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Has anyone ever tried eating their own pooh? I'm not thinking about trying it, but just wondered if anyone has and what it tasted of.

You know when people say something they don't like tastes like shit? Well in this case I think it may actually taste like shit. Let us know how you get on though.

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You know when people say something they don't like tastes like shit? Well in this case I think it may actually taste like shit. Let us know how you get on though.

As I pointed out above, I am not planning to do this myself. People do say that food tastes like shit, but have they ever tried eating shit, either their own or someone elses? That is what I would like to know

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This is off of google:

Its a lot salty as a lot of salts do get excreted out although lot more is retained. The smell is because of methane ... which is secreted during the food breakdown process. Otherwise its undigested material and mostly tasteless


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Two girls, one cup. wink.gif

Or Divine in John Walter's 1972 film Pink Flamingos.....

The infamous ending starts as Crackers, Cotton and Divine walk down the street, where they spot a dog and its owner. The dog defecates on the sidewalk, and Divine sits down next to it. She takes the feces in her hand and puts it in her mouth, proving as the narrator states, she is "not only the filthiest person in the world, but is also the world's filthiest actress

Admittedly, it's dog poo not human poo but the principle's the same. smile.gif

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Am I right in saying that you get an adults passport when you're 16 and an adults passport lasts 10 years and a children's passport 5 years?

Dunno if it's 16 or 18 but the duration is correct.

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Not really a quick question, but it's not worth a whole thread on it's own.

We live in a flat, and upstairs neighbour is a pain in the arse: Smoking out the window (we get it drifting into our flat), music blaring (we can hear it over the telly on a regular basis) and just general banging and stomping about. We've tried knocking the door for a chat, but get no response (and we kinda don't want them to know it was us that's called the noise polis in a couple of times). We're pretty sure they're renting the flat.

The question is, who can we get in touch with to help sort it out?

Edited by slainte
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Not really a quick question, but it's not worth a whole thread on it's own.

We live in a flat, and upstairs neighbour is a pain in the arse: Smoking out the window (we get it drifting into our flat), music blaring (we can hear it over the telly on a regular basis) and just general banging and stomping about. We've tried knocking the door for a chat, but get no response (and we kinda don't want them to know it was us that's called the noise polis in a couple of times). We're pretty sure they're renting the flat.

The question is, who can we get in touch with to help sort it out?

Get on your local council's website. They should have an anti-social behaviour team that you can contact. They'll come round and assess the levels of noise and tell you what you can do to proceed.

If they're out of order and they do rent the flat they'll be gone absolutely no problem. If they've bought the flat you'll practically never be able to get rid of them.

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Does every male going to a wedding have a little flower in their suit jacket pocket?

Nope, I refused to pay the £10 the florist was asking for a buttonhole told her to stick it and went with out. No Fuss either

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