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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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- That Jon Snows 'fellow nightsman' had a plan to get free :unsure: why did Jon kill him then. A bit confusing

A couple of episodes ago, Qhorin told Jon to make his mistake in letting Ygritte escape 'worth something'. And he told him that one man of the Night's Watch in the wilding camp would be worth 1000 on the Wall. He was obviously telling Jon to defect and be a spy effectively. He knows that by killing him, Jon would win the wildling's respect and trust, at least in part.

In the books, they're together before the wildlings catch them and he tells Jon explicitly to join the wildlings and do whatever it takes, obviously knowing Jon would most likely need to kill him.

In the show, Qhorin was obviously taunting Jon to make the fight look realistic but also, it looked like, to make it easier for Jon to kill him. It looked like Jon Snow actually got so angry that he wanted to kill Qhorin at the end. In the books, the Halfhand is pretty much the most feared ranger by the wildlings and I loved their reaction when Jon kills him.

Also, the end scene was fantastic. I love that they got the three horn blasts in there. The NIght's Watch haven't blown the horn three times in 8,000 years. They did the same in the book. One blast....oh great. Two blasts...oh shit. Three blasts......FUUUUCCKKK!

Edited by Gordon EF
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Quick question about last nights show, who burnt down Winterfell? Surely Theon's men would have burned it down if they were going to surrender (as this may effect the terms of their surrender), the only other thing I could think of is that who has been in charge of the force sent by Rob Stark has betrayed him and burned down WInterfell for whatever reason.

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Quick question about last nights show, who burnt down Winterfell? Surely Theon's men would have burned it down if they were going to surrender (as this may effect the terms of their surrender), the only other thing I could think of is that who has been in charge of the force sent by Rob Stark has betrayed him and burned down WInterfell for whatever reason.

Answer was

a few episodes back as whenob Stark heard about the capture of winterfell at his camp, one of his liege lords or whatever said 'my son will sort it out' rather than Rob going back north to recapture it.

Episode 8 or ?

Edited by chico
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I think the 3rd season will start somewhat like the 2nd. I would be hopeful of seeing a quick follow up of the White Walkers going up against the watchers of the wall, but I can't help but think the cliffhanger there is something more of an announcement of the Walkers entering the game more than anything. I'd be expect the first couple of episodes of the next season to cover such things.

- Winter will have just about, if not already arrived.

- Danerys will have arrived in Westeros, her Dragons will have grown double in size and with that a bit of a following along with it.

- Robb Stark to confront Walder Grey over his vows and for there to be rather heavy consequences of this. Walder Grey could unite along with the Lannisters out of rage, but that will be the Tyrells, Greys, Lannisters and the Greyjoys all circling around him now. I would hope at least that Arya will finally have reached them.

- The Lannisters will certainly be looking to start making their march on the Starks now that they have successfully defended their terrority. Tyrion should have recovered by then and will hopefully be looking to take the steps to get back into the picture.

- Mance Ryder to have made his appearance. Where Jon Snow stands I don't know, but I'd be hoping that he'd be looking to unite the wildings with the watch to take the common enemy that is the Walkers rather than go completely against them. He'll have probably pumped Ygritte by then.

-The two stark kids will arrive at the wall but probably with little to no embrace should Jon Snow have completely be seen as a traitor.

My main idealistic hope is that the Starks and the Khalesshi unite together. Sentimentally, they are probably the two sides you would want to see coming out of this alive. As said, the Starks will have quite a lot of enemies by now, but they still have no wish to take the Iron Throne for theirselves. This would suit Danerys and she would at least get soldiers out of this. I do not want to see them up against each though, that's for damn sure.

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From reading a lot of comments about the finale, there are plenty of book readers that are angry with Daenerys' visions in the house of the undying and having gone and had a wee read about what all goes on in there in the books, it's understandable. How do the book readers on here feel about it?

Amazing episode though and with me being none the wiser about the book scenes before watching it, Dany's house of the undying scenes were great.

There's been so much stuff changed in the films I'm getting used to it constantly changing.

I was just listening to a review of the final two episodes and they mentioned a couple of things that I didn't pick up on at all when I was watching it.

- The reason the Hound retreated and left the battle was because he is terrified of fire (hence his scars etc) - I didn't pick up on that at all at the time. It makes sense of course but I didn't find that clear

Aye, his brother gave him those scars as a kid, hence why he hates his brother and why he hates fire ;)

So that Wildings would think he is traitor to the night's watch, so he would gain their trust. That's they way I saw it anyway.


Also Jambo-rocker, a good few of those may, or may not be correct ;)

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Also Jambo-rocker, a good few of those may, or may not be correct ;)

I don't mind not knowing. I'm really fighting hard with the temptation to read the books as I'm not sure that I can wait another 10 months. But then, I'd be ruining a lot of the shock factor that it would give in the TV series. Then again it could be more captivating through the books instead.

As long as it makes the people who read it smile, depending on if I'm slightly off, or miles off...

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I'd stick that in spoilers as it's not obvious at all what actually happened just from the show.

Thought it was plain from the dialogue between the characters, but have stuck in spoilers, so ditch the quote please.

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Who is his brother? Bronn?

Nah, Gregor Clegane, if memory serves me right The Hound had done something to one of his toys so Gregor held his face in the fire, giving him the scars.

According to Wiki he has only appeared in about five episodes.

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Really?? I cant remember his brother at all

Probably, you wouldn't realise you had seen him as they changed the actor playing him between seasons!!!

I fucking hate it when they do that, especially as the new guy looks f**k all like the last guy and personally I thought the last guy looked the part, you could see him bullying and bossing the Hound about, can't really see it with the new guy!!!

Season One


Season Two


To be honest the first time I noticed the new guy was when he was sitting at Tywin's table at Harrenhal and even then it wasn't until Tywin called him by name that I realised who it was!!!

Edited by King Kebab
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After reading all of the books so far a few times I'm a big fan of (Don't click if you don't want to know a couple of the characters that are still alive after book 5)

Stannis and Bran

But for some reason I can't get this song out of my head after the blackwater episode:


Just thought I would share for the fans of the books who know the history of the song.

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