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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I will accept his proposal only to send a letter of resignation of our engagement on the wedding day. He will understand.

With greatest respect, I will be too busy rogering your mother senseless to propose. Sorry.

(I do love how the Firefox spellchecker wants to change "rogering" to "fingering".)

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Sir, I like to think a gentleman is able to rise above the savage where limp daffodils are involved!

Ah, but what is a gentleman if not savage? After all, some of the most prominent members of the aristocracy bathe in pools of blood and call it "sport".

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You've actually been checking my posts for problems with punctuation? What are you, a fucking school teacher?

Don't be an arsehole.

No, I'm not a school teacher and I haven't been checking your posts specifically for punctuation.

Simple errors like yours stick out like sore thumbs though.

Just try a wee bit harder. You're giving Livi fans a bad name :lol:

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You've actually been checking my posts for problems with punctuation? What are you, a fucking school teacher?

Don't be an arsehole.

Dear lady, take a tip from nature.

Sharks never pour their own chum, then follow its scent before impaling their impressive jaws on the waiting hooks. It makes them look very silly.

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With greatest respect, I will be too busy rogering your mother senseless to propose. Sorry.

(I do love how the Firefox spellchecker wants to change "rogering" to "fingering".)

It's well known that you're not one to spend time on foreplay :lol:

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I am somewhat disheartened that an otherwise sophisticated discussion is being spoiled by riff-raff, most notably the one from Edinburgh.

Still, we must not condemn these poor urchins. We must pity them, for they live simple lives.

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No, I'm not a school teacher and I haven't been checking your posts specifically for punctuation.

Simple errors like yours stick out like sore thumbs though.

Just try a wee bit harder. You're giving Livi fans a bad name laugh.gif

Hardly, most people aren't sad enough to notice things like these.

Fucking hell, some of you lot need to get out more.

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I am somewhat disheartened that an otherwise sophisticated discussion is being spoiled by riff-raff, most notably the one from Edinburgh.

Still, we must not condemn these poor urchins. We must pity them, for they live simple lives.

But did Dr Johnson not say "As the mind must govern the hands, so in every society the man of intelligence must direct the man of labour"?

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