere, think I missed the X-Division match and the tag match.

Hulk Hogan has put on Twitter to pray for him and Dixie has said it's a legit neck injury. I've read it looked quite similar to the Droz incident.

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Michael Hayes is meant to be a complete wierdo, I think.

I think he's mentioned a few times in this hilarious list: http://www.angelfire...listsleeze.html

There is some brilliant stuff in there.

446. Chris Benoit invented the triple German suplex back in the 80s; Steve Strong was the Trans-Canadian Heavyweight Champion, but was a real dick about it backstage, so one day before a match with Benoit, Beef Wellington jacked off all over the back of the belt before he put it on. Once the match began, Strong's belly was so sticky that Benoit couldn't get his arms off of it until after the third suplex.


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That list has been doing the rounds for years now, but it's always a good laugh to revisit it now and again. :lol:

95% of it is almost certainly bullshit, but I fully believe that Mr Perfect loved shitting in things and that Lita was a total slag back in the day. Every JBL hazing story is probably true as well.

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I think he's mentioned a few times in this hilarious list: http://www.angelfire...listsleeze.html

65. But as I recall, Dynamic Dude #2 Johnny Ace and Z-Man Tom Zenk have just returned from an NWA house show in Cincinnati, OH. They're all over each other, when my friend asks them for autographs and a picture. Zenk and Ace collapse into a loving embrace, climaxing with Zenk planting a big fat snog on the cheek of Animal Jr. Then they realize my friend has a camera and just photographed their loving embrace. Zenk stands up and demands the camera. The fan refuses. Ace stands up and orders him to turn over the camera. Again, my friend refuses. The Dynamic Dude and the Z-Man charge at him, he runs. The only proof this incident ever occured is this photo.


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Right, four matches from the two episodes of ICW coming tonight.

Episode 1: Sean South and Rob Cage vs. Johnny Starr and The Lightning Kid vs. STI vs. The Bucky Boys, Women's Deathmatch between Carmel and Kay Lee Ray.

Episode 2: Jack Jester vs. Mikey Whiplash and the most famous match in ICW when it was Chris Renfrew, BT Gunn and Jack Jester taking on Red Lightning, James Scott and Wolfgang of the Gold Label.

Episode 1 has a dodgy first match, but lost of people seemed to love it, so what do I know? The deathmatch isn't exactly deathmatch stuff. It's essentially a street fight, but it IS brutal and worth a look. Episode 2 is where the fun is. The ring breaks and what results is two very violent matches. The first one has a right vicious post-match angle, and the main event is exactly what ICW is all about.

Is Wolfgang any good? im pretty sure that's who my friend who is one of the female wrestlers is going out with.

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-- Jesse Sorensen suffered an injury to his C1 vertebrae. This is the top vertebrae of the spine and connects the spine to the skull. More information as it becomes available.

From prowrestling.net

I haven't seen what happened but I hope he ends up okay.

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Is Wolfgang any good? im pretty sure that's who my friend who is one of the female wrestlers is going out with.

She had her very first match at ICW's last show and you can see it this Friday. That's if it's the right person. Person beside me was like "she's a bit green". Well aye. It's her first match. Idiot.

Wolfgang has had something of a resurgance and the main part of that is his role in ICW as The Gold Label's number one angry cunt which is something he is brilliant at.

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