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I'm just gonna say it, I'd much rather listen to The Blackening than the Black Album. The Black Album just makes me sad because it's nowhere near as good as Kill Em All, Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets.

or AJFA, don't forget AJFA.

I wish Rob Flynn was a better singer or I'd like Machine Head sad.gif. Some of the music on the blackening is brilliant, but I can't get into the vocal line. Reminds me of Sepultura in that respect.

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Gave it a listen to this afternoon, not their best but still pretty good (Remission nd Leviathan remain their best), "Black Tongue", "Blasteroid", "Stargasm" and "Spectrelight" where the standouts on my first listen through, good stuff :)

and most likely always will be!

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First full song from "Loutallica" is now available.

I'm a fan of both of them but this is simply bizarre...

The View

That's just awful. Why Metallica thought doing something with Lou Reed would work I have no idea! Death Magnetic was a great album IMO and should have followed that up (as surely they would have had some great ideas flying around to work with) instead of doing this. It's just shite.

Edited by IainMorton
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From This Day.

Changing your sound and look to cash in on one of the worst types of music ever created, Nu Metal. Good work, Machine Head fellas.

I'm not a fan of TBR or Supercharger either, but I find their other work to be amongst the best out there in the metal genre. Unlike Mik, I think part of the appeal is Flynn's awesome vocals - I can't stick most metal vocals, lots of inaudible bullshit grunting, but Flynn seems to have the perfect balance imo.

While they did do a [significant] bit of trend hopping to pick up more fans/sales etc (Proven to be the case as TBR was one of their best selling records - In 3 years TBR sold as much as BME did in 8years), they weren't the first and they certainly won't be the last (especially with the current music industry).

Must be hard to be writing two incredible albums, but being skint, while Limp Bizkit/Korn et al are churning out bollocks and living like kings.

They probably feel it is an unfortunate blemish on their otherwise excellent record, but i'm glad they went back to what they are best at and have achieved the success they craved through good quality metal

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So given the enthusiasm for the new MH record (it is pretty damn good) and the praise for other new metal records recently - Mastadon, Anterior etc, what do you reckon is the best and most disappointing metal releases in 2011?

I appreciate there may be some corkers yet to be released, Megadeth's new stuff for instance sounds very promising.

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So given the enthusiasm for the new MH record (it is pretty damn good) and the praise for other new metal records recently - Mastadon, Anterior etc, what do you reckon is the best and most disappointing metal releases in 2011?

I appreciate there may be some corkers yet to be released, Megadeth's new stuff for instance sounds very promising.

Only heard Trivium's new album this year which is a gret album. Will def be buying MH and Megadeth in the near future though!!

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Oh aye, also wanted to add...I totally agree with the From This Day video chat, completely embarrassing. But in fairness if that song and other songs from that album are the ones that people highlight as being your shit work, then you must be some fucking band.

Also I don't have a problem with them bringing in a wee bit of a hip-hop influence...they are from Oakland and grew up with a lot of the hip-hop acts from there. I remember seeing them at Donnington in 95 when they only had Burn My Eyes out, and they added a Method Man chorus into the middle of a song. Something they are into, I don't mind them giving it a go, and realising it didn't really work for them.

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Check this out from the new album...so different, yet possibly the best thing they have ever written, and the vocal is amazing.

Bold statement time, and i've really really been pondering this.

Including this new one which I genuinely think tops The Blackening (although obviously i've only been listening to it for 3 days), Machine Head now have three classic, genre changing albums in Burn My Eyes, The Blackening and Unto The Locust. Arguably four if you include Through The Ashes Of Empires (which I wouldn't. It's very good...but it's not on that level). In addition to that they also have a very solid album in The More Things Change. Then there are are the two questionable efforts in The Burning Red and Supercharger...but lets be honest even those have a few very good individual tracks. There are well respected, multi-platinum acts out there who's best albums don't come close to Machine Head's worst two. In fact for me, those two albums aren't bad albums...they just sound like a band trying to change what they do to fit in, but commercially and financially it worked and their ability to fund the rest of their career probably came from that time, so that's fair enough.

Machine Head at their best, are a better band with better songs and better ability than Metallica at their best. I never EVER thought as a long standing Metallica worshipper, that i'd even compare another band to them. The only department i'd put them ahead is in Hetfield's rhythmic ability but lets face it, there just isn't a rhythm player out there that can keep up with his level of accuracy and clean-ness, and probably never will be...even other ego-maniacs such as Mustaine will happily agree to that.

This new Machine Head album has just sealed it for me, showing how to grow and change in a way that advances the band rather than alienating it, staying relevant and after 20 years still just getting better and better. Sure their might be little bits here and there where Metallica stand out, but i've decided that for me, as a career band Machine Head's near 20 year output absolutely outshines Metallica's 30.

They really are just mind blowing.

I can't see the video because i'm in work but i'll have a look later tonight mate.

