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Buy the flowers, but get a nice bunch from a supermarket and take the labels off. Get some nice paper and a wee ribbon or something to wrap them in so you've made a bit of effort with it. Much cheaper and still a nice gift for her.

If she lived nearby then this is what I'd have done in all honesty, but she lives in Prestwick and I don't have time to go down there this week due to my exams. Delivery is the only option, and after reading yours and Dunc's posts then I'll probably head down to the florists in the morning and get them ordered.

She better appreciate them!

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Hot Cross Buns. I fancy halving one and having nutella in it. Is that wrong?

no. it actually sounds genius. wish I had some in the building. careful you dont run the food police gauntlet though -isnt nutella a nestle product....?

edit: ah, no. its ferrero you'll be fine. enjoy!

Edited by theentomologist
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I thought nutella was the same bunch as the chocolates the ambassador has. Er..

Edit to add you got it. Just wondering now if to toast lightly or not...

Edited by chico
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How exactly is it that Nestle kill kids? I take it they don't just blend them and put them into Kit Kats and that it's a bit more subtle than that?

I think it's to do with Baby Milk in the third world or something similar.

I was gonna do a comedy answer but don't fancy my arse sued off.

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I can't wait to get through this week. I've got Army careers today, going to sit in and geek up at a dog obidience class tonight, I've got an interview with Careers Scotland tomorrow and an another interview with the job centre on Thursday.

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Better safe than sorry, pal. Dinnae worry about it, it'll just be a precautionary measure. :)

Cheers. :)

The hospital thing is tomorrow. On the plus side, I get a day off school, and a free lunch. Might also get a ticket for the Czech game, if I play my cards right - I'll take my own money though just to make sure.

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