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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Not that we should be too surprised in Albion Rovers case anyway - they've always been first in the queue when it comes to trying to benefit from other's misery. Took Third Lanark's floodlights (still in use!) and were outbid for the stand at Gretna.
:P third lanarks lights - ho bloody ho. think you'll find we've Cardif's old lights now - Its called living within your means. we dont spend money we dont have. been up for donks btw.

as for gretnas stand - :lol: :lol: :lol:

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great article from Paul Martin

jeso - Today's game is going to be even more interesting. bring 'em on !

kasule rock.

The bit in all of this that makes me soooooooooo disappointed in human nature is the instant return of triumphalism amongst the Livvy support. Already the dissenting voices are being made out to be little more than shit on Livingston's shoe.

To see someone I had a begrudging respect for (CDE) immediately revert to the snivelling arrogant reptilian ways of old is just awful. Here was me thinking that he was someone with a considered opinion, when in fact he was simply waiting for the moment to show the world that he has more faces than a town hall clock...........a faux Victorian town hall clock at that.

His musings do little more than invoke a gag reflex in anyone remotely csapable of understanding the difference between right and wrong. What a tosser that boy must be.

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You say that as a joke, but there's more than a grain of truth in that...

For all the bluster, there are more than a few local authorities breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Airdrie's fans will not be visiting them.

Airdrie have become the perennial underachievers of Scottish football - and that has a lot to do with locals staying away from a club that's allowed itself to become a "wee team" for the lowlife surrounding Rangers who are too mean to buy an Ibrox season ticket because they're always on telly anyway.

It's high time they stopped getting so defensive, stopped the denials, admit that they do have a problem with a group of little shits - and declare "open season" on them :angry:

Then they might find other clubs willing to come to agree with them other than the side looking to co-habit with them in the not too distant future (you heard it here first!) <_<

Not that we should be too surprised in Albion Rovers case anyway - they've always been first in the queue when it comes to trying to benefit from other's misery. Took Third Lanark's floodlights (still in use!) and were outbid for the stand at Gretna.

They were interested in the Paisley Midden stands kit as well, until they were told they'd have to pay money for it & weren't going to be able to raid the Love Street skip! :lol:

I think you'll find Livingston cornered the market on that front. Remember the RR players and Fernandez and Broto from Airdrie? There is also a big big difference between profit from other's misery, and being the people who actually created the misery and inequality in what is meant to be a competitive sport. Those of you who choose to excuse what Livingston have done for years and years aren't really teaching us things we didn't know about football. It doesn't reflect what great and unconditional supporters you are. It reflects on how unprincipled you are prepared to become if you see personal benefit in such a stance. That's all it really is.

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Paul, out of interest, would you like to see Clydebank back in the SFL or are you genuinely happier where you are?

I've a horrible feeling today's "decision" might be a significant nail in the coffin of Scottish football as we currently know it. It's hard to take it seriously after something like this!

Happy for now. Would certainly like to see us back in the SFL when we have the facilities to do so but that's at least 5 years away for now.

In the meantime I'm happy for us to try and compete with the best at our current level.

Don't think anyone can take the Scottish game seriously just now!

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Happy for now. Would certainly like to see us back in the SFL when we have the facilities to do so but that's at least 5 years away for now.

In the meantime I'm happy for us to try and compete with the best at our current level.

Don't think anyone can take the Scottish game seriously just now!

Thanks for that, I appreciate the response. It all makes perfect sense to me - I never quite bought the idea that Clydebank were "better off" in the juniors than the SFL, but the SFL itself looks like imploding at some point anyway.

Maybe this whole episode can be a catalyst for some sort of change?

Good luck.

Edited by RedV
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Give it up Pansy-you called it wrong you are seething :lol:

Are you actually going to contribute anything other than pithy one liner to this thread?

I didn't "call" anything. I do like how you use tabloid sports clichés though.

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Full time players?

If Livingston don't go part time, it will be one of the biggest scandals in the history of the Scottish game. That is if it isn't already. The thing is, Livingston, even after this consortium nonsense, are financially fucked.

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Thanks for that, I appreciate the response. It all makes perfect sense to me - I never quite bought the idea that Clydebank were "better off" in the juniors than the SFL, but the SFL itself looks like imploding at some point anyway.

Maybe this whole episode can be a catalyst for some sort of change?

Good luck.

There has to be a change somewhere. The Juniors,IMO, are a badly run outfit too. There's too many bodies running different parts of Scottish Football and none of them have a clue what they are doing.

PS - Albion Rovers did buy some of our old lights!

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Jim Spence has just announced that one of his sources has said that Livi's chances of not being demoted stand at "slim-to-none" which is only fair really. Oddly they mentioned relegation to the Second rather than the Third :huh:

Oh and well done Rovers!

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I think it's great.

Livvy to be relegated to 2nd division by SFL - Jim spence on decent authority from within sfl corridors.

Poetic Justice hopefully - combined with the 3-0 gubbing fae the mighty Albion, smug faces being erased as we speak


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Looks like they might be out of their depth in the First Division if they are getting pumped by Albion Rovers (no disrespect), maybe we should just keep them up and make their fans watch them getting thrashed every week as punishment?

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