Being honest...Metallica...well..apart from Hetfield aren't anything special in their musicianship. I don't rate Kirk Hammett, and I don't rate Lars Ulrich either. Do machine head pip them in technical ability overall? I don't know...but i'm sure Hetfield is far more talented than any member of Machine Head.

That said, Metallica have done tons more for the genre that Machine Head ever will, infact, Metallica did mroe from '81 to '91 then Machine Head will ever do. I also don't understand how Machine head are genre changing in any way? Burn my eyes came out in what...? 1994? Pantera were creating groove metal before that, Sepultura were creating a similar style prior to that and even throw in Suicidal Tendancies/Meshuggah for good measure. The change in style to Nu Metal was already been covered and Machine Head joined in, then they went back to similar to their early days. I don't know. I may be totally missing something though.....

Don't get me wrong though, they are very good at what they do (not for me personally, but they have a huge following these days) and I can see them being potential festival headliners very soon if their new album goes the same way as The Blackening

Brave statement though

Edited by Mik
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Also I don't have a problem with them bringing in a wee bit of a hip-hop influence...they are from Oakland and grew up with a lot of the hip-hop acts from there. I remember seeing them at Donnington in 95 when they only had Burn My Eyes out, and they added a Method Man chorus into the middle of a song. Something they are into, I don't mind them giving it a go, and realising it didn't really work for them.

I'm sure the band said exactly the same thing when they were accussed of jumping on the nu-metal band wagon. However, I think it is a convenient excuse for a radical shift in direction - they were dropping the 'Method Man' samples in A Thousand Lies @ Donnington, cover of Ice-T's 'Colours' on TMTC etc, but still being full on groove metal. Then Robb gets a short spikey haircut, dyes it blonde, and throws on that ridiculous orange tracksuit. Even Duce & McClain got into the dressing up (see From This Day video) & started putting out some dreadful stuff - Brown Acid!

They didn't need that shift to incorporate their Hip Hop influences - I wouldn't care if they just came out and said they did it for some success/recognition/money to afford a better life for my family etc.

Regardless, I have BME, TMTC, TTAOE & The Blackening in my top metal albums - hopefully UTL will be up there alongside them. An awesome band, that all metalheads should check out.

I love this band, but I wouldn't say they are genre defining - like Mik said, BME & TMTC came on the back of Pantera & Biohazard doing the groove metal thing, TBR & Supercharger slots in nicely with the Nu-Metal genre that was already up and running. Unless bands now start going for 7 track albums with 8minute songs, i'm not sure they can be classed as genre defining/changing.

Still absolutely incredible at what they do though, and like you, I would take Machine Head's discography over any other bands.

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Being honest...Metallica...well..apart from Hetfield aren't anything special in their musicianship. I don't rate Kirk Hammett, and I don't rate Lars Ulrich either. Do machine head pip them in technical ability overall? I don't know...but i'm sure Hetfield is far more talented than any member of Machine Head.

Overall as a full band Machine Head absolutely blow Metallica out the water technically, but yeah Hetfield is the best rhythm player there's ever been and probably ever will be so I agree with that completely.

That said, Metallica have done tons more for the genre that Machine Head ever will, infact, Metallica did mroe from '81 to '91 then Machine Head will ever do. I also don't understand how Machine head are genre changing in any way? Burn my eyes came out in what...? 1994? Pantera were creating groove metal before that, Sepultura were creating a similar style prior to that and even throw in Suicidal Tendancies/Meshuggah for good measure. The change in style to Nu Metal was already been covered and Machine Head joined in, then they went back to similar to their early days. I don't know. I may be totally missing something though.....

I think a large part of the reason Metallica have done more for the genre as a whole than Machine Head is because when they were doing their thing at their most effective, there was no competition...they were head and shoulders above anyone and everyone and were doing things that pretty much had never been done before, and that raised the whole game to a level that could never have been imagined, and turned it into a credible musical area as opposed to a bunch of guys playing loud and fast to annoy their parents. This meant that once we hit the 90's all the bands that were coming out were as a result of this direct influence so whereas Metallica were head and shoulders above during their development, now there was Machine Head, Pantera, Sepultura, and others so the focus was spread a lot wider.

The thing for me that lifts Machine Head above that though is their development and their longevity. Just taking one example, Pantera while coming out with some amazing stuff were short lived and basically imploded. Their albums are genius at times but I doubt even the biggest fan will listen to a full Pantera album...I know I don't. For me they are a band who you could easily put together a "best of" CD that would probably be better than anyone elses, but they don't have a studio album where you don't skip a track. Sepultura, well....great band but i've always felt they were pretty one-dimensional. Credit to them it was a dimension that no-one else was doing, and they were fucking superb at it, but I think they were always very "niche". Aside from that...like Pantera, fell to bits anyway. Biohazard, Suicidal Tendencies..again good bands, but nowhere near the level of musicianship or songwriting. The difference for me is one between writing and composing. Any band can do the former, but it takes something special to do the latter effectively without sounding pretentious, particularly within heavy music.

