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Easy / Delicious Dinner Recipes

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Not boil in the bag, from scratch!! Was my gf's birthday so made a bit more of an effort than usual

I was just thinking it didn't sound particularly easy. I hope it went well. Very decent effort m8 :)

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Roast salmon

Get a side of salmon and remove the scales (or the skin if you don't like it), season with salt and pepper.

Get an oven dish it'll fit snugly into and heat some olive oil in it.

Place the fish skin side down in the oil.

Crush a couple of garlic cloves, slice a lemon, get a couple sticks of rosemary and some cubes of butter. Place this all on top of the salmon. Add the juice of half a lemon. Cover with 2 layers of foil and roast at 170 for about 15 mins. Leave the foil on for a few minutes after u take it out the oven.

Serve with potatoes and broccoli. Use some of the butter/oil/steam as a sauce

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Smoked Sausage Curry-

1 smoked sausage

1 sachet of curry sauce

1 packet of microwaveable rice

Sometimes make this after a dayshift when I'm fucked and can't be bothered putting any effort into cooking. Boil the kettle and cook the sausage in the microwave, then pour boiling water into a pot and add curry sauce powder. Once you've got a curry sauce together then chop up the smoked sausage and add it to the pot. I also add some hot curry powder to give it a kick. Let it cook away whilst you make the rice in the microwave and then serve up the rice and put your curry on top. A no bad jakey meal made in next to no time.

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