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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I normally gub this guy but a combination of him beasting hismeslf in the gym and his training for some marathon and my lack of condition just now made it close and good fun. I can normally wear him down for fitness by making the rallies long and moving him around, but he is fitter than he has ever been.

I used to play badminton at school and quite liked it, haven't played for years, but it would be a good way to keep fit while enjoying yourself. Much better than plodding away on a treadmill anyway.

Yeah definitely. If I could I would much prefer to play sports 5 times a week rather than go to the gym. I play football 2-3 times a week so if I could pick up a regular game of badminton and something else it would be ideal. Only thing is then I wouldn't have access to some decent weights.

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Yeah definitely. If I could I would much prefer to play sports 5 times a week rather than go to the gym. I play football 2-3 times a week so if I could pick up a regular game of badminton and something else it would be ideal. Only thing is then I wouldn't have access to some decent weights.

I've got weights at home, it's fine for what I want to do with them. I have zero interest in looking like some sort of bodybuilding mess anyway. I just tend to work on the core exercises anyway to give me a bit more overall strength. Playing squash does all the rest I need really although I do the tabata thing a couple of times a week as it definitely makes a huge difference to my endurance on the court. I definitely last that bit longer than even most of the younger kids I'm playing against who are normally still recovering from the last rally half way through the next one.

I just enjoy the game as much as anything else and its fairly unique in that you are both on the same bit of court, bumping into one another causing a bit of aggro and all the rest of it. I like that. I like the fact you can actually hear your opponent in distress right next to you. 8)

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Take a day off if it is that bad? Are you working harder for example? Is there actually any benefit?

I only do maybe 3 or 4 sessions a week due to work so when i go i do go quite hard and push myself as far as i can go.

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I've got weights at home, it's fine for what I want to do with them. I have zero interest in looking like some sort of bodybuilding mess anyway. I just tend to work on the core exercises anyway to give me a bit more overall strength. Playing squash does all the rest I need really although I do the tabata thing a couple of times a week as it definitely makes a huge difference to my endurance on the court.

Yeah me either but I like to do different weights to tone up various parts of my upper body.

I still need to try this Tabata thing. Last time I played Badminton was against my much fitter friend and I beat him pretty easily as he could never return any smashes I hit at him. Raaawr :P

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Yeah me either but I like to do different weights to tone up various parts of my upper body.

I still need to try this Tabata thing. Last time I played Badminton was against my much fitter friend and I beat him pretty easily as he could never return any smashes I hit at him. Raaawr :P

I found tabata was excellent for keeping me going in long rallies where you go into oxygen deficit but also recovering from them. I'm raring to go again while my opponent is tying his laces to stall and get a bit of air back into himself. Not sure if that will happen AS much in badminton but I suppose if you are good at it then it could do.

Why don't you join a club or something to get a game? There's bound to be plenty of folk in the same boat as you are looking for a match a couple of times a week.

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Im trying all sorts of cycling excersies at the gym, mainly long slow hill climbs at high resistance.

However,at the gym at lunchtime (Curcuit Grangemouth) and just can't beat my time trial session on the exercise bike,dspite going flat out.

Not being that into gym's, I just wanted those of you in the know to tell me if this is a good effective cardio session

7.35 miles in 20 minutes (average speed 22.05 mph)

Average rpm/ cadence 95

Average heartbeat 141

Calories burnt 433

Resistance set at level 12 on a level course, which is exactly half way ,as goes up to 24


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Looking for a new product to help me recover more from my work outs the one i am currently using is not taking as much affect as before.

Anyone tried my protein?

Eat food.

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A young squash player, Harry Faulkner died on the court last night. Another victim of YSCD (young sudden cardiac death. Its worth some of you young guys getting checked over every now and again if you are going to be doing anything vigorous. They reckon 15-35 is the most at risk age group for whatever reason.

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That is certainly not an issue believe me.

You won't find any protein product which will help recovery any more than just eating a balanced, sensible diet because they don't do that. All that recovery shakes are is expensive ready meals.

Not drinking shakes doesn't allow for the old bro-convos in the changing room, though. Nothing wrong with shakes if they make life easier, but if you're looking for one that'll have a noticeably 'better' impact on recovery than another then you'll be disappointed.

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I'm 5 weeks into a 6AM boot camp which has 1 week to go, but I got so much out of it that I've signed up for another 2. I'm 6 ft tall, and I weighed 86kg. At my peak in recent years I haven't been able to get below about 83, but right now I'm sitting at 79kg.

I'd definitely recommend it for anyone that can't really find the motivation to exercise. Your exercise is out of the way before you even start your day, and you feel awesome. It wasn't much more expensive for me than joining a gym for the same period of time.

Edited by RCR
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My BMI is 24. Usually only eat 1 meal per day. Need to do some cardiovascular exercise though, should be fitter than I am.

That is not a healthy lifestyle and will eventually lead to your metabolism slowing down and weight gain. Best way to get into and stay in shape is regular healthy meals and exercise.

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That is not a healthy lifestyle and will eventually lead to your metabolism slowing down and weight gain. Best way to get into and stay in shape is regular healthy meals and exercise.

I suggest that you run a Google search on intermittent fasting, and in particular Ori Hofmekler's Warrior Diet. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it's incorrect to suggest that meal frequency is relevant to body composition in any terms other than personal preference in terms of what maximises energy levels, satiety and performance.

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I suggest that you run a Google search on intermittent fasting, and in particular Ori Hofmekler's Warrior Diet. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it's incorrect to suggest that meal frequency is relevant to body composition in any terms other than personal preference in terms of what maximises energy levels, satiety and performance.

Do you reckon this is what Tryfield is up to? I don't!

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Do you reckon this is what Tryfield is up to? I don't!

Neither do I, and that's why I described it as 'sub optimal at best' in my response to your post. By that, I meant that it's sub-optimal (in my opinion) even when followed as part of a calorie-controlled diet providing macronutrient and micronutrient sufficiency. If Tryfield's diet fits those criteria, I'll eat my own penis (dat dere brotein, makin gainz n shit).

BishyTON's comments were still incorrect, though, and that's more what I was getting at. It won't slow down his metabolism or necessarily lead to weight gain. If Tryfield's diet is unhealthy, it'll be because he doesn't have an adequate micronutrient intake (if he's only eating one meal, I'd be willing to bet that this is the case) and is either eating too much or too little (either of which could be the case, or alternatively he could happen to be eating about the right amount). Eating more meals could help to remedy this by making it easier to fit in more micronutrient dense foods, but that'd be the only reason. They wouldn't help just by virtue of being extra meals.

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