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Who's Going To Uni?

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Nice one - i dropped out of college after school just found it to be a pain in the arse and wanted to work but had enough of that as well and decided to go back to college at 26 - 27 now and almost done my first year and not looked back since. I thought when i was like 24 then i had made my decision in life and was too old to go back and that i wouldn't be able to do it because its harder to pick stuff up when your older (which is shit i was spoon fed from people i worked with and i didn't have the personal confidence to question it). So glad i got out of that way of thinking because i would have been willing to write doing things before even attempting. College work is hard and uni will be harder but I'm pretty prepared for it and doing well so far

That's class, well done and good luck.

I'm of very similar thinking. I got a computing based degree many moons ago and ended up ruining it for myself and got stuck in sales jobs with computer stuff on the side. I've always been interested in the care side of things and went into Social Work this year in the hope it gave me a better career and I'm loving it so far. Looking to get into criminal justice etc, so it's not an easy path but will be certainly worth it. At this age, the nights out have been interesting to say the least. 21 females to 6 males in the class.

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Had history 2B on Monday. First year of a new format so the paper was pretty much the same as the sample paper. Should have done enough to get the C required to get into honours at least (got a B last semester)

Got public policy 1b on Wednesday but I'm considering myself basically done just now. That's my filler subject to make up credits and I haven't been to a class since the first week. Got a B1 in the essay worth 40% too so should be on course to get the D I need! :P

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I have my last exam on Monday. Law for Engineers :thumbsdown it is by a long, long way the least interesting thing I have ever studied. A completely pointless 10 credits for me. Despite its name it isn't even slightly tailored for engineering but it is open book so can't complain too much.

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The lecture point is interesting. I became a lecturer in August and started teaching in September. My experience of lecturing to classes at that point was zero. However, the Uni have put me through a course on ways to enhance learning through teaching. Talking off notes for an hour is simply wrong and would bore students and lecturers alike.

I recommend attendance. You learn more by hearing and reading information than just one or the other. Also, in exam boards (which we are having now) if it's marginal on a grade - let's say someone averages 69% but needs 70% for a First - then the student who attended will get it and the student who didn't won't. It's a demonstration of effort.

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Also, in exam boards (which we are having now) if it's marginal on a grade - let's say someone averages 69% but needs 70% for a First - then the student who attended will get it and the student who didn't won't. It's a demonstration of effort.

Well thats obviously unfair...

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Don't see the point in wasting an hour travelling to uni and back each day just to sit and take absolutely f**k all in.


I travel to University and for one of my modules this semester, there was only one available seminar which was on a Wednesday, a day on which i had no other classes.

It was no surprise that i got an attendance e-mail, yet really there is no point travelling 40 miles for a one hour seminar. Still got a B for the exam though. :P

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Quite possibly. But is the non-attender had attended, he or she would probably get a higher grade. Impressions really do count.

But surely this also says something about the quality of the lectures if the non-attender is getting the same mark as the individual who does attend?

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But surely this also says something about the quality of the lectures if the non-attender is getting the same mark as the individual who does attend?

Well, no. The non-attender could have gotten higher marks through better learning. The attender has done their best and tried their hardest.

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Also, in exam boards (which we are having now) if it's marginal on a grade - let's say someone averages 69% but needs 70% for a First - then the student who attended will get it and the student who didn't won't. It's a demonstration of effort.

How do they know who's attended?

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I recommend attendance. You learn more by hearing and reading information than just one or the other.

Ah, the good old 'learning triangle', something I fully believe in.

You wonder why some companies happily send their staff on £2000 training courses for a few days (+travel/accom expense) rather than just give them the training manual (which the last guy brought back) to read through for nothing instead.

I find my old manuals with plenty of useful notes written in which the presenter obviously told us but aren't in the printed notes.

I'll also agree that lecturers are frequently more lenient with folk they know from their lectures, especially those that ask the questions after class. That said, some love answering the questions, others just can't be arsed and do the bare minimum as their research is so much more important.

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Some lecturers put attendance sheets out.


If you don't attend lectures for a module at my uni then you forfeit your right to resit the module if you fail it, so it's not really worth ditching them at all.

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If you don't attend lectures for a module at my uni then you forfeit your right to resit the module if you fail it, so it's not really worth ditching them at all.

You can have your course certificate withdrawn at Aberdeen if you miss a certain amount.

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Caley introduced a swipe card machine in each lecture theatre/seminar room, where you have to swipe your student card to show you've attended. I'm sure plenty of folk have given their card to a friend to swipe them in, but my lectures last year were pretty busy in comparison to third year, before they introduced the swipe card.

I also agree with Scottsdad, people attending lectures should be given a greater deal of leeway over those who chose not to attend.

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My attendance even during honours years was absolutely dreadful, despite the fact I lived a ten minute walk away.

I could quite comfortably got a 2:1 by not going to a single lecture and combining my 4 years of uni into 1.

I actually feel quite embarrassed to have a good degree from a good uni given how little effort I put in.

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