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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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In the first series Mago was killed off by Drogo.

Now at the end of the last book Daenary's is found by Mago and his Khal, the author (R.R. Martin) has also said that Mago will play an important role in the next two series and you can see why, he did rape and then kill one of her few friends.

Ah right. He just seems like 'Some guy' in the TV show and in the first book, so it's not particularly important. You can have another 'some guy' assume his role if, in the event Martin ever finishes another book before his massive coronary, he turns out to be important.

I've heard that the guy who plays Rakharo is off to film a movie or something, hence the change. But really, at this point, he is still just pretty much 'some guy' again and someone else can assume his role too. Quite a few characters have been cut generally, and rightly so in most cases. There are far too many random characters even for a 1,000 page book nevermind for 10 hours of TV, and

Daenerys chapters were helluva boring until she got to The House of the Undying

Edited by The OP
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Another week, and another episode associated with everyone moving their chesspieces about. But it was more focus on a couple of areas this time instead of being as spread out between different characters in first two.

Briefly we see Snow being busted by Crastor, but redeeming a little bit of respect from his commander as he knew all along. It's not as if he could have expected him to have kept quiet about it when he found out in all fairness.

Particularly in his moving was Tryion, who continues to flourish as the King's hand. The way he played Varys, Littlefinger and Maester Pycelle in seeing who above all will give Cersei ammunition was without question the highlight of the episode. Already disposed of Janos, now the deviant Maester Pycelle(whom I wonder if Tryion has seen through his physical shell yet) as been lightly brushed aside. As he quoted, he's plans to stay as the King's hand a lot longer than his previous applicants. Also, it sent a message to Littlefinger(the one who fucked over the last King's hand) and Varys(who almost seemed to have a mutual respect for his move). The funniest part of it by far though was when Pycelle was being cast off and Tryion leaving an extra coin down for the whore's trouble. I wonder what his next step will be? Will he go after Joffrey perhaps?

Theon is starting to emerge a little bit more into the fold, being crossed between his family who traded him away, and the family who raised them. Did he burn the letter out of loyalty to his blood or because he didn't want to risk sending it? If it's the previous, he's certainly playing the domestic abuse victim by letting both his remorseless father and fucked up sister who has surpassed him walk all over him. From my perspective, I would be telling the pair of them where to go, but that's just me. I only hope he has a change of heart in his minor raid, as I'm still routing for the North right now.

We finally get a look at Renly and his 100,000 men. He has the power of superior numbers, but I can't help that with him concealing his sexuality, that he may struggle to maintain them if his loyal men. His hope so with his reasonably intelligent wife Margarey(and lover's sister) who sees through him to get impregnated a child. Will he manage to keep it concealed as he goes into battle? Will he join with the north? What will become of him and his feud with his brother Stannis?(Ironic that both seem to be trying to spawn an heir when you think about it). I did like the Cateyln's little quote though. These are 100,000 summer soldiers. Will they be able to fight to winter tactics, does Renly even have the stomach and/or the tactical nous to fight the enemies that can play dirty. I just can't help but feel there is a lot more weakness about his camp.

Last but not least, we get a little explosion of confrontation. Yoren who I was just starting to enjoy ended up dying. But not before admirably taking on ten men with a cross bow arrow through his shoulder. It's almost as if Arya's protectors are destined for death. Her father, Syrio(who I also miss) and now Yoren. But at least Arya and Gendry survive by passing the identity to the tit that picked up Gendry's helmet (fnarr). Showed quite a bit of brains considering.

Almost thought it felt slower until that last scene. It was certainly a decent little cliffhanger though, as you can't help but wonder what will happen to Arya and Gendry now.

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Theon is starting to emerge a little bit more into the fold, being crossed between his family who traded him away, and the family who raised them. Did he burn the letter out of loyalty to his blood or because he didn't want to risk sending it? If it's the previous, he's certainly playing the domestic abuse victim by letting both his remorseless father and fucked up sister who has surpassed him walk all over him. From my perspective, I would be telling the pair of them where to go, but that's just me. I only hope he has a change of heart in his minor raid, as I'm still routing for the North right now.

Last but not least, we get a little explosion of confrontation. Yoren who I was just starting to enjoy ended up dying. But not before admirably taking on ten men with a cross bow arrow through his shoulder. It's almost as if Arya's protectors are destined for death. Her father, Syrio(who I also miss) and now Yoren. But at least Arya and Gendry survive by passing the identity to the tit that picked up Gendry's helmet (fnarr). Showed quite a bit of brains considering.

