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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Jon and the wilding army to be on the brink of defeat against the Bolton's when Littlefinger and the knights of the vale ride in to the rescue.  Scenes if this happens.

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Also one possibly for the book guys but in terms of size - who currently has the biggest army? They mentioned in the last episode that the Tyrells have the second biggest army in Westeros? Who has the biggest?


I always figured army wise in terms of size, its sort of:


1. Lannisters

2. Boltons

3. Wildlings

4. Dorne

5. Tyrells

6. Knights of Vale

7. Greyjoys

8. Nights Watch (there must only be about 20 of these guys left)


Have left off Danaerys for time being as I'v no clue how big her army is these days - there were thousands of unsullied but not sure how many are left, and now she appears to have dothraki again


Also left off the deid army for obvious reasons cause they clearly have the biggest overall

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Also one possibly for the book guys but in terms of size - who currently has the biggest army? They mentioned in the last episode that the Tyrells have the second biggest army in Westeros? Who has the biggest?


I always figured army wise in terms of size, its sort of:


1. Lannisters

2. Boltons

3. Wildlings

4. Dorne

5. Tyrells

6. Knights of Vale

7. Greyjoys

8. Nights Watch (there must only be about 20 of these guys left)


Have left off Danaerys for time being as I'v no clue how big her army is these days - there were thousands of unsullied but not sure how many are left, and now she appears to have dothraki again


Also left off the deid army for obvious reasons cause they clearly have the biggest overall

I would have thought

1 The Crown (Crownlands are smaller than the other regions but command wide loyalty in the rest of the Kingdom.)

2. Tyrells (very very big, by some distance the strongest region in Westeros)

3. The Vale 

4. Lannisters
5. The Riverlands

6. Dorne

7. The Stormlords

8 The North as whole (Pre Red Wedding they would have been near equal to Westerlands\Riverlands, now they have take huge manpower losses)

9. Boltons (They can only rely on their house, the Karstarks and a couple of others)

10. Greyjoys (numerically smallest of the 7 kingdomes but the Iron Fleet is a force mulitplier)

11. Wildlings (numerically small and little steel or armour)

12 Nights Watch (there must only be about 20 of these guys left) add Eastwatch and The Shadow Tower it will have a couple of hundred men and some ships. 


Lannisters can boost by hiring large numbers of sell swords and even Free Companies. 

The Riverlords are currently the Freys and will have serious loyalty issues. 


Edited to add pre Red Wedding there is little to chose numerically between Dorne, Westerlands, Vale, North and Riverlands. North is slow to gather its banners due to its size, Dorne likely the smallest of the 5, Riverlands largest. Stormlands are a bit smaller than those 5, then the Crownlands and IIRC Iron Islands can raise 20 000.  

Edited by dorlomin
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Cheers for the info:


Who are the crownlands? Have we met them or are they just different folk that will support whoever has the iron throne?


Same to riverlands and stormlands? Have we met them yet in the show and who is the top dog? Riverlands sounds familiar, but I thought that was maybe part of the vale/littlefinger army?

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Not convinced about the Lannisters' ability to hire sell-swords any more TBH. If I remember rightly, they're up to their necks in debt to the Iron Bank.


Do we know who actually rules the Stormlands now on Tommen's behalf? Are there any other Baratheons left? (Not that Tommen really is one anyway of course).

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Cheers for the info:


Who are the crownlands? Have we met them or are they just different folk that will support whoever has the iron throne?


Same to riverlands and stormlands? Have we met them yet in the show and who is the top dog? Riverlands sounds familiar, but I thought that was maybe part of the vale/littlefinger army?


Riverlands is the Tully / Frey area. Stormlands was the Baratheons, wasn't it?


Edit: And the Crownlands is where King's Landing is, so I'm assuming he means a loyalty to that Region and the crown regardless of who it is.

Edited by Spain
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Cheers for the info:


Who are the crownlands? Have we met them or are they just different folk that will support whoever has the iron throne?


Same to riverlands and stormlands? Have we met them yet in the show and who is the top dog? Riverlands sounds familiar, but I thought that was maybe part of the vale/littlefinger army?


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Riverlands is the Tully / Frey area. Stormlands was the Baratheons, wasn't it?

Edit: And the Crownlands is where King's Landing is, so I'm assuming he means a loyalty to that Region and the crown regardless of who it is.

Ah cool, so as things currently stands with Tommen on the throne, they basically have the Lannisters, stormlands and crownlands fighting for them?

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Ah cool, so as things currently stands with Tommen on the throne, they basically have the Lannisters, stormlands and crownlands fighting for them?


In theory, but the show has kinda forgotten all about the Stormlands and who's the ruling house there now / how loyal they are. I'm assuming if there were no Baratheons left then whatever family struck a deal with the Crown was given control, like the Boltons did in the North.

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