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Livingston - all the threads merged

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No, but then neither were Livy

Yes we were...next!

But revenue is proportionate to costs - or at least it should be in any normal, sustainable business. Again, any punishment which affects future revenue should have no, net, financial cost to any club. A direct fine, however, does.

Completely silly ,as getting a 3K fine is better than a points deduction and trying to argue differently is stupid, which would you rather have if it were your team, one that effects you right away but is miniscule in comparison to losing out on promotion, or one that effects you next season that is 10 times more financially at least, and could be more if it keeps you in a lower Div for years to come.

Maybe, but as things stand, the SFL rules has no automatic points penalty for going into admin. Maybe it should, but it doesnt, so your reference to the SPL is meaningless.

Yeah it's as meaningless as your post, god, you are getting desperate for something to keep this pointless thread going. :lol:

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Then you shouldn't have played any games until you were told for definite that you would remain in this division, which didn't happen until after about 6 games or so, also, how was your reason any better? The fact that you had been told by the SFL to play the game no matter if you appealed or not because it was too late to call games off should've been enough reason to play the game, no? Whereas we had already spent a large sum of money for the game to go ahead the first time, why should we have had to do it again with no compensation?

Neither should any team playing Airdrie and Cowdenbeath but they'd both played games so what was the point after that??

The whole thing was a feck up, personally i wish we'd just got on with it to save any further grief but i still maintain we were correct saying it prejudiced our appeal, once it went to the 2nd appeal did anyone really think the SFA would rule in our favour? christ half their board are on the SFL too, the chairman of the SFA appeals comittee is on the SFL, plus it was too far gone by then, would've disrupted the league too much, it was far easier just to uphold the SFL's decision and get on with things as they were.

It wasn't too late to call the game off, you get games called off 3 hrs before KO. You'd already lost revenue printing up matchday programs for playing Cowdenbeath thanks to the SFL's wisdom of changing the original fixture, have you forgotten about that?

Listen i'm not arguing that East Stirlingshire are the wronged party in all of this, whatever my views on this it's with the SFL not your team.

Add to that the fact that the crowd was signifficantly lower because it was played on a Wednesday night rather than a Saturday, we also had a lot of fans coming up from England for the first game of the season on August 8, who were left out of pocket as they'd already paid for trains and hotels and it was too late to cancel the bookings and get refunds by the time the game was called off.

So was it in the best interests of everyone involved for the game not to be played against us on August 8, aye?

Would certainly have been in everyone except Livi's best interest to play the game, can't argue with that, but as your limiting it to just those involved then i have to say no it wasn't. ;)

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So did anyone actually confirm this story of the £3K fine? I haven't seen anything on the SFL site, the Livi site, nor the Daily Telegraph. Granted, none of those sources have ever been much good for finding accurate info as to what's going on at Almondvale - has anyone seen anything yet? Did the Management Committee meeting even take place?

Great isn't it, worse than the masons.

The fact we've not had any points deducted from us as yet is about all i know for sure, wouldn't be Livi if we had a season without something to worry about. :lol:

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Completely silly ,as getting a 3K fine is better than a points deduction and trying to argue differently is stupid, which would you rather have if it were your team, one that effects you right away but is miniscule in comparison to losing out on promotion, or one that effects you next season that is 10 times more financially at least, and could be more if it keeps you in a lower Div for years to come.

Better for who? Better for the club? Yes, maybe it is, but seeing as one of the facets of a punishment is that it should act as a deterrent, so that others dont do the same, then it isnt better for the leauge. Again, Livy fans seem to be getting confused as to who decides what penalties are dished out and who they should be for the benefit of :rolleyes:

As we already discussed, rich clubs could see a, relatively, small fine as a better option than playing a game at a time they dont want to.

Again, I've already told you why a points deduction shouldnt equate to a financial penalty for any club. I know what your point is, that it decreases future revenue. You're quite right it does, but that simply means the club has to cut its costs. Your not suggesting that the clubs finances are being artificially propped up in the 3rd division on the basis that the club will make more money when its promoted, are you? :o

Yeah it's as meaningless as your post, god, you are getting desperate for something to keep this pointless thread going. :lol:

I dont see whats meaningless in correcting you when you're wrong, maybe that way you'll learn :P

Neither should any team playing Airdrie and Cowdenbeath but they'd both played games so what was the point after that??

