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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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can anyone who has read the books tell me when the next time daenerys gets them out is going to be?

i'm hoping that the guy who writes this nonsense is a bit of a creep and emilia clarke is going to inspire him to ditch a lot of his planned plotlines and make the final books daenerys does westeros parts 1 and 2.

In the books, women in Qarth wear dresses with one tit hanging out. They've decided to ditch that for TV. :angry:

Don't worry, there's plenty of opportunity for gratuitous sex and nudity for Emilia if the writers want.

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In the books, women in Qarth wear dresses with one tit hanging out. They've decided to ditch that for TV. :angry:

Don't worry, there's plenty of opportunity for gratuitous sex and nudity for Emilia if the writers want.

to be honest i'd be suprised if she gets them out again. she had her kit of at the drop of a hat to get her foot in the door but the producers now need to keep the actress sweet so she doesn't jump ship :(

it's quite a task to keep that amount for actors attached to a project for 6 or 7 years. in the sopranos the actress that played tony's maw croaked and was promptly written out. game of thrones doesn't have that flexibility.

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I'm back but it won't be anywhere near as long as previous reviews as I've got stuff on.

'Anyone can be killed' says Arya.

Renly being killed has arguably been the biggest gamechanger so far. Those Baretheons just can't seem to get anywhere these days... Now we are down to one Baretheon, who is already spiraling into flames with Melisandre's control. Davos points out(maybe not so bluntly) that this could be Melisandre's win and not his. He grudgingly kneels to his request, but the cracks of his loyalty to him are already appearing. Although so far that's a threat erased and a 100,000 soldiers gained in the process. Booyah!

Jon Snow looks like we'll finally get to see him fighting again. I did enjoy his little talk with Sam over the first men, that they were frightened and rightly so. They now have better equipped wildings to worry about as well as the White walkers.

Theon gets an idea of proving himself to his father, pointed out by his immediately likable First mate. If the thoughts are what I'm expecting in that little brainwave of his. When the Starks send their soldiers out to take it back, it leaves a open opportunity to raid Winterfell. They are already short on men as it is, and Bran's dream of 'the sea coming to Winterfell' could be a sign of things to come.

Arya at least steals an unexpected ally(well I kind of did tbh), and she decides the Tickler be the first target. Maybe an unambitious one, but a good enough one to see if he follows up. Will two names be enough though? She had quite the list a little while ago that she probably still uses to send her to sleep.

We see a nice little sense of Catelyn and Hagrid's wife(or Brienne) swearing an oath together in a touching little sense. Catelyn is definitely a better fit for her, wiser, more caring, and not pre-occupied with winning the war all the time. Brienne I think, feels like maybe by protecting someone, she feels more of a purpose. We saw almost a combinations of Vulnerability and Self-defence fighting off three soldiers after Renly's death.

We also see our good old Tyrion, who is looking to find a way of strengthening his defences of the city. From his hilarious torturing of his cousion(but I don't care for your life), to his whoosh of the demon monkey dig, we are introduced to Wildfire. If I'm thinking what he is thinking, Catapults might not be thew way to hit the ships, but it will be a handy weapon nonetheless. Personally I wouldn't feel easy at the thought of having the medieval equivalent of Nuclear weapon sat under the castle's chambers.

Finally back in the greatest city that ever was and will be, we see Darys have a wedding propsoal put forward to her by Xaros. Jorah convinces her otherwise, as he is right that he would own her a little with having bought the army. As the mysterious weapon in the mask tells him, everyone will want a piece of her, and I daresay I would be any different...

Quick point on the Tryell woman saying she doesn't want to be a queen, but THE queen. I don't think we've seen the last of her yet.

Half way mark reached already. When this is done, this will be a long winter...

Promeithius trailer WAS decent.

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Not wanting to say too much and spoil anything, but the Jaqen scene was fairly different in the book. She chose someone else, and while I understand them not including every character from the book, that isn't how The Tickler met his end - interesting to see how they then handle the scene which should have been his death!

Re Dany's tits, there is a lesbian scene at one point I shit you not. That, they better stay faithful too!

