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17 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The “lesbian nana” police story is West Yorkshire police, Hillsborough and Rotherham were South Yorkshire Police. 

That's why I specifically said 'Yorkshire Police'.

I think they undoubtedly suffer from the obvious problems posed by policing enormous population across a huge area. Any examples you care to give will be magnified by demographics, but I can't think of any other force besides the Met who are as synonymous with scandal, f**k-up, and intransigence as Yorkshire coppers.

The pre-merger Scottish Constabularies were a bit of a mixed-bag, but I don't think there was the sheer gulf in efficacy between those that seems to exist in England between the various regional forces down there. 

Edited by Boo Khaki
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Grab your popcorn. 

Leith Arches have cancelled a Fringe comedy gig after the organiser tried to sneak Graham Linehan on to the bill as a 'mystery guest'. Arches, the hosts, found out and said nope.

Linehan has tweeted, asserting they object to his views on women's sports and so on, glossing over the fact he's been shouting 'paedophile' and 'groomer' at LGBT people for months on end. 

This should be fun.


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2 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

Grab your popcorn. 

Leith Arches have cancelled a Fringe comedy gig after the organiser tried to sneak Graham Linehan on to the bill as a 'mystery guest'. Arches, the hosts, found out and said nope.

Linehan has tweeted, asserting they object to his views on women's sports and so on, glossing over the fact he's been shouting 'paedophile' and 'groomer' at LGBT people for months on end. 

This should be fun.


Was oaksoft actually Graham Linehan? 

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And of course walking rent-a-stooshie Joanna Cherry has immediately pitched in to defend Linehan.

Interesting that she immediately screams 'homophobia' at anyone who criticises her, even when the criticism is coming from other lesbians, but appears to have no issues with a man who routinely accuses LGBT people of being groomers and paedophiles.

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They both appear oblivious to the fact that "Freedom of speech/expression" does not come with freedom from consequence, and private clubs saying they have no wish to platform people they disagree with is, in itself, an example of freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

It's as if they think freedom to say what you like obliges people to actually listen, which is as clear an example of narcissistic hubris as you'll get.

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8 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

And of course walking rent-a-stooshie Joanna Cherry has immediately pitched in to defend Linehan.

Interesting that she immediately screams 'homophobia' at anyone who criticises her, even when the criticism is coming from other lesbians, but appears to have no issues with a man who routinely accuses LGBT people of being groomers and paedophiles.

Joanna "look at me give me attention" Cherry would do anything to be even mildly relevant 

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16 minutes ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

Musk has no intention of fighting Zuckerberg imo because the idea of his fat face being choked out plastered across his website for ever more must terrify him.

Zuckerberg should attack him in the street, kill him and eat his brain.

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It's fairly obvious the fight isn't happening as Zuckerberg is younger, fitter and would easily beat Musk in any kind of close combat, and Musk knows this.

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