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About Honestmen

  • Birthday 15/07/1916

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    Ayr United

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  1. Remember when you turned up at Somerset on match day to get news like Dixie Ingram had resigned from Forest for 15k, changed days
  2. Think this arranged match is a mistake, no appetite for it at all.
  3. And the way things are going I think we will see some spend in January if read.
  4. Surely if anybody was 50/50 about a season early doors will now have committed to buy. Wonder how many we’ve sold now
  5. Just remember one of our last home games McGeady was on his phone the entire game, not at all interested in the game.
  6. 1. Is there a Killie page? 2. And if so, do Ayr fans post on it?
  7. Bryden has a make or break season coming up whether out on loan or with us.
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