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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Has anyone branded this Massone chap a c**t on the livi lions site? Surely one keyboard warrior must have done it!

Would just get deleted.

As per usual, a few random posts apologising for things and saying things will be better next season have some of the dim-wits eating out of his hand.

Can you imagine the chairman of Morton or Falkirk or somewhere like that behaving and conducting themselves in the way Massone has and getting away with it? No, me either.

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Would just get deleted.

As per usual, a few random posts apologising for things and saying things will be better next season have some of the dim-wits eating out of his hand.

Can you imagine the chairman of Morton or Falkirk or somewhere like that behaving and conducting themselves in the way Massone has and getting away with it? No, me either.

It's a truly bizarre situation.

I had a read of it as well. "The Man" and a couple of others even want to forget about his townhouse £££s.


I have genuine sympathy for guys like yourself and Edinburgh Livi who want shot of this clown, but sadly until the apologists see how bad this guy is for their club, there is truly no hope.

Anyone reading Massone's posts on that forum and thinking he can be worked with needs a check of the reality variety.

As a Dundee fan i have plenty of experience of crazy/incompetent chairmen. Dundee only JUST survived thanks to a support which banded together to fundraise like you wouldn't believe. If i remember right, the whole of Morton's support was vehemently against Hugh Scott as well. If the current divisions in Livi's support persist, there is only one possible outcome. And it ain't gonna be good (except for Airdrie).

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Guest strathbrock
Anyone reading Massone's posts on that forum and thinking he can be worked with needs a check of the reality variety.

As a Dundee fan i have plenty of experience of crazy/incompetent chairmen. Dundee only JUST survived thanks to a support which banded together to fundraise like you wouldn't believe. If i remember right, the whole of Morton's support was vehemently against Hugh Scott as well. If the current divisions in Livi's support persist, there is only one possible outcome. And it ain't gonna be good (except for Airdrie).

The thing is he has gone out of his way to make sure the support is divided. To be fair a lot of the posters on livilions are not much more than impressionable teenagers. He has invited them along to exclusive meetings making them feel important and set them loose on the message boards to spread his word. He is a bit mad but crafty with it.

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Would just get deleted.

As per usual, a few random posts apologising for things and saying things will be better next season have some of the dim-wits eating out of his hand.

Can you imagine the chairman of Morton or Falkirk or somewhere like that behaving and conducting themselves in the way Massone has and getting away with it? No, me either.

Remember we had a total loony in charge in Hugh scott?.

This was a guy who threatened to close the internet down if big bad boys never stopped

calling him bad names on our forum,then it was the club he was going to close down just

like the shipyards of clydeside.

We also like your club had some so called fans who actually believed he was the mesiah,they soon saw the light or crawled back under the stones they came from.

We have a history and traditions which is sadly lacking at Livi and this will be your clubs downfall

as there is no real fanpower or local feeling for the club,as harsh as this sounds it is the truth.

The ex chairman of morton tried it and almost got away with it,but the Raes the local community and the fans all gave it 110% ,the livi fans have left it too late,what can you do over the summer when there is no games to make a stance or get the community involved?

The bottom line is no one outside the hardcore support cares enough to even think about getting bothered in saving Livi as there is nothing in it for them unlike true community clubs like Morton,Falkirk,etc etc!!

This is not a dig at any Livi fans ,just my two bobs worth.

The fans who really care will all unite and become one but by then it may be too late and will there even be enough of them to make a difference?.

Edited by capello
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It's a damn shame the comedian who assumed the Angelo Massone persona on twitter wasn't able to keep it going over the last few months. Having said, that, I don't think he/she could have done would have been a patch on the last few days postings on LiviLions.


Oh, look at the time - it's almost Massone Time on Livilions. Looking forward to tonight's pearls of wisdom.

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Guest zupa

Oh, look at the time - it's almost Massone Time on Livilions. Looking forward to tonight's pearls of wisdom.

What time is he usually back, from having a skin fae ? .

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It seems slightly strange that he would expose himself to the fans like this - he isn't hiding and can't hide behind carefully babelfished words.

But then again, in a Dictatorship you have a regime of fear where noone would dare step out of line...

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It's seems ter Massone doesn't hold the exclusive rights to broadband communications with the cosmos and beyond. The quote below is from the wondrous LiviLions thread, and doesn't even come from his number one sycophant (although this chap is undoubtedly a contender for the top 5).