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Ep 6 .... good stuff, and it feels like it it is building up even further. :D

Gonna be a bitch when this season ends :(

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In case jambo rocket is busy..


The wee king gets shitfaced, much much mess. The big ugly lad does a good turn.

Robb nearly fires into a bit of stuff, shite chat and his maw prevent a bit of sexytime happening

Wee lassie and her death genie strike again to keep her secret

Tramp burd shags greython and runs off with backpack prince.

Ginger burd rubs Jon's snowball. He likes it.

Nae boats for blondie but her dragons get a walk.

The estella damm advert was good at the end.

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Re Dany's tits, there is a lesbian scene at one point I shit you not. That, they better stay faithful too!


Does this happen in Clash of Kings or later on? The lesbian scene with her and Louise from Hollyoaks last season was something else and nothing really happened, I'm not sure I could handle a full on one!

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This was definitely an episode for lessons learnt.

We got more of a look at Jon Snow in this episode than we usually do. The opening scene with his discussion with one of the riders was a perfect bit of foreshadowing for me. He was telling to him to almost drop every belief he ever had about everything, stay on guard, and never trust a wilding…evidently. Why he was left alone to severe Ygrette’s head, I’ll never understand. Maybe they just couldn’t be arsed, maybe they are not as wise as they let on, and either way it was a partial f**k-up from their end IMO. Whether she genuinely meant it when she thought the bodies should be burnt or not, we’ll see soon enough. Personally I think she was saying it so the walkers would not come back, but the watch would be none the wiser. Now, he is left rather ‘SPL’d’, out in the cold alone with someone he can barely trust. That ‘stupid, but brave’ line is a little bit clichéd, but she seems to find it somewhat a redeeming feature of him. It was probably why he couldn’t kill her, and it seems almost inevitable they’ll end up doing the no pants dance.

The other big character of this episode is Theon, who is just as bad arguably at taking heads. The other not quite son of old Ned Stark took a few swings (and a kick) before de-heading Ser Rodrik, with it a huge step away from the Stark’s affections in the process. Personally, I think he was pressured into it. He cares for the respect of his people as well as his father. Personally, I think he could take the king of the north with one hand tied behind his back and still not please his father and sister. You could see the panic on his face on whether to kill Rodrik or not, and personally I think he has backed the wrong horse. It also didn’t help when Osha (whom I now see in a completely different light) tricking him and hence losing his only leverage over the Stark in getting Bran, Hodor and Rickon out of there. Theon better hope his Sisters’ troops show up before Robb’s does, but his lesson is in the pipeline, even if he can’t see it yet.

Arya gets a lesson in being too clever for her own good IMO. After taking a message and trying to send it to Robb, she was only a poison dart away from being found it out. Probably fortunate that the guard is too illiterate to read, and Jaqen is rather efficient, maybe too efficient. However that entire scene with her and Littlefinger in the room was incredibly well shot. The little moves the Arya was doing to cover her face to him, but not too much to seem too conspicuous at the same time, and just the right amount of doubt to whether Baelish recognised her or not added up to one of the best, if not the best suspense scenes of the season so far.

Robb is finding out the hard way that he has just as much restrictions as he does opportunities as king. He can’t pursue ‘lady’ Talisa, with him promised to one of Crazy Frey’s daughters from the previous season, and he can’t go back to Winterfell to rectify the situation with his adopted brother Theon or he will lose all his ground to the Lannisters.