The Theon and Arya scenes were the best in the episode for me.Theon was always a bit arrogant and a bit of a dick up until now (in TV and book) but I think they've captured his moral dilemma perfectly as he's torn between being accepted by his old family and people and his loyalty to Robb. To be honest I don't think he cares about the Starks or the North so much but he does love Robb like a brother.

The Yoren scene was fucking great. They did that slightly differently to how it was done in the books but there's no real material difference. Polliver, the guy who stabbed Lommy in the throat is a right c**t.

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I think I was just glad to see Pycelle get a bit of his own medicine. His pretending of how frail he is while rattling a whore every night(ok, I can't fault the whore part), his puckering up to Cersei and probably had a hand in Ned Stark getting knived in the back. His beard being cut off was almost pure satisfaction, as was Tyrion compensating the whore.

I'm really interested in Theon's dilemma. However, I can't help but feel he's taking the easy way out though.

I also forgot to add about the small part wher Arya gave the guys in the jail carriage a way out and probably saved them. I can't help but feel we'll see the guy that was staring at her like a steak again, probably in some kind of rescue attempt.

If that guy was a real b*****d he would have left out there to die slowly, but he did give off that impression. It was hard not to.

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I think I was just glad to see Pycelle get a bit of his own medicine. His pretending of how frail he is while rattling a whore every night(ok, I can't fault the whore part), his puckering up to Cersei and probably had a hand in Ned Stark getting knived in the back. His beard being cut off was almost pure satisfaction, as was Tyrion compensating the whore.

Yeah, all the small council members are snakes and schemers but at least Varys and Littlefinger seem to have their own independent agendas and don't pretend to be whiter than white. Pycelle is a lackie dick. He doesn't say it in the TV show but he admits to Tyrion betraying the Targaryeans to Tywin Lannister, who wanted to be King himself, as Robert's rebellion was drawing to a close but Ned Stark got to King's Landing too quickly and the Lannisters couldn't take the Iron Throne.

I'm really interested in Theon's dilemma. However, I can't help but feel he's taking the easy way out though.

I'll not give anything away but all through the books, Martin has said, characters are always faced with tough choices about whether to do the right thing or do the thing they'll gain the most from but it might be a 'dishonerable' choice and how that choice affects that character and the wider situation. There's been plenty already and they're not usually clear cut. Theon's choices are probably amongst the most difficult and interesting.

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Jambo Rocker - I love reading your episode reviews, please keep them coming :)

Also regarding Theon - did he not know that was his sister he was fingering? I was a bit confused by that whole thing because it seemed like he knew her at first when he met her and then it was like he didn't know? I'm guessing I picked it up wrong though somewhere whilst watching

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Jambo Rocker - I love reading your episode reviews, please keep them coming :)

Also regarding Theon - did he not know that was his sister he was fingering? I was a bit confused by that whole thing because it seemed like he knew her at first when he met her and then it was like he didn't know? I'm guessing I picked it up wrong though somewhere whilst watching

He didn't know it was her, he was just trying to get in her pants from the moment he met her.

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No jambo rocker review :(

I'll have a bash

Dwarf doing even more scheming

Wee fanny baws would rather beat burds than pump them.

Dragon Burd gets her mob into feegie

Gaylord says naw to surrendering to his dull brother.

Something bad crawled out the polish burd's fanny

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No jambo rocker review :(

I always have it done on the Tuesday morning ;) I could be a bit late next week however as I'm not back from Krakow until Wednesday. Anyway here it is, although I don't think I'll possibly be able to follow up well enough to do Chico justice.

This episode had two main factors about it. They have been skimming the surface ever since the start of the season, but now they have been demonstrated with something of a bang. The first is the sheer vulgarity and twisted violence(it's almost as if saying that as the show is picking up the pace, the violence is matching it to say the stakes are getting higher all the time), and the second is that nobody seems to be given the impression that they thinking too far ahead.

At the start, we see the Robb taking another surprise attack on Tywin, an emphatic 'The King of the North!' booming in the background. The scene was well done, the guards(yes, I laughed at the farting part again cos I'm well immature), the direwolf trying out some lannister bacon, King Robb! Finally the aftermath. I don't know if it was a battle scene in the book or not, nor do imagine that this will be the only time we will see this happening, but even with the budget restraints to this, they execute these scenes fucking spectacularly and was a fitting continuation in pace from how the previous episode ending with Yoren kicking it. The shredded guard covers the violent aspect, but more interestingly was where Robb next moves being highlighted were. Ok, maybe he doesn't want to get ahead of himself, as ousting Joffrey is the goal, but he has no wish to sit on the Iron Throne, nor does he know who he would replace in Joffrey's stead. For all he knows, he could be replaced with someone conceivably worse. The Nurse highlights this to him, maybe her compassion was what caught his attention, but even he could not deny that this war has a lot more casualties than he'd care for. He does however, show that he will not sink to the Lannister's level with his refusal to torture them, even if he did hide the excuse behind not giving them an excuse to harm his sisters.

