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Livingston - all the threads merged

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The 20% shares that Nixon has are the shares he originally had, it's not clear what if any involvement at all he'll have in the new set up.

Not entirely correct; I believe Nixon owned 20% interest in Livingston 5 which owned almost 100% of the Livingston FC shares. I presume, as part of the winding up of Livingston 5, Nixon has chosen to convert them to Livingston FC shares.

As far as I remember he's now banned from being a director so his share holdings is his way of trying to keep tabs of that elusive £250k he says he's owed?

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If Nixon holds shares then his creditors should look into seizing them as an asset

I believe his business, The Presidential Decorating Co Ltd, was formed under limited liability so the creditors would have no call on his other assets unless he'd given forms of directorial guarantee or it can be proved he's illegally moved funds out of the company prior to its collapse.

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But when he's sued for the costs of the big Case against the club that he can't pay then he will become personally bankrupt thus making his shares a valuable asset that will disappear to pay his creditors which will be the club.

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But when he's sued for the costs of the big Case against the club that he can't pay then he will become personally bankrupt thus making his shares a valuable asset that will disappear to pay his creditors which will be the club.

Not really' they would just knock it off the total directorial loan amount its believed he's owed. Costs are unlikely to be anywhere near the £250k mark (or whatever it is now)..

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That would never happen ... Believe me

The money owed is the money owed

The cost are a separate issue

If he can't pay he would be personally sequestrated

Which means his shares would go to the creditors

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You put the boot into all the charlatans that have been in control at Livingston FC. You have done for years and sadly have been proven right about them and their motives.

Fixed it for you.

Now whats all this about a first admin and writing or did you just make that up?

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I'm obsessed with Livi and can't help sniffing around this thread.

The first step to being helped is admitting you've got a problem, well done on completing step 1.

Step 2 is going cold turkey for 6 months and not posting on anything Livi. There's a support group on this number if you're struggling; 0131 221 9999.

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The first step to being helped is admitting you've got a problem, well done on completing step 1.

Step 2 is going cold turkey for 6 months and not posting on anything Livi. There's a support group on this number if you're struggling; 0131 221 9999.

It's working for me ;)

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The first step to being helped is admitting you've got a problem, well done on completing step 1.

Step 2 is going cold turkey for 6 months and not posting on anything Livi. There's a support group on this number if you're struggling; 0131 221 9999.

Feel free to mock people who are pointing out the obvious & we will feel free to laugh at your next inevitable tailspin. Until you go part time livingston will never be viable...indisputable fact. Your crowds are laughable for a full time team

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The tears from these diddies are glorious.

Serious question, does it not concern you that the guy now running the show at Livi doesn't even seem to know what it is he has bought or what company he is the major shareholder of?

He has 40%, Hogarth has 20%, Gillies has 20% and Nixon has 20% in, according to him and all the press, Livingston FC.

So for that to be the case the second largest shareholder (Livi trust) would have to have sold on their shares as would all the other small shareholders. (Have they? What was was the trusts return on investment?) Ford may be the majority shareholder in Livi5 who in turn are the majority shareholders in Livi.

Over to you?

Edited by AND180Y
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The first step to being helped is admitting you've got a problem, well done on completing step 1.

Step 2 is going cold turkey for 6 months and not posting on anything Livi. There's a support group on this number if you're struggling; 0131 221 9999.

Will Livi in it's current incarnation be here in 6 months? Again serious question.

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Fixed it for you.

Now whats all this about a first admin and writing or did you just make that up?

Remember the guff you sent Bill Young ahead of the fans forum (after the 1st Admin) :)

Keep putting the boot in like you did on LiviLions

Edited by Livithegreat
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Remember the guff you sent Bill Young ahead of the fans forum (after the 1st Admin) :)

Keep putting the boot in like you did on LiviLions

Err, you see false statements like that are what makes you look silly.

I can categorically and honestly swear that I have never, ever had any written nor oral participation or representation in any fans meeting/forum in connection with Livi, nor has anyone connected to me.

Now if your Mr Young has told you that I did (not that he would even know me and I don't know him) and is prepared to repeat it then I am happy to stand opposite him in a court of law under oath and repeat my affirmation that it had nothing what so ever to do with me, if it even exists.

I assume you are that confident of your position that you would also be willing to repeat it under oath?

Regards putting the boot in. I think if you read over my comments they are aimed at those running Livi, not at its supporters or players. You might believe the tripe that trips out their mouths, mibbie I just see through them quicker than you? No doubt you still believe that up till now it hasn't been all about the land and they really have had the best interests of the club and its fans heart?

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Err, you see false statements like that are what makes you look silly.

I can categorically and honestly swear that I have never, ever had any written nor oral participation or representation in any fans meeting/forum in connection with Livi, nor has anyone connected to me.

Now if your Mr Young has told you that I did (not that he would even know me and I don't know him) and is prepared to repeat it then I am happy to stand opposite him in a court of law under oath and repeat my affirmation that it had nothing what so ever to do with me, if it even exists.

I assume you are that confident of your position that you would also be willing to repeat it under oath?

Regards putting the boot in. I think if you read over my comments they are aimed at those running Livi, not at its supporters or players. You might believe the tripe that trips out their mouths, mibbie I just see through them quicker than you? No doubt you still believe that up till now it hasn't been all about the land and they really have had the best interests of the club and its fans heart?

Yeah, yeah so theman says...

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