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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Autism Fundraising Day?

Posting this on the livilions (football!) forum is imo a shameful attempt at using a worthwhile event to make people think he is a good guy. <_<

You know I think maybe, just maybe, something good could come out of all this. Surely now the football bodies have to introduce some mechanism to ensure that anyone taking over a football club is a fit and proper person. Too late for Livi though. :(

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How utterly bizarre and funny this is! The latest discussion is a Livi fan has asked "Massone" can we pay our players on time from now on?

To which the response was "OK mate, we will do." As easy as that, eh?!


Maybe Massone will start a trend...maybe chairman of scottish football clubs will decide that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em and all start posting on messageboards!

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This is utter madness - I don't know how much more he has to do to drag down Scottish football's reputation.

Can I suggest that someone tells him to stop coming home from the pub pissed and posting cannon fodder for the media?

How much lower can this go? These look like the postings of a man under the severest pressure and very close to the edge in my opinion...

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How much lower can this go? These look like the postings of a man under the severest pressure and very close to the edge in my opinion...

Consider this: He is posting when he's pished, so you can at least see he cares. What he cares about is anyone's guess, but I suppose it's better than ambivalence....

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Complimenting CDE:

My pleasure. I am happy for You that next season we will come 4 times to Inverness area...

Please not new strips...

But congratulation really. You was often against me but i like your style and your culture and i am sure that people with your overture can change opinion in the future, Maybe from the next 30 june when i will cancell the debt with the Council and or i will by the stadium....

Bits of that are confusing but I suppose you can't expect much of his English.

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