The whole thing was a feck up, personally i wish we'd just got on with it to save any further grief but i still maintain we were correct saying it prejudiced our appeal, once it went to the 2nd appeal did anyone really think the SFA would rule in our favour? christ half their board are on the SFL too, the chairman of the SFA appeals comittee is on the SFL, plus it was too far gone by then, would've disrupted the league too much, it was far easier just to uphold the SFL's decision and get on with things as they were.

It wasn't too late to call the game off, you get games called off 3 hrs before KO. You'd already lost revenue printing up matchday programs for playing Cowdenbeath thanks to the SFL's wisdom of changing the original fixture, have you forgotten about that?

Listen i'm not arguing that East Stirlingshire are the wronged party in all of this, whatever my views on this it's with the SFL not your team.

Would certainly have been in everyone except Livi's best interest to play the game, can't argue with that, but as your limiting it to just those involved then i have to say no it wasn't. ;)

I cant believe your still trying to pull that line. Who are you trying to convince? Us, or yourself? ;)

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As we already discussed, rich clubs could see a, relatively, small fine as a better option than playing a game at a time they dont want to.

I don't really buy that line of argument.

Mind you, it's quite difficult for a number of the Livi fans to dispute it, since "setting a dangerous precedent" has been a central plank of their argument for not wanting to be placed in division three - but luckily I'm not hamstrung by any such prior argument and I'm not convinced by the dangerous precedent argyment in one case any more than the other. Each case on its merits, that the SFL are (we think) not deducting points here does not mean they are unable to do so in future cases that they deem to be more serious. If there should ever be a suggestion that a team has postponed for tactical reasons because they think they may have a better chance of winning later on then the SFL will still be perfectly at liberty to deduct points to make sure its to no one's benefit to do so. Nothing they do here and now affects that, if they decide the circumstances are materially different (which they are).

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Speaking to BRFC director on Sunday who spoke to SFL. Livingston got £3000 fine and also have to pay ES £1000 in compo. Seems lightweight IMO but that is closure now so let's move on. Should have got points deduction IMO but sure Livingston will be delighted with the outcome.

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If it is the case that it's a fine rather than losing points, don't get upset when East Stirlingshire decide to spend any money they get on cancelling the boxing day game. Couple of key players over indulge on Christmas day and don't fancy it especially as Livi as full timers have been training all Christmas day. Phone call at 2.30 saying sorry we can't make it. I'm sure you'll understand and not make a fuss.

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If it is the case that it's a fine rather than losing points, don't get upset when East Stirlingshire decide to spend any money they get on cancelling the boxing day game. Couple of key players over indulge on Christmas day and don't fancy it especially as Livi as full timers have been training all Christmas day. Phone call at 2.30 saying sorry we can't make it. I'm sure you'll understand and not make a fuss.

Will you be travelling via Montrose?

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Speaking to BRFC director on Sunday who spoke to SFL. Livingston got £3000 fine and also have to pay ES £1000 in compo. Seems lightweight IMO but that is closure now so let's move on. Should have got points deduction IMO but sure Livingston will be delighted with the outcome.

Righto. Is that the last loose end tidied up then?

Time to mothball the thread (until next time Livi hit the buffers).

Thanks to all the regulars on here. It's been a blast.

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Speaking to BRFC director on Sunday who spoke to SFL. Livingston got £3000 fine and also have to pay ES £1000 in compo. Seems lightweight IMO but that is closure now so let's move on. Should have got points deduction IMO but sure Livingston will be delighted with the outcome.

I'm not convinced that that is it. :unsure:

Why has there been no statement issued from the SFL or from Livi FC?

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The SFL have been too busy with this bit of news. McMaster resigns

Wee McDougall's campaign of vengeance claims its first scalp. "I am particularly grateful for the support and assistance I have received from our Chief Executive, David Longmuir" in covering up the fact that he had an interest in two clubs in contravention of the rules.

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