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Got told a riddle at work today (Fridays are always productive...):

I walk to school and meet 3 bullies on the way. One after the other, each takes half of my remaining lunch money then gives me £1 back. If I want to get to school with £2, how much should I leave the house with?

That's easy.


£2 - £1 = £1. £1 + £1 = £2.

x3. Just to clarify.

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I've not got one till English a week on Monday. :thumsup2

Are you sitting Higher too? What novels/poems/plays have you learned?

I've got my History as well on Tuesday. Can't see it going well.

I'm feeling quietly confident about it. However, that is hugely down to having a teacher who has taught us very well over the year.

What topics have you done?

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Are you sitting Higher too? What novels/poems/plays have you learned?

Yes, and several Phillip Larkin poems (Ambulances, A Study of Reading Habits, Whitsun Weddings), To Kill a Mockingbird as our novel and of course Romeo and fucking Juliet.

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Yes, and several Phillip Larkin poems (Ambulances, A Study of Reading Habits, Whitsun Weddings), To Kill a Mockingbird as our novel and of course Romeo and fucking Juliet.

That's a lot of poems; makes me worried that my class have only done one. We've studied: The Almond Tree, by Jon Stallworthy(poem); The Crucible by Arthur Miller (play); and Cal by Bernard McLaverty (novel).

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I've not got one till English a week on Monday. :thumsup2

Got this exam as well. :lol:


I'm feeling quietly confident about it. However, that is hugely down to having a teacher who has taught us very well over the year.

What topics have you done?

I've done Italian unification, Scottish migration and the Empire. What about you?

I've had two teachers, one has been great but the other keeps rambling on about pointless stuff so we've ended up missing out a lot and had to self teach ourself things.

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That's a lot of poems; makes me worried that my class have only done one. We've studied: The Almond Tree, by Jon Stallworthy(poem); The Crucible by Arthur Miller (play); and Cal by Bernard McLaverty (novel).

One of our poems is short as f**k with alot to write about, love it. Hoping for an essay on Romeo and Juliet (play) and A Study of Reading Habits (poem) to come up.

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English is a fantastically easy subject if you don't piss about and just pay attention. Write one essay and basically you could write the same essay with different content. It's all about structure.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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I've done Italian unification, Scottish migration and the Empire. What about you?

British democracy, Nazi Rise/State and German Nationalism.

Hoping for one of the Nazi essays to come up, and hopefully a Liberal Reforms or Democracy essay in the British section. All the best anyway!

One of our poems is short as f**k with alot to write about, love it. Hoping for an essay on Romeo and Juliet (play) and A Study of Reading Habits (poem) to come up.

I'd imagine a Crucible essay will come up, as it covers so many issues. I wouldn't really mind what other one came up though, to be honest; all depends on how good the question is.

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First exam completed today. Happy with how it went.

History up next on Tuesday.

I've got my History as well on Tuesday. Can't see it going well.

I've got this as well. Hoping that Issue 4 comes up since it hasn't been sampled yet, if it doesn't I'm basically fucked.

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An hotel in Greenock, people actually want to stay overnight in Greenock?

That's just down the road from Cappielow.

Its clear to see that these two women, after seeing the beautiful scenery the Clyde Riveria has to offer after living in such deprived areas such as Paisley all their lives, knew their life would just be downhill from there on in and thought "f**k it, no point in living anymore."

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