Need to take a breath yet? Tough, as we’ve still not cover the riots that Joffrey incited back in King’s Landing yet either. People will argue that Sansa’s near rape(it just isn’t going for her is it?) was the most unsettling thing about it, even if she was saved by the Hound(who we are reminded to not f**k with) coming to her rescue. If she has small victory, its having him as her guardian angel(‘I didn’t do it for you’), and it looks like she’ll need him more than ever. For the most unsettling part was seeing the walking dead reference, as one of the lords was taking de-limbed and eaten alive. Where’s Rick Grimes when you need him? What? He’s busy shooting the third season? Ah well, I’ll take another Tryion Lannister bitch slap to Joffrey, Pause, Rewind, Play, Repeat, any day. Even he must surely see now just how out of control his rule is becoming. His guards might still be able to protect him, but can it really go on forever? One guard will surely get pissed eventually…

I wouldn’t put Dany in the stupid but brave category. Maybe it’s just me but she does have a sense of inevitability about her, from in her brother’s shadow, to Khalessi, to Dragon Woman, grammar troubles are the least of her flaws. She’ll get ships, eventually, but she’ll need her dragons back first. Anyone else find it weird that it was just one person carrying the dragons, yet it looked like it would take a lot of effort for person to slaughter her entire defence? Yeah, I’m not buying it either.

Tywin is cold? Anyone else think he was being ambiguous there? Damn straight it’s not just the room temperature. It’s becoming ever more noticeable that it he is responsible for how Jamie and Cersei, and then onto Joffrey have turned out. She maybe just the guy who stopped the torturers to Arya, but he’s a whole new kind of torture for me, probably in the emotional sense, as his spawn’s scars are still there.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Does this happen in Clash of Kings or later on? The lesbian scene with her and Louise from Hollyoaks last season was something else and nothing really happened, I'm not sure I could handle a full on one!

Judging by the books, it would come half way through season 3. I'd be quite surprised if they keep it in though. Cersei's lesbian scene's much more likely to make it onto film. Lena Heady's probably more up for it as well. :D

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For the most unsettling part was seeing the walking dead reference, as one of the lords was taking de-limbed and eaten alive.

They didn't make it clear but that was the High Septon, the leader of the Westeros religion (well, the Southerners religion).

Tywin is cold? Anyone else think he was being ambiguous there? Damn straight it’s not just the room temperature. It’s becoming ever more noticeable that it he is responsible for how Jamie and Cersei, and then onto Joffrey have turned out. She maybe just the guy who stopped the torturers to Arya, but he’s a whole new kind of torture for me, probably in the emotional sense, as his spawn’s scars are still there.

I'm loving the Tywin/Arya scenes. Up until this point in the books, what you see of Tywin isn't much but it's gripping. We're getting to see a little more of him right now in the show and almost that he's not quite as one dimensional as he'd previously been shown. It looks like he's actually beginning to like Arya and have a bit of respect for her.

I heard some people complain about Arya's "Anyone can be killed" and staring down last week. But I like it. Tywin despises weakness (as alluded to when he was talking about his father). He's seen Arya as brave, smart and competent, I think he would have a natural respect for that.

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They didn't make it clear but that was the High Septon, the leader of the Westeros religion (well, the Southerners religion).

I figured I might have been a bit off with calling him a lord after having a brainwave thought of him blessing Cersei's daughter being sent off.

I found it a bit funny actually how easily he was grabbed with a whimper. When his limb was torn off, I let off both fists in the air shouting 'WALKING DEAD!!'

I'm loving the Tywin/Arya scenes. Up until this point in the books, what you see of Tywin isn't much but it's gripping. We're getting to see a little more of him right now in the show and almost that he's not quite as one dimensional as he'd previously been shown. It looks like he's actually beginning to like Arya and have a bit of respect for her.

I heard some people complain about Arya's "Anyone can be killed" and staring down last week. But I like it. Tywin despises weakness (as alluded to when he was talking about his father). He's seen Arya as brave, smart and competent, I think he would have a natural respect for that.

I, like you, had no problems with the anyone can be killed line. If anything it is probably the main line of the season, if not the show. It's been impressive to see how quickly Arya has developed her wits about her, and Tywin sees that. Imagine trying to be that street wise at that age! I can't help but wonder how much he noticed of her when Baelish was in the room.

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Does khalessi get jiggy with cersei?

Actually it was the handmaid, Irri, that looked like she died in this week's episode. Roxanne McKee was supposed to be dead already so it looks like she'll take Irri's place for the stinky fingered fun.

Cersei's lesbian scene is wit someone not in the show yet.

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