By genre changing, im not necessarily talking about the way things sound, but the way things are done. Burn My Eyes came out and was held as an example of how it's done, it changed the attitude and focus of their peers and within the industry everyone had to up their game a bit. Mid-to-Late 2000's and the metal scene and heavy music was saturated with bands but there was nothing earth shattering...nothing that wasn't being done by 50 other bands, Metallica looked like they had lost it, Megadeth weren't doing anything of note, there was no "classic" coming from anyone who was on a level above that saturated market that was just plodding along selling lots but ultimately achieving nothing. Then The Blackening came out and everyone that was in a band realised what was possible again, and how you could actually take heavy music and craft it...reminded everyone that it wasn't just about getting a heavy guitar sound and a big riff, but about dynamics, tempo, lyricism, and once again it made their peers take notice and realise they would have to up their game.

As far as I can guess...they have just done it again with this new album. I have a Mental image of James Hetfield sitting in his house this week coming off the back of this Lou Reed collaboration, listening to the new Machine Head album, and I can almost hear the "aw f**k...what am I doing" from here.

Also just to point out im in no way coming from a "down on Metallica" point of view, they essentially taught me how to play guitar and write songs and i've easily spent well into 4 figures on them over the years, they are my biggest musical influence.

Edited by Al B
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Havent heard any bad metal albums this year, but heard a few good ones

Personal top 10 of 2011 thus far.

1. Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising

2. Rhapsody of Fire - From Chaos to Eternity

3. Anvil - Juggernaught of Justice

4. Serenity - Death & Legacy

5. Powerwolf - Blood of the Saints

6. Mastodon - The Hunter

7. Startovarius - Elysium

8. Pagan's Mind - Heavenly Ecstacy

9. Turisas - Stand up and Fight

10. Gamma Ray - Skeletons & Majesties (strickly speaking this is an EP, but the remakes of Brothers and especially Hold Your Ground are fucking awsome)

Still got stuff like new Dream Theater, Opeth, Edguy, Anthrax etc still to listen to and eagerly anticipating new Megadeth and Dragonland

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who writes this shit.

Someone who is writing it for a non-Metal market on a website which very rarely covers Metal. I wouldn't take it seriously.

Havent heard any bad metal albums this year, but heard a few good ones

Personal top 10 of 2011 thus far.

1. Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising

2. Rhapsody of Fire - From Chaos to Eternity

3. Anvil - Juggernaught of Justice

4. Serenity - Death & Legacy

5. Powerwolf - Blood of the Saints

6. Mastodon - The Hunter

7. Startovarius - Elysium

8. Pagan's Mind - Heavenly Ecstacy

9. Turisas - Stand up and Fight

10. Gamma Ray - Skeletons & Majesties (strickly speaking this is an EP, but the remakes of Brothers and especially Hold Your Ground are fucking awsome)

Still got stuff like new Dream Theater, Opeth, Edguy, Anthrax etc still to listen to and eagerly anticipating new Megadeth and Dragonland

Seeing this made me realise I haven't even heard 10 albums of 2011 :(

1. Warcry - Alfa

2. Neonfly - Outshine the Sun

3. Edguy - Age of the Joker

4. Axenstar - The Aftermath

5. Stormwarrior - Heathen Warrior

6. Saxon - Call to Arms

And the last one is only included to make up numbers. It should be nowhere near a top 10 of 2011. I've still got to hear Hibria's latest offering, but going by what I've heard on Youtube, the signs aren't looking positive.

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Top 10 Worst Heavy-Metal albums of all time acc. to Yahoo rolleyes.gif


Some of those are fcukin bizzare. Especially FOTD and BATM....who writes this shit.

Clearly written by a Yahoo - with an axe to grind with Metallica. Load/Re-Load aren't metal and are actually quite good.

The other picks are laughable as well. There's been so mny terrible metal albums over the years missing from that list

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Top 10 Worst Heavy-Metal albums of all time acc. to Yahoo rolleyes.gif


Some of those are fcukin bizzare. Especially FOTD and BATM....who writes this shit.

Yeah, Fear of the Dark, Bark at the Moon(for people who don't like acronyms tongue.gif) are both good. So are Load and Reload.

I also like how they've said to purchase Killers instead of Fear of the Dark, an album that is considerably worse. Seriously, Bruce Dickinson is a much better singer than Paul D'Anno ever was.

1) Metallica - Load, Reload, St. Anger: It's a three-way tie for first (or last, depending on how you see this). The band that defined metal for a new generation of fans sounded confused for Load, and its baby brother Reload and tinny and constipated for St. Anger. It almost makes you like the album they made with the orchestra.

So now they're bashing on S&M as well. Jesus christ. These are the people who probably think the reason they suck is cause they cut their hair 1eye.gif

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