It is a wonderful piece of jingoistic claptrap that remains pretty much the sole preserve of inward looking island nations. Having said that, I'm pretty sure Whitney Houston or Gloria Gaynor could turn it into a thumper of an anthem. Maybe it's real spiritual home would be a verse somewhere within David Bowie's Space Oddity. In either case, it is of course, heavily laden with heartfelt emotion, faux pride and horseshit. A heady mix indeed. If every Livvy fan was so inclined, the world would be a better place, and the club could possibly be sectioned under the mental health act.

Anyway, here it is..........enjoy. For added affect, as you read it, have the boke inducing WestLife singing "You Raise Me Up" in the background. It'll have a bulemic affect on your stomach that won't go unnoticed.


(Without gettting scary people) Angelo, insde of me is a thing I cannot describe. A beating, living thing, maybe my heart, maybe my soul. I cannot tell where it or where the 'energy' comes from as sometimes the beating is so loud, it is all of me. But I DO know what it is. It's my unbreakable spirit. Something that not even death can deter. There is not a force in the universe that can break it down. I am completely focussed and exist only to serve those I love and care about. I have always felt this, and believe this now. I'll never break.

Now I say without doubt or fear of the 'others' feeling and ideas, you are beginning to act like a man to admire. See it all the way through and you will turn everything around. You have to pay all the peole who have a legitimate claim. You can make this work and if not, then you must at least give it your best shot. You have apologised and acted like a humble servant of L.F.C. and I am impressed.

Do what is right!

Silence your critics!

Leave only potential!


Maybe I have the wrong comparator here. Maybe Hitchcock's "Psycho" is closer to the mark,,,,,,,,,,

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It's seems ter Massone doesn't hold the exclusive rights to broadband communications with the cosmos and beyond. The quote below is from the wondrous LiviLions thread, and doesn't even come from his number one sycophant (although this chap is undoubtedly a contender for the top 5).

It is a wonderful piece of jingoistic claptrap that remains pretty much the sole preserve of inward looking island nations. Having said that, I'm pretty sure Whitney Houston or Gloria Gaynor could turn it into a thumper of an anthem. Maybe it's real spiritual home would be a verse somewhere within David Bowie's Space Oddity. In either case, it is of course, heavily laden with heartfelt emotion, faux pride and horseshit. A heady mix indeed. If every Livvy fan was so inclined, the world would be a better place, and the club could possibly be sectioned under the mental health act.

Anyway, here it is..........enjoy. For added affect, as you read it, have the boke inducing WestLife singing "You Raise Me Up" in the background. It'll have a bulemic affect on your stomach that won't go unnoticed.


(Without gettting scary people) Angelo, insde of me is a thing I cannot describe. A beating, living thing, maybe my heart, maybe my soul. I cannot tell where it or where the 'energy' comes from as sometimes the beating is so loud, it is all of me. But I DO know what it is. It's my unbreakable spirit. Something that not even death can deter. There is not a force in the universe that can break it down. I am completely focussed and exist only to serve those I love and care about. I have always felt this, and believe this now. I'll never break.

Now I say without doubt or fear of the 'others' feeling and ideas, you are beginning to act like a man to admire. See it all the way through and you will turn everything around. You have to pay all the peole who have a legitimate claim. You can make this work and if not, then you must at least give it your best shot. You have apologised and acted like a humble servant of L.F.C. and I am impressed.

Do what is right!

Silence your critics!

Leave only potential!


Maybe I have the wrong comparator here. Maybe Hitchcock's "Psycho" is closer to the mark,,,,,,,,,,


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Please forgive me if this has been answered in one of the preceding 102 pages, but whatever happened to the "300 season tickets by June 30th or bust" deadline. Was the target met, or did it turn out to be another piece of bluster?

Of course Massone would be welcome at my club, but only if he promises to get the trains running on time.

Edited to say .... of course today is only the 4th of June. Numpty!


Edited by stuartcraig
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Please forgive me if this has been answered in one of the preceding 102 pages, but whatever happened to the "300 season tickets by June 30th or bust" deadline. Was the target met, or did it turn out to be another piece of bluster?

Of course Massone would be welcome at my club, but only if he promises to get the trains running on time.


Surely if it was a 30th June deadline it hasn't passed? I thought it was sooner. I wonder how the club is progressing towards its mid June deadline of buying the ground from the council?

No late night rants from the man last night then?

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I think I'm at the point where I don't really think the Livvy support are actually capable of mobilizing themselves in support of a single purpose and direction.

LiviLions is (I believe) their most important communications vehicle, and it's clear to see that the attention span for all things bad is very very short indeed. It doesn't take a great deal to divert the audience away from the real issues, and any bit of good news day bluff can blow them off course from what they should really be about.

