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The P&B Slow Cooker Owners Club

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I'm definitely getting one of these next week, so any recipes that can be put up here, I'd be really grateful for them, particularly things I can stick on in the morning, leave Adam to serve up for Charlie in the day and eat for my dinner when I get home. smile.gif

Have you bought one yet ??

I think when you do,you should become Vice President

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Have only just noticed this thread :rolleyes:

Have had a SC for quite a while, got it from Tesco for £8.97. Have done all the usual slow cooked beef, lamb and pork dishes but this unusual one has been my favourite so far, it tastes awesome with cheese and cold meat and is really easy to prepare.

Slow cooked onions

30ml oil (recipe says EVO, I used sunflower)

600g onions, sliced

15g butter

3 sprigs of thyme

1 bay leaf

30g light brown sugar (eg muscovado) plus a little extra

30ml balsamic vinegar (or red wine v. or sherry v. etc) plus a little extra

120ml red wine

50g ready to eat prunes, chopped

salt and pepper

Put oil and butter in ceramic pot, heat on high till melted. Add onions, stir to coat then cover pot with lid, cook for 5 hours stirring a few times to cook evenly. add salt and pepper then thyme, bay leaf, sugar, vinegar, wine. Stir till sugar dissolves then add prunes. Cover, cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours until mixture is is thick and sticky. Adjust seasoning, add more sugar and/or vinegar to taste. Allow to cool then store in jars in the fridge.

Edited by Frank Booth
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Fucksake I've had mine for years tongue.gif

Well why the f**k didnt you start a club ages ago ???.

Your just jumping on the slow cooker popularity bandwagon and I bet you've neglected the poor wee thing for ages.

If your slow cooker had been that important to you and you truly respected it,you would have done something about it.

Dont just come to the fore now like some kind of Glory Hunter.

Take your complaint to Reina ,wh o after all ,is the President !!!

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Been hearing a lot of good things about these recently and this thread made me take the plunge on Saturday and shell out a whopping £12 from ASDA for this wee beauty.


I browned some casserole beef up on Monday morning before work, fired it into the cooker along with onion, swede, potato, leek and carrot. Added some beef stock, seasoning and a dash of Worcester Sauce and left it to simmer away all day. By the time we got home the house smelled braw and were left with a pretty tasty casserole. 5 minutes of work in the morning and it's job done. I am now well and truly hooked and looking forward to my Slow Cooker recipe book arriving from Amazon.

The good thing is, you can buy the cheaper cuts of meat and they still come out nice and tender.

Long live The P&B Slow Cookers Owners Club!! biggrin.gif

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I'm now in the club 8)

I was reading the booklet last night though and it says the liquid must always be hot when first going in, so If I'm doing the pork with cider, for example I should heat the cider up first?? Fair enough with stock being hot, but never actually realised this. :unsure:

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I'm now in the club 8)

Congratu…. oh, that’s not what you meant.

These recipes do look nice, but I reckon if I got one I’d use it on a Sunday at best, it’s enough of an effort for me to make myself 2 weetabix and milk in the morning, never mind making my dinner. Would probably find itself filed alongside the toastie maker after a couple of months.

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I'm now in the club 8)

I was reading the booklet last night though and it says the liquid must always be hot when first going in, so If I'm doing the pork with cider, for example I should heat the cider up first?? Fair enough with stock being hot, but never actually realised this. :unsure:

I rarely put hot liquid into it...

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