Ironically enough the next scene goes to, well, Joffrey contemplating harming his sister(oh well). You got the impression that Tryion was always going to intervene, and intervene he did. Joffrey almost shat himself. He might be king, but he is a little imtimidated by him evidently. He even showed him how to make a threat (Bronn, if he speaks again kill him). As he escorts Sansa away, he casually tests her loyalty to Joffrey. She remains Strong, not only impressing Tryion, but showing to him that she is a lot stronger than she makes out and he may not have to worry about her as much as he thought. Still has his woman to watch over her just in case mind.

However, it was his attempts to try and curb Joffrey's tyrannial behaviour(Bronn says we may be able to save a little bit of him, but they almost came to the conclusion that he is a lost cause). He tries to give him something else to think about instead of swatting flies all day(and by flies I obviously mean people) by sending two whores to 'distract him' (He doesn't have anything really meaningful to do as he lets the council and Tywin do the heavy work for him). It didn't exactly work out, the violence behind him forcing them to beat each other, shows it will still take a lot of work to get to him yet. And the next step? What next if he can start to influence Joffrey, can he stop the war? Can he stop the others on the horizon? He did at least manage to break the cousin Lancel for penis stabbing the incestious Cersei however in a rather comic fashion and in no time at all, and it was rather pleasing.

Dany makes an decent appearance at last. We can see that she has no moves at all over than to get shelter and a chance for her dragons to grow. She knows her end game, but she doesn't know how to get there just yet, and she'll more than define faith in her dragons even if they are assets to use. We see Qarth, the greatest city that ever was and will be. Already, I can see this arrogance of the 13 being a problem for her, but she has support in one at least, staking his head on them to grant her passage(not before she threatened to burn the place to the ground mind).

A complete contrast to Harrenhal, however which is probably the worst city that was and ever will be(without regard for Sheffield mind). The screams of the boy being tortured in the background, and seeing the mother of this person, almost completely apathetic to everything now that she has lost all of her family in the same manner summed in up perfectly. We find Arya, and to a lesser extent Gendry now without Yoren's protection when she probably needs it more than ever. We saw the twisted violence of the place when we a "2 fast 2 furious"-esque re-run of the rat that buries it's way through steel pipe if it has to. At least GoT didn't tease unlike the unfulfilling sequel, as it lets the rat tear into the poor chap like Ab Lib does into jojo on occasion, and then stuck his head on a spike as a trophy(the difference is uncanny). Fortunately Tywin(who is making his first appearance at last in the season) shows up to save Gendry from sharing the same fate. Again he highlights to the fiends that they can be useful gets Gendry to Blacksmith for them, and more importantly Arya to assist him after immediately seeing through her disguise. How quickly will he see her being a stark? She recites the names of the people who she wants revenge on as a way of trying to sleep as discussed in the previous episode with Yoren. Judging by the way she was eyeing the guard's sword, she's keen on getting the tools in her hand to wreck it upon them all.

Finally we see again the between brother's Renly and Stannis, neither of them are thinking too far ahead other than seeing each other off, again highlighting that they aren't thinking three steps ahead. So far, Renly as only bragged about his numbers, Stannis as does nothing much either and is letting the 'red-haired woman' do his bidding for him. We get the complete WTF moment however when she's gives birth to the black smoke from Lost, which could be a complete gamechanger by the looks of things. A quick but interesting point was Davos, who worships Stannis will be completely thrown by this. He's never seen such magic before, this will surely question his loyalty to Stannis if he remains blind to it surely.

With this possible 'gamechanger', the fact that a lot of people seem to know about Renly and Loras(the guards, littlefinger), could we be seeing Stannis doing what all big brothers do best and kicking the shit out of his little homosexual brother(this could be a little bit of my own personal bitterness to my own sibling being used here) next week? We also see Littlefinger return Ned's corpse to Catelyn, but why did he lie about having Arya? There also no Jon Snow or Theon on this weeks shuffle, so I expect to see a little of them and possibly more Danys who we haven't really seen much of so far this season. I expect some stuff to go on with her now that she has reached her first goal in finding shelter for her people.

A much more urgent paced episode nonetheless that is continuing to grip the shit out of me. It just keeps getting better! I don't know how much more it can possibly do to but it's like it doesn't have a peak at the moment, and long may it continue.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Well done Jambo Rocker

We should mention the start of seeing the religion of westeros come into this with the nun's carrying Ned Stark's remains and there was another sighting of them too in it this week.

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