The townhouse revelations would (for most supports) be the straw that breaks the camel's back......but not in Livingston. The questions that need to be asked are simply sidetracked by announcements of "ambassodor" jobs up for grabs.

The deployment of ambassadors simply will not work so long as there's something rotten in the state of Denmark. As long as Massone is seen to be spending money the club don't have, as long as he isn't paying creditors but spending club money on himself, as long as staff are not being paid, then the ambassador stuff will fail.

he stooges have got two options............they are either schooled in how to lie when asked akward questions, or they look like fools by not being able to answer the awkward questions.

The whole regime at Livingston needs to change and then (and only then) do you try to persuade the people of the area that a new wind is blowing through town.

To have had the begging bowls out already, and to have people knowing full well that the cash from those bowls will be spent on keeping Massone in the manner to which he has become accustomed is absolutely pitiful. They will be asking the public to be complete mugs, and these individuals stand a fair chance of becoming subjects and ridicule in their own communities.......or worse. If someone gives them money, and another revelation of financial mismanagement comes to the fore, then who are the contributors going to go looking for? On the evidence of all things Massone up to now, these individuals are going to be the scapegoat buffers twixt Massone and Joe Public. Anyone getting involved in this regime really needs their heads examined.

..............and the season ticket thing..........I thought he needed a bunch sold in a week or they were in trouble?

Anyone seen any evidence that Massone has put any money at all into the club? Or has the debt accrued in the last year plus club receipts via gate money and sponsorship amount to what the club has actually spent?

In my opinion, this guy is NOT a net contributor to LFC. Quite the contrary.

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From the Daily Record, May 24th, sorry to quote it in full but it is illustrative of the (ahem) changeable nature of Sr Massone's public outbursts. Those interested (and as time goes on less people I suspect) will see that the season ticket sales were needed by 30th May...allegedly.

LIVINGSTON chairman Angelo Massone has warned the club could face administration next week unless 300 season-tickets are sold.

The Italian made the claim at a stormy open meeting on Thursday night attended by 200 fans.

Supporters were looking for reassurances on the future of the cash-strapped club but instead were told of the bleak prospects.

Massone, who is battling to find cash to keep the club afloat, made an urgent plea for support from fans and the local business community to help now or risk losing the club altogether.

However, there is growing resentment at the way the club is run. Wages are regularly paid late, angry creditors are chasing money and the controversy culminated in the suspension of boss Paul Hegarty and No.2 Graeme Robertson.

Unpaid Season-ticket sales for the 2009-10 campaign have been slow and for those who have purchased books it is believed a staged payment facility has been removed as the club needs the money now.

The Livi For Life Supporters Trust, who have campaigned for a community-based rescue plan in the event of administration, were planning to meet with Massone late yesterday to seek a way out of the troubles.

Massone said: “We are working to resolve the problems of the club.”

Livi’s Italian consortium are battling massive debts and sold Dave Mackay and Murray Davidson to St Johnstone last week for only £45,000 just to ease their plight.

A bill of around £280,000 is thought to be outstanding to West Lothian Council for unpaid rent, while a host of other creditors still await payment.

Players are due to be paid next week while backroom staff are still waiting for April wages.

The SFL and SFA are investigating the suspensions of Hegarty and Robertson, who supported players in the row over wage delays.

The club’s only saleable asset appears to be Scotland B striker Leigh Griffiths. However, a six-figure bid for the teenager from Dundee has been rejected.

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OMG, so Massone is trying to recruit some Black Shirts to silence folk. That quote from the forum is downright scary. Though the vvenacular does sound slightly Non-Native English speakerish too, perhaps its a MOLE.

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It just gets worse and worse............try this for a quote. Now I know it's just one sad and lonely punter (but a different one from the previous quote) but shows the degree to which the mental tethers which bind us humans to planet earth can be stretched very thinly indeed. It gives a little insight into how someone sees the financial firmament at his club. Definitely someone raised on Dominic Keane's benefits culture of all gain and no pain.


What are you going to find fault with next, the fact that he (Massone) puts two spoons of sugar that Livi paid for in his tea? FFS the rent on the house is neither here nor there in big scheme of things.


I should be beyond the shock and awe of how far people are willing to suspend reality in favour of a fuzzy utopian alternative, but these people seem capable of moving the game on with each and every posting. Maybe if he realized that this house rental accounts for something akin to 30% of the total season ticket revenue, then it might firm up his tenuous grasp on what is real, and what isn't.

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