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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Another basket case, this one with a goalie who reckons it is okay to cheat. :rolleyes:

Been on the M6 all day and thought I may have missed some "good chat".

What's your point above And180Y, not sure I have seen that one? (Basket case point I get but what's the script re the cheating goalie?)

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Been on the M6 all day and thought I may have missed some "good chat".

What's your point above And180Y, not sure I have seen that one? (Basket case point I get but what's the script re the cheating goalie?)

Craig Gordon was shooting his mouth off about it being okay to take a dive if it meant Scotland got to the world cup finals. In other words cheating which is what Livi do so well.

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Craig Gordon was shooting his mouth off about it being okay to take a dive if it meant Scotland got to the world cup finals. In other words cheating which is what Livi do so well.

Ah! I did hear a bit of that on Radio 5. Don't you just love Scottish football or football in general?

If you haven't already read it, read Foul by Andrew Jennings.

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Well that must be the way the game is played all over then, so we are just the same as the rest. :D

PLL, if you read Foul by Andrew Jennings you will see how corrupt football is worldwide (not saying Livi are corrupt by the way)

If you read Managing Mickey - The Spartans Story (if I ever get round to writing it) you will see some very funny things in the administration of Scottish football.

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PLL, if you read Foul by Andrew Jennings you will see how corrupt football is worldwide (not saying Livi are corrupt by the way)

If you read Managing Mickey - The Spartans Story (if I ever get round to writing it) you will see some very funny things in the administration of Scottish football.

I'll read it but will it make me angry & even more paranoid than I am at the moment? :huh:

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will it make me angry & even more paranoid than I am at the moment? :huh:

...I don't imagine finding some "brand new" posters posting on Livi threads will help - seems strangely familiar to waht was happening at Berwick a year or two ago - funny that..

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...I don't imagine finding some "brand new" posters posting on Livi threads will help - seems strangely familiar to waht was happening at Berwick a year or two ago - funny that..

I have sort of missed Boardroomshuffler's exclusive [ly wrong] posts on P&B

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I can'afford to pay my council tax anymore - what do I do to get it reduced?

Load up several credit cards to the limit - take out a mega mortgage if I can get one - get a masive extension built on my house - stop paying electric and gas bills ! etc,etc.

Get sectioned,that's the easiest way to rid yourself of debt. ;)

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The council is damned if they do and damned if they don't.

No they aren't, they are damned if they do and entirely correct if they don't. This is one of the most scandalous pieces of nepotism and blatant corruption in local government since god knows when. I hope the good people of Livingston remember this when it comes to the next council election and kick these scoundrels out on their ear.

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The council is damned if they do and damned if they don't.

If WLC are like every other local authority in Scotland then they'll be preparing for to cut services in the next financial year. Trivial things like teaching, social work, care of the elderly etc. Vacant job posts will be left empty and temporary (and possibly permanent) staff will be made redundant.

I'm sure that the council leader's magnanimous generosity lets him feel like a big man, but frame it in the context of the wider council's finances and he looks a lot less clever.


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Just seen the list of "unsecured creditors " on the CVA

Ex player Phil Cave(3000) ex manager R Landi(1000) etc.........surely these are "football debts" and were a condition of continuing in SFL ie these should be preferred creditors

Also Hearts 20k

Edited by poberto
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Just seen the list of "unsecured creditors " on the CVA

Ex player Phil Cave(3000) ex manager R Landi(1000) etc.........surely these are "football debts" and were a condition of continuing in SFL ie these should be preferred creditors

Also Hearts 20k

How did you see this? It's one of those things I don't want to look at, but I really, really do!

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