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Right the Celtic shop uptown in Edinburgh are looking for staff, now as someone who is seriously bored and in need a job.

Can anyone talk me out applying and possibly feeling awful, on the other side I will be taking their money.

Apply. A jobs a job. It doesn't matter where.

Silly question, if you ask me.

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No I know a jobs a job, I was going to apply anyway, it was more a last resort. Anyway there's never anyone in, so it'd be cushty.

Hopefully get the gig in the specialist alcohol shop first.

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Right the Celtic shop uptown in Edinburgh are looking for staff, now as someone who is seriously bored and in need a job.

Can anyone talk me out applying and possibly feeling awful, on the other side I will be taking their money.

You can be our inside agent against them.

As has been said, don't be silly. Just bring a spare top so you don't need to walk home with a celtic shirt on, ye know, incase a Hearts fan jumps you on the way home.

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You can be our inside agent against them.

As has been said, don't be silly. Just bring a spare top so you don't need to walk home with a celtic shirt on, ye know, incase a Hearts fan jumps you on the way home.

Agent widge reporting for duty, my cv is in their hands, and yes, I would change before I got the bus home, I value my life.

But I will get some stick from te guys at uni if I do getthe job.

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Got a school reunion tomorrow with a smart-casual dress code. Do jeans normally fall under the category of "smart-casual"?

If so, make sure they're darker and not baggy and certainly pair them up with a nice pair of shoes (should go without saying). Since you're not going for dress trousers I'd consider something like a straight tie to go with the shirt you're wearing to smarten it up a wee bit.

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I would never go to a school reunion in the first place.

Hey, see on youtube when you are watching something, you know the wee red bar at the bottom, what is the yellow bar that you see after 10 seconds in this clip?

it is on some youtube things but not others.

Do you understand?

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Yes but if you go for jeans you will probably be the only one. Most folk will take smart casual as dressed trousers with a casual shirt an no tie.

If so, make sure they're darker and not baggy and certainly pair them up with a nice pair of shoes (should go without saying). Since you're not going for dress trousers I'd consider something like a straight tie to go with the shirt you're wearing to smarten it up a wee bit.

It's not that I don't have dress trousers, I just like wearing jeans. I was just planning on risking it with a long sleeved shirt and tie with jeans and already have a nice pair of shoes that I could use. Will probably take the safe bet and just go with dress trousers.

Cheers for the advice.

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Does Dunsade still exist? Used to be a chippy and scheme ice cream van staple, but, I haven't haven't seen it in years. It was Dunns version of irn bru ( kind of ). Think cidrax was the apple drink too.

Edited